Umbrella Travel to the Heavens

Chapter 260

Chapter 254 Finally see Tushe

Several hours passed, and the Emperor Pin Young Pill in the black cauldron hadn’t made any movement for a long time. Li Xiu, who was sitting cross-legged in the air, suddenly opened his eyes, and a flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

Li Xiu stood up, slowly opened his mouth, and then the black cauldron shrank in an instant, until it was not as big as the pill, and he swallowed it into his abdomen and absorbed it.

The Emperor Pin Young Pill has been successfully refined by him, leaving only pure and unmatched pill energy, which can be slowly absorbed by him.

The scrolls of the Hundred Dao Heavenly Orders that were originally scattered in the sky have been put away by Zhu Kun. Seeing that Li Xiu accidentally put them away, he certainly wouldn’t let it go.

The Hundred Heavenly Scrolls are definitely a fortune. Zhu Kun thought that as the Dragon Emperor, he disappeared for thousands of years for no apparent reason. What kind of appearance did the Primordial Void Dragon Clan say as a last resort? This Hundred Heavenly Scrolls can also be regarded as his clan. One of the explanations.

Li Xiu did not move forward. The magnificent stone hall behind the ten thousand-foot stone statue was just a temporary residence for the ancient Emperor Tuoshe when he was building this place. There was nothing valuable in it.

Zhu Kun didn’t know, and was quite puzzled.

“My little friend, why are you standing still? Could it be that there is a big danger ahead.”

Li Xiu shook his head and said, “I only want two things in Tuoshe Cave Mansion, one is the imperial young pill, and the other is the things in this statue. I have no interest in the rest.”

With that said, Li Xiu walked towards the stone statue in the air, and the closer he got, the stronger the induction.

The mutual induction between the different fires reminded Li Xiu that there seemed to be a different fire in the depths of the stone statue, which was slightly better than the flames of the mountains and the sea.

Li Xiu kept walking, and in the end the stone statue looked like an illusion, and he walked into the stone statue without the slightest obstruction.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Kun was quite surprised. He swept away to the place where Li Xiu walked into the stone statue. He stretched out his hand to test, but he felt cold and hard, unable to enter.

Zhukun touched it. It seemed that it was just the touch of an ordinary stone. He stretched out a finger and exerted a little force, thinking that it would make a deep mark. As a result, no scratches appeared on the stone statue.

Zhukun’s complexion changed, and he suddenly struck the stone statue with a fierce punch. However, there was a muffled sound, but he was counter-shocked hundreds of feet away.

Zhukun had to admit that he couldn’t handle this weird stone statue of Tuo She, so he had to give it up and walked to the stone hall behind the stone statue to see if he could find any treasure.

The stone statue has the protection of the origin of the ancient emperor Tuo She, even half the emperor can’t shake half of it, unless he is approved by Tuo She like Li Xiu, can he enter.

The colorful and gorgeous sea of ​​fire is full of everything in front of Li Xiu. The colors of the sea of ​​fire are colorful, some of which are very familiar to him.

Li Xiu walked in the sea of ​​fire, reaching out his hand to grab a green flame, the shape and breath of the fire in the heart of the green lotus.

What he was in at this time was an ocean of different fires, an ocean completely composed of all kinds of different fires…

As Li Xiu walked slowly, a somewhat old voice sounded in the depths of the sea of ​​fire.

“Come here……”

The sudden sound made Li Xiu raise his head, his eyes betting on the depths of the sea of ​​fire.

There, the splendid flames condensed and turned into a huge flame bud, the bud bloomed slowly, and an old figure in a plain white robe stepped out of it.

His long hair, which is as colorful as the sea of ​​fire, clearly shows his identity, the ancient emperor Tushe himself…

Li Xiu slowly arched his hands: “Under Li Xiu, I have seen the ancient emperor.”

The ancient emperor Tuoshe nodded and smiled slightly: “After me, can there be a new Dou emperor in the Dou Qi Continent?”

