Unchosen Champion

Chapter 57: Dust Devil

The group stared at the torches as they hovered in the wind. The lights pierced the gloom despite the hurricane, which made Coop think they weren’t just regular torches. The Empire was probably using someone’s abilities to keep watch. They had covered some decent ground, thanks to Derek’s support, so they expected to be near the inner ring. It seemed like the Empire was actively guarding their wall.

“Could we try going around?” Madison suggested as she peered through the wind.

Marcus was the first to shake his head. “They’ll be using the entire inner ring. All hands on deck until the threat is cleared.” He glanced around them. “In this case, the threat is the storm.”

“So this isn’t a manhunt for whoever killed Rod?” Coop asked the apparently knowledgable Marcus.

Derek missed a note and sounded like he popped a string. “Hold up. Are you saying Rod is dead?”

Coop just shrugged, jostling Madison, but it was enough for Derek to jump for joy and start strumming a new, out of tune song.

He stopped when he hit the untuned string. “You know he had a legendary class?”

“He mentioned it.” Coop stated. Between Rod, Charlie, and Camila’s declined class, it seemed like there were a bunch of those going around.

Marcus ignored Derek’s antics and answered Coop’s manhunt question. “This is a hold pattern, if someone in leadership was assassinated it would look a lot different and more people would be mobilized.”

“Maybe they’ll just let us through then.” Coop suggested. “If they’re not looking for us specifically, we can just say we’re taking shelter from the wind.”

“Nah, mate, they’ll hold us for sure.” Derek argued, still looking for someone to celebrate with him. He smirked at Camila while tuning his guitar.

Camila ignored him completely while staring intently at Coop. “Let me take care of it.” She requested. The look in her eye told him she felt like she had something to prove, but he didn’t think something like that was necessary.

“You sure?” Coop started. “I could go as well.”

“I’m sure. The conditions couldn’t be more perfect. A flat, open arena, and cover that doesn’t impede my momentum.” Camila referred to the walls of wind before adding, “And people who deserve it.”

“Alright.” Coop wouldn’t be the one to deny her persistence, even if he was concerned with her eagerness. “We’ll wait for you right here.”

All eyes were on Camila when she stretched her back and walked away from the party while rotating one arm. Derek’s reinforcement zone started to fade since he had popped a string. He finished his tuning and started playing some new chords. It reminded Coop of an old western theme. It would have seemed like a joke coming from Derek if he wasn’t obviously talented and if the song didn’t come with unmistakable buffs. They could barely hear each other over the sounds of the wind, so there was no concern for the Empire overhearing his songs.

The wind hadn’t weakened during the time that they had traveled, and Camila was quickly out of sight. Just a few seconds after she disappeared it became obvious where she had gone. She ripped through the storm, tearing a path through the wind that remained, even as she vanished, cutting through the clouds. A few moments went by while everyone watched the storm churn, then the torches started falling to the ground.

Camila tore through the haze, leaving a visible wake in the walls of wind. She moved so quickly she left turbulence that reached up and expanded until it revealed the blue sky before the storm could refill the gaps. Her movement was too fast to follow directly and the trails that remained were just temporary evidence of her presence.

The torch on the right was the first to fall, then the second from the left disappeared completely, followed by another on the right. It only took as many seconds as there were torches before Camila’s silhouette began to take shape in front of them, walking nonchalantly until she reappeared through the wall of wind like she had just been on a casual stroll. If they hadn’t been able to watch the wake that she cut through the wind as it reached the sky, Coop wouldn’t have believed she had even started. Derek stopped his western theme to give Camila a round of applause, Coop probably would have joined in if his hands weren’t full.

“Well, she’s pretty damn amazing.” Madison observed from Coop’s arms.

Coop nodded in agreement. “That’s Camila. She and Charlie have been inseparable since all this craziness started.”

“Oh?” Madison gave Camila another evaluating look, judging her daughter’s company before giving her approval. “I like her. Why don’t you put me down and talk to her. I need to check on my husband anyway.” She decided and patted Coop’s chest appreciatively.

Coop let her feet down gently, but kept a hold of her. “You sure?” He hesitated.

“Oh, stop fussing, you’re like an old lady.” Madison warned him as she took an unsteady step toward Emmanuel.

Coop watched as she reached out to him and began glowing like she had when she healed his own ribs. From the small distance, he could see the full length of the angel wings. They were huge, but insubstantial. The mana formed a blurry outline of the wings and didn’t solidify the way his ethereal mist formed his weapons and armor, remaining vaporous instead. Madison herself also had a similarly vaporous halo shaped crown that grew increasingly bright as she healed Emmanuel.

