Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 46: Display

The opening ceremony of the New Century was even more lively than the streets of Christmas. There were not only people who came to join in the fun, but also a large group of reporters watching the live broadcast.

As 20:00 approached, the atmosphere in the venue became increasingly heated, and people began to flock to the central square.

In the central square of Raccoon City, colorful lights were hung high, and the people were noisy, waiting for the various high-tech exhibits that would be displayed at the opening event of the Umbrella Company.

As the time approached, the TV stations that had settled in Raccoon City early had also started live broadcasts in designated locations.

At 19:30, staff wearing armbands with the Umbrella logo entered the venue to rectify the order on the scene.

At 19:45, the order was rectified. The citizens who could appear here were all people who had surrendered their guns and voluntarily accepted inspections. They were of good overall quality and did not resist abiding by the rules.

At 19:59, a soothing piece of music was played from the loudspeakers hidden on the street lights around the square.

At the same time, four small aircraft flew out from the buildings around the square, emitting a light blue light and flying around the heads of the citizens. With the stereo sound effects played by the loudspeakers, the messy scene could also notice these small aircraft.

The citizens followed the movement of the small aircraft with surprised eyes. Although they felt it was magical, a small flying thing did not attract much attention from them.

Only some people noticed that these four aircraft did not have propellers, and stared at them intently. [6][9][s][h][u][x][.][c][o][m]

After circling for a minute, the four small round aircraft came to the white cloth covered by the giant holographic image GG sign. The time was exactly 8 o'clock in the evening.

The white cloth was hooked by the four small aircraft, and the white curtain flew high into the sky. The giant holographic image GG sign hidden under the white cloth was revealed to all the citizens.

The holographic GG sign is a metal disc one meter high and three meters in diameter. Its surface is covered with various precise splicing decorations. Small blue light strips connect the nodes one by one, making the disc full of people's imagination of future creations.

Even if these are just decorations and the lights are just to attract attention, it does not prevent citizens from exclaiming at the appearance of the holographic GG sign.


A crisp metal collision sound rang out, and the holographic image was running. Ten meters in the air in the center of the square, the red and white umbrella-shaped logo of the umbrella was projected, which immediately caused screams and cheers from the citizens.

The logo suspended in the air rotated twice and disappeared, and then a square block appeared on the holographic screen.

The four sides of the block were screens, and on the screen was Duncan's little man. He walked inside, and the camera also moved with his footsteps.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the opening ceremony of the new century!"

Duncan spoke the opening remarks of the opening ceremony on the screen, and then smiled and said: "In the past, our technology has been constantly innovating and developing. Over the past hundreds of years, we have experienced the first industrial revolution and the second industrial revolution.

In modern times, we are experiencing the third industrial revolution brought about by atomic energy, electronic computers, space technology, bioengineering and other technologies."

As Duncan began to speak on the holographic screen, the noisy citizens gradually quieted down.

"The third industrial revolution has brought not only a better life to mankind, but also more abundant entertainment products and more information exchanges... Without leaving home, you can see the scenery of all parts of the world from the ocean of the Internet! The convenience brought to our lives by the third industrial revolution is so much that it can be ignored at any time, but it has also brought some subtle impacts to the world."

The square projection disappeared, replaced by a Middle Eastern woman with messy hair, holding a little girl and slumped behind a wall full of single holes.

Because holographic imaging technology is used, the woman and the little girl outside the screen are three-dimensional. The screen rotates in a circle, and the screen gradually shrinks according to the principle of near big and far small, revealing the soldiers who are exchanging fire behind the wall and the militants wearing headscarves who have no equipment except a gun.

The screen is not frozen, but played in slow motion.

After the effect of the bullet being fired is slowed down, it is extremely realistic and shocking under the presentation of holographic imaging technology. The difficult expression and confused eyes on the soldier's face are moving, and the tears and fear in the eyes of the militants are even more uneasy.

The bullet penetrates the militants, and the blood sprayed on the ground.

The screen disappears, and the square screen reappears.

"The unfairness of resources and endless greed have caused a lot of killings. You are lucky because war has not disappeared from this world so far. You are in a relatively peaceful place."

Duncan's expression became extremely serious at this time. "It is undeniable that Umbrella Corporation is also a beneficiary of the war. The company's military industry department provides a lot of weapons and medicines for the soldiers, but this is definitely not the original intention of the establishment of Umbrella."

In a high-rise building around the square, Duncan himself stood behind the window, with Buck and his men, and the spy who had just been captured.

William and Janice looked at Duncan, who stood straight with his back and stared at the square without blinking. The smile on the latter's face made people unable to see any abnormal emotions.

Admitting that the company made a profit from the war and mocking some capital for provoking wars abroad in disguise is somewhat bold. This is obviously to challenge global capital!

How bold, how courageous!

Should Umbrella be called arrogant or confident?

In the square, the pre-recorded program is still playing.

"The original intention of Umbrella was to make the world free of disease, war, and famine. Our former president, Dr. Isaacs, was even more worried about the future of mankind and tried to find a way to restore the earth's ecology. It's a pity that he died in the Raccoon City crisis..."

Duncan in the holographic image changed his tone and said, "But now! Umbrella has decided to take a completely different path under a series of reform measures. We have formulated many long-term development plans, at the expense of all interests, in order to allow mankind to move towards a more glorious era! The new century is coming, and the fourth industrial revolution will surely be set off by Umbrella Corporation, covering the world, starting from the lofty and beautiful beliefs of mankind, and creating a beautiful and peaceful world!"


The square projection shell was broken by a punch, and Duncan's life-size figure changed from a two-dimensional plane to a three-dimensional solid and appeared in the air. The steps formed by the holographic image guided him to walk down, standing on the holographic image device only one meter high, and pointed to the sky.

Dozens of drones prepared in advance arrived with holographic image components, hovering at the predetermined location, projecting models and text introductions of various technological products for citizens to understand, and each product can shock the crowd.

Duncan's figure on the giant holographic image GG sign disappeared, replaced by a roller-shaped robot on display, with a text introduction below.

[First-generation industrial intelligent robot]

"Flexible joint structure replaces rigid mechanical components, can completely replace human work, controlled by fully intelligent programs, and work efficiency is three times that of manual labor..."

This unique opening ceremony directly demonstrated the strength of the Umbrella Company to the outside world, and was also a warning and counterattack to certain companies.

Tell those companies openly that even if the Umbrella Company does not have an energy market, it will still be resolute.

Duncan is not afraid of their anger. After all, commercial competition is at most secret assassination and stealing of information, and it will not escalate to the point of sending troops to directly wipe out the Umbrella.

In this way, they will never be able to defeat the Umbrella Company, which has absolutely competitive products. The only thing they can do is to accept reality, or accept reality after struggling for a while.

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