Umbrella Travel to the Heavens

Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Stubborn head

The scabbard is surrounded by the mellow Nine Yang innocent energy, and the emptiness robes are flying with the violent wind blowing, and the puffy beard falls down.

Under the crisis of life and death, he couldn’t help but stand upright, and he was very cautious!

Under these stimuli, the emptiness became a little more sober, and he quickly remedied it.

Turn around with one hand to resist, and with the other hand claws against the wrist, use the moon-fishing style to take the opponent’s neck straight!

Surround Wei and save Zhao!

Hollow conscious fingers are harder than steel, and their finger strength is unmatched. They can destroy soldiers with bare hands and rub stones into powder!

If the opponent doesn’t retreat and give up the offensive this time, he can tear off the opponent’s head alive!

Li Xiu noticed that emptiness was contrived, and a few traces of irony leaked from the corner of his mouth, and he did not act, as if he did not see the claws that emptiness had torn the air against him.

It’s just that the Qiuyang Bodyguard all over his body suddenly flowed rapidly, bringing a gale to Li Xiu’s clothes and hunting.

Li Xiu’s scabbard poked fiercely towards the hollow claws surrounded by inner force.

boom! The violent collision of internal forces!

Looking at the posture, Kong Xing originally wanted to block the blow and grabbed the scabbard with his fingers together.

But before halfway through, Li Xiu’s violent Nine Yang Qi broke open, and his internal strength was fiercely pierced in his palm.

There was a muffled hum, a sharp pain in the heart, rapid and intense!

But the emptiness was aroused by the pain, but his face showed a hideous look. The opponent’s fatal move was blocked by him, and it was too late for the opponent to withdraw the move and then back.

This little beast is finished!

Then, the claw gripped Li Xiu by the emptiness suddenly urged a little internal force.

The fierce internal force wrapped around the claws, and from a distance, it seemed to be twisted and torn the air!

The hollow claws pull out the afterimage and kill Li Xiu in the neck!

But it didn’t get what I wanted, so it stopped abruptly.


The smile on   ’s hollow face instantly solidified, and he only felt his dragon claw hand pierced into a piece of soft iron.

broke open a little bit, and it was like being stuck in the mud, no further advance!

The surprise and horror on his face could not stop Li Xiu from hitting the hollow arm with a blow from his left arm.

The huge force lifted his emptiness and painful arm, Li Xiu stepped forward violently, bumping his shoulders forward, shaking his head like a bull!

After all, emptiness had a long experience with the enemy, so he hurriedly retreated.

escaped a real collision from Li Xiu, but was also smashed by Li Xiu’s Nine Yang Qi, and couldn’t help but retreat!

“Pop!” “Pop!”…

step by step retreat, step by step.

five steps in a row, step by step without stepping on the broken pieces of slate!

The last step is to step through an inch-thick stone slab, and the entire sole of his right foot is plunged into the mud!

bluntly pulled out his feet, and could not wipe off the blood from the corners of his mouth, so he hurriedly made a defensive move with vigilance.

Hollow heart is in great distress, where is the monster that popped up, why is such a young martial arts so tyrannical!

He usually competes with his seniors and knows each other’s level, but it seems that no one in Shaolin can beat him.

While taking precautions, the emptiness turned his head to the junior monk behind him.

“Run! I will hold him and go to find the disciple of Luohantang!”

The junior monk seemed to be shocked by the defeat of Uncle Shi, and only recovered from the anxiety of emptiness.

Before he could respond, he staggered desperately to the Luohantang in the depths of Shaolin.

“Old emptiness, boy, what hate does Shaolin have with you!”

Li Xiu also knew that emptiness was delaying time, but he didn’t panic.

The old monk was wounded by him on one hand and one arm, and he also had martial arts in his hands. If he fights again, Li Xiuneng will take his life in an instant.

The scabbard touched the ground, and Li Xiu slid his sword, so he replied in time.

“No grievances and no grudges, and this is the first time I have seen a Shaolin monk.”

“Since there is no hatred, does the donor want to make a name for Shaolin?”

“I, Shaolin Kong, is willing to bow down to the wind, and I will declare the world in the future, can you retreat now?”

Emptyness is obviously a man who regarded Li Xiu as a great achievement in miraculous power and wanted to step on the world’s number one Shaolin school.

