Umbrella Travel to the Heavens

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 All-or-one throw

That day, the middle-aged horse-faced Taoist said that there were many places that were out of reach, such as the Wudang martial arts training ground, the library, the Zhenwu hall, etc., but they did not make any demands on the back mountain.

After all, there is nothing but Gaoya Chaotic Forest, and Li Xiu has no interest except for Houshan.

Wudang Houshan is not a small place, but if there are not many places in terms of cliffs, and then thrown at the bottom of the cliffs that are not separated from the outside world, it may be even less.

After more than ten days passed, Li Xiu had other unexpected gains besides having roughly determined the cliff where the fireworker Tuo jumped.

On the way to send firewood to Wudang, Li Xiu had no opinion on Zhang Wuji several times, passing by or seeing it from a distance.

Apart from the appearance of a modern Kung Fu superstar, it is also easy to recognize. The whole Wudang school Wudang disciple except Song Qingshu and Zhang Wuji are cloth shoes and robes.

As for the difference between Zhang Wuji and Song Qingshu, the distinction couldn’t be more clear.

Maybe because of the cold and toxins of the body day and night, and the heart of hatred, the already grown-up Zhang Wuji’s honest and kind face and eyebrows are still often enveloped in melancholy.

When Li Xiu saw Zhang Wuji several times, he was either lonely and wandering around, or he looked distressed and enviously watching the Wudang disciples performing the martial arts.

At this time, no one in Wudang would have thought that the son of Zhang Cuishan, a Wudang Wuxia who was too weak to practice martial arts due to cold poison and weak qi, would become the most famous martial arts demon in the future. Teaching advocates Wu Ji.

Of course, that meant that Li Xiu’s inaction allowed things to develop smoothly, and how could he let go of such a step-by-step good fortune.

Even if Zhang Wuji is the son of the world protected by the fate of the so-called Qi Luck Center, there is no reason why Li Xiu will not be able to grab a grab and fight.

A person’s life is only a hundred years in a hurry. There are a few great things like this that can change his life in the future. Since he encountered Li Xiu, he would crush his finger bones and he would have to seize this opportunity.

As for the original protagonist Zhang Wuji without the Nine Sun Magic Technique, Li Xiu never thought about what would happen to him. He is now a pure egoist, and he doesn’t think about anything else.

After meeting Zhang Wuji in Wudang, Li Xiu knocked on the side of the Wudang kitchen to find out that Wudang had not come to any guests recently, which means that Zhou Zhiruo had not been ordered by his master to come to Wudang to retrieve the Yitian Sword.

It is estimated that there will be some time before Zhang Wuji and Xiaozhao are knocked off the cliff, but Li Xiu is not clear whether this period of time is short or long.

So in order to avoid long nights and dreams, Li Xiu decided to do it early.

One morning, after Li Xiu, in a coarse cloth, delivered firewood as usual, no one drove him away, so he secretly came to the edge of a high cliff in the back mountain of Wudang.

Li Xiu stood and took a careful look at the bottom of the cliff. Although it was daytime, there were vines and weeds underneath, intertwined and intertwined to block most of the bottom of the cliff. It was so dark that he couldn’t see clearly.

Withdrawing his gaze, Li Xiu took a deep breath and calmed down his somewhat overly intense heartbeat, then a trace of helplessness appeared on his face.

To tell the truth, Li Xiu has a slight fear of heights. It would be difficult for ordinary people to jump off cliffs, let alone him.

But at this time, letting him give up and retreat was the real “hard for a strong man” for him, and without thinking too much, Li Xiu calmed down and started preparing before jumping off the cliff.

Slowly lay down and pushed a large clump of weeds ten inches below the edge of the cliff. Three triangular-shaped iron nails leaked out. The nails had the size of a baby’s fist and were nailed into the cliff a few inches deep.

Li Xiu looked at these three iron nails and still vaguely remembered the scene where he was slammed into the cliff with his head full of sweat a few days ago, facing the bottom of the cliff, and it was really bitter that only he knew.

Then the thick hemp rope wrapped around the iron nails was circumvented. One end of the hemp rope was firmly tied to the three iron nails one after another, and the other end Li Xiu fished up and tied it on his waist. For several laps.

He stood up and checked again, and then slowly lay down along the edge of the cliff until only half of his body was still on the edge of the cliff.

didn’t look down again, he knew that the more he looked, the worse he got, Li Xiu let go and let go of the edge of the cliff, and then tightly grasped the hemp rope.

There was a brief moment of falling and weightlessness. As the rope in his hand tightened and his body stopped, Li Xiu breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s a little sloppy about his life and death. The vendor who sold him the hemp rope told him that even if the two cows fight, the hemp rope will not break.

Li Xiu tried the same twine carefully before, but luckily it didn’t drop the chain this time.

Li Xiu along the rock wall began to send himself down a piece of loose rope.

worked hard to adjust his breathing to stabilize his heartbeat.

Ten minutes passed, and Li Xiu gradually lowered his head and looked down. He was already very close to the place where the vines were the most luxuriant, and he could vaguely see the bottom of the cliff.

Looking for a convex stone, Li Xiu began to untie the hemp rope on his waist, looking for the place where the vines were tangled and knotted nearby.

This cliff must be jumped, or else the Pygmy Tuo would doubt it no matter how stupid.

I jump here again. Although it is inevitable that a fall is inevitable, at least there is a cushion of vines and there should be no possibility of immediate death.

It’s useless to think too much, take a deep breath, and slam into the vine.

Suddenly, there was a pain in the abdomen, and then before Li Xiu reacted, it was almost indistinguishable from before and after several severe pains, as if he was being beaten with heavy whips.

was falling fast and hurriedly, his weightlessness and the reaction force from hitting the vine made him unable to control his body freely.

Between the electric light and the flint, Li Xiu can only pray in his heart, and don’t let his head fall first.


A large group of dust was stirred and scattered, and an extra figure appeared on the ground.

Li Xiu curled up on the floor like a cooked prawn, his face was flushed, and his neck was bulging.

A painful cry deep in the throat is followed by intense, rapid, heavy breathing.

Several seconds passed before Li Xiu tried to move his body to stand up.

With this movement, I felt that my whole body seemed to fall apart.

It hurts everywhere, especially the chest and ribs, as if someone had made a few big holes in his chest.


Li Xiu tried to stand up, but also affected the chest and abdomen injuries. He couldn’t help taking a breath.

He had to move his body carefully, and reluctantly sat up on the edge of a few chaotic rocks, assessing his injuries while waiting for the arrival of the fire master.

Li Xiu couldn’t help but leak a bitter smile. Although there was no particularly unlucky head landing just now, it was also the predecessor of the sad reminder that landed on the ground.

It is certain that the ribs were broken, but Li Xiu couldn’t feel it after a few broken ribs, and his internal organs must have been injured. In short, his current state is very bad.

There is obviously no doctor at the bottom of the cliff, and even if there are healing herbs, Li Xiu doesn’t recognize it.

If you can’t help the fireworker Tuo not get the Nine Suns, the injury is likely to get worse in a few days.

But it’s not too bad, at least Li Xiu was mentally prepared for the situation after falling off the cliff.

And the injuries on his body are not entirely useless, at least this can give the fireworker a reason to threaten him, and then it can start.

The next step is when you are desperate to deceive the fire foreman. Success or failure is the result of life or death.

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