Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 358 Arriving at the Arctic Circle

On the 30th day after arriving in the new world, the newly dispatched scientific research ship from the group arrived at the Arctic Circle. Under the guidance of the American secret forces stationed at the Arctic ruins, the 100-meter-long and 30-meter-wide scientific research ship was anchored in the huge Arctic Circle. On solid ice. ♡♢ ♦ ♦

The scientific expedition team wearing extreme winter environment equipment set foot on the Arctic ice with a large number of crawler engineering equipment. They arrived with them, as well as scientists from all over the world. They did not interfere with the archaeological excavation work, but each The country wants to see this ancient ruins that made the United States a technological power.

The long team moved on the ice, one crawler transport vehicle after another, like a Siberian train in the howling Arctic wind.

Bang Chi Bang Chi!

The head of the tracked armored vehicle poked out. It was the person in charge of security for this trip, Jérôme, a young officer from the world of Resident Evil.

Following the direction of the leading snowmobile, Jerome saw a huge gap under the iceberg, some building materials frozen into lumps of ice, and the lath houses where American soldiers lived.

Five minutes later, the convoy arrived in front of the camp. All the vehicles stopped, and the soldiers and scientists stationed in the camp walked out of the camp. They were very few in number, and the total number was less than 150 people.

After all, this is deep in the Arctic glaciers. It is difficult for ships or planes to transport supplies here.

People who have worked in the camp for a long time have never seen such a long queue of vehicles and the giant spaceship that just passed by the camp.


If they hadn't received the news from their superiors in advance, they would have thought that they had been isolated from the world for too long and aliens had begun to invade the earth!

Even so, when they saw the soldiers of the Group's polar armed forces wearing snow armor, they still had doubts about the technological development of this world and how much time they and others had spent in this ghost place.

The white armor makes the person slightly larger, with an average height of nearly two meters. He wears a full-coverage helmet on his head, two large lenses and an arch-like vertical breathing port at the nose and mouth, making these people His head was wrapped tightly.

Understandable, after all, it is to prevent the cold wind from the Arctic from entering the body and damaging the fragile lungs.

Behind the soldiers, the soldiers stationed in the polar regions couldn't figure out how those boards without wheels or propellers operated.

"Lieutenant Chico, I am Costin Best, White House Commissioner! Next, you need to cooperate with our actions. When in danger, you can protect yourself first. We need to find an open space to park the equipment first."

The entrance to the ancient ruins is a huge cavity, and cold winds often pour into the underground passages of the ruins. The cold wind made White House Commissioner Costin wrap up his winter clothes tightly and loudly explain the situation to the person in charge of the camp.

Shivering, he reached into the document bag and wanted to take out the certification documents signed by the commander-in-chief, but he was not used to the arctic environment and the feeling of holding gloves. When the wind in the cave blew, the documents in his hands looked like The white dove escaped from the magician's hand and flew into the sky.

Costin also wanted to recover those important documents, but after taking two steps, he was blocked by the passing Polar Force soldiers.

Lieutenant Kochi, who had been standing in front of the entrance to the ruins for a long time, bared his yellow teeth on his face wrapped in a kerchief, and shouted: "Don't worry about those pieces of torn paper, can you just tell me to cooperate like this? I'm still waiting. After the handover, I can go back to a place where my legs and feet can be warmed without preheating! ”

"Okay, okay..."

Commissioner Costin raised his hands helplessly, then looked around, and soon saw the figure who jumped out of the tracked armored vehicle, and immediately waved back, "Follow me."

Then, one after another, the two came to Jérôme, the group's head of security and operations.

After meeting and introducing each other, Jérôme did not say any polite words and confirmed that all personnel were present. With the help of Lieutenant Chico, they parked some armored transport vehicles in an open area and brought the necessary equipment with them. The equipment slowly moved towards the interior of the ruins.

According to Lieutenant Chico and the members of the American scientific expedition team who have been in charge and exploring, there are actually a lot of technological artifacts inside the ruins. After careful observation, it is very possible that these technological artifacts that have not decayed for thousands of years can operate normally. high.

There are some words that humans cannot understand. Without sounds and references, it is difficult for them to decipher.

"The space inside is very large, but there are only three important spaces. We are not sure of the uses of these places yet, but..."

