Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 365 Alien Invasion

The earth trembled under the giant hoof of the Titan Demon, and its mountain-like body kept approaching the town. No one could figure out why such a big monster would appear out of nowhere. If it had existed since ancient times, it should have been figured out long ago!

No matter how it appeared, the townspeople who had not yet completed the evacuation of the town saw the Titan Demon dragging a huge house, and they all screamed in panic and ran out of the town like crazy.

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Fear is a delicious snack for the Titan Demon, constantly attracting it to move forward.

The huge wooden building behind it shook slightly, and these originally ordinary trees gradually turned into a huge building under the construction of the dark red weird light, which looked quite similar to a ship.

Although the raw materials are only wood and a small amount of sand and gravel, the boat-shaped house carried on the back of the Titan Demon has slowly appeared with a lot of strange decorations and metal accessories. The edge of the wooden house is also covered with a layer of metal. It is being improved bit by bit.

In addition to the changes in appearance, more amazing changes are quietly happening inside the wooden house.

Metal parts appeared on the hell barge, and red tumor-like plants, hell plants, began to grow at the stern of the barge.

Under the flesh and blood provided by the slave Titan Demon, the hell plants are growing wildly, and finally a giant claw-like tumor aggregate is built in a special cabin at the stern.

The power from hell is gathering on the five fingers of the claws, and the purple sphere like a black hole gathers and forms, exuding an extremely seductive and terrifying atmosphere.

This is an important means for the hell plane to expand into various universes, the blood nest portal.

Purple lights kept on, and demons with blood-red skin and little demons with heads like insects with sharp teeth could not wait to get out of the purple energy ball of the blood nest. After appearing in the new world, they began to rush towards the exit of the hell barge at a high speed.

Some little demons were so eager to enter the new world that they even flipped out of the window at the bottom of the hell barge. The little demons with insect heads also spread their hidden wings on their backs like insects.

The hell barge was like a bridgehead for invading the new world. Demons kept landing on a new land with the help of the bridgehead.

The little demons did not fly fast, but the slave Titan demons moved very fast. The huge hooves crossed back and forth, and each step was nearly a hundred meters, just like John Wick who was chased by giant creatures in the other world.

The speed of a car was similar to that of a slightly faster cockroach in front of a giant creature. It could catch up with it as long as it took a few more steps.

The slave Titan carried the hell barge, and demons kept flying out of the bottom and windows of the hell barge. There were also many demons in other forms that went down one level at a time along the bone spurs that pierced the skin of the slave Titan's back, and finally jumped to the ground along the instep.

The engineering drone that was observing from the air was discovered by several demons. These monsters flying in the sky, making sharp and piercing noises from their mouths, hovered beside the drone, and finally a ball of fire suddenly emerged from their claws and slammed into the drone.

The camera captured the approaching fireball, and the special effects like a grenade explosion flashed by. The professional and durable engineering drone was not blown to pieces, but it lost the ability to fly. The last pictures captured by the drone were all frozen at the moment of falling and colliding with the ground.

The residents who were fleeing the town were caught up by the slave Titan demons little by little. They shouted in panic and stepped on the accelerator tightly, trying to escape from the huge hoof.

Several engineers from Umbrella drove the company-issued jeeps and raced on the terrain outside the highway. They were helpless in the face of the cars that were gradually crushed by the giant hooves of the slave Titan demon.

Recording the last scenes before their death to alert everyone was the greatest good deed they could do.

No one expected such a monster to appear in Missouri. At least in their eyes, the appearance of the slave Titan demon was unreasonable and illogical.

It was like a normal working day, and a monster suddenly appeared. It was like a burglary in a dream, which was completely unexpected.

The slave Titan demon took a slight step and trotted. Its speed was very fast. Every time it stepped an inch, a large number of demons would fall from its body, like an emotionless egg-laying machine, constantly producing monsters.

Visitors from hell appeared continuously from the blood nest portal. They ran around without rules and without purpose. Some entered the forest, and some just followed the footsteps of the slave Titan demon.

More and more demons were running around, and they would bring destruction to everyone in Missouri!

