Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 384 Luojia Resources Company

If all the demons in hell were hiding, hell would still be very empty, and much emptier than the earth.

After humans successfully demonstrated their strength in the continuous attacks of demons, hell, which believed in the law of the jungle, temporarily stopped its efforts and prepared to compete for the demon leader and then gather a 10 billion demon army to flatten the Shadow Plain.

The vast Shadow Plain has now completely become the territory of humans. The number of demons has dropped to the point where only one demon appears every 50 square meters and is still decreasing at a very fast rate. The newly built demon factory soon found that there was no new labor.

Most of the human military forces have changed from capturing demons to finding plane channels connecting to other worlds, but they have ignored the benefits of demon factories. It was not until the factories were built everywhere that they found that there were no demons working.

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If this continues, this business will be a loss-making business, but the regular troops have to find the plane transmission channel in the vast hell...

Finally, they remembered the special profession that has existed since ancient times, the bounty hunter.

A large number of bounty hunters among ordinary people only need to pay, and each demon sets a price, and they will find ways to capture a large number of demons for money.

At the moment when no one is short of money, they are just a special professional group who enjoys the pleasure of hunting, and their enthusiasm and professionalism have become stronger.

At the routine meeting, when a federal representative proposed to let bounty hunters enter hell, the vote was quickly passed, but there are still many rules.

When bounty hunters enter hell through the dimensional lasso, they must appear in a specific location, carry a positioning device and an emergency escape device, and the money to build these devices is shared by the various federations of the plane joint organization.

When bounty hunters want to return to their original world, they need to undergo strict screening to ensure that they do not carry anything related to hell.

These are reasonable and necessary requirements. Bounty hunters always have a lot of thoughts and are prone to causing some big things in hell that are beyond their imagination.

If you don't search for the weird events that have occurred in history, no normal person can think of them. There is also the stupidest way to die in the world, which is simply a black hole product beyond the limit of human imagination.

They can't predict what will happen if a group of free-moving people run around in hell, so they must be prepared before opening the bounty hunter channel.

The lifespan of a little demon is close to infinite, but according to the maximum working time, it can only work for 50 years. Each little demon can produce 90,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity each year. Now the unified electricity price of the plane union organization is 1 kWh of electricity for 2 federal credit currencies. The value of a little demon that can be produced each year is 18,000 federal currencies.

After deducting the security service fees and emergency rescue services provided by the federation for bounty hunters, the price of a little demon is 8,000 federal currencies.

The value of the Hell Destroyer is 6 times that of the Little Demon, and the most valuable Gluttonous Demon is 20 times that of the Little Demon. The price is determined according to the different multiples of the Little Demon's price.

This money is enough to cheer the bounty hunters, and they can also issue a bounty task to find a plane channel, with a bounty of 100 million.

After the meeting, the plan was quickly finalized, and the engineering team assigned some people to start building a bounty hunter hall.

The demons were still unaware of this and were still lurking in every corner of hell waiting for an opportunity to move.

Finally, the bounty hunter hall was established, and the first batch of bounty hunters who actively responded to the call were basically retired and re-employed killers from the killer world.

These killers who were used to fighting in the steel jungle were imprisoned for murder. After 10 to 20 years of labor reform, they suddenly found that the world had become something they didn't recognize when they came out of prison. Because they had a criminal record, they spent a lot of time and money to keep up with the times.

So this group of killers are also the most money-starved group in the new world. After seeing the official recruitment notice for bounty hunters, they instantly called friends and did their old business like the New Year.

Every killer with a name and surname is an expert in assassination and fighting. They have fought for many years in the battlefield of killers and have not died. The professional killers who can wait for the trial of the group are all very skilled.

Their property was confiscated. If they want to inject T-type enhanced serum to become new humans, they must pay a lot of money. Loans are the only channel. Before paying off the money, their names are still on the list of dishonest persons. They cannot do a lot of professional jobs and can only do some relatively low-end jobs.