“She’s like an angel.” Camila commented from his side.

Coop nodded in agreement as the glow diminished and Emmanuel used his freshly healed arm to brace the fatigued healer. “I wonder how it works.”

“Charlie told me she was a really skilled emergency physician. That probably helps.” Camila shared.

“Hmm.” Coop thought that made sense. At least it was probably enough to attract the right sponsor when it came to factions. He nudged Camila. “You obviously didn’t have any trouble dealing with those guards.”

Camila stood up straight like she was basking in a spotlight. “I’ve always been a troublemaker, especially around my siblings and cousins.” She gave Coop’s arm a light punch.

“The ones in our way won’t bother us.” Camila told him. “It seems like they were just waiting there as a precaution. The inner ring is just a bit further and the winds die down as they approach the wall. There’s more of them waiting along the walls in both directions.” She explained. “You’ll be able to see the lights.”

Coop thought it would be better to go before anyone noticed they came through there, so he got everyone moving. Charlie had woken up as well, and the family reunion continued as they walked. Emmanuel had a look of perfect contentment that told Coop the man would have been happy to stay in the wind, or anywhere else, as long as it was with his wife and daughter. Coop had a pang of regret that his parents weren’t around, but he didn’t let it stop him from being happy for them. He felt like they had already done a good deed, even if they hadn’t escaped yet, just by reuniting Charlie’s family.

They made it to the checkpoint in the inner ring that the guards had been protecting. The winds had died down just before the protective wall, just like Camila said. He turned back to look at the massive stationary tornado that Charlie had summoned. It engulfed the entire inner area of the airport and reached into the sky so that it seemed to be continuously swallowing clouds, driving their remains into the ground.

The storm was shaped a bit like an hourglass, wide on the ground, but even wider in the sky where it stretched well beyond the Empire’s territory. It was staggering that a single person could cause something so dramatic.

They went through the metal gate, closing it behind them, and made their way through more crooked roads between shelters. Coop expected the outer wall to be easier to escape and the inner wall hadn’t even been that bad. He supposed they were in the cover of the storm and Camila took care of what should have been the hard part, making it seem easier than it was. She still looked satisfied with her contribution as she practically skipped along with him.

He kept an eye out for anyone that looked like they wanted to leave the flimsy shelters that dominated the Empire’s settlement. He thought there would be takers when faced with the massive storm and the reminder of how easily their huts could be destroyed, but no one even acknowledged him. It was kind of depressing, but he had to remember that they all had a different and more harrowing experience during the end of the world than he did back on Ghost Reef. He thought of the eager prisoner that provided the distraction for their escape. He certainly hadn’t lost hope yet. He wondered what his plan was.

Before they reached the outer checkpoint he veered the party away from the main thoroughfare and down smaller paths that wrapped around the shelters. Instead of leaving from the obvious gate, he wanted to exit the outer wall by entering one of the many buildings that the Empire was incorporating into its perimeter. He was sure they could find a way through one of the city blocks at the edge of the settlement. Empress City’s outer wall was essentially a bunch of blockaded streets all the way around the airport, which meant most eyes would be on the roads.

The airport was just outside of downtown, with one end mostly open toward the ocean. The airstrips were oriented so that the planes would fly over the sea during landings and takeoffs. Unfortunately, that meant that the city blocks Coop wanted to sneak through were zoned for shorter warehouse type industrial buildings rather than commercial and office buildings that would have provided more cover.

It still didn’t take them too long to find a block dominated by storage units that they could sneak through, avoiding the Empire’s checkpoints altogether. A few more blocks to the port and they would be long gone. He checked on Charlie and Madison who had both recovered quite a bit in each other's presence. Emmanuel was just basking in delight. Marcus seemed anxious to go faster and Derek hadn’t given up on getting Camila to notice him, though he had at least stopped playing his guitar once they reached the shelters of the settlement. His pack full of Empire equipment was still strapped across his back.

They moved through the yellow self-storage units quietly, but ended up finding more people who were using the units as their own shelters. They had hung makeshift barriers across destroyed orange metal doors and used old furniture and boxes to create some privacy. All of the people just ignored the group as they walked by. He supposed they didn’t look much different than a party of the Empire’s Chosen.

Coop had everyone move a bit more quickly once they made it through the storage area, crossing the street and sticking close to the facade of a mostly empty junkyard on the next block. Peering through the chain link fence topped with barbed wire he noted just a handful of junkpiles. It seemed like many of the broken down cars the Empire used to create their wall had come from this place. Coop imagined dragging broken cars all the way around the airport and confirmed that it must have sucked.

