Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 53

At about eight o'clock in the morning, Tang Siyu's doorbell rang. She hurriedly got dressed and got up. She looked closely at the cat's eye. It was Xing liehan. She couldn't help but open the door angrily and said, "did the child deliver it?"

Xing liehan nodded his head. Then, three constructors came in. They came in with tools.

"Hello! You Xing liehan, I said, don't hit my house. Do you hear me? No way. " Tang Siyu is going crazy. How dare this man!

Xing liehan points to a wall, "let's start here!"

"Hello! Xing liehan, you...... " Tang Siyu is going to die of anger. What does this man mean? She, the hostess, didn't speak, and he took command.

Xing liehan turned to look at her coldly. "Do you want your son to run around in the future? What's the matter?"

"Of course I don't want to, but who told you to live here? If you don't live here, does your son need to run around?" Tang Siyu thinks that he is the one who is wrong.

"Even if I live in, the door must be opened."

"I didn't promise."

"Magneto......" The construction workers nearby have started to drill the motor.

Tang Siyu's head was buzzing at once. She couldn't stand the sound. She covered her ears and went to Xing lie's cold path. "OK, I'll give you a day. If you can't do it well, I won't let you do it."

Finish saying, Tang Siyu packed her bag and important things from the room, came to his side and said angrily, "you'd better show me home! I'll be back in the afternoon. '

Xing liehan squints her eyes, watching her figure leave coldly, letting the construction team continue.

Tang Siyu came out. In her car downstairs, she didn't know where to go for a while!

And she just thought that today is the engagement ceremony of Murphy and Tang Yiyi. Because this hateful bastard, now her mind is full of his hateful appearance. Even Murphy and Tang Yiyi are engaged, she has no time to get angry.

Did she owe him anything in her last life?

Tang Siyu decided to go to the nearby shopping mall to pick up her son from school in the afternoon. Anyway, there must be a mess at home now. She didn't want to go back.

Tang Siyu took out the black card again in a dream, and thought that she was a rich woman with a body of 100 million, which was incredible.

Tang Siyu is familiar with the words and music of the concert in the coffee shop of the shopping mall. She is looking a little fascinated. Suddenly, her mobile phone rings. She is surprised that the number on it is strange.

"Hello," she said politely

"Tang Siyu, you shameless woman, what did you say to mufei? When did you meet him behind my back? " That end is the voice of Tang Yiyi's crying and scolding, with a strong cry and resentment.

Tang Siyu looked out of the window at the scenery with a little consternation, but said coldly, "what are you talking about?"

"What do I say? Murphy just cancelled his engagement with me. It must be you. It must be you who secretly told him not to marry me. Tang Siyu, I hate you. " Tang Yiyi's mood was so intense that he talked like an abandoned woman.

Tang Siyu understood that Murphy had cancelled her engagement? What does this have to do with her? She sneered and retorted, "Murphy doesn't marry you. What are you looking for me for? He and I made it five years ago. "

"You don't have to push the responsibility here. Murphy just said that there is a woman in his heart. He must mean you. Do you carry what I said to him behind your back? You must have said all the bad things about me, you vicious woman." Tang Yiyi's side has a bunch of advice, but her voice is still high decibel, let Tang Siyu deliver the microphone away, otherwise, her ears will not be easy.

"Boring." Tang Siyu lost two words and hung up the phone.

However, Murphy will cancel the wedding, which is really beyond her expectation. Hasn't Murphy been dating Tang Yiyi for five years? How to say cancel? They haven't had a real relationship yet?

She thought of the last conversation with Murphy, and Murphy's expression didn't show any excitement. Maybe in the past five years, Murphy and Tang Yiyi were together because of sleeping her responsibility that night!

Tang Yiyi is the one who chases mufei all the time, so it's not surprising that mufei suddenly destroys his marriage.

But did he really say that there was a woman in his heart in front of all the guests?

If he really said that, Tang Siyu believed that mufei meant himself. Five years ago, she forgot all about it. Hasn't he forgotten yet?

But no matter what entanglement, love and hate Tang Yiyi and mufei have, it has nothing to do with her, and she doesn't want to participate in it.

Tang Siyu's cell phone rang again. She picked it up. This time it was from her father. She had to pick it up. "Hello, Dad."

"Siyu, I just saw Yiyi call you. You should know that Murphy cancelled the wedding."

"Dad, what happened?" Tang Siyu asked curiously."At ten o'clock it was auspicious. But when Murphy came to the stage, he announced the cancellation of the engagement directly, and said that he could not forget a woman now. He could not marry Yiyi. After that, he left."

Tang Siyu's head is slightly fried. Does mufei really say that?

"Siyu, the woman mufei refers to should be you!"

"Dad, he and I are finished. Maybe it's not me." Tang Siyu didn't want to carry this black pot.

"Ah! Who else but you? Come on, it can be seen that Murphy is not ready and we don't demand it. It's sad to rely on it this time, and maybe there's a misunderstanding for you. Don't go home soon! Let her calm down. "

"Good! I just don't have the time. " Tang Siyu answered.

That end hung up the phone, Tang Siyu slightly breathed a sigh, in fact, she did not tangle up for a long time, Tang Yiyi married mufei, these are two people who have nothing to do with her.

However, at the moment, she felt that her half sister was very sad. She tried her best to tie up a man who didn't love her, but at the end of the day, he still thought of her, which was the most cruel punishment for her snatching mufei.

She didn't do it, but God did.

She's a little happy.

However, if Murphy gave up his engagement, even if he said he still thought about her, they would never go back in their lives.

When Tang Siyu was about to continue to watch, suddenly her cell phone rang again. She prayed that Tang Yiyi would not come to her again to scold her. She picked up her cell phone and saw a string of familiar numbers. Although the numbers were not in her cell phone for a long time, how could she easily forget the numbers that she could recite with her eyes closed?

It's mufei.

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