Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 360 There are also ruins on Mars

The thrusters of the Starcaster, which is as long and wide as a small city, began to ignite and slowly began to accelerate.

After the huge spacecraft moved away from the earth, it was just a tiny grain of dust in comparison...

The powerful antimatter engine and the engine improved from the planet Cybertron burst out with blue light and began to move towards Mars.

Thanks to the reference of Cybertron technology, the Starcaster with improved engine only takes half a month to accelerate from standstill to sub-light speed.

The earth is not far from Mars. At the current speed of the Starcaster, it can reach the destination in 2 days.

Because the Starcaster is too large, the time for starting acceleration and the time for deceleration before reaching the destination are longer than the time required for the driving process.

So before setting off, the Starcaster has released three sub-ships to take the lead in exploring Mars.

Compared with the bulky Starcaster, the smaller spacecraft travels faster and arrives at Mars one step earlier.

In just one day, three small spacecraft arrived at Mars one after another.

The team on the small spaceship is complex, including the elite navy of the group, super soldiers specially trained for space combat, and the Autobots who were recruited by the group.

As a pseudo-civilized space refugee, the Autobots and a small number of Decepticons have lost their firm beliefs and goals under the iron fist of humans and the impact of the parallel worldview of the multiverse.

They can live for a long, long time. There are not enough people to realize the mission of reviving Cybertron. The lifelong enemy of the Cybertron star is just something that may or may not exist in a universe.

Optimus Prime was the first to surrender, and he took the Autobots to find a job in the Umbrella Group, a semi-vassal relationship.

They still have knowledge about Cybertron civilization in their heads, so they took out loans and founded Cybertron Technology, a subsidiary of Umbrella, mainly engaged in large-scale machinery construction and special operations.

There are five Autobots on the three small spaceships, namely Jazz, Bumblebee, and the Arcee sisters who share the same mind but have three motorcycles in their bodies.

They can survive and fight in harsh environments, so they came to this world to work with the Starcaster and were paid.

Now they are employees of the group, and every bite of metal material and energy they eat needs to be purchased with money.

Soon three small spaceships arrived near Phobos. The first ship sent a message to the Starcaster, which was still behind, and received a reply soon after, allowing them to land directly on Mars.

According to conventions and safety rules, before the small spaceship lands, they also need to drop satellites on Mars and drop unmanned probes on the surface.

Humans have been curious about Mars for a long time. In other universes, there was liquid water on Mars, but it no longer exists after humans appeared.

Comparing the landforms horizontally, Mars, where liquid water appears in the new world, is of great research value.

The location where liquid water was discovered is named Prometheus Plateau on Mars in other worlds, so this world also uses this name.

The six probes rubbed against the Martian atmosphere, flashing blue plasma light. Soon after, the probes successfully landed near the conspicuous rift valley of Prometheus Plateau.

The satellite and the detector signal docked successfully. After the spherical detector completed the self-inspection, the robotic arm gradually unfolded, and a camera was folded out from the top.

Storms gather on Mars all year round, and bacteria survive here. It can barely be regarded as a planet of life. There was liquid water on Mars in the past, and naturally there was life.

Mars in this world still has liquid water, which means that there may be life on Mars.

The water source is below the huge rift valley. After confirming that it is operating normally, the detector began to move towards the rift valley.

After crossing the mountains and going down to the rift valley, the detector got useful clues unexpectedly fast.

Because in the rift valley, under the red soil all over the sky, there is a building that looks like a rock!

This amazing discovery surprised the people on the small ship, and they hurriedly passed the news to the Lookout Star.

After countless people on the research ship discovered the ruins of Mars, curiosity occupied most of their emotions.

Everyone is speculating whether the buildings on Mars were built by the former Martians, and whether the Martians are the owners of the ruins in the Arctic of the Earth? !

What happened to them that caused the civilization to decline and disappear in the universe?

Are humans descendants of Martians? !

All these questions are worth serious consideration and in-depth exploration. In order to cater to the ideas of most people and their own curiosity, the command center asked the three exploration sub-ships to view more information faster.

The three sub-ships also landed in the rift valley of Mars.

