Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 378 The Turning Point of the World

The huge humanoid mecha lay quietly in the factory. The giant mecha weighing 80,000 tons was to be transported to the outside world. Just this time, the movement of less than a kilometer cost an ordinary person a hundred years of money.

The black smoke of fuel, the damage to the concrete floor, the creaking whine of the super track chassis, the huge mecha left the factory with the assistance of tens of thousands of people and a large number of unmanned equipment.

At that moment, all the engineers of Shaw Industries who were responsible for coordinating the project in the factory cheered.

For these six months, they stayed in the factory for food, drink and shelter, and implemented a fully closed management, in order to prevent the secrets from being leaked before the mecha was completed.

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This mecha that will be delivered to Shaw Industries for use is a real super weapon that can even withstand thermonuclear weapons!

According to the inertial thinking of the past, no one would want to see them have such strategic equipment, so when the mecha was transported out of the closed factory, everyone moved.

The body of the giant spirit mecha, with its eyes closed calmly, reflected dazzling golden light under the sunlight, and the golden armor part reflected dazzling golden light. Under the precise group industrial processing, the mecha was like a real living giant.

The antimatter energy furnace that was lit in advance made a slight sound, which was like the slight breathing of the giant when it was sleeping.

The crowd following the mecha was always cheering, and they even danced their arms wildly because of excitement. From the elderly in their seventies and eighties to the young people in their thirties, all of them were as excited as children waiting for the holiday and wished that time would speed up!

They were reluctant to leave the giant spirit, and their eyes always followed the footsteps of the mecha to the port space that had been cleared outside the factory.

The headquarters and most of the factories of Shaw Industries are actually in the Magic City with a population of 24 million. Because the mechas need to be transported to the base of the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force through the port after they are manufactured, the factory is actually near the port and occupies the land of a shipyard.

After moving to the designated location, everyone stopped at a position 500 meters away from the giant mecha.

There is no process of shouting slogans when starting the machine. There is no driver in the current mecha. It is controlled by the artificial intelligence White Queen. If it just stands up and does a few simple actions, AI can still do it.

The eyes of the giant mecha lying quietly on the crawler transport receipt slowly opened, and the golden eyes were as majestic as the angry demon god on the fierce mask outlined by the thick lines.

His hands moved!

The arms that were thicker than the shield machine were raised and lowered, and the heavy palms supported the ground. After the thunder-like bombardment, the blue giant in armor slowly supported the upper body.

The self-check system kept running, and after confirming that all functions were normal, the mecha continued to move.

The giant stood up, and his height even surpassed the factory building. ♝♦ ♦♦

Two workers who came to work at the dock in the morning were talking and laughing, and suddenly heard a heavy loud noise. They looked up and saw the giant standing up, and the safety helmet in their hands fell to the ground with a click.

In the office building of the dock, the office animal just pulled out the chair and looked out the French window inadvertently. The coffee in his hand spilled on his white shirt without noticing.

The deck of the cruise ship that just docked was full of people, their faces stretched to the maximum by the muscles, staring at the giant rising at the port with their eyes wide open.

Suddenly, the giant leaned down and grabbed a two-handed axe from the ground.

He swung a few times in the air, suddenly raised his feet, twisted his body and moved sideways, and the axe blade fell down. The dark blue hideous face opened its mouth, and golden flames gushed out.

The gaps in the armor also emitted a golden ethereal light, which was like a ribbon wrapped around the body of the giant spirit god mecha, replenishing the last missing agility of the mecha.

The giant spirit god really came to life at this time!

"It is said on the Internet that the giant that appeared in the port is a new generation of mecha giant spirit god jointly developed and manufactured by Shaw Industries and foreign capital. For specific information, please go to the official website of Shaw Industries for inquiry..."

"A mysterious giant appeared in the Magic City? The editor will take you to find out!"

"Artificial gods? Revealing the design path of Shaw Industries' new mecha!"

"The end of the monsters has come, and the new generation of mecha has been released. Netizens can't stand it!"

"Humanity strikes back, and Shaw Industries fired the first shot?"