Lieutenant Chico led the way in the dark tunnel while introducing the newly arrived scientific expedition team members to the places where the ruins had been explored.

Halfway through, there was a trace of hesitation in Lieutenant Chico's words, but he continued, his tone as if he was deliberately pretending not to care, "You know, some of the people sent to station in this damn place are One condition is that you must be an atheist. Before I came, I didn’t know why they made such a weird request until I actually came here and saw those frozen ghosts.

You must not understand what kind of dreams I have every night, haha, I dream that I am on the ice, being chased by demons, and shouting like crazy, ‘God, God~! ',Hahaha! There were originally 180 people stationed here, but now there are only 123 left. In 3 years, 57 people committed suicide!

Many people were frightened, or simply had their brains frozen. In short, more and more people were hallucinating, saying that something was whispering in their ears. In fact, I also dreamed that something was talking in my ears, but I am a firm believer in science! I told them that this was just a psychological suggestion I gave myself after seeing it too many times.

Hahaha, I still remember how funny it was when Lawrence covered his crotch and cried for his mother..."

Lieutenant Chico hadn't talked to a normal person for a long time. He was the head of the camp, and he couldn't show weakness or lose his dignity in front of his soldiers.

Otherwise, those frozen zombies might really kill the entire camp just because they looked ugly.

That would be too funny. A group of corpses that had been dead for who knows how many years and were preserved until now by the "refrigerator" killed more than a hundred people lying there!

They didn't interrupt Lieutenant Chico's chattering. They knew how difficult it was to hold on in this polar environment, so they were willing to listen to some collusion.

There are also 20% of the contents that are useful, right?

Suddenly, the scientific expedition team stopped and came to the first open space, which was a place carved with An open space composed of stone pillars with various strange symbols.

The scientists who were originally stationed here seemed to have used this place as a corpse storage point. A large number of red demon remains lay in a space of hundreds of square meters. All the corpses that Lieutenant Chico and his soldiers could find and dig out over the years were here, neatly arranged, and shocking to the eyes.

This open space is like a square wrapped in ice. The main body of this square is composed of underground stone slabs and giant stone pillars that are broken or collapsed around it.

The symbols on the stone pillars instantly made the scientific expedition team following behind want to get closer to check. The neatly arranged corpses on the ground are better than peeled oranges. The thirst for juice makes them eager to move and rub their hands.

"Here are all the corpses of alien ghosts we can collect. The remaining corpses are either frozen in the ice and cannot be dug, or they are too broken to be moved."

Lieutenant Chico pointed to the many literal "zombies" neatly arranged on the square, and then pointed back to the passage deep in the ice cave.

"Continue to see other things?"

"Let's keep going. "

Jerome nodded and stopped the scientific expedition team who were anxious to touch the corpses on the ground.

Now they should walk through the terrain of the entire ruins, scan the structural diagram, and confirm the route information.

You need to have a general understanding of the ruins to know how to start the work.

Soon, the group came to the second open area. The light of the flashlight illuminated a huge space that meandered upwards. There were many stone pillars scattered in it. In the center of the stone pillars was an open field, but in the center of the field there was a strange array carved on the ground.

These arrays look like some kind of sacrificial site for ancient humans, but when the view moves slightly upward, you can see a gate made of alloy embedded in the ice. The shape of the gate is not like what humans think. It is not as sci-fi as in the film, but rather quite retro.

The sharp protruding spikes and the half-cast iron skull in the middle look like the gate of some medieval European castle.

Most of the gate is in the ice layer. There are actually many rocks under the ice, but the long time has made everything here almost submerged and frozen by the sea. If you want to go deeper into this ruined building, you need to dig through the several meters thick ice.

They also saw Lieutenant Chico's attempt to do this. A large part of the ice covering the metal gate was dug out, allowing them to see the tip of the iceberg of the ruins.

In addition, there are details throughout the site that tell the story of this ruins in the distant past, the scratches on the stone pillars, the concave craters on the ground, and those embedded in the ice wall that have completely merged with the ground. The whole body, the broken limbs that Lieutenant Chico had not dug out.

Da Da!

Jerome walked to the huge uneven ice wall, his eyes lowered, and then half-crouched down, and saw a turbid yellow eyeball frozen on the shallow ice surface.

Ice is indeed the best coat to preserve these ancient things. The appearance of the eyeball looks as fresh as if it had just been stuffed in.