It is estimated that it will take decades to pay off the loan with the money earned from those jobs.

And now this bounty hunter job... only needs to capture 6,000 little demons to pay off the loan, which is much faster than working!

A large number of bounty hunters entered hell and worked hard. They wore watches made of lasso devices and terminals, which had team information, money already earned, and deduction items map navigation and other functions to help them better move in hell.

Hell is no longer just a hell for demons. At least on this wild plain, there is a group of unruly bounty hunters wandering around.

Giving the task of capturing demons to bounty hunters is indeed more efficient than military soldiers who follow rules and regulations. Those who want to make money or want to release their nature through hunting will come up with various ways to capture demons.

Human beings are the top hunters in the earth's ecosystem. They who can use tools are better than the beasts who act based on instinct.

Demons are actually beings that have been tortured to the point of losing their souls. People who have lost their souls, even if they were intelligent beings before, are now as weak as a wild beast.

IQ is weak!

After initial testing and gradual familiarity with the capture, as well as various information exchanges during the break, the bounty hunter quickly found the different methods needed to capture different demons, and also summarized the best tools.

"Those who have the conditions can modify a crawler prison vehicle. The volume must be large enough and the intensity can be lower, but the volume must be large! I say it again, the volume must be large!"

The normally noisy hunter bar is now very quiet because this month's gold medal hunter drank too much and is imparting the hunting skills he has summarized.

The drunken gold medal hunter was a dark-skinned strong man with a fierce face. He poured high-strength alcohol into his mouth until the drink flowed from his neck. Then he continued: "You know the triangle trade, people in the past would The captured black slaves were stuffed into three layers inside the cabin. It was normal to stuff two or three people into one square meter. As for the devil, hey! Cutting off both legs would work anyway, so just put them away after catching them. Cut off the legs!"

"Oh~ it's so hellish! John, you are the devil!"


"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Shut up and continue to listen to me!" The strong black man grinned with all his white teeth and continued talking, "When you go out, you should bring a few plastic plates in the carriage and wait for those demons who cut off legs to pile them up. Okay, just press a board to the top, and you can hold 200 little devils in one carriage! Hahahaha! If you encounter the gluttonous devil, you will make a fortune. If you cover it with a board, you won't be afraid that the fat old devil will eat it!"

Everyone suddenly realized that it really takes an educated person to make big money.

Soon someone started to draw inferences and listed many ways to store demons. Some said they were packed in sacks and hung on the trailer, and some said they were strung together with a few steel bars...

Finally, an Indian-American man drew a picture. All the little devils tied with their hands were hung on the carriage. High-value hell destroyers and gluttonous demons were stuffed into the carriage, with three layers inside and three outside. Calculate Maximum load bearing and safety.

He said that he was looking for someone to cooperate with him to explore resource points, and then he put temporary railway tracks in places where there were many demons, preparing to build a hell train in hell with people who wanted to make money.

The most profitable things are all about scale. Since the demand for demons is unlimited and the energy produced can be sold, it is very reasonable for them to scale up!

Smart people thought it was reasonable, and everyone in the tavern who was a little drunk raised their hands to express their willingness to join.

As soon as the information was collected, Brother Asan recruited more than 200 bounty hunters to find a way out the next day. In less than a week, the loan preparations were completed, the vehicles and equipment were all available, and all that was left was a place where demons would gather!

After driving and searching on the Shadow Plains, they finally discovered that they could only find the place where demons gathered outside the Shadow Plains, and they had to bypass the large craters created by nuclear bombs.

Finally, they found such a place east of the Shadow Plains.

After leaving the plain, I encountered a stone forest. Beyond the stone forest was a basin where many demons gathered. There were a few plants at the bottom of the basin and a dark river.

According to popular science, the water in that river is black blood and has no value.

The only valuable ones are the demons having fun next to the Black Blood River. The basin is very large and there are many demons. If you count them, there are at least several thousand of them. There are all kinds of demons. Among the valuable demons, the most are little demons, and there are more than twenty of them. Gluttonous demons, and quite a few hell destroyers.


