Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 341 Support is on the way

The supermarket was completely silent, making way for John Wick, who was wearing combat uniform and raising two vicious dogs.

Putting the heavy box on the ground, John Wick closed the door and was puzzled by the fog that was really blocked outside.

He sighed heavily. He didn't have the ability to explain this phenomenon. He just prayed that reinforcements would arrive quickly. He had been waiting all night.

"Sir? Do you know where this fog comes from?"

The supermarket manager in a red apron had just asked John Wick a question when the earthquake came.

In the dizzy shaking, everyone crouched down with their heads in their hands. The two dogs were four-wheel drive so they stood very steadily. John Wick also squatted on the ground waiting for the earthquake to stop.

The supermarket was built with iron sheets, and the curved ceiling was full of steel bars. It was difficult to kill people with the curved structure, and some chandeliers and signs fell down without causing any damage.

About a few minutes later, the earthquake disappeared, and the supermarket had become a mess.

Everyone in the supermarket looked at each other, and finally looked at John Wick. He looked like someone from the relevant department, and he now had the power.

When people are scared, they want to be controlled by someone, otherwise they will be afraid to go to the toilet.


The supermarket manager who had spoken slowly stood up and looked at John Wick.

John Wick himself didn't know what to say. He just looked at the three people in military uniforms hiding in the crowd, pointed at them and said, "We should ask them first."

Everyone's eyes were on the three people in military uniforms.

The three people didn't expect that so many things would happen just by wearing military uniforms to show off in the supermarket during the holiday... So many things made them feel suffocated!

Everyone's eyes were like putting them on a brazier, and under the gaze of so many people, their pressure increased sharply.

John Wick took out the old actor's FBI ID from his pocket at this time, "I'm here to investigate the incident, tell me. ”

After revealing their official identities, the three soldiers were indeed shaken. After struggling for a while, they told the truth.

The black soldier trembled and said, "The scientists in the base in the mountains believe that there are other dimensions in this world, and then they want to build a..."

"Window!" The fat soldier took over the conversation, speeded up, and said everything he knew, "They built a window. They want to see what the other world looks like through this window. These fogs and monsters may come out of it. We only know this..."

"A window?" A middle-aged woman with brown hair suddenly walked out of the crowd with a sarcastic smile on her face, "Your window has become a door, right!"

The last soldier noticed the unfriendly eyes of the people around him, and retorted anxiously, "It's not ours, it's those scientists!"

"Oh, scientists, scientists'! "The brown-haired middle-aged woman spoke in a strange tone.♦♦  ♦♦

John Wick, who had collected the intelligence, had no need to continue listening and interrupted, "I know, reinforcements will arrive soon... Stay quietly."

After that, he found a corner, put two large boxes there, and sat on them waiting for the reinforcements to arrive.

In fact, he said that without confidence. The reinforcements called yesterday have not arrived yet. Now the fog has covered the town and the reinforcements have not arrived. I really don't know when I can see the so-called reinforcements...

After hearing what John Wick said, the others also felt relieved and immediately prepared to find a place to hide and wait for others to save them.

At this time, another short-haired woman stepped forward and said, "Wait... Are we waiting in the supermarket?"

Everyone looked at the woman's face and the expression on her face was anxious and nervous.

"My two children are still at home. They are only seven years old. Sometimes they forget how to take care of themselves. ”

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book-chasing artifact, and a source-changing app used by old bookworms.]

After explaining her difficulties, she looked at John Wick who was sitting in a corner of the supermarket. This FBI agent might be the only one who could help her.

"Sir, please... I have to go home."

John Wick thought about it, stood up, and really planned to send the lady home.

There is no need to blame a mother who cares about her children for not knowing how to read the atmosphere. It is unknown how long it will take to wait for reinforcements to arrive.

It doesn't matter if the semi-mechanical modified dog is left to guard the supplies and accompany the lady to pick up the child. She can also continue to observe the strength of the monsters in the fog and collect data.

Standing up, grabbing the rifle and walking out of the supermarket.

John Wick's actions won the admiration of everyone and the gratitude of the woman.

There is nothing else...

John Wick waited for support all night , still on the border of Virginia.

Running wildly in a storm is not a pleasant experience. Although it is no longer raining, the rain that seeps into the gaps in the armor is still icy and piercing.

The speed of the horses has slowed down, not because they can no longer run, but because they are about to reach the town of Derry.

Father Marshall still stands upright on the hoverboard, his expression is still high, and he walks on the water with ten knights.

There is a lot of water on the interstate highway, and the metal-wrapped horse hooves splash a lot of water on the small puddles.

"We are about to reach the supply point, and the knights will not die on the journey! Everyone cheer up!" Father Marshall saw several armored vehicles with friendly signs approaching from a distance, and immediately shouted to the knights to cheer them up.

This is an expedition that must be recorded in history books. They marched all the way across most of America, using the flight system during the day and racing on the interstate highway at night. It took a day and a night to reach the town of Derry.

This seemingly idiotic operation is actually a test of faith and will.

The knight sat on the warhorse for a day and a night. Except for the buttocks, he felt pain everywhere. These physical pains are the tests that must be endured before fighting the devil. If they fail to pass, it means that their willpower is not strong enough. The power of the devil is likely to interfere with their minds and control their souls!

Father Marshall does not allow the knights of the Crusaders to have such an unbearable performance. The devil should fear them, not they fear the devil!

Even though the ten knights were very tired, their high-spirited chivalry was still firm and shining, and they vented through their uniform roars, "Expedition! Expedition! Expedition!"

"Very good children!" Father Marshall softened his voice and praised.

The armored vehicle turned around not far in front of the warhorse, honked the horn twice, and drove into a muddy path.

The warhorse turned around and followed. After advancing hundreds of meters, the dense woods parted on both sides, and the view suddenly became clear.

The sun after the rainstorm fell on the knights' golden and gorgeous armor, illuminating a layer of dazzling spots.

Father Marshall, who was standing in the suspension class, put his hand on his eyebrows to block the sun, with a trace of intoxication on his face, looking at the lively town, "This is the meaning of my existence... Life is so beautiful, so comfortable!"

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