Umbrella's engineers live-broadcasted these images to the World Development Department in full, and the World Development Department also forwarded the information to the United States and the United Organization at the same time. The United States was in the front, after all, this happened in Missouri, which belongs to the hinterland of the United States. Going southeast, it is only a few hundred kilometers away from the White House.

This is a terrible disaster that has not even occurred in the two world wars!

If it weren't for the group's backing, those grandfathers would have pressed the nuclear bomb button early to prevent the situation from getting out of control.

Now that nuclear bombs cannot be used, the only option is to send troops to blockade Missouri...

Because Missouri is not surrounded by the sea, it is a completely inland state, and the US military first dispatched the Air Force and the Army.

The US Air Force troops that received the emergency dispatch are still gathering, and they have to carry a large amount of weapons and equipment to airdrop to Missouri.

Now in 1965, the United States has just completed a disarmament and cut military spending. In addition, the previous military focus was basically overseas, resulting in the relative scarcity and looseness of the main body. Performance

After gathering for more than ten minutes, the transport plane of the 82nd Airborne Division of the US Army in North Carolina took off.

The slave Titan Demon appeared on the edge of Missouri. Even though it tried hard to contact the leader of the townspeople's convoy being chased and asked them to take the slave Titan Demon in a circle, the frightened townspeople were still rushing towards all the roads they could see.

Fortunately, the United States is vast and sparsely populated, otherwise the slave Titan Demon would have stepped into the city at this moment.

Good things don't come often. If the slave Titan Demon keeps going, it will sooner or later reach the city where it can't evacuate in time.

How long is this "sooner or later"?

The first city that the Titan Demon will flatten will be a small city with only 8,000 people in eastern Missouri, but if it continues to move forward, it will reach the largest city in Missouri, St. Louis, with a population of nearly 300,000!

As the hell barges continue to release demons into the new world, the air defense alarms of all cities in Missouri have been sounded.

All radios are broadcasting emergency situations in turn, requiring everyone to hide in underground air-raid shelters or basements, bring guns and food, and warn everyone not to leave the hiding place before the alarm disappears.

The portal of the World Development Department is still in California, the westernmost part of the United States. The Hill-class destroyer that was not allowed to enter before has just passed through the cross-border portal. It may take at least half an hour to get to Missouri, which is in the eastern part.

Before that, the combat mission in Missouri can only be handed over to the American soldiers who still have the American dream and firmly believe in their country, as well as the American people with abundant martial virtues.

They will have a small amount of external support, those group armed personnel who happen to be active near Missouri.

The group defines armed personnel as employees with professional combat qualities, who only perform combat and are strongly related to combat, and are awarded military ranks.

For example, members of the exploration team who have not yet returned, and a 32-man Umbrella Group Army platoon that happened to be in Kane County, Yinlino, Missouri, adjacent to Missouri, to capture abnormal life forms.

They received an assistance mission to prevent the demons from harming ordinary people as much as possible, but their number of equipment and capabilities were limited.

The satellites placed in the Earth's orbit by the group have released unmanned detection equipment. A huge target 200 meters high on the ground is very easy to find. After the US military clears the planes in the sky, the Hill-class destroyer can launch a long-range attack on the Titan Demon.

The distance between Missouri and California is 2,400 kilometers, and it takes a lot of time for missiles to fly such a long distance.

The National Guard and SWAT of Missouri have all been dispatched. Their mission is to try to eliminate the slave Titan Demon. However, when they approached the cities and towns near the slave Titan Demon's path, the city filled with chaos and screams temporarily blocked their way.

A large number of demons emerged from the hell barges and spread to the city and town. These creatures, like the demons in human fantasy, carried out disorderly massacres.

The invasion alarm still echoed in the sky above the town, but the Americans who had been comfortable for too long could not stop their curiosity about the sudden invasion even if they heard the screams from every car radio.

They saw the appearance of the invaders as they wished, but soon became the sacrifices for the invaders to satisfy their cruel desires.

The winged little demon echoed in the air of the burning town with a hoarse and shrill cry. It flew to the speaker on the pillar that played the air defense alarm, raised its claws, and a ball of unclean fire emerged out of thin air, smashing the screaming loud speaker casually, and the explosion shattered the alarm that reminded the townspeople to hide and evade.