Even if you look down from space, you can see the clear outline of this rift valley. The area is very large, but there are not many buildings in the rift valley. There is only a corner of the deep edge, which seems to be built in the mountain.

Soon, the navy soldiers, super soldiers and five Autobots set foot on the land of Mars.

In the dusty Martian landscape, the vision was slightly blocked. After walking along the edge of a rift valley on the yellow sand for a while, they found the original goal of this trip, liquid water!

Not only them, in addition to the detectors that entered the building, other detectors also came not far from the large rift where liquid water flowed out, and saw a large amount of liquid water.

It was only after looking closer that they discovered key issues that had not been discovered before.

Although the color of this liquid water is close to that of Martian soil, it is actually caused by a layer of ash covering the liquid water!

There is something wrong with the actual color and shape of liquid water. It is very different from what we imagined.

Everyone stood at the silver slurry flowing out of the valley connected to the mountain, and then looked at the lake in the distance, which had gathered into a lake, but after being covered with dust, it looked like a plain landform.

They hurriedly sent the news to the Star Watch.

The detector walked to the edge of the underground river, stretched out the probe and touched the flowing mercury-like substance, and took out a small amount of samples for analysis. However, the water source detection device built into the detector could not distinguish the composition of the substance. This mercury-like substance Matter is matter outside the human scientific system.

It can be regarded as a new element and a major discovery!

In addition to the currently unknown liquid water, the probes exploring the ruins of Mars also saw something that can truly represent the existence of civilization, stone tablets with written text!

The two major gains allowed mankind to glimpse a corner of the veil of an ancient and mysterious civilization. All the scientists on the Star Lookout had no intention of technical exchanges.

Instead of thinking about food, he made guesses about the images and unknown mercury-like substances that could be found so far, and pointed at symbols that had no reference at all.

Languages ​​between human beings are all guessed and compared based on something that is known to each other. Gradually, the basic system of language is formed and compiled into books for future generations to translate.

However, the characters simply carved on these stone slabs have no reference and do not belong to the earth. There is no possibility of translation.

They're all just guessing and copying words from the earth.

In some science fiction movies, after watching a few circles and giving a few hard shots, you can say that you understand the language of aliens, which makes people really speechless.

Now that Lookout is speeding toward Mars, the news keeps coming.

The advance team was divided into three groups. One group received the precision equipment brought by the unmanned spacecraft to sample and analyze the liquid water. The other two groups followed the entrance found by the detector and entered the Martian ruins to find more information about ancient Martian civilization. clue.

Another day later, the Star Lookout finally arrived outside the orbit of Mars. It was rotating at the same speed as Mars over the Prometheus Plateau, as if it had become a satellite.

The scientists on the ship could not hold themselves back for a long time, and they all applied to enter Mars to explore.

In the early days, only a small number of people's applications to go to the surface of Mars were approved, and more people needed to stay on the Star Lookout and wait for the antiquities in the ruins to be transported back to the Star Lookout before they could participate in research.

This time, Ultron became the first group of scientists to go to Mars because he believed that the ruins of buildings on Mars must be the remains of a magical civilization, because this world is full of mystery!

The mysterious inner world, the mysterious rules-based monsters, the mysterious semi-energy creatures, and the ruins of Mars must be mysterious!

This is what he has been looking for for a long time!

In the videos and pictures that were sent back, the words burned on the stone slab remained incorruptible after a long period of time, and the surface of the stone slab still lit up with a dull golden fluorescent light.

The truth is beyond the ordinary scope and belongs to a new field that requires long-term research.

Ultron, who had completed the construction task of the Starwatch, had nothing more to do, so he was just put in charge of the archaeological task here.

The Star Lookout itself is a scientific research ship used to explore the universe. The equipment on board is sufficient to support most small and medium-sized experiments. A few large laboratories only need to transport cargo to Phobos or Deimos to build a ground laboratory.

The space transmission technology on the ship can help transport materials. If you have any needs, you can apply directly to the group headquarters.

After a large number of scientific researchers wore protective suits and entered the interior of Mars, only a few went to the Great Rift Valley to analyze mercury substances. Most of them went straight to the Martian ruins.

