Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 382: First meeting with the Creator

The drones began to attack the mechanical behemoths, using suicide attacks to easily penetrate the armored defenses and remove the limbs and gun barrels of the mechanical behemoths.

The army's mechas have switched to the form of a bouncing car. Soon after, they arrived at the ruins and disassembled the mechanical behemoths that were bouncing on the spot according to the instructions. Then they found that there were only a bunch of circuit boards and mechanical parts inside the war machine, so this was a completely mechanical life.

The energy used is also very interesting. It is also electricity, but the way it generates electricity is solar energy. They may be dormant all the time on weekdays and only move a few times.

After confirming that these mechanical units are unmanned weapons without drivers, the commanders of the sea-land mixed fleet can be much more confident and bold. If they encounter active attacks, they can counterattack and take the core components removed back for research.

We continued forward and entered the ruins of the city. It felt a bit like an alien planet. There were many products of civilization in the ruins of the buildings, such as moldy and weathered old books, car wreckage, collapsed GG cards...

The words marked on the intact things we found sporadically were also never seen on Earth. They looked a bit like a weird splicing of Roman letters.

The recorded words were handed over to language experts for deciphering. After that, the fleet continued to go deeper. The drones spread to every corner of the ruins of the city and soon found a group of cylindrical robots imitating human behavior.

[At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network → 𝓉𝓌𝓀𝒶𝓃.𝒸ℴ𝓂]

These cylindrical robots are like a ball with eyes on a garbage can with limbs. The arms and legs are also spliced ​​together casually with steel pipes, like the products of the steam age in fantasy literature, but everyone in the fleet knows that there are actually many precision parts inside those robots.

The robots' imitation of human behavior surprised everyone on the warship. Some were staring at the old metal baby carriages, some were chatting with each other, and some were lying on the ground and riding on each other.

The scene was very strange, with an inexplicable sense of fear.

The robots used in the several worlds of the Plane Union Organization were inhuman, without even arms and legs. They moved on tires or tracks. Only a few were made into human shapes, and they were made in a cyber-robot style.

The robots in this world were more like a pile of broken pieces, but the internal parts were more delicate.

The despair spreading on the ruins was gradually discovered. The army could not see any corpses in the city. It was not that there were no corpses, but that they could not be found.

According to the quality estimation of the ruins of the buildings, the city may have been destroyed for nearly a hundred years.

I'm not kidding. These concretes are very fragile. After material testing and comparison with the concrete on Earth, the cement technology used was close to that of Earth around 1950.

The buildings may have been built in that period, but the level of technology cannot be viewed from the perspective of Earth's time.

The preliminary analysis of the robot parts has been completed. The special algorithm they use is evolved from a three-dimensional chip.

The chip that drives the robot's activities is both the brain and the energy core. It is full of exquisite imitations of the brain of organisms. It is a technology that is not too outdated even in the current group. At least the stability of this chip is more stable than a small piece of the earth.

Therefore, this chip has become the key to driving the robot's actions, so that it can act remotely without the host, and it is even possible to generate a seemingly human-like self-awareness.

Those robots that imitate human behavior on the ruins may have logical errors in long-term practice, thus giving birth to a small amount of self-awareness.

This structure of the chip is the closest to the human brain. It is hard to say whether this robot is a human or an alternative creature.

They are just like the Transformers who are about to awaken. Their brains are similar in structure. If they are given more energy and longer time, and their mission instructions are cleared, perhaps a new race of mechanical life can be born.

After hundreds of experts in the fleet gathered for discussion, they came to this answer.

Because of the precedent of the Cybertronians in the Transformers world, many people believe that the humans in this world have perished, and only some mechanical lives that are awakening to self-awareness remain.

If you want to engage in diplomacy with the people in this world, you may have to do it with these mechanical lives...

But seeing that the mechanical lives have not yet fully awakened, it is hard to say whether there are mechanical lives that can communicate, and it is also uncertain what the mechanical lives think of themselves.

Experts are trying to find the language and information of this world through hardware and some software data. This is not difficult, because if you understand the hardware structure, you can naturally understand how to write software, at least you can handle the classification of various data types.

Which part is the language, which part is the behavior logic, and which part is the task instruction, these can all be distinguished.

After distinguishing them, it will be easier to understand. According to the characters on the objects found in the ruins of the city, the language system of this world can be figured out.

But they soon found a faster way...

"2B, the abnormal place is just ahead!"


Outside the ruins of the city, a man and a woman with black blindfolds were running towards the distant city, and a square drone was following them.

The two moved swiftly and powerfully. The tall woman was wearing a black Gothic-style short skirt and black long boots, but she could still walk briskly among the rubble. Occasionally, she would jump several meters high. There were two swords, one large and one small, suspended in an arc of light behind her.

The swift movement allowed the two to quickly reach the city. At this moment, they heard the sound of laughter and the unique click of mechanical life when it moved.

The efficient and sensitive radio system allowed them to hear other sounds that were not in the normal range, laughing and talking in some completely inaudible language.

Just as the two approached the direction where the sound came from, the laughter stopped, followed by a burst of dense gunfire.

Then, the two climbed over the rubble and were immediately surrounded and locked by dozens of gun muzzles and dense drones that were originally hidden in the ruins of the building.

2B and 9S, who entered the trap, almost immediately took out their weapons and confronted these strange humanoids. The rotorless drones made no sound when flying. If you didn't see them with your naked eyes, you couldn't even know their existence. The POD drones and combat goggles seemed to have lost their function.

The two were facing a great enemy, but it was the opponent who took the lead. One of the captains raised his right hand, and the soldiers around him lowered their guns slightly, but the situation was still not optimistic.

2B didn't put down the long sword, she just looked at 9S.

9S stood there like a petrified person, looking at those people, and didn't understand 2B's hint.