With the speakers and sirens destroyed, there were only three sounds left in the town: explosions, screams, and the little demon's arrogant laughter.

In fact, there are also the sounds of American guns firing, which are full of martial virtues. However, the gunshots often disappear as soon as they appear, because the demons are more powerful than ordinary people who have not received professional training.

Every little demon who came to the other world alive is a warrior who can survive in the plane of hell where killing each other is common. They may not have high IQ, but their strength, speed, and destructive power are like a jet warrior wearing heavy bulletproof vests and holding a grenade launcher that will never lack ammunition.

In addition to the most common little demons in the town, there are even more powerful demons...

The 39th Brigade of the Missouri National Guard, the 151st Ranger Regiment, was the first to approach the influence range of the slave Titan demon. After the sporadic demons discovered them, the invaders from the other world bit them fiercely and stopped them on the interstate highway outside Bontel.

The American Ranger Regiment has little to do with the cavalry. They are just a group of light infantrymen, and most of the weapons they hold are light weapons. It is not their task to deal with the two-hundred-meter-high monster.

The demons that escaped from the fallen city of Bontel blocked their way, so they got off the vehicle and started a fierce battle with the demons.

Soldiers without much protection jumped off the troop carrier one after another. They bent over, and only half of them jumped out of the vehicle when the little demons swooped down from the sky and dropped a fireball.

The fireball, which was as powerful as a grenade, hit the roof of the vehicle. The green military camouflage cloth burned and tore, and the metal frame was twisted and torn. The exploded fragments penetrated the bodies of many soldiers. In an instant, many people fell on the carriage wailing.


The soldiers had never seen such a magical scene. Although they had seen pictures of the things they wanted to destroy when they set out, the officers did not tell them that these monsters would also throw...fireball grenades?

Relying on trucks as bunkers, the soldiers quickly used sacred rifles to punish the little devils flying in the sky. The 56mm Justice Glimmer unleashed their power. The small number of little devils were torn apart under the intensive bullet fire, and the convoy quickly got rid of them. crisis.

The little devil who ran out of Bonter City saw the fierce firepower of the enemy and hid behind the wall, occasionally showing his head and throwing fireballs.

When a fireball explodes, it will always explode into fragments, which may be stones on the ground or metal fragments from vehicles.

These flying fragments made the soldiers somewhat embarrassed.

In a shout mixed with American dialect, the Rangers took out their rocket launchers and fired at the building with the little devil.

The military jeep that was not attacked at the rear of the convoy rushed into the streets of Bonter City with the suppression of machine gunners on the roof. The soldiers covered each other and entered between the buildings.

The battle with demons was an experience they had never experienced before. Demons were tireless and they had no fear. The rule of killing one person with an average of 100,000 bullets also applies to them.

As long as they are discovered by demons and fail to kill them immediately, they will keep staring at the soldiers and will not stop attacking until one of them dies.

One side is afraid of death, but the other is not. This completely eliminates the gap between long-range firepower and numbers.

The little devil can fly, climb walls, move quickly and flexibly, and can produce grenade-like effects with one hand. The cruelty of the street fight with the devil completely exceeded the imagination of Major Robien, the battalion commander of the 151st Ranger Regiment. .

They are just like their appearance, like cunning and cruel demons. They hide behind the wall. When they hear soldiers approaching or the sound of gunshots, they will extend their arms outside and throw extremely powerful fireball grenades. Not many people will be killed. , but it can injure soldiers so much that they dare not move forward at all.

Entering the city blocks of Bonter City was not a wise choice, but a stupid decision to jump into the abyss!

After several attempts to advance to no avail, Major Robien was forced to let the first battalion of the Rangers withdraw from Bonter City and fight these demons in the wilderness.

However, at this time, a death-like order came. The 39th Brigade High Command asked them to rescue civilians along the road and wait for the arrival of follow-up reinforcements to cover the evacuation of civilians to the nearest air raid shelter.

This order meant that they had to continue to enter between the town and the city buildings before the heavy equipment arrived, fight street battles with the cunning demons, and rescue a certain number of civilians.

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