Another block away and it really felt like they were home free. The port loomed in front of them, behind a high security barrier, with its massive cranes waiting for commercial shipping containers that wouldn’t be arriving any time soon. The second artificial island still had multiple stationary cruise ships moored in the port that looked to be in pretty good shape, but one of them was covered in leaves as the plants growing on board had taken over. Even further, on the opposite side of the island with the cruise ships were the private yachts and, hopefully, the waiting catamaran that would be their escape.

Coop looked back at the still flowing storm, centered over the airport, and noted that it was already fading. They could make out the buildings and the parking garages through the slowing winds even from multiple blocks away. When they were moving through it, they could barely see outside of their immediate vicinity.

To his surprise, a group of the Empire’s Chosen were also on their tail, hustling to catch up with them as they exited the storage facility. Coop realized it was the same group of guards that had escorted him to meet Rod.

“What are the odds?” He mumbled out loud getting the attention of the rest.

One of the guards, Coop remembered as the Level 28 Flame Knight, had four very familiar lights orbiting him as he led the group. It seemed like it was his ability that provided the torches to the Chosen that Camila had disabled. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Derek’s pack also glowing.

Derek, realizing the attention also took note of the glow, reached into his pack and dropped a few of the torches onto the ground. He looked guiltily at the rest, “C’mon, homing beacons on torches? How was I supposed to know?” He complained. “I just thought they were neat.”

“Just get moving, I’ll catch up.” Coop stated to the party. It seemed like Camila and Charlie wanted to stay, but Marcus didn’t need any encouragement and started moving even though he didn’t know where they were going. Clearly, ‘away’ was enough for him. “Make sure everybody’s ready to go.” Coop directed at the girls, hurrying them off. They finally went.

As they rounded the junkyard, Coop had a minute to inspect the auras once again before he would confront them.

[Human (Level 28)]

[Flame Knight (Body)]

[Chosen of the Endless Empire]

[Human (Level 27)]

[Blade Tyrant (Strength)]

[Chosen of the Endless Empire]

[Human (Level 30)]

[Secutor (Strength)]

[Chosen of the Endless Empire]

[Human (Level 30)]

[Steel Inquisitor (Intelligence)]

[Chosen of the Endless Empire]


[Human (Level 27)]

[Honan Cavalier (Agility)]

[Chosen of the Endless Empire]

He summoned his glaive and resummoned his helmet to complete his ethereal armor set. He thought the glaive was the most intimidating weapon that he used, and he was hoping to deter the party from actual conflict. The door guards didn’t know what they were getting themselves into and had inadvertently walked into it thanks to Derek snatching a torch. He waited like he was security for the port until the group got closer. It was amusing watching the Secutor lug his heavy looking shield around. The poor guy was already winded.

“That’s far enough guys.” Coop called out as they rounded the corner and spotted him. “You should just head back home. No one needs to get hurt.”

The Cavalier laughed out loud as the party fanned out into a battle formation. The Inquisitor was the one who responded.

“You’re right. As long as you and the blonde come back with us, we don’t need to fight.” He replied. Coop noted the mean looking spikes that had formed in an arc around him, pointed at Coop. He was obviously looking for a fight, despite offering a deal.

“Sorry, but I’m sure it’s clear by now that we’re leaving.” Coop announced. He tried directing his aura over the party, empowering its oppressive nature by revealing his kills only, hoping to scare them off. He watched as they had physical reactions, flinching and sweating from the impression of a bloodthirsty reaper, but they weren’t dissuaded.

“Your tricks won’t work on us anymore!” The Inquisitor shouted, apparently trying to convince himself just as much as anyone else.

“Fine.” Coop gave in. “I can’t promise any of you will survive.” He readied his glaive.

When the party readied themselves, Coop almost laughed out loud. They had arranged themselves in exactly the same positions as all of the Primal Trackers that he had been slaying since he got to the mainland. They were even within the same level range as the monsters. Coop’s delighted grin combined with his aura to make the party even more unsure, but it was too late, they were committed.

This was the first time he was facing a faction’s organized party with time to settle into a formation. If anything, they seemed even less threatening once their tactics were revealed.

Coop treated them exactly like the weak monsters they appeared to imitate, engaging them just like the other 16,400 Trackers that he had already defeated. He rushed into their formation, slamming his glaive into the fancy tower shield he had already admired multiple times. The Secutor hadn’t had time to react to the lunging attack, but Coop had aimed for the shield anyway, testing their relative Strength.