How dare they do this!

In the secret meeting room, all the cadres with names in the global village were overwhelmed by this sneak attack without martial ethics.

Those outsiders made weapons for the East, obviously to split them!

How dare they do this, is this the so-called non-interference! Don't think that you can avoid being discovered by forming some kind of corporate cooperation.

These outsiders are obviously trying to force them to express their views, what a sinister conspiracy!

They really have to make a choice. Now the Giant Spirit Mecha has set off for Tokyo to deal with the terrifying monster Godzilla.

The success or failure of this battle is directly related to the fate of the earth.

If that unprecedentedly tall mecha really defeats the monster, it will undoubtedly be a head-on blow to the alliance, and even knock off a section of their backbone.

The group's mecha defeated the monster that they believed could cause heavy damage to human civilization. This is like telling them intuitively that you are weak. ♦♦  ♦♦

The cruel truth is like a blunt knife cutting into their bodies. In fact, if they can't resist, they just need to accept it. But the people in this world are different from those in other worlds.

When the monsters invaded and attacked the city, they did not choose to hide, but built mechas to fight against them. They can gather the power of mankind, which actually makes them more tenacious than people in other worlds.

Compared with the Noah's Ark in countless Western classics, they did not choose to hide in modern times, but fought back, which broke the escaping mentality in the allusions, forged the true human faith, and became a loose whole.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that they are used to managing people and don't want to have more superiors on their heads. If they directly agree to join the plane union organization, they can only occupy a latecomer seat, and their development depends on others' faces!

The turmoil caused by overly radical changes and innovations will inevitably affect their assets. Drastic changes mean that even giants may fall in the great changes. The risk and return analysts have already made a lot of data for display.

The giant spirit mecha has steel ropes hanging on its body, and the aircraft is supported by its feet and torso, and is heading towards Tokyo.

Perhaps it was due to some induction. In Tokyo, Godzilla, who had been sleeping for more than two months, woke up.

It has changed a lot compared to six months ago. The short and useless front claws have become as thick as Godzilla's front claws. In addition, the tail has changed.

These days, the craftsman's experts have been staring at Godzilla and found that the latter's tail seems to have split into a human-shaped life form, but the process is relatively slow.

Each country has a sample of Godzilla's flesh and blood, and the craftsman cannot fail to conduct research.

The most important discovery of the research is that Godzilla's flesh and blood has the ability to split infinitely, and it is a split and recombination that is different from normal cells of life. Godzilla can split itself and achieve a similar effect of reproduction.

Simply put, Godzilla can split another self from his body and become two.

It is like a god-made life that can evolve infinitely. The world's mistake!

There is almost no way to kill it. Even in a vacuum environment, scientists suspect that it will evolve to survive in a vacuum environment.

The huge size of the two hundred meters of the giant mecha is too easy to be discovered. For the safety of the aircraft, the mecha was put down after approaching Tokyo.

The huge mecha stepped on the island overseas, the battleaxes in both hands pierced the ground to stabilize the falling body, with a furious face, and stepped forward with legs like giant pillars, walking towards Godzilla on the ruins of the building.

The drone started live broadcast again, this time it was Shaw Industries that asked the screen to be broadcast live to the global audience.

The mecha walked step by step towards Godzilla, who was half as short as him, and the battleaxe in his hand danced a gun flower under the swing of the driver. Finally, the battleaxe was clenched in the backhand. When it was still six kilometers away from Godzilla, the mecha's pace began to accelerate.

The two-hundred-meter-high giant mecha started running!

Countless people widened their eyes and then found the purple light on Godzilla's dorsal fin.

Godzilla still looked dull, with no spirit in his fish eyes. He opened his mouth and sprayed purple light at the running giant spirit.

The driver was already nervous when Godzilla opened his mouth to him, but according to the assurance of the group engineers, he still forced himself not to let the mecha dodge, but just raised the axe and turned on the deflection force field on the axe face to block the radiation flow.

In less than a second, the radiation flow hit the axe face of the battle axe, and the powerful impact was transmitted from the axe face to the whole body of the mecha, which slowed down the speed of the mecha's sprint.

