Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 75: Return

"Jack, what should we do?" A Na'vi man in clothes with small eyebrows and eyes whispered to Jack who was lost in thought beside him.

The low mood of these Na'vi people in front of him made Norman feel great pressure. He was just a scientist studying plants.

Scientists in the free world really only need to concentrate on research. There is no culture of superiors and subordinates, no suppression, unlike some scientific research institutes disguised as groups.

Norman participated in the battle between the Na'vi and humans with passion. He was about to win. The sudden failure not only made the Na'vi depressed, but also made him feel deeply pressured.

These Na'vi people were instigated by them to rebel. Because of their recklessness, they died, which made Norman feel a heavy burden in his heart, and he was a little breathless.

Natalie, who was in a bad mood, snuggled up to Jack. After encountering misfortunes one after another, the heart of this strong Na'vi girl was already broken. At this time, her only support was Jack.

Hearing Norman asking Jack, she straightened up and looked at the silent Jack.

The leaders of other Na'vi tribes also looked at Jack, at the Phantom Knight who lived in the present.

Noticing that others were looking at him, Jack was also anxious. After all, he was just a soldier with a very limited cultural level. He had not yet figured out how to face the Umbrella Company that suddenly appeared.

But now he must give the leaders of each tribe a clear goal to stabilize the people's hearts. If the people's hearts are scattered, the hope for the future will completely disappear.

"The power of the Sky People is too strong. We can't beat them with our current strength, so we have to make changes. We must learn the technology of the Sky People..."

The leaders of each tribe listened silently, and no one refuted.

The stubbornness and conservatism of the Na'vi were shattered by the artillery fire of the Sky People. The leaders of each tribe had to break the tradition and learn how to change for the continuation of the race.

Before completing the accumulation of strength, they must move to a location far away from the Hell Gate Base, abandon the holy land of the Na'vi, and abandon the Soul Tree.

The Soul Tree is too close to the human place, and they have to leave if they want to develop.

It was not words that convinced the Na'vi, but fear.


All the tribal leaders and priests Moat arrived in front of the Soul Tree. Ordinary Na'vi sat cross-legged under the Soul Tree. The consciousness connection wonder Sahelu behind their heads took root in the ground and connected with the tiny green roots on the ground.

The Moat priests danced the sacrificial dance on the stone platform where the Soul Tree grew. They were performing the last sacrificial ceremony.

Jack squatted under the Soul Tree. The Sahelu behind his head was connected to the purple-pink willow branches. He murmured something in his mouth, expressing his suffering and sorrow.

This sacrificial activity was the same as usual. They felt the presence of Yinwa, but it was difficult to get accurate information from Yinwa.

Yinwa seemed to treat all life on Pandora equally. Only the animal army charging a few days ago showed its strong sense of existence.

After the sacrificial ceremony, all the Na'vi looked at the Soul Tree with reluctance and love, and then embarked on an unknown journey. They were going to migrate to areas with richer resources and start developing technology.

Pandora is vast and rich in resources. The Na'vi don't need to work too hard to get food and water. They are very smart, but their last invention is wine.

The environment gave them a reason not to make progress, and the arrival of the sky people made this reason no longer valid.

The mine near the Hell Gate Base was restarted. Most of the people who died in the Hell Gate Base in the previous battle were just soldiers, and there was basically no reduction in the number of miners and factory employees.

After coercion and inducement, the original employees were basically willing to work for the Umbrella Company.

People who came to Pandora from thousands of miles away from their hometown on Earth to work basically have nothing to worry about on Earth, because they come to Pandora to work for ten years.

If they have any worries on Earth, they will definitely go crazy at work.

Hell Gate Base needs more entertainment products to enrich the employees' spiritual brains, and also needs to create a currency system within the Umbrella Corporation to replace the original currency and increase employees' sense of identity with the Umbrella Corporation.

The land around the base was basically flattened, and those tall century-old trees were uprooted and prepared to be transported back to the processing plant in the Resident Evil world to be turned into luxury furniture for sale, without any waste.

After confirming the development value of the Pandora world, Duncan took a large number of clones and ordinary people from the Resident Evil world to Pandora to participate in development activities.

Not many big houses can be built in a few days. Due to limited living environment, the underground armory of the Hell Gate Base was emptied, and the bunk beds were put down to make temporary residences. The Geneva prisoners of war shook their heads when they saw it.

The conditions in the early stage of construction were limited, so this was the only way for the time being.

Duncan transferred a large number of industrial robots from the Resident Evil world to let these metal lumps and excavators quickly clear the trees.

The initial goal is to build a diversified city on Pandora. In the future, Pandora will become a production planet, providing a large amount of materials and equipment for other worlds.

There is nothing to do on Pandora, so Duncan returns to the world of Resident Evil. In addition to Alice, there are Colonel Quark and Parker.

Both are rare talents. Parker is a management talent. He is a little indecisive, but he can manage a closed base in an orderly manner. His ability is still outstanding.

Colonel Quach's ability is a mystery. Duncan intervened to deal with the affairs of Pandora because he saw his character.

He will stay in the training base in Raccoon City for 12 years to provide military education to the soldiers who will enter Pandora. The three scratches on his face were left when he fought with the top predator Thunder Beast on the ground in Pandora. The hideous scars are a kind of merit and can give a strong impact to the recruits.

The four of them soon broke up. Parker and Colonel Quach carried the bank card given by Duncan and their curiosity about another world. They ate, drank and had fun in Raccoon City, venting the pressure accumulated from more than ten years of life on Pandora.

Duncan returned to the Umbrella headquarters building and handled a small amount of work.

His power has basically been decentralized, and most of the affairs will be handled by the company's employees. Only a few uncertain things will be reviewed by Duncan.

After returning to the office, before he could do anything with his personal bodyguard, the newly appointed vice president of Umbrella came to the door and handed over an invitation letter.

This is an invitation letter from the secret garden of the great leader and a few capital tycoons. It clearly states that Duncan is invited to meet on Wall Street to build the future together.

"Help me deal with it."

After reading the content of the letter, Duncan handed the letter to Alice, who stuffed the letter into the shredder beside him.

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