The last space of the ruins is located underground here. To go down, you need to go through the cracked tunnel of broken ice. After sliding through the tunnel for hundreds of meters, they arrived at the last open space that has been explored in the ruins.

This is obviously the main battlefield of the ruins. The huge war bunker reflects the shock of history in the light of the flashlight. The war bunker, which is mostly covered with ice, combines the cold-toned technological creations with the ancient The European architectural styles are mixed together, and they do not give people a sense of incongruity, but rather very natural.

Those well-preserved lifting platforms are connected to the exposed part of the bunker on the ground. The monster corpses here have not been cleaned up, preserving the most original pictures.

The scientists of the scientific expedition team finally couldn't contain their excitement. They took out various equipment to take pictures or detect, and released mechanical flying insects to draw the appearance of the bunker.

The monster corpse samples scattered on the winding road seemed to be more, more complete, and more bizarre.

There were yellow-brown monsters with insect-like heads and claws, brain spiders seen on the moon, and a humanoid monster with a gray-white keratin layer wrapped around its body, like a warrior wearing armor, and a one-eyed monster with giant horns on both sides of its temples...

There are many kinds of monster corpses, all of which look hideous and horrible. Except for the monsters that are hard to describe, most of the monsters are humanoid.

There are also some non-humanoid monster corpses lying on the ground, which greatly enriches the confrontation between the arms of this ancient ruins battlefield, and also greatly increases the difficulty for the scientists of the scientific expedition team to decipher the true situation of the ancient ruins war.

After all, these creatures do not look like the same species, and there are too many of them, which really makes people wonder how they can reach cooperation and attack a city together?

Biology is a very rigorous subject. Now if they look at the scene of the great alliance of at least seven or eight kinds of monsters scattered in the ancient ruins battlefield from the perspective of biology of humans or the Avatar world, they will definitely have a pig brain overload.

The combination of these monsters is as weird as letting humans and gorillas, monkeys, dogs, and giraffes fight in the starry sky together.

But this question is left to the scientists of the scientific expedition team to think about slowly...

After visiting the explored part of the entire ruins, Jerome waved his hand and asked everyone to try not to touch anything here and return in an orderly manner.

Jerome is actually a scientist himself. He often studies things related to semi-mechanized transformation of animals. It's really hard to serve as an officer on the group's research ship without some scientific research talent.

After looking around the ruins, Jerome was actually itching to go. After confirming that everyone had returned to the surface of the ice safely, they began to expand the camp in the ice and snow and prepared for long-term stationing.

And they started the terrain excavation work. They had to dig out all the ice covering the ruins and keep the intact ruins for exploration.

Maybe there is a more efficient method than excavation...

Suddenly remembering something, Jerome stopped the construction of the camp and drove the armored vehicle excitedly to the research ship.

Soon after, an application for the use of special equipment for a special engineering project was approved, and the World Development Department began to mobilize from the headquarters' biochemical crisis world.

Twenty days after the coordination of all parties, the core components of the reduced test version of the Star Destroyer Cannon towed by a large-scale transport ship appeared over the Arctic of the New World.

The group has been researching the weapons of the Star Destroyer class, and the weapons engineers in various worlds who are gradually keeping up with the development progress are leading this weapon research.

Because the expansion of a certain group often uses the means of selling anxiety to get other worlds to buy their group's works, so as they sell more and more, most people in the group also believe in anxiety.

It does exist. The earth in the Marvel world has been invaded, and the earth in the zombie world has been tossed by the virus and is completely uninhabitable.

So weapons that can destroy planets have become important, so engineers in the designer bureau often hold online discussions on what kind of weapons should be used to destroy a planet.

Some people want to create a virus that runs according to the program and a biological weapon that exterminates life at a low cost.

Some people want to use a large amount of antimatter annihilation to create antimatter bombs.

Of course, there are also more traditional and most common in fantasy, the inertial idea of ​​using high temperature to melt through the surface and detonate the core of the planet.

But according to Colonel Quach from the future earth in the Avatar world, it is very difficult to destroy a planet, and there is actually no way to destroy a planet in the future.

The plan of melting through the core of the earth to cause an explosion is not feasible, but if it doesn't work, will it not work?

That won't work either. They have to do it, and they have to do it well and succeed!

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