Umbrella Travel to the Heavens

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 Yi Jin Jing, Da Huan Dan, Small Huan Dan

Li Xiu held two copies of Dharma Sword Technique and said nothing for a while. Although he felt a little strange in his heart, he didn’t think of anything.

He gave up first, threw the Bodhidharma swordsmanship to Xiao Zhao, and asked her to pack all the martial arts secrets on the third floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

It’s a hard time to come here. If you don’t take the white, even if you don’t master the other stunts, you can do a little research in your free time.

After all, this is much better than the martial arts classics of the small school, and it can enrich Li Xiu’s martial arts knowledge.

Seeing Li Xiu’s call to himself, Xiao Zhao reluctantly tore a piece of the long curtain on the third floor of the Buddhist scripture pavilion, put all kinds of secrets into it, and made a big bag. He was worried about the thin-faced monk, so he had to carry it on his body.

Although dozens of classics are very heavy, they are nothing to Xiao Zhao, who is not weak in martial arts.

It’s just that such a big package is pressed on a thin woman, and she looks a bit miserable.

It’s a pity that Li Xiu didn’t seem to have such a pity and pity, so he walked to the side of the stairs and went down to the third floor as expected.

The face-lifting monk showed that he had no intention of running away, so he hurriedly followed Li Xiu. Only Xiao Zhao was left on the third floor of the huge Buddhist scripture pavilion.

Xiaozhao was helpless, knowing that this should happen to him, but still uneasy, he stamped his feet on the spot.

According to her temperament, she is not a young daughter.

She is hoping that she can shake off some dust in these few moments, so that the wicked person who is going downstairs will eat ashes, at least make the moon white dirty, and she can relieve herself a little.

Xiaozhao went downstairs to see that there was really some dust on Li Xiu’s back and shoulders.

Thinking about it, the hundreds of Shaolin monks couldn’t make him wrinkle, stained with blood, but he only moved his feet a few times and it was done, but he still didn’t know it.

After a pause, most of the little grievances in Xiao Zhao’s heart dissipated, and a smile appeared unconsciously on his face, which was charming and fascinating.

This scene naturally fell into Li Xiu’s eyes, but in his heart he only felt naive, like a child.

He naturally noticed the fall of the floating dust, but this shirt had already been stained with sweat during the previous movement and fighting, and he was about to change it soon, so Li Xiu didn’t care.

And of course he can wave the dust away, but he deliberately works for the slightest dust, so he didn’t do anything and he thought it was funny.

After leaving the Buddhist scripture pavilion, the face-lifting monk now feels that his intestines are about to be regretful. Why is there not a single internal skill in the Buddhist scripture pavilion!

or after getting the five stunts just now, he should stop looking for it, or maybe he has already reached the bottom of the mountain by this time.

But no matter what, at this time the tree is done, and I know that I am afraid that I will not be able to escape in front of the martial artist Li Xiu.

He changed the strategy, only to make this person happy and let him go.

The face-lifting monk offered to take Li Xiu to the temple of Shaolin Abbot Kongwen, and Li Xiu also had this intention, indicating that he could lead the way.

After a while, the three of Li Xiu came to Kongwen’s Buddhist temple.

Although the temple is not so magnificent, but it is quiet and elegant. It seems that it is a good place to practice meditation.

The sparrow is small but has all five internal organs, old trees and flowers, square small wells, and stone ground for practicing martial arts.

opened the door and entered the room, a scent of good Zen scent came over, making people feel calm and calm.

rows of sandalwood bookshelves are filled with ancient Buddhist scriptures, and a large case of Dalbergia dalbergia is complete with pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

On top of the fire kang, there is a small table with an antique black green incense burner on top.

Although the things in this room are inconspicuous, without the slightest jewels, they are all rare in the world, and they are hard to change.

But Li Xiu didn’t come for this. It’s impossible to have only these things on the surface. The three of them rummaged and found them.

After a while, Xiao Zhao moved a small cabinet, finally found a bulge behind the cabinet, reached out and pressed it down.


There was a slight sound of a mechanism, and a Zen character pendant on the side wall was removed, revealing a hidden cabinet.

Li Xiu ignored Xiao Zhao’s vaguely provocative and inviting eyes, and stepped forward to check.

There are no complicated mechanisms, but the secret cabinet itself and the palm-sized lock on it are all made of special materials.

The whole body is deep black, and there is light, but a strange red light emerges on the surface!

Li Xiu fiddled with it. The small lock is not big, but it weighs several kilograms in a rough sense, which is very strange.

“It’s Xuan Tie! Oh my god, this is Xuan Tie, such a big piece!”

Xiaozhao looked at it, and finally remembered that the appearance of the secret cabinet and the lock did not match the legendary Xuan Tie.

Li Xiu frowned when he heard that, if Fan Tie’s luck, he could easily squeeze into a ball in an instant.

But if Xuan Tie weren’t his Jiuyang Zhenqi, what would happen to him for a short time.

But fortunately, the Yitian sword of the two gods of Yitian and Dragon Slaying, who can break this thing in the martial arts, is in his hand.

Xiaozhao saw Li Xiu pressing his sword on the hilt, and he immediately moved back, for fear that the sword Qi would shoot her everywhere.

The face-lifting monk was even worse than Xiao Zhao, his face was pale, his legs were weak, and he almost fell after a few steps backwards.

He subconsciously thought that Li Xiu’s goal was to kill him, but he was relieved when he saw Li Xiu always looking at the cabinet brush! ”

A bright sword light flashed back, and the small lock fell in response.

Li Xiu only used the sword’s edge itself, after all, the material of the Yitian Sword itself is better than the strength of the profound iron.

If you add Sword Qi and you can’t control it, you can cut open the cabinet and the contents.

The small cabinet opened, which contained several cheats, two small jade bottles, one green and one yellow, and a book wrapped in yellow cloth.

Xiaozhao played with the mysterious iron lock in his hand, and cast his curious eyes into the cabinet.

Li Xiu first took out the secret books and checked them one by one. All of them were Shaolin’s advanced internal skills. Among them, Li Xiu was familiar with the Shaolin Jiuyang Gong and the Yi Jin Jing.

untied the silk again, took out the old scriptures inside, and didn’t recognize one of the strange words on the cover.

Li Xiu guessed that it was Sanskrit, and after a brief look, he found that the meridian movement diagram in it was exactly the same as the Yi Jin Jing, which is probably the original Yi Jin Jing.

Unfortunately, after all, there is no Marrow Washing Sutra, but Li Xiu had already expected it.

Shaolin lost the most powerful Marrow Washing Sutra left by Bodhidharma. This is something everyone in the world knows, and it is not glamorous. How could such shameful Shaolin who valued his reputation most cheat.

The two bottles of green and yellow were taken out without Li Xiu’s identification. The bottles have their own lettering, one is small for pill, the other is for big pill.

This is Shaolin Qidan, famous in the world!

Xiao Huan Dan can heal more severe injuries and increase the number of years of skill.

Great Huandan pays equal attention to healing and increasing power. As long as you have one breath, you can save your life immediately, and it can even increase your power for more than ten years!

The precious medicine is hard to find, and the elixir is hard to practice. Shaolin can only get a few pills for more than a hundred years, which is very precious.

Now that Shaolin’s hundred-year accumulated salary is cheaper than Li Xiu, he pays five pill for small and three pill for big, so that he can earn everything in his arms.

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