No matter what field they study, scientists have all gone to Mars to get involved.

Naturally, it is difficult to manage when there are too many people. All smart devices are connected to Ultron's system, and then the management becomes more orderly.

Ultron led some scientists and several controlled robots deeper into the ruins. He discovered a lot of unknown civilization texts inside some stone chambers and buildings.

In addition to texts, murals appeared on the walls.

Some of the creatures depicted in the murals were ones they had seen in the Arctic ruins, but the current murals show more information.

With murals, it will be much easier to handle, because pictures are one of the important means to decipher text. Through the speculation of the combination of pictures and words, plus the text introduction of the mechanical parts that have been explored in the Arctic ruins, deciphering The writing of another civilization is not impossible.

The shallow murals of the ruins were left to the scientists who followed. Ultron relied on the strength of the vibranium body and continued walking deeper into the ruins without caring about his own safety.

Soon, he saw something that made him happy. It was a roughly square stone slab lying on the ground, with a circular golden array pattern carved on it.

"So beautiful!"

Staring at the golden magic array diagram, Ultron was fascinated by the mysterious connections behind the diagram. After scanning it, he gently picked up the slate, recorded it in its entirety, and handed it to the robot under his control to carry.

It didn't take long for the ruins to be basically completed.

There are many more stone tablets and murals used for recording inside the ruins than imagined. If all human beings work together to decipher them, it should not take long to decipher all the texts on the stone tablets.

Humans today are much smarter than before, and are no longer humans who gradually become dumber with the development of technology.

They have initially awakened and are advanced intelligent life forms that know how to lead their own evolution and have both rationality and sensibility.

Immediately, Ultron began to collect all the rune information, and made it into an adventure game in the form of a decryption game after a small amount of processing, and sold it to the outside through the group's internal channels.

The person who is closest to the correct answer can get a large amount of money reward and a high-welfare position within the group after successfully deciphering these texts, and participate in the development of the new world.

That's it!

Computers cannot guess or imagine, they can only compare and match based on existing information, so there is not much that computers can participate in the decryption work.

After the Lookout star floated on Mars in the new world for more than ten days, Duncan left the new world after relaxing. Before leaving, he left a name for this world: Weird World, which means that the new world is full of mysterious and incomprehensible things.

His departure did not affect the systematic operation of the weird world.

Efforts in three directions have made the earth in the weird world develop faster and faster.

There are also benefits to being behind in the timeline. At least on the earth in this weird world, some technological advances and the acceptance of new concepts are much easier than in a multipolar society.

Now many young people and old people who have regained their youth have accepted the new changes in the world, because the leapfrog development of space exploration has no soil for extreme environmentalism.

While this world has preserved many original landforms, it also needs to open up more land to meet the upcoming baby boom and the requirements of diffuse construction.

On Earth, no matter which country, the urbanization rate is an important construction indicator.

While scientists are doing archaeological work on Mars, hundreds of millions of ordinary people on Earth are also heading towards forests and wilderness, starting a new round of large-scale infrastructure for a better life and more wealth in the future.

Countless wealth will flow into the pockets of ordinary workers, and the first person to eat melons may become the biggest winner!

In Missouri, the United States, there is such a group of workers who have accepted orders and are preparing to build a transport ship berth in a mountain forest.

This group of rednecks, with the new American dream, are ready to build a large-scale construction in the mountains and forests. As long as they complete this business beautifully within 3 months, they will not only have additional construction period bonuses, but also be able to undertake subsequent construction work by the way, and their future pensions will also have a full set of free medical services!

Although the recent construction plan is the whole of America, there are still a few that are as lucrative as this time and have strict requirements.

However, when they rushed to the construction site with a large amount of equipment, food and water supplies, and cut trees to open the road, they were strongly protested by local residents.

The rednecks, who were supervisors and construction team leaders, looked again and again on the new version of the map, but could not find that there were residents in this place. Even if they called the local department, they could not get an accurate answer.

The leader of the construction team was almost ripping the sparse hair off his forehead when he saw a group of Indians staring at the construction vehicle with their chests.

Where the hell did these yellow-skinned Indians come from?

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