"They are not artificial people, nor are they mechanical lifeforms..." 9S gave a vague answer. His tactical goggles and auxiliary robots were reconnaissance type, but he couldn't see through the inner world of these people either.

They encountered creatures that did not appear in the database at all. They were all black and used old-time guns as weapons.

The purpose was unknown, the identity was unknown, and there was no information about these people in the database.

In this situation, they could only try to contact the headquarters, but when they tried to contact, they found that the signal was cut off!

2B didn't expect that 9S couldn't find out the situation of these people either, but because these people took the lead in putting down their guns, she didn't attack rashly.

The humanoid who ordered to stop the attack just now took a few steps forward, his gun was hanging on his body, his hands were not holding weapons, but he gestured with his hands and feet, said a few strange words, and then pointed to the depths of the city.

"Is it... asking us to go inside?" 2B was not sure. Everything she experienced after being created could be found in the database. Today was the first time she encountered something beyond her worldview.

Although the chip would not go on strike, she couldn't make up her mind for a while, not sure whether to follow their instructions.

Soon, more mysterious humanoids appeared around the ruins. Their bodies were all covered with special black cloth, their weapons were guns, and they wore retro full-coverage helmets on their heads, making it difficult to see their faces.

These androids may also be a android resistance army on this barren land?

9S was optimistically guessing, but he was also thinking about how to leave. He didn't want to follow these people to where they were going. It was too unsafe unless the headquarters of the YoRHa unit gave instructions.

Just a glance, 2B understood what 9S meant.



The two stepped on the ground at the same time and ran from where they were in the direction they came from.

As soon as they jumped into the air, two beams of light shone on the two people in the air, imprisoning them in the air.

2B and 9S were startled, and then activated the flashing device. After the body was covered with a layer of golden light, they reappeared on the ground and continued to run wildly outside.

The soldiers chasing behind looked at the two figures with exaggerated speed, raised their guns and then put them down. The dense drones passed through their heads and chased the two natives.

The two warships were also chasing in the sky, recording and calculating the physical data of the two people.

Then they found that the two people might not be human either. There was energy reaction in their bodies, and there was no constant temperature. From the perspective of thermal sensing, the heat source feedback map on the bodies of a man and a woman was only darker in the heart area.

They might be self-aware robots, perhaps they came to investigate the reason why the mechanical beast opened fire. They had planned to invite them to the camp to try to communicate, but they didn't expect that they would choose to escape.

They had obviously put down their guns, but if there was still such a misunderstanding, they would have to be arrested first!

Dong Dong Dong!

The Flying Fish destroyer accelerated across the sky and launched more than a dozen delivery pods to the ground. More than a dozen super soldiers walked out of the shell after landing and made an interception gesture.

The exaggerated armor and huge body did not bring much oppression to the two people who were running away. After looking back at the dense drones behind them, the two decisively took out their weapons and planned to kill out of the encirclement of super soldiers!

The two sides collided, and 2B sprinted forward with a giant sword, trying to knock these interceptors away.


The super soldier raised his hand and blocked the giant sword's sweep with his forearm, and there was a loud explosion at the collision.

Not only 2B was surprised, but even the super soldier stumbled two steps before releasing the force, and was shocked.

This thin and weak woman actually has such great strength!

The other super soldiers were not idle and rushed forward.

2B and 9S resisted fiercely, but in the end they were overwhelmed by the huge men and could not lift their heads at all. They were equipped with EMP devices and dischargers, which restricted the physical activities of the two robots, and were taken to two different Flying Fish destroyers. interrogated separately.

The two drones were also forcibly shut down and stuffed into boxes. After the peaceful diplomacy is completed, these things will be returned to the two of them.

Got caught…

The black tactical goggles covering 2B's eyes were taken off, revealing a pair of blue eyes. Her eyes were large, and the skin on her face was smooth and fair. Her appearance was like a perfect assembly, but it was too perfect. It's an unnatural feeling.

The tractor beam brought 2B and the super soldiers escorting her to the top of the battleship. After being separated from her companions, 2B calmed down and had time to observe these mysterious android troops.

The advanced battleships and powerful military power have a special style that neither mechanical life nor aliens have. The fact that they did not kill her and 9S proves that they are not hostile units.

When she passed through the disinfection room and entered the lounge of the spacecraft, the person in front of her caused 2B's brain to shut down.

People... can be said to be real people of flesh and blood!

The tactical eyepiece is only an external device to assist the combat doll in combat. Without the tactical eyepiece, 2B can still observe things through the built-in detector.

In her eyes, language experts who are not wearing armor and carrying technological equipment are real, complete and living people, human beings!

The eyes are so real, the expression is so natural, the hot breath is full of life, and the whole body, even the clothes, look like the styles you can see in documentaries.

The detectors that distinguish between mechanical life and normal humans have not found any flaws in them. All external manifestations point to the answer that they are humans!

In a daze, 2B glanced at the appearance of every human sitting behind the long table. She couldn't help but ask: "Humans... Excuse me, are you humans?"

There was a vibrato in her voice, and she subconsciously wanted to touch her breasts and salute, or kneel on the ground to offer her loyalty to the Creator.

In his heart, 2B had already determined that these people in front of him were human beings. The protected objects he had longed to see countless times actually appeared in front of him!

It's as if loyalty has a home and the believer has found God, and the desire to believe that has lasted for thousands of years has pulled her will into the abyss.

The experts stood up and greeted each other with smiles, but when they saw the girl in front of them who had been confirmed to have the ability to think, tears fell from her eyes. They were all dumbfounded. Can a robot still cry?

I thought it was outrageous to make a young and beautiful girl and a young lady with tender skin and tender flesh, but they also added a crying function. What were the producers thinking?

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