Unconquered Heir

4-Narrow Path Rivals

A night of dreamless sleep.

The next morning, Lin Xiu stood in the courtyard, washing his face. In the reflection of the bronze basin, he saw a handsome visage. This world's Lin Xiu was an exact replica of him, down to the smallest mole in a private place. For a moment, Lin Xiu almost believed it was his own body.

Yet, despite the resemblance, this body differed from his original one. In his previous life, Lin Xiu had been battle-hardened at a young age, leaving his constitution somewhat weakened. This body, a few years younger and still untested, brimmed with boundless energy.

Though he found himself inexplicably transported to a strange new world, Lin Xiu felt no sorrow, only a sense of liberation. After all, there was little left in his old world that held any allure for him.

That meteor had opened the door to a new world. Now, Lin Xiu possessed two extraordinary abilities: Sun Dalì's strength and Zhao Lingyin's ice.

In a twist of fate, Zhao Lingyin had carried him back from the brothel yesterday, their bodies in close contact. In his unconscious state, he had silently acquired her power. As they say, "When you plant flowers with care, they may not bloom; when you stick a willow branch in the ground without thought, it grows into a tree."

In the world of martial arts, one can never have too many skills. Learning another language is always beneficial, as it might prove invaluable in a critical moment. Thus, Lin Xiu decided to return to the Fragrant Pavilion to speak with Haintang once more.

Firstly, he disliked leaving tasks unfinished. Yesterday, he had been so close to success, and giving up now would leave him unsettled. Secondly, he had not paid Haintang for her time, which could tarnish his reputation.

Soon, Lin Xiu reappeared at the brothel. Upon seeing him, Haintang anxiously asked, "Sir, are you alright? That woman from yesterday..."

Lin Xiu waved her off, "I'm fine. Let's continue where we left off. I forgot to pay you yesterday."

At the tea table, Lin Xiu once again took Haintang's hand. After some idle chat, she looked up at him, her eyes filled with resolve. "Sir, I thought about what you said last night. You're right; I shouldn't dwell on the past. I need to think about my future..."

Lin Xiu smiled, "Do you have any plans?"

Haintang's eyes sparkled, "I don't want