Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 54: The Future of Ultron

The operation to destroy Hydra ended after killing Baron Strucker. The Avengers took back Loki's scepter and returned to the top floor of Stark Industries.

They planned to hold a party after the end so that all those involved in the operation could relax.

But before the party started, Tony still had a lot of things to do.

In his subsequent research on Loki's scepter, he successfully docked with the semi-finished robot seen in the Sokovia base and discovered an inhuman wisdom in Loki's scepter.

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It was like an illusory brain, lodged in Loki's scepter, and a blank brain was composed of information units composed of energy alone.

Just like Jarvis, or even a stronger and more complete thinking individual than Jarvis.

Tony, who was alone in the laboratory, stared at the scepter, feeling a little happy, because this inhuman consciousness could be separated from the scepter alone.

This is an intelligence more powerful than Jarvis, just like a living person, it can really make inferences and solve problems, and it is created like a real life.

Picking up an artificial intelligence for free is as happy as picking up a thousand dollars for free.

Now Tony is thinking about how to use this one to solve the anxiety in his heart. How to use it to make it a force to protect the earth and mankind?

The memory of the clones discussed with Banner not long ago resurfaced. The ethical values ​​applied to the lives of clones are no different at this moment. They are all thoughts about an independent thinking individual, which belongs to the problem that will be thought about after eating.

Thinking of this, Tony took a drink and went next door to find Banner.

There is a small room next to the laboratory, in which there are Natasha, Banner, Barton and an Asian woman in white clothes.

She is a Korean scientist Zhao Hailun. Stark Industries has given Dr. Zhao Hailun sufficient financial support, which has enabled her to achieve significant results in the research of nanomolecular technology, and nanomolecular technology has also matured.

The cradle of life is a major achievement in the practical application of nanomolecular technology. It can repair the missing flesh and blood of the human body in a way similar to 3D printing.

Tony also found the latest research direction of the Iron Man suit from the research of nanomolecules, but his focus has shifted now.

After handing drinks to everyone in the treatment room, he put his arm around Banner, who looked like a gentle scholar, and walked towards the laboratory.

"I have been wondering why Baron Strucker is so creative, so I have been analyzing gems..."

Before Tony finished speaking, the two had just walked to the center of the laboratory hall, and then they were attracted by the black armor suspended in the window of the building and stopped.

After hovering outside the window for a while, the armor entered the Stark Building from the place where the plane was placed. Soon after, Duncan, wearing a suit, took off the armor and walked into the laboratory with a smile.

"Hey, I heard that your battle is over, so I came to pick you up."

"Our party will be in a few days. I think it would be more appropriate for you to come then, but forget it..."

Seeing Duncan's reason, Tony rolled his eyes and waved at him.

"Let's take a look at this together. []"

Duncan is also an experiencer of artificial intelligence, and may have some different views on the issue of intelligent life.

Moreover, the thinking mode of people in another world should be different from theirs, and the collision of thoughts may spark inspiration.

"What are you looking at?" Duncan took two steps to Tony's side, like a curious child waiting for a surprise.

No one would not look forward to the surprise of the treasure boy Tony.

He hoped that the next display would be a transport spacecraft that travels between the earth and the moon, so that Umbrella Corporation and Stark Industries can achieve technological breakthroughs.

Tony took out the transparent version and tapped it lightly in the center of the hall, and suddenly the golden data light ball wrapped Banner's body.

"Oh..." Banner stepped back a few steps to let the holographic image display screen.

After seeing the big golden light ball, Duncan's expectations were dashed. He already knew what Tony was going to show, wasn't it Ultron!

"This is Jarvis. He was originally just a natural language interface. Now he is in charge of the mechanical army. He manages more things than anyone else... except Pepper."

Sure enough, after introducing Jarvis, Tony showed the intelligent life in the Mind Stone in the same way.

A blue light ball nearly twice as large as the golden light ball appeared, and the dense data streams and communication signals were like a human brain, shining brightly.

In the eyes of Banner, who knows the business, this picture is like a miraculous life, full of mysterious beauty, and even made him exclaim when he looked at it: "It's so beautiful... It seems to be thinking!"

He walked back and forth beside the light ball, his eyes full of amazement.

Banner's reaction made Tony very satisfied, and then he looked at Duncan again, and found that the latter showed a lack of interest.

After a flash of doubt, Tony understood that Duncan should not know how powerful this thing in front of him is!

He began to point at the big blue ball of light and said to Duncan: "Hey, Duncan, this thing in front of you is real artificial intelligence. It can think exactly like humans, and it is even more powerful than humans. Do you know what this means?"


Duncan was about to say something to Tony when he suddenly fell into thinking again. He slapped his palm and suddenly came back to his senses and said, "I understand, let's train him to be a scientist!"

Originally, he thought that this thing was Ultron and might be out of control, but after thinking about it carefully, the troops!

The evil one is Ultron, not artificial intelligence!

If we turn the artificial intelligence in front of us into a tool, wouldn't we be able to get a super employee? !

Limit its behavior and give it a suitable direction for its efforts, and it can become a scientist who can only produce high-tech products and make outstanding contributions to mankind.


Tony's mind was a little confused, and he understood what Duncan said after carefully considering it, but he still couldn't grasp the point of what Duncan said.

Instead, Banner relied on his vast knowledge reserve to react. After pondering for a moment, he said: "You are talking about making it an all-powerful scientist, capable of controlling a large number of computers, and also possessing super creative abilities... Super mobility and creativity, it seems that it can really be achieved! ”

The more he spoke, the brighter Banner's eyes became, and the more eagerly he looked at the big blue ball of light.

What kind of artificial intelligence is this? This is a super scholar. He only needs to instill and organize a large amount of knowledge into a protocol, and then use it to activate...

Banner has always been trapped by another self in his body. In the early days, he tried to find a cure so that he would not turn into a big green guy when he got excited.

But during the long period of research and hiding, he could not find a way to cure Hulk, and gave up in frustration because he realized that it was difficult to complete the research on Hulk by himself.

When looking for other people to help, he couldn't trust him and was afraid of the same situation that had happened before.

But now there is a new helper in front of us, a robot that is smart enough, infinitely knowledgeable, creative, and will not cause harm to people.

To bring a creative helper to mankind, one person can be the equal of tens of millions of people... Who can resist such a temptation!

After Tony listened to Banner's words, his cerebral cortex discharged directly, making his whole body numb.

This...why didn't he think of such a genius idea?

This is a blank soul that allows people to doodle at will...

Seeing that the two of them understood what he meant, Duncan also smiled heartily.

The perfect 007 beating worker, he will not get sick or die even if he squeezes hard!

The three of them all looked at the big blue ball of light, already designing gears for its future.

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