Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 356 Brain Spider on the Moon

The outer space of the inner world is not as dark and lonely as normal people think. Just outside the earth, the space they are looking at is full of chaotic lines of different colors, like colorful balls of wool.

The members of the World Development Department slowly opened their mouths. The universe of the inner world is full of countless huge and magnificent elements.

A large net composed of disordered lines wrapped the earth, releasing a more creepy feeling than seeing a normal monster.

The rocket reached the predetermined height, the satellite separated from the rocket body, automatically found a suitable position, and the soldiers wearing armor began to return.

Many scientists and members of the World Development Department left the static state with the prompt sound of the successful operation of the satellite. They began to explore the starry sky of the inner world with the detection satellite with super functions.

From a visual point of view, they did not find the position of the sun. Now they seemed to be in a small space. They could see that there was a huge cage surrounding themselves and others, but they could not reach it.

Exploring the universe is a very long process, but they can use the method of elimination to substitute the phenomena of the outer world universe into the inner world universe for comparison and get the results.

Then the astronomers of the World Development Department came up with a very interesting conjecture that the place where the surface world and the inner world are connected is not limited to the earth.

Those gorgeous lines and colors between the universes are not entities. The sun still exists, but it is blocked by an invisible thing that only humans can see. The probe can penetrate those huge lines of light and reach the moon.

As a satellite of the earth, the moon should be a wasteland, but unexpectedly, alien monsters appeared, and these alien monsters look very similar to humans. The appearance is similar to the demon that the Crusaders chopped down in Pasadena, but the color is red.

These monsters are not wandering on the moon, but surprisingly established a gathering place like primitive tribal humans, and are worshiping in a void in some incomprehensible way.

The landing of the probe was discovered by these blood-red demons as expected. After approaching a certain distance, the details that the probe can discover become richer.

These red demons took the probe to an altar deep in the gathering place and handed it to a... spider? A four-legged spider with mechanical limbs and an exposed brain!

Under the spider's exposed brain, there is a big mouth full of sharp teeth and terrifying eyes emitting yellow light.

The detector analyzed the height of this half-biological and half-mechanical spider, which is nearly two meters tall. The four mechanical legs can be spread out to three meters. It looks completely different from an ordinary monster.

The members of the World Development Department became noisy and chaotic because of the things on the moon. This ghost thing that made biologists say that biology does not exist not only has technology, but also showed a thoughtful look while observing the detector.

The World Development Department continuously uploaded this information to the server, and every company executive of the group received a special information from the new world.

Everyone who saw the information was alert.

The brain spider seems to have wisdom and certain command ability. Excluding the possibility of being a simple monster, the only remaining possibility is that these are members of an alien civilization, and they are aliens who can survive in an environment with scarce air.

Looking at the huge brain, it can be basically confirmed that the brain spider has high intelligence.

Although there is no clear experiment to prove that the bigger the brain, the higher the IQ, but based on the comparative analysis of most biological samples on Earth, at least animals with big brains generally have higher IQs than animals with small brains.

They found the brain spiders, and the brain spiders also found them.

The brain spiders around the detector walked back and forth, and their huddled scary faces showed a playful smile, and their sharp teeth made this smile full of all the labels that describe scary creatures in human understanding.

Just seeing that grinning humanoid face, the scientists of the World Development Department wanted to punch this face into a dent, or press it on the laboratory table to dissect it.

The brain spider walked around the detector for a long time, and then a six-barrel Gatling machine gun stretched out from its abdomen. The bottom machine gun spewed out metal bullets, instantly tearing the detector without strong protection into pieces.

The video went black, but everyone in the World Development Department had a question mark in their heads. The top analysts looked at each other, and kept rewinding and replaying the video, confirming it over and over again.

That's a Gatling gun, right? !

Alien civilizations use weapons invented by humans?

They don't have to think of the brain spider as a weapon unique to humans. It's true that this six-barreled revolver is too unique, and those wine-red demons look like humans, which makes it hard not to think of artificial life.

They need to interrogate those rational monsters in the surface universe, and some leaders of major countries, since they know that there are abnormal lives on Earth, they can't help but seek answers.

Now the information they share is not as much as the World Development Department's own investigation.

Either they don't want to give it, or they really don't have curiosity about another world.

It's impossible not to be curious. America can conduct experiments on different dimensions in a small town, so it must be very curious about the mystery.

Therefore, the World Development Department issued a new instruction to the diplomatic team.


In the non-stop joint meeting, the information about the brain spider destroying the probe appeared on the screen of the holographic imaging system. When the representatives of various countries saw the brain spider with a machine gun, they were all confused.

The set seemed to have changed from supernatural to science fiction, and their minds almost didn't turn around.

"This is the picture taken by the probe we launched to the moon in the other world. I think you should be able to find that these monsters have high coordination and high unity, and have high intelligence and command capabilities, which are threatening to humans."

The group's diplomats only stated the facts they saw, and then ended the conversation. They are all smart people here, and they should understand what this means.

Soon after, two requests to speak were lit up.

One is from America, and the other is the bear. Note: The bear in this world is still the red giant.

The president who presided over the meeting did not follow the principle of first come first served, but looked at the American representative, "Please speak."

"In 1948, after the end of the World War, one of our warships drifted to the Arctic due to a storm and instrument failure, where we discovered the remains of an ancient civilization that was far superior to modern times."

The American representative said a very surprising fact. He spoke fluently and slowly, and asked his assistant to pass the information in the briefcase he was carrying to the projectionist as if he had been prepared.


The unique sound of the old projector when working was heard, and then a building ruins covered by ice and looming appeared in front of everyone.

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