Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 63: Umbrella's individual combat system

After seeing Alice, Duncan remembered something he had forgotten. Today he was going to watch the soldiers training!

After tidying up his image, he took a car with Alice to the training ground of the special operations force.

There is an underground shooting range under the indoor training ground of the special operations force, but this underground shooting range was demolished and expanded into a new huge space half a year ago.

This place has become the training ground for the advance team members that Umbrella will send to the other world, and it is also a place to test new equipment.

The first set of holographic virtual reality game system developed by the tool man Ultron was invested here. The main computer room is connected to 200 game helmets. Soldiers need to train in the game for more than 5 hours and in reality for another 6 hours.

Generally, physical training is carried out in the morning, game training in the afternoon, and gun training in the evening.

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Studying theoretical knowledge on Saturdays and Sundays, day after day, has been repeated for four months.

Most of the time, it was a two-hundred-person competition, and occasionally there would be war dungeons, fighting robots, zombies, and ugly alien creatures.

Among these two hundred people, one hundred of them were elite clone soldiers who had survived half a year of training in third world countries.

The other one hundred were ordinary people who had received rigorous training, temporarily led by retired officers from various places. They all liked the battles in virtual games, which did not require taking risks and could relieve stress. Except for the continuous electric shock that simulated the pain after being shot, which was a bit painful, there was nothing unsatisfactory.

In the hundred-person competition, the clone soldiers who had been instilled with memories and lacked respect for life followed orders more strictly than the trained ordinary people, and they often beat the ordinary soldiers.

The other side was resentful until they learned to use various strange tactics to fight, and this situation of being beaten was alleviated.

The major who served as the instructor and commander of ordinary soldiers has now thrown some of the knowledge he learned in the army into the corners. Under the absolute quality gap, only unexpected thinking can win the war.

This idea was passed on to every ordinary soldier in training through the instructor. This is good. The clones should assist each other with ordinary people to best exert their strength.

The SUV drove into the training ground. After parking the car, Duncan and Alice went underground through the elevator.

The transparent elevator was only covered by the railing. When they fell, they had already seen the overall situation of the training ground.

The underground training ground is divided into two floors. The second floor is the weapon testing area, and the first floor is the theoretical learning area and the place where the game cabin is stored.

The individual combat system has matured after countless modifications. Duncan came to see this, so he went directly to the negative second floor.

The facilities on the negative second floor are very simple. There is a place to store new equipment, and there are two separated spaces, one is a fixed shooting range, and the other larger is a simulation environment.

Ultron copied all the information in the Stark Industries database, including Stark's personal research results. The power exoskeleton is nothing more than castrating most of the functions of the armor and making some minor modifications.

It took less than half a month to make the first set of finished products. Until now, the power exoskeleton has been upgraded to version 5.

Due to the different needs brought by the use environment, the power exoskeleton is only used as a plug-in. When equipped, it needs to be installed in different combat uniforms to play a good effect.

Moreover, it is not possible to wear the power exoskeleton directly outside the body. If it is hit by a bullet or hit violently, it may not be used without a buffer.

Ultron gave three options when manufacturing: making mechanical units to assist human soldiers in combat, and not developing power exoskeletons.

Use a not-too-outrageous version of the full-body armor, full-body protection, and can fly.

Cover the power exoskeleton with two layers of fiber, add bulletproof inserts and shock-absorbing inserts, and after use, it is similar to ordinary soldiers wearing heavy bulletproof vests, and the whole person will appear particularly bloated.

Duncan asked military experts and hired instructors to discuss and finally finalized the third plan because the third plan was very stable, low-cost, suitable for large-scale deployment, and they could afford it.

After the plan was determined, after careful design and modification, there were only two types of powered exoskeleton suits on the table, the unnamed bulletproof suit and the flight suit.

The bulletproof suit is to wrap the exoskeleton in the combat uniform with the highest bulletproof level. The metal parts are all covered with chemical fiber fabrics, and the limbs and chest and abdomen of the combat uniform are filled with a large number of bulletproof plugs.

Driven by the powered exoskeleton, the overall weight of the plug can be borne by ordinary people, and the flexibility is similar to that of wearing the full-equipped interceptor bulletproof vest of the US military's active ⅢA level.

