Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 66: Arrival in the New World

The soldiers have assembled at the Delta Research Base. After arranging the work for the next two months, Duncan also came here on the Quinjet Alice.

After going underground through the elevator, Duncan came directly to the only completed Tongtian mothership.

A large number of packaged materials were tied on the deck of the mothership, and a large number of industrial robots and humanoid robots shuttled among them, doing the final inspection before departure.

Under the guidance of a humanoid robot, Duncan and Alice came to the command room of the Tongtian mothership, which was located at the bottom of the Tongtian mothership, adjacent to the power room.

There was only one person here at this time...

Ultron should be considered a person. He has wisdom and emotions. Occasionally, he will hold a book and control himself to think deeply instead of copying answers from the database.

This behavior is very strange. Although he can scan the text at a glance, Ultron is happy to read it carefully and distractedly control a large number of robots to participate in construction activities.

"Ultron, are you ready?"

Ultron is looking forward to this trip, and Duncan is also looking forward to it.

They had been doing preliminary exploration of another world a few days ago, and a temporary pathfinder calculated the air composition of the other world.

The air is full of ammonia, methane, and chlorine. It is also very simple for humans to survive in that world. They only need to wear a simple respirator.

For this purpose, the air circulation system of the Tongtian aircraft carrier was temporarily modified, many breathing masks were made, and the robots left in that world were recovered by the way.

The drones that were released earlier have disappeared. There is a magnetic field vortex in the area where they landed. Wireless devices can only be used within a short distance, which will have some impact on some unmanned equipment.

Ultron, who was leaning on the sofa, was still flipping through the Bible in his hand page by page. He knew that Duncan had come but did not look up. He responded: "It was prepared four days ago. Now we are just stuffing as much as possible into the ship."

Duncan nodded and said: "Okay, let's go."


Ultron finally raised his head from the book and imitated human behavior.


A planet that is very different from the earth, with resources that make people salivate, of course Duncan's heart will be excited.

Every world has a lot of development value, even a cloned Earth.

The situation of Umbrella Corporation in this world is becoming more and more delicate. A large number of spies have infiltrated the company, and satellites are also research institutes and bases that keep an eye on Umbrella Corporation 24 hours a day.

Many people in the private sector have already regarded Umbrella Corporation as the new Lacu, and some have exaggerated military threats.

After the large space launch center on the edge of Lincoln City is built, it may be time for those people to pick peaches.

If you are one step faster, you will be entangled, if you are ten steps faster, you will be chased, and only if you are a hundred steps faster can you dispel the opponent's idea of ​​fighting desperately.


Beep beep!

The shrill alarm sounded rampant in the underground base.

In the hot gym of the Tongtian aircraft carrier, a large group of muscular men were exercising. After hearing the shrill alarm outside, they stopped their movements.

"Everyone gather in the war preparation room!!!"

Major General Noyce was also in the gym. When he heard the alarm, he immediately put the barbell back in place, wiped the sweat with a towel, and ran outside while yelling.

The bare-breasted soldiers came to their senses, swarmed out of the gym, and soon arrived at the combat readiness room. With the help of a small mechanical arm, they put on a powered exoskeleton bulletproof suit named Guardian.

Major General Noyce put on a Guardian suit that was similar but different in appearance.

After finishing the dress, without any mobilization, the two hundred people were dispersed to various key points of the aircraft carrier. At present, their job is only to guard the gate and protect the scientists who are shrinking in the laboratory.

Ultron deployed two thousand mechanical units in the Tongtian mothership, of which five hundred are combat robots. Five hundred combat robots plus various guided weapons on the Tongtian mothership are enough to protect the aircraft carrier.

The role of the soldiers is more to explore the terrain and collect the materials needed by the scientists. If there are native races in the new world, they are also responsible for negotiation and confrontation.

The existence of the electromagnetic vortex makes Ultron lose the ability to command operations remotely, at least within the range of the electromagnetic vortex. In fact, mechanical units also have many disadvantages.

If they encounter a civilization with a higher technological level than them, the wirelessly connected mechanical units will easily be cut off from the signal or forced to shut down.


The sound of the anti-gravity engine starting up was barely audible in the command room. Duncan and Ultron stared ahead together. The screen composed of holographic images showed a deep track in front of the Babel mothership that had not yet been completed.

Standing in the command room and looking at the screen, it would feel like sailing a ship, but this ship was going to fly in the sky.

"Da!" Duncan slowly snapped his fingers, and the conveyor track that could fit a Babel mothership began to ripple. The lake-like ripples gradually spread, slowly took on color, and gradually gathered into a picture of a forest.

"Hmm..." After staring at this scene for a long time, Ultron made an incomprehensible sound. He still didn't understand the operating principle of the portal, and his blue electronic eyes were full of exploration.

The Babel mothership slowly floated up, and the mechanical arm was disconnected.

The engine at the tail ejected high temperature orange and yellow, pushing the giant aircraft carrier to slowly merge into the ripples in front.

It was like fingers passing through bubbles, and the process of passing through the portal was extremely smooth.

The portal appeared on the forest surface, following the rules of point-to-point transmission.

The bottom of the Tongtian aircraft carrier collided and rubbed against the trees, and the huge aircraft carrier hit the giant tree directly. The ten-meter-wide giant tree was as fragile as a piece of tofu in front of the aircraft carrier weighing 100,000 tons.

The crushed wood chips flew everywhere, and the smoke and dust rolled up. The movement of the Tongtian mothership broke the tranquility of the area, and the birds hidden between the trees were frightened and fled.

Ultron controlled the high-speed camera to shoot the figures of those birds, and then enlarged them and projected them on the screen. The life struggling for survival can often burst out with primitive beauty.

No matter how embarrassed, it did not prevent Duncan, Ultron and Alice from appreciating the beauty of these strange lives.

"Their respiratory tract is actually on the neck... Very interesting!" The fleeing birds were too strange in appearance, and the robot Ultron couldn't help but sigh at the magic of the universe.

The biological structure is completely different from the life on Earth. Even ordinary people will be very surprised when they see it for the first time!

"To be honest, it is true!"

Duncan was dazzled by the magical birds in the other world. Their hairless bodies could fly as lightly as birds.

Besides feeling magical, they also felt a little familiar. I couldn't remember why...

Two minutes later, the Tongtian mothership completely arrived in the new world from the other side of the portal.

They didn't think of stopping there directly. After rising to a high altitude, they activated the stealth system, and the huge figure of the aircraft carrier slowly disappeared in the air.

When the huge aircraft carrier rose to an altitude of 1,200 meters, the martial law of the Tongtian mothership was lifted.

Four standard team members came to the deck and took eight clone pilots to board four Quinjets respectively.

The first task in the new world was to fly all over the east, south, west and north to find out whether there were civilized races on this planet.

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