Blocked it!

The deflection force field running at full power blocked the radiation flow!

It was not considered blocking, but all the energy was deflected to other directions. The purple energy beam that came straight was like water hitting the curved mirror, sliding upwards, and the remaining energy deflected to other directions also turned into harmless flames, leaving no charred black on the thick shell of the mecha.

The giant spirit who blocked the attack continued his steps, and even because of the return of confidence, the driver rushed towards Godzilla more aggressively.

After getting close to a certain distance, turn the body sideways, and use the inertia of rotation to swing the battle axes in both hands with greater force.

At that moment, the armor was triggered by a lot of flashy special effects pretended by the engineers. The eyes turned red, the mouth was on fire, and the axe was wrapped with arcs.

The heavy force that absolutely surpassed Godzilla suddenly chopped Godzilla's neck from the side. A huge gap was cut in Godzilla's neck in the next moment, and the radiation flow stopped, and the monster fell to the ground.

After stabilizing the body again, the mecha driver controlled the mecha again, raised the axe high, and chopped it at Godzilla who was lying on the ground and had no breath.

The earth wailed after the axe fell, and the dust raised by the impact scattered.

This terrifying monster Godzilla, who gave countless people a headache and tied with Godzilla, died just like that...

Until the moment the battle ended, all the people watching all this had not reacted. The emotions that had just risen stopped before reaching the peak, which was extremely unreal.

The United Nations found it incredible. They thought there would be at least a fierce battle or a fistfight.

But they never expected that Godzilla would die after just two swings of the axe...

The breath they took turned into a sigh.

The gap was too big.

The power of the Giant Spirit God can easily defeat even the giant beasts that are like natural disasters.

Is there anything else that the Union can do?

And what about ordinary people?

All of them have regained their confidence, and they are confident in the strength of humans. Monsters are no longer the objects of their fear and worship.

The numerous monster sects in the world collapsed in an instant. The absolute crushing of the Giant Spirit God on monsters made countless people who believed in monsters crazy.

The Giant Spirit God mecha became a new object of worship for countless people. Shaw Industries quickly exported the surrounding areas to raise funds for the creation of mechas that were truly completed by their technical strength.

This day was regarded as a turning point. The world fell into a carnival after that. Monsters began to be eliminated one by one. Humans no longer feared monsters. Humans began to control monsters and enslaved monsters.

The Titan beast Rodan, who was sleeping in the volcano, was beaten by the mecha and finally put on a heavy collar and forced to become a living specimen. The monster No. 0 discovered in Antarctica was also awakened. Because it did not conform to discipline, it was criticized to death by the mecha.

The Monarch Organization was disbanded, and all staff members were incorporated into the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force.

The next year, America announced the manufacture of the fifth-generation mecha, which was the mecha using the same technology as the Giant Spirit God.

Unlike Shaw Industries, which was almost given away for free, latecomers had to pay 20% more than the cost price before the group's engineers agreed to assist in manufacturing.

America's mecha was a "loyal knight" with the image of a religious knight. The biggest requirement was still appearance. It had a full body armor as gorgeous as the knight in the game, and the weight reached 100,000 tons.

In addition to America, more forces announced the manufacture of mechas.

Because Europe could not afford the high cost, it decided to gather the power of all people (money) to manufacture two mechas belonging to the European Union, named Hades and Poseidon based on mythological characters.

The mechas that were shipped out one after another dazzled passers-by. The Internet was as lively as a festival every day. No one cared about how these mechas were made, let alone what they paid for the appearance of mechas.

They only knew that after the birth of the fifth generation of mechas, people no longer worried about the threat of monsters, and life became better and better, with good news coming one after another.

What led to the union of the world, the formation of a real federation, and the joking announcement that the earth and humans had officially become a whole.

Later, the standards for railways, shipping, and aircraft were unified.

Technology developed again, and two years later, a method for removing the blue toxins of monsters was even developed, and the corpses and poisonous blood of monsters were also made into efficient energy.

Life was getting better and better!

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