The overall suit looks very wide and heavy. After wearing it, it is like a child wearing adult clothes, and the head will be smaller in comparison.

However, after removing the plug and tightening the inner rope, the clothes will become fit, and after the exoskeleton energy is exhausted, the weight can be removed for flexible combat.

Duncan wants to promote the bulletproof model because the protection level of this equipment is very high. Only those who survive can output. The bulletproof suit works best in complex environments.

The battery of the power exoskeleton can support them in continuous combat for about 72 hours. When they are on the move, they can carry a few more batteries to fight for more than a week. With the power supply of the small Ark reactor on the drone, there is no problem in fighting for more than ten days.

In addition to the bulletproof suit, there is also a flight suit.

The flight suit is a flight device for Hydra soldiers who have been slightly castrated. Anti-gravity devices are installed on the chest, back and legs. The protection level is not as high as the bulletproof suit because of the added flight device.

The moving speed of this equipment is very impressive. It is equipped on snipers who need to move positions at any time, making it easier to escape when being chased.

The drones in the individual combat system are connected to the exoskeleton, and each person has one. The appearance and function of the drones are designed by designers from the military industry department of the Umbrella Corporation.

They had a heated discussion on the issue of size. Some designers said that the role of drones only needs to be reconnaissance and locking the enemy, and the smaller the size, the better.

Some designers also said that the load of drones can provide soldiers with more ammunition, and when necessary, drones can also take land soldiers to overcome obstacles, so the size must be large.

The two sides had a heated discussion, and the final result was that they wanted all of them.

Different types of drones are made according to the positioning of soldiers, such as locking the enemy, assassination, assault, transportation, and medical treatment.

In the simulated environment, a five-man team is conducting a simulated battle in an obstacle.

Duncan and Alice came to the observation room and observed the soldiers' performance through the camera on the ceiling.

Five soldiers, four of whom wore bulletproof suits and one wore a flight suit.

Their weapons are also different, and the bags they carry are also different.

Scouts, assaulters, firepower, medics, snipers.

The scouts, assaulters, and medics are holding new assault rifles independently developed by Umbrella Corporation, and the firepower is using the Belgian M249 Minimi light machine gun, which is a general-purpose machine gun used by the US military.

The weight of 5 kilograms is not heavy in the hand after putting on the power exoskeleton, and it does not feel tiring to hold the gun and move slowly.

The remaining snipers also use sniper rifles independently developed by Umbrella Corporation. The team needs more firepower for combat, so no sniper rifles with higher power and accuracy are used.

The five-man team formed a formation and moved through the obstacles. The sniper was at the back of the team, together with the half-man-sized load-carrying and medical drones.

The remaining three drones circled around, and the reconnaissance drone directly used thermal sensing and infrared scanning to find the target in advance.

Before the hidden target walked out from behind the obstacle, the grenade had already rolled over, a red light flashed, and the dummy fell to the ground.

Then dummies appeared from all directions, and the infrared sensor kept flashing. The red dots shining on the bodies of several people meant that they were shot.

The five soldiers faced the concentrated fire attack of the four-panel house dummies. The guns in their hands fired continuously, covering each other and dispersing. The drones hovering in the sky opened the launch port and fired a large number of micro missiles at the targets that appeared.

The micro missiles did not explode after hitting the dummies. From completing the reconnaissance to ending the battle, it took no more than 2 seconds. The red dots of the family members did not shine on many people. At most, when all the enemies appeared, they were a little flustered.

However, with the support of the micro-missiles carried by the drone, there is still a high probability of escaping when under siege.

The test was quite successful.

Duncan didn't know what needed to be improved. These tasks were the commanders and the people in the weapons department.

He just came to watch the fun and asked the instructor about the training situation. He wanted to know whether the first two hundred people who received training could perform new exploration tasks?

The door to the new world had been opened a few days ago. Duncan saw only a dense forest through the portal. The portal was one-way before solidification. Unless Duncan went directly, people who had completely left the biochemical crisis world could return.

He didn't do this. He only threw a few drones into that world. A deeper exploration would have to wait until all the equipment was ready.

Because through the multi-angle images of the portal, Duncan saw the stones suspended in the air and various strange animals and plants, which did not look like the parallel world Earth at all.

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