Li Xiu shook his head and said, “Gudi, you have always been known as the last fighting emperor in the mainland. After you, no new fighting emperor has appeared.”

“Sure enough…”

For this answer, Emperor Tuoshe was not too surprised and sighed.

“The world has changed. With the passage of time, the current fighting spirit continent is missing one thing, which is the key to entering Dou Emperor. Otherwise, no matter how amazing your talent is, you can only stop at the end. Before fighting the emperor’s barrier, no further step is allowed.”

“What’s missing?”

Although Li Xiu knew the answer, he still asked, he didn’t want to behave too abnormally.

“That is the source, and it can also be called the source qi.”

“Every plane, at the beginning of its birth, will have the birth of Origin Qi. Origin Qi cannot be regenerated, and every point it consumes will be reduced by one point forever.”

“And to be promoted to Doudi, you must have source energy. In ancient times, it was fine, for the mainland powerhouses to squander freely, and no one would study this thing.”

“But later, the source of energy became less and less, and the more difficult it was to promote Doudi on the mainland, and the number of Doudi became less and less, and gradually some people began to pay attention to this thing.”

“But this hasn’t changed anything. Who would give up being promoted to Doudi for the sake of the scarcity of Origin Qi? Origin Qi is still declining.”

“Until my time, Origin Qi was almost too thin to be felt. I traveled the continent for hundreds of years, and finally collected enough Origin Qi to promote me to Doudi.”

“After I was promoted to Emperor Dou, there was still some Genesis Qi that I had collected, so I trained it to become an Imperial Young Pill.

“Unfortunately, it’s still a source of energy problem. It can only become a young pill, but not a complete pill.”

While the ancient Emperor Tuoshe sighed, Li Xiu vaguely guessed something.

If he expected it well, the emperor young pill is what the ancient emperor Tuoshe wants to leave to the future generations. As for his emperor’s origin is the origin of fire, even the emperor can’t bear it, so he doesn’t have too much hope for someone. inherited.

“If I feel right, there is a strange fire in your body.”

Li Xiu flipped his palm, and the mountains and seas two Huayan appeared in his palm, and then his hand shook, all kinds of strange fires he had swallowed appeared.

Qinglian Earth’s heart fire, falling heart inflammation,… until the final void swallows inflammation.

The gaze of the ancient emperor Tuo She finally stayed on the Jinglian Demon Fire and Void Swallowing Flame.

“You have seen Jinglian Demon Fire and Void Swallowing Flame, you must have heard of my origin from them.”

Li Xiu nodded and said, “Yes.”

The ancient emperor Tuoshe sighed: “Different fires are the wonders of heaven and earth. It is not easy to be born, and it is not easy to give birth to spiritual wisdom, and it is almost impossible to get to my step.”

“I can achieve Doudi relying on a technique, which is the Fen Jue you cultivated.”

“In addition to being swallowed by other different fires, the different fires generally take tens of thousands of years to weaken and extinguish. For them, thousands of years are just a finger at the fingertips and I am the same.”

“The fire of my origin has not waned or extinguished for millions of years, but my soul can’t last that long…”

“As my soul was approaching death, I accidentally found two natural overlords of different fires, Jinglian Demon Fire and Void Swallowing Flame.”

“It’s a pity that although swallowing them can increase my strength, it still can’t stop my fall, so I didn’t swallow them, who would have been swallowed by you ten thousand years later.”

“The word fate is elusive, you and I can have a strong strength all thanks to Fen Jue, from a certain angle it can be regarded as the same.”

“In this case, my inheritance lies in this. As for whether you can help you further, it still depends on whether you can bear it.”

The ancient emperor Tuoshe flicked his fingers, and the boundless sea of ​​fire suddenly surged, and after a few breaths, it condensed into a beautiful fire the size of a fist, slowly floating in front of the two of them.

Li Xiu smiled and bowed his hand to Tuo She, then unceremoniously, he swallowed the brilliant fire into his abdomen, sat down cross-legged, and used all means to suppress and refine.

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