Umbrella Travel to the Heavens

Chapter 93

Chapter 93 Mud bodhisattva

“A person’s life span is determined by whether the body is healthy or not. How can a person be able to determine it with a single word? Even if the mud bodhisattva really said that, I am afraid that your father will have a hard time living this birthday.”

Li Xiu spoke slowly, with a sneer on his face, as if he meant something.

Du Guming thought that Li Xiu came out from the deep forest on both sides. He was afraid of this ghostly and appalling light work, and anger grew in his heart, but he did not dare to burst out immediately.

“What do you mean by your excellency! My father is the city lord of Wushuang City, and he is about to form an alliance with the World Society, becoming one of the two giants of the rivers and lakes on par with Xiongba, who can kill my father!”

“I advise your Excellency not to have more troubles, just step aside, otherwise I will blame Wushuang City for offending!”

Li Xiu refers to Du Guming’s father’s death. Du Guming’s reaction was already quite restrained, but Li Xiu still looked sideways, standing still with his hands, and using the force field to pull Du Guming from his horse.

Du Guming didn’t have the slightest defense or resistance. He was crushed to the ground, unable to move a finger, as if every place on his body was covered with a stone stele.

“It seems that your father has not taught you. Even if some people in the arena are rude and wanton, you can’t be offended at all. You have to bear it, because if you make a mistake, you will lose your life.”

While Li Xiu spoke, the force field of mind became more and more vigorous. Gradually, he directly crushed Du Gu Ming’s body and broke many muscles and fractures. Du Gu Ming screamed again and again, his face was distorted with fear, and he kept begging for mercy.

The Wushuang City gang watched the young master being restrained. Although they drew out their swords, they did not dare to move forward. Li Xiu raised his eyes and stared coldly. The monstrous might burst out, making them feel like a thorn on their backs, and their courage was exhausted. Go, one by one didn’t even dare to speak.

“Amitabha Buddha, benefactor, although this person is a bit reckless and rude, please let him go if he is filial to him. Leave him alive, and later you can verify whether the prediction of the benefactor has come true.”

Looking at Li Xiu’s ghostly means, Shi Wuzun’s eyes flashed with deep jealousy. He had never seen such an unfathomable master in his life, and he carefully pleaded for Du Guming.

Li Xiu glanced at Shi Wuzun, then turned his head and killed Dugu Ming.

“I don’t like the idea of ​​someone trying to influence me.”

The words were light, but the words were like a clock hitting Shi Wuzun’s heart. He clearly said that he was playing tricks, and Shi Wuzun hurriedly shouted a Buddha’s name to cover up his horror and panic.

“Amitabha, the little monk talks a lot, please forgive me.”

Suddenly there was a sound of wind, and I saw a long-haired young man kicking his legs in mid-air. The internal force burst out into a vortex of strength, which brought up a howling gust of wind to roll up the fallen leaves and dust, and drove a dozen of Wushuangcheng’s people. Help the crowds to be fiercely enveloped in it!

When everything was dissipated, those gangs had all become corpses, and the rest of the gangs didn’t care about Dugu Ming’s corpse, turning around and running, for fear of slowing down a bit.

The old man who picked up firewood recognized the martial arts performed by people, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes. He pulled his granddaughter and turned around and wanted to leave, his face frightened.

“They are fighting, braids, let’s go!”

But as soon as he turned around, he was stopped by another tall, right-looking man. His expression was teasing, and his face was filled with a bit of youthful playfulness. .

“I don’t know where the senior wants to go. I just watched it quietly and indifferently for so long. Dozens of people are not afraid of holding bright swords. Why do you have to leave when we come? Is it because you moved your hands? The reason is somewhat reluctant. .”

After landing, Nie Feng glanced at the cauldron beside Shi Wuzun, stepped on his feet and got up to attack Shi Wuzun, Fengshen’s legs were fierce and fierce!

Under such a strong attack, Shi Wuzun recovered that calm face again, and he brazenly greeted him with his palm. Obviously he still had the confidence to fight against Nie Feng.

In an instant, his legs and palms collided, and Shi Wuzun was a little weaker after all. He stepped back, and Nie Feng found the opportunity to step on the stove and gain the upper hand.

Nie Feng’s temperament is gentle and calm, and he is not arrogant, he closes his fan and holds his fist.

“Senior, in Xia Nie Feng, you are offended a lot.”

“It’s the first time I have come out to walk the rivers and lakes. Please also ask the master for a convenience. Loan the fire monkey to me, and I will return it in a month.

“The fire monkey is a thing of Shaolin, forgive me.”

Shi Wuzun gave a Buddhist ceremony and said it very firmly. When Nie Feng was hesitant to take a shot, Qin Shuang persuaded him.

“Brother, let the master take away the fire monkey. We borrowed the fire monkey to find the mud bodhisattva. Now that the mud bodhisattva is in front of us, the fire monkey is useless.”

Nie Feng turned his head suspiciously. Qin Shuang pointed. Nie Feng suddenly noticed that the little girl in the arms of the old man was staring at the stove under his feet, as if there was something of her concern inside. The old man’s eyes were a little too calm, and he knew the right amount in his heart.

“In this case, I will return the fire monkey to the master.”

A trace of joy appeared between Nie Feng’s eyebrows, feeling that the master’s order had been explained. He turned over and kicked the cauldron into Shi Wuzun’s arms at the same time. Shi Wuzun caught it and raised his arm to lift the cauldron onto his shoulders. Indifferently, the furnace cauldron weighing several thousand jin seemed as light as nothing!

Shi Wuzun nodded to Nie Feng, then turned to Li Xiu respectfully.

“Your Excellency, if one day comes to Shaolin as a guest, I will welcome you A weird look appeared on Li Xiu’s face, and he didn’t say anything. Shi Wuzun turned away after seeing another Buddhist ceremony. Up.

Shi Wu Zun’s abnormal attitude reminded Nie Feng of the strange and terrifying scene just now, and asked respectfully with his fists.

“Boy Nie Feng, who is just out of the arena, can you know the name of the predecessor?”

Although he looks similar to his own age, Nie Feng only thinks that Li Xiu is a master of beauty, and he respectfully calls Senior Dao.

“I’m surnamed Li in the next, and I’m also a newcomer to the arena, so I don’t have any name to speak of”

Li Xiu took a deep look at Nie Feng, waved his hand and said, this is true, he is indeed a newcomer to this world.

“My mud bodhisattva has been in hiding for ten years. Today I was seen through with you only when I first saw it. This fate is really hard to hide!”

The mud Bodhisattva eliminated the disguise technique, revealing a face full of sores on one side, and sighed with emotion.

“Hey, I have leaked too many secrets in my life. I have suffered from God’s condemnation, and my body is covered with poisonous sores. I need the fire monkey to **** these poisonous sores.

“Let’s go, Xiongba must be anxious.”

The mud bodhisattva is the number one scholar of the rivers and lakes. Ten years ago, he criticized the male tyrant: “Are golden scales a thing in a pool, it will transform into a dragon in a storm.”

Let Xiongba look for two children with special birth date and two characters with Fengyun in each name, accept them as disciples, and start the first half of his life where Xiongba is invincible.

Then he put the comments on the second half of the male tyrant’s life in a Western Region odd box. The odd box was locked by the 108 groups of disrupted zodiac signs, and the mud bodhisattva disappeared in the rivers and lakes since then.

Xiongba pays his own wits, but he hasn’t solved it after ten years. Now his first half of his life is almost over. He can’t wait to send Nie Feng and Qin Shuang to find the mud bodhisattva. He wants to know the last sentence urgently. Words.

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