Empty also gave up his face for Shaolin’s safety and gave up to please.

Hearing this, Li Xiu couldn’t help but sneered and shook his head.

Let’s not say that he was not doing this, but he really retreated. Li Xiu dared to make sure that emptiness would never do what he said.

Fortunately, when it comes to Shaolin reputation, these monks can really give up everything.

In the original novel, Zhang Sanfeng went to Shaolin to save Zhang Wuji for Shaolin Jiuyang Gong.

An urgently ill child needs the treatment of Shaolin who is “compassionate” on weekdays, but Shaolin does not live or die.

Zhang Sanfeng said that if he borrowed a Shaolin Jiuyang Gong, he would return Shaolin a complimented Nine Yang Sutra in the future, and he was very grateful.

But Shaolin means: Everyone in the arena knows that Zhang Sanfeng came from Shaolin, and his achievements today are somewhat attributable to Shaolin martial arts.

If this is an exchange, I am afraid that there will be rumors in the world. Although Wudang Zhang Sanfeng is from Shaolin, Shaolin also has Zhang Sanfeng’s advantage to deny him.

This is detrimental to Shaolin’s reputation, so you hold your dying disciple where you will fall in love with.

“I don’t care much about fame and wealth, and I don’t like those imaginary things.”

Li Xiu crazily hinted in the words.

Empty nature is obviously not a simple-minded person, and I understand Li Xiu’s meaning.

“Then I don’t know…what does the donor see in my Shaolin?”

“Washing Marrow Sutra, no matter how easy it is, Yijin Sutra will do.

Li Xiu answered clearly and clearly, but his emptiness was suffocated, and he could not help being thunderous with anger, breathing heavily.

He wanted to tentatively ask, if there is something innocent, he should go with this person first, coax him to retreat, and then lead someone back for punishment in the future.

But who knows that this young man wants Shaolin’s Zhensi martial arts as soon as he speaks!

“Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!”

“The Sutra of Washing the Marrow, the Sutra of Yi Jin, that is the Supreme Secret Sutra left to Shaolin by Master Bodhidharma!”

“Let’s not talk about the marrow washing sutra, my Shaolin has been lost for hundreds of years. Even the Yi Jin sutra that is still there, you will slaughter it up and down in Shaolin, and Lao Na will never let you this evil thief take a look!”

emptiness stares and blows beard, yells to refuse, the resoluteness in it goes without saying.

Li Xiu squinted his eyes when he heard the words. UU reading really didn’t understand why he had to be so stubborn.

If things go well with both hands, he might retreat in joy, and Shaolin will be spared the disaster.

In the end, the whole temple was slaughtered and the scriptures were turned out. Is this better?

Li Xiu continued with a cold voice: “It’s really a summer insect! It’s stubborn!”

“I wanted to let you hear the footsteps of the monk who came to help you die, but now that you know my purpose, you can’t let you see another person.”

“Get on the road!”

As soon as the voice fell, Li Xiu’s whole body burst out and his body was filled with Nine Suns’ True Qi, and his face was full of murderous intent and went straight to the emptiness.

Empty is also shrewd. Knowing that it is not Li Xiu’s opponent, he moves to Xiaozhao.

He wanted to be the woman in red who had been watching the battle with the bandit and held hostage, then threatened the thief, and said that he could save Shaolin from this disaster.

Although Xiaozhao himself is not weak in martial arts, he still knows that his emptiness is a lot worse than that of one of the four great monks in Shaolin.

Hurry up and make a move, retreat violently and protect yourself!

It’s just that emptiness thinks very well, but how can he be a Li Xiu who specializes in mastery?

Before he drove far away, Li Xiu had already come to his side with a strong wind!

Feeling the threat of emptiness, he endures the pain and holds the dragon claw side block in his hand.

But he didn’t know that Li Xiu was no longer interested in honing his stick skills.

drew his sword outrageously, and then the crimson sword spirit roared between the two people who were only half a meter apart!


Like a broiled knife cutting cold oil!

Very neat and smooth, Li Xiu didn’t rush to throw his blood and collect his sword.


The big head of hollowness made a dull sound like a wax gourd, and rolled out a long way stubbornly.

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