Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 7: Unexpected Disaster

After moving a truckload of supplies to the warehouse, Duncan asked the truck driver and the helicopter to go back, leaving only the members of the three teams. →

The seven people from the three teams lined up in front of Duncan and on the left and right sides, waiting for Duncan's order.

Except for the security team where Buck was, the members of the other two teams didn't know what to do next.

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The seven members of the special operations team had no feelings. Even if they were sent to die, they would do it.

The seven members of the biological disaster countermeasures team were more confused. What mission was it to send a truckload of weapons and ammunition to this warehouse?

Launch a small-scale terrorist attack?

Facing the biological disaster countermeasures team, Duncan didn't have so many concerns, because most of them were employees trained in the Umbrella orphanage, and they didn't need to worry about whether their families would cry after they died.

Whether he is a saint or not, Duncan has never cared about this kind of Internet brain-dead problem. As long as it is not the "kindness" of a certain small country that destroys people's worldview, he has no objection.

"Next, we are going to carry out a special mission. The mission content is very simple, and there is a high probability that there will be no danger. If you encounter any problems during the mission, you can ask me during the break. You must obey the instructions at other times. Do you understand?" Duncan said solemnly.

"Understood, sir!" *3

The captains of the three teams said in unison, stating their own positions.

Then Duncan didn't waste any words, waved his hand and asked them to get back in the car and prepare to set off to another world.

The current time is 12 noon, and the time in the other world is still unclear. If the flow rate of the two worlds is different, it needs to be calculated.

The coordinates of the door to the world can be set. The first time it is opened is a random location, but after Duncan has entered that world, he can set a round-trip passage to the place he wants to go.

When he pulled Buck and the other four away just now, he had already set the coordinates of the door on the road where they appeared, and they could drive directly from that road to leave.

The open space outside the rented warehouse was wide enough, and six cars were lined up in a row. The two cars in the front were driven by members of the special operations team, the two in the middle were driven by Duncan and the security team, and the last was the biological disaster countermeasure team.

Duncan was a little nervous. Although he had tried it once, the dreamlike shuttle still made people a little excited.

"Let's go!"

The illusory door was attached to the warehouse door, and a space like a "mirror" was attached to the front. Even the clones of the special operations team who had no emotions had a brief brain crash when they saw such a magical scene.

But soon, the obedience recorded in their genes drove them to start the car and slowly drive into the door.

"My God... It's true!"

A security team member who had only heard of but never seen the world shuttle screamed in the same car with Duncan. After filtering through the gas mask, the strong shock in his voice could not be erased.

Black SUVs passed through the portal one after another, and the two cars behind were sitting in the biological disaster countermeasure team who had never seen the world.

The captain of the team was a black man named James. He sat in the passenger seat and watched the car pass through the portal. Under the gas mask, there was a shock that even the lens could not hide.

He was not sure what this was. A miracle? Some special technology? Space transfer technology?

But after passing through the portal, he knew that this mission might not be that simple!

The feeling of crossing the world was not that bad. With the barrier of the car body, the hot summer temperature in another world could not affect them before getting off the car.

They successfully entered another world. There were no extra vehicles nearby. They were lucky that there would be no car accidents. There were not many pedestrians around, and there were no police as expected. Everything was so perfect this time!

At this moment, a blue bus drove in at the intersection ahead.

When the black umbrella convoy passed by the bus, a burst of fire suddenly appeared on the viaduct in front. A person turned into a cannonball and flew down from the viaduct, piercing the front glass of the bus in front and fell into the car.


The bus driver was frightened by the sudden situation, and he turned the steering wheel violently in a panic, and the bus overturned towards Duncan's team.

"Oh~ Shit!" Snow, who was driving Duncan, saw the overturned bus and swore while turning the steering wheel violently.

It seemed that the bus driver realized that there was a car next to him. At the last moment when the bus fell, he turned the steering wheel again, and the car overturned crookedly beside him, only smashing a rearview mirror of Duncan's car.

The whole team was very nervous about this sudden change, and they all lowered the windows a little bit so that the outside sound could be transmitted into the car, so as to judge the external situation by the sound.

This was terrible. The dense gunfire outside the car made them react instantly, and the sound of guns being loaded continued on the radio.

"Calm down! Don't stop the car, leave here first!" At this time, Duncan was calmer than others. He held the intercom and asked them to leave this place of trouble first.

It was fine when they came here not long ago, why did they encounter a gunfight after arriving here?

The convoy restarted and began to accelerate forward, but things did not end so easily.

They had just entered under the viaduct when an accident occurred again. Another explosion was heard, and a car with fire fell directly from the viaduct to the ground, blocking their way.

It was blocked, but there was a lot of space next to it, and they could go around.

But along with the car, there was also a woman who looked like a diving athlete.

Her brown-red hair was flying in the air, and the woman fell headfirst to the ground. When she fell halfway, she bent down and raised her hands, shooting a hook at the back of the viaduct.

With this hook, the woman landed safely on the front of the leading black SUV, and in a very beautiful half-squatting posture.

Then the convoy stopped again. The four members of the special operations force in the SUV looked at the woman who was half-squatting on the front of the car. The woman who raised her head also looked at the four people sitting in the car, and her expression almost couldn't hold back.

A car full of people, wearing black combat uniforms and bulletproof vests, with gas masks on their faces, and the guns in their hands are obviously fully automatic weapons banned by the public. It is too wrong to appear on the street like this!

It's not a gas leak anywhere, what are you doing dressed like this!

"A civilian appears with a pistol, please give instructions?" The special operations soldier in the co-pilot seat quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and reported the situation to Duncan while the woman on the hood of the car was still in a daze.

Duncan rubbed his eyebrows in the fourth car and shouted: "Don't worry about her, drive!"

After receiving the order, their car will restart and leave.

The woman on the hood of the car also jumped down tactfully and fled frantically.

At this time, another person fell from the viaduct in front of the convoy.

The person who fell this time was different. He was a man with black hair that almost covered his face, half of his face was hidden under the mask, his left hand was a stainless steel texture mechanical arm, and his right hand was holding a full assembly M4A1.

"Sir, there's an armed man ahead, should we kill him?" The soldier in the front passenger seat of the convoy picked up the intercom again.

Being interrupted one after another, Duncan's blood pressure suddenly rose.

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