The person who discovered this place immediately notified everyone from the newly established "Luojia Resources Company" and asked them to bring all the guys closer to this place.

A group of people who received the news were rushing to the basin with their guys. Except for those with command, the other demons were not very aggressive towards humans. They would not even take the initiative to attack weak beings like humans because they Killing each other all the time.

Fighting with each other, and occasionally killing people, this vicious incident must be stopped!

In order to maintain the peace and stability of hell, Brother Asan rushed to the scene with 200 backbone members of Luojia Resources Company.

Just when they wanted to stop the fight, they discovered to their embarrassment that there were too many demons and too few of them, making it difficult for them to attack.

In order to maximize profits, it is best to capture every valuable demon alive. Obviously this is unlikely. Demons are also aggressive towards humans and cannot be manipulated at will like chickens.

In the end, they came up with a way to accurately kill the worthless demons first, and then cover and bomb them with spider silk bombs, cleaning them up bit by bit from the outside.

30 people were sent back to camp to transport spider silk bombs, and the remaining people began to install silencers on their firearms, occupying a large number of commanding heights in the basin, and beheaded the fighting demons below.

Hush, hush, bullets flying around, the demons in the underground were playing happily, and they didn't realize that the people above were harvesting with a smile. They even competed to see who could kill more without being discovered, and the one who was discovered was eliminated.

Soon after, a convoy of crawler transport vehicles arrived, and the people above kept throwing spider silk bombs into the basin.

At this time, the demons below all found that someone was attacking from above, and they all rushed up with a howl, but it was too late to go up now. The sticky spider silk was connected to the ground, dragging these powerful demons and making them unable to move. Those with wings that were lucky enough not to be stuck were soon shot through the wings by bullets and fell on the spider silk and couldn't get up.

When it was time to harvest, Ah San led his men to approach carefully, starting from the periphery, and caught the valuable demons one by one, cutting off their legs. The wings of the small demons would also be cut off, leaving them helpless and furious in the knots.

After they were packed, they were sent to the carriages and stacked together, one layer on top of another, so that they could not use their strength or struggle.

The high-value gluttonous demons would be treated with caution, and their stomachs would be deflated with a syringe. When the risk of them exploding was reduced, they could be stuffed into the carriages, and more than a dozen small demons would be pressed on their shoulders, filling all the positions.

The Hell Destroyer was chopped off to the point where only a head was left, and the right hand that emitted energy was tied to the chin. As long as it still had instincts, it would not move around, after all, if it moved, it would die.

The Hell Destroyer was treated better, at least there would be a shelf in the carriage where they were loaded. Once they were stuffed into the shelf, they were trapped by the shelf and could not get out even if they wanted to struggle.

Loading one carriage after another, 30 transport vehicles could not finish loading, and the remaining little demons had their hands tied and hung on the carriages. It was inevitable that there was not enough space, so these demons could only bear the hardship.

This trip was a huge harvest, and more than 200 people returned with a simple smile like an old farmer. After selling these demons to the factory, Brother San received a lot of money. He took some more for himself, and then divided the rest of the money equally.

Although it was not very fair, at least they all made money, and it was much more than what they made working alone.

That basin can be a key development target. The demon corpses that have not been transported back will soon be attracted by the demons that smell the smell, just like nutrients for growth, allowing a new batch of leeks to thrive, and then repeat the situation that has happened in the basin before.

Killing each other, being captured, and the money goes into the pockets of the people in Luojia Resources Company. Those with higher status get more, and those with lower status get less.

The efficiency of large-scale production is different. One trip can earn dozens of days of income.

Those killers who are carrying loans see that their peers make money so easily, and they follow suit.

Hell has completely become a breeding ground for bounty hunters. The broken demon limbs are piled up into a mountain, attracting more ignorant demons to approach, but they don’t know that the train of hell is running on their heads, sending car after car of demons to sweatshops.

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