Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 343 Locusts

The support was delayed as John Wick expected. Even at night, he was still unable to wait for the support while staying in the supermarket, which made him anxious.

Two days have passed now, and Jill said that their supplies can last for up to six days. Now the time to go to Silent Hill Town has been compressed to three days, leaving a gap of one day.

This period of time does not include special situations that may arise. He will not be surprised by anything that happens in this mysterious world.

When John Wick opened his eyes again, it was already dark, and he was so noisy by a burst of preaching that he couldn't concentrate.

That was a woman's voice, coming from the woman who had previously accused the three recruits of being stupid.

"The blindest people are not the blind, but those who are unwilling to see. Open your eyes! These have been written in the book, Chapter 15 of Revelation. 'The temple was filled with thick smoke, all because of God's glory, and his divine power, so that no one can enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels are finished."

Carmody, the famous goddess in the town, wore a pair of small glasses, held a Bible, recited the words recorded on it, and had a dispute with those who questioned her.

"The end has come, not in the fire, but in the mist..." Goddess Carmody's expression was dull and lifeless. She did not lose her composure because of the argument. She just said what she thought was correct at a normal speaking speed.

Everyone around him was having dinner, so he had time to listen to her nonsense, and he also had time to chat with her. This was how the dispute started.

Goddess Carmody's nonsense also scared some children with poor psychological quality, and then they were scolded by their parents.


John Wick stood up from the box he was sitting on. The slight collision of the gun in his hand with the combat uniform was like a needle popping a balloon, and all the quarrels disappeared instantly.

Everyone turned their heads, watching the federal agent who had been leaning in the corner since noon until now approaching, and couldn't help but retreat.

Goddess Carmody saw the crowd parting, and the guy trying to challenge the gods was approaching with a firearm. She didn't take a step back, looking directly at John Wick.

The silence didn't end until John Wick walked up to Goddess Carmody, who was only 168cm tall, stretched out his hand, and roughly took away the Bible held in her hand.

After looking through the Bible, John Wick closed it and said, "Exhibits, hand in."

After speaking, John Wick returned to the corner and did not try to look at the Bible in his hand. Reading the Bible was what the priests, sisters and theologians of the World Development Department should do, not him.

Carmody was not overly emotional after the most important Bible was taken away from her, because she took out another Bible from the bag she carried with her and continued to talk to the people around her: "Everyone read the holy book, it preaches It’s salvation!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a woman's frightened scream suddenly came from the crowd. ♦♦  ♦♦

The crowd was startled and looked towards the woman. On the supermarket glass, they saw a huge locust that was almost as big as a baby... These bugs really looked like locusts.

Now, everyone screamed and shrank back in horror.

The woman who had been helped took her two children and crowded towards John Wick. Other smart people also followed suit and crowded towards the person who could give them the greatest sense of security.

John Wick saw the bug lying on the glass window, and stood up, turned on the safety on his rifle, pushed aside the crowd, and walked to the front of the supermarket.

When people in the supermarket saw John Wick, it was as if they saw the backbone, and their panic slowly calmed down.

Then I saw these baby-sized locusts just lying on the glass, not flying in, and my frantically beating heart calmed down.

"Woof!" The two robot dogs looked at the people squeezing around and let out a creepy roar, scaring the crowd away for several meters.

John Wick observed the locusts lying on the glass and felt that it was quite troublesome. This kind of monster, which was numerous, not too big, and could fly, was more difficult to deal with than a human-faced spider in his opinion.

Each bullet can only kill one, and it will fly around in a space. It is easy for a person to save his life, but it is a bit more difficult to protect the people behind him.

Good news, the locusts outside the window don't seem to have the ability to break the glass...

Bad news! The guy who can break the glass appears!

The fog seemed to have become a little thinner because of the night, allowing John Wick to see clearly a monster with four wings flying diagonally above, but it looked very similar to a pterosaur and was about the size of a dog. The claws of the pterosaur monster covered the supermarket. A crack was created in the tempered glass, and a flattened locust was also taken away.

After catching the locust, the pterosaur monster flapped its bat wings and disappeared into the mist. It was obviously not here to attack the people hiding in the building.

After that, one after another pterosaur monsters began to capture the locusts lying on the windows. Cracks continued to appear on the glass. If this continues, sooner or later they will fly into the supermarket.

After observing for a while, John Wick discovered that the locusts were attracted by the light. He immediately turned off the lantern on the shelf, turned around and shouted: "Turn off the light!"

It seemed a little too late to turn off the lights at this time. The lights were only half turned off. The crisp sound of shattering glass made John Wick helplessly change his words and yelled: "Don't turn off the lights, turn on all the lights!"

This inconsistent order left a group of panicked people scratching their heads, but soon gunshots rang out in the supermarket, causing a group of panicked people to take action.


Everyone in the supermarket worked together to turn on the lights prepared in advance, nervously looking at the broken glass and the man standing in front of the glass, blocking all the monsters.

Da Da!

The rifle equipped with a silencer switched to the three-shot mode, and the bullets of the rifle shattered one of the glass windows.

Many locusts wanted to fly into the supermarket from this window, but they were broken into disgusting green slurry by the accurate bullets. The pterosaur monsters that were just hunting wanted to fly into the supermarket, but they would also be killed by bullets.

John Wick blocked all the monsters that might fly in through the window with a rifle, but he knew that this could only treat the symptoms and could not solve the fundamental problem.

While thinking about the solution, several human-faced spiders appeared in the fog.

The human-faced spiders, which also had the ability to break the glass, jumped towards other glass and caught those huge locusts that anyone could eat.


Seeing the increasingly terrifying scene, the people in the supermarket screamed even louder, like ants on a hot pot, at a loss.

Two mechanical dogs separated from the box and stood in front of the supermarket. Their back armor had been opened, revealing two gun barrels. Once the glass was broken, they would shoot.

Amid the increasingly rapid gunfire, the slight kicking sound seemed so faint.

But the golden light that lit up in the dark fog gradually became dazzling.

The human-faced spider that was hunting suddenly turned back to look at the golden light that appeared in the fog, and stopped in confusion.

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