It was no contest. The Secutor reacted like Coop’s glaive had commanded his soul to retreat. The armored man bounced once and skidded across the street until he stopped at the curb on the opposite side.

It was exactly the opening engagement that the party had hoped for, with the main tank receiving the initiation, but it was absolutely not the outcome that they expected. The tanky centerpiece was meant to keep their opponent's attention, but he was also meant to hold his position.

Still, they were drilled to attack from the flanks as soon as their opponent was drawn toward the center. Coop had played along and the Cavalier and Flame Knight both swung their swords where Coop should have been stopped by the tank. They hadn’t anticipated Coop continuing right through their strongest member’s position, making their attacks useless unless they cut down their partners.

Coop spun from behind the position that the Secutor should have held, swinging low and taking the legs out from under the Blade Tyrant with the shaft of his glaive. He had consciously avoided dismembering the man even when given the opportunity, but he wasn’t above slamming the butt of his glaive into his helmet while he was down. The Blade Tyrant had revealed sharp edges gleaming from the outside of his forearms and his shins, but never had a chance to use them.

Coop stepped back, now in the middle of the street, with an unconscious enemy in the gutter of each sidewalk. He allowed his aura to reveal his titles as well, thinking that maybe that the increased aura pressure with the display of strength would be enough to discourage any more fighting.

“Two down.” He noted.

The Flame Knight looked at the Inquisitor nervously, obviously ready to call it quits, but Coop recognized the look in the Inquisitor’s eyes. It reminded him of Kevin the Hammer, a true believer in his faction and himself. The look of someone who believed the world had been reforged specifically for his own ascension.

The Inquisitor’s spikes shot through the air toward Coop and the Cavalier conjured what looked like a thick rope net, launching it at his legs. Coop missed having his shield for a brief moment, sidestepping the spikes to avoid the more dangerous seeming attack. The net wrapped around his right leg and the Cavalier grinned in triumph. The rope dug into Coop’s leg, constricting like it had a life of its own.

Coop turned and kicked his leg, pulling the rope taut, and yanking the Cavalier stumbling forward. The rope was tied around the man’s forearm, trapping him as much as his target, and his target was significantly stronger. Coop used the butt of his glaive once again, barely needing to thrust as the Cavalier fell headfirst into it. The Cavalier splayed out flat on his back in the middle of the road, with his curved sword clattering beside him.

Coop sliced the net off his leg with the blade of his glaive as he ducked three more metal spikes from the Inquisitor.

“I’ll pluck your eyes and feed them to you!” The Inquisitor shouted as he summoned more spikes. Coop grimaced at the disgusting threat. What a thing to say in the heat of battle.

Coop hesitated, preventing himself from swapping weapons to spear and shield, in order to avoid revealing to the Empire more of his abilities. He really wanted to block the shiny metal spikes and he obviously needed to kill this fanatic. A well-placed spear throw would finish the job, but he stuck with the glaive.

Instead, he advanced toward the Inquisitor. He moved quickly, but wasn’t overly fast incase he needed to dodge more spikes. The Inquisitor tried to walk backwards while maintaining the pressure with his conjured spikes. Coop easily sidestepped the half aimed projectiles while closing the gap. The Flame Knight had abandoned the fight and was kneeling next to the Secutor, making sure he was alright.

Coop thought the Primal Kites were much better at the strategy this guy was implementing. At this rate, he wouldn’t need a mistjump to catch him. The Inquisitor continued his retreat until he tripped over a manhole cover and toppled backwards. He scrambled a bit to crawl on his butt away from Coop, but Coop caught up and aimed his glaive at the Inquisitor’s head.

The Inquisitor’s face twisted from a look of concern into a menacing sneer and Coop dodged backwards, like he was avoiding an Ancient Prowler’s ambush. Three spikes surged past him from above. The Inquisitor’s sneer was momentarily wiped off his face before it morphed into horror. One spike drove into his stomach, pinning him to the ground. The next followed a split second after and stabbed in the center of his chest, knocking him flat and cutting off his panicked yelp before it left his throat. The final spike went through his forehead.

Coop grimaced at the Inquisitor for the second time before he left his body and approached the Flame Knight. The man had put the Secutor in the recovery position and was checking on the Cavalier next.

“So, should I knock you out or are we done here?” Coop asked as he closed in on the Empire’s Chosen.

The Flame Knight looked up and raised his hands in surrender. “We’re done.” He glanced over at the Inquisitor’s body and nodded, repeating himself. “We’re done...”

Coop left him to help the surviving members of his party recover. He hurried to catch up with his friends and head home before anyone else tried to stop them from escaping.

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