Umbrella Travel to the Heavens

Chapter 266


Hong Yi tried to calm his turbulent mind. After his breathing gradually calmed down, he withdrew a step, facing Li Xiu sitting crouched on the bluestone, and pressed to the end.

“The kid will verify this today. If it’s true, the sir, the kid will be unforgettable, and he will have a lifelong feeling.”

Hong Yi’s big action pulled Tu Lao back from this secret, and then looked at Li Xiu, his eyes became more and more awed.

The secrets related to the death of the current emperor and Emperor Gaozong and Taizong are definitely not known to ordinary people. If the other party’s words are true, then this gentleman is definitely not an ordinary person.

“Dare to ask Mr.’s name?”

Tu Lao asked respectfully, such an expert, it would be a shame if you don’t know the other person’s name in the end.

Hong Yi also looked closely at Li Xiu. Li Xiu looked at the two of them and said with a smile.

“My surname is Li Mingxiu, and I am only an unknown person in the world.”

Hong Yi was born in the family of princes, and most prominent figures in the world have heard of it. Tu Lao is a pure fox family and has a small cultivation background. He was adjacent to the Buddhist holy land Dachan Temple, and he was also a master of the monastic world. I heard more or less, but the two of them were very unfamiliar with the name Li Xiu.

As for the more detailed details, the two of them did not dare to ask any more questions, for fear of offending Li Xiu, they had to give up.

“Sir, I was joking, I don’t believe you, people like you are really unknown. I want to come to the limit of my vision before I have heard of your name.”

Tu Lao squeezed a fox face into one, and said with a smile, Hong Yi also joined together next to him.

Li Xiu smiled and shook his head, making no excuses.

In fact, he was telling the truth, not modest at all. When he first arrived in this world, he had heard his name, but there were only a group of demons in front of him.

Li Xiu exclaimed again.

“Meeting is a destiny. I really haven’t sat down and talked to people for such a long time like I am now.”

With a flick of his finger, a green fire lotus appeared in the air, swaying in full bloom in the wind, as if it contained endless vitality.

Tu Lao and Hong Yi saw that Li Xiu showed extraordinary methods, they all looked up, and many little foxes were also hiding behind them, watching curiously.

The fire lotus exudes a faint cyan light, and after spinning around in the air, it automatically decomposes and turns into petals, slowly falling, and disappearing on the bodies of the foxes.

Hong Yi clearly saw that the lotus petals carved from jasper jade were burning with flames. They should have avoided it, but for some reason, the heart of the blessing did not escape. He saw the petals fall on his body and finally entered his body.

After that, a warm and warm spirit radiated from the blood in the veins and bones of the body, and the body was full of vitality and infinite energy in an instant.

Hong Yi even felt wrong, as if his weak body could tear the tiger and the leopard with his bare hands after the petals entered the body.

Hong Yi only looked ruddy here, and his eyes became brighter. Tu Lao changed greatly. The wrinkled and dim fur regained its luster and vitality, and his skinny and shriveled body became vigorous and strong again, with muddy eyes. Regaining clarity, the appearance of aging is wiped out.

Feeling the change in himself, Tu Laoxi jumped up from the rock without holding it on his own, and jumped back and forth two times on the ground, making a few short and excited fox calls, completely forgetting that he said that Xiaosang and three little foxes were jumping on the ground. It is extremely rude to go.

After gradually recovering from his ecstasy, Tu Qing bowed his head against the ground, knelt down respectfully facing Li Xiu, and said with some excitement in a vibrato.

“Mister’s kindness, Tu Qing, I really don’t want to repay, I don’t want to repay it!”

Li Xiu waved his robe, and a gentle force lifted Tu Qing, who was no longer an old fox, from the ground.

“I just made it easy, you don’t have to do anything.”

Then he turned to Hong Yi and continued.

“What, Hong Yi could be your master by my means?”

Hong Yi’s expression was stagnant, and he no longer hesitated as before. This was the first time he saw something other than ordinary martial arts. The shock to him was beyond words, and he knew that Li Xiu was great.

As the saying goes, the ancients have a chance to lose their words and never come back again. Hong Yi knew this well and immediately bowed down to the ground, asking for advice.

“Please, sir, you can accept me as a disciple and teach the boy the method of crossing the sea. The boy will always serve you and practice seriously in the future.”

If what Li Xiu said is true, Hong Yi’s desire to avenge his mother with his current strength is nothing short of a fantasy. Only if he also embarks on a path of spiritual practice, will he have a chance in the future.

Listening to Li Xiu’s words, whether it was talking about his villain father or being too ridiculous, he did not have the slightest fear and awe. Hong Yiguan Qi is not like a wild person, and his cultivation level is certainly not low when he wants to come to the other party. If he can worship the other side’s door and learn to practice, it will definitely be a benefit.

A faint smile appeared on Li Xiu’s face, watching Hong Yi kneeling on the ground, and slowly said.

“Very good, very good, in that case, I will accept you as a disciple, tell you that there is no good way, and let you avenge your mother’s revenge in time.”

Hong Yi heard Li Xiu respond, his body trembled, and his heart surged with joy. He stood up and cried out after three slow but respectful prayers and nine knocks.

“Disciple Hong Yi meets Master!”

Li Xiu nodded in satisfaction reached out a little, a tiny black lotus slowly imprinted on Hong Yi’s forehead, and then disappeared.

“This is a protection method given to you by the teacher. Before you are successful in the Tao, this lotus can resist three fatal attacks under your will.”

“Remember, you must not be easily urged before you are about to die.”

“Tui’er wrote it down.”

Hong Yi touched his forehead where the black lotus disappeared, and replied.

“And you, as a disciple, this puppet can be driven by you daily.”

Li Xiu waved the sleeves of his robe, and a figure in black robe appeared to the side, and then automatically walked behind Hong Yi, posing as if he bowed his head and obeyed his orders.

“Thank you Master.”

Hong Yi held up his curiosity about the puppet behind him, and said respectfully.

Tu Qing couldn’t understand the former, but he knew the latter. Na Jie, whose eyes fell on Li Xiu’s hand, said in surprise.

“Could this be the same treasure as the legendary Great Zen Temple, the treasure of Qiankun cloth bag?”

The Qiankun cloth bag is the treasure of the Great Zen Temple. According to legend, the cloth bag is self-contained and can hold countless things. There has been a legend. Thousands of years ago, when the Da Heng Dynasty was founded, the Great Zen Temple sent people to assist, 200,000 People were short of food and grass, so the Great Zen Temple sent a person to bring a Qiankun cloth bag. As a result, the food and grass in it made the 200,000 army eat for half a year, a full half a year!

The grain and grass consumed by the 200,000 army a day cannot fit in more than a dozen large ships, and the grain and grass for six months may not be much smaller than the mountains.

Li Xiu looked at the Na Jie in his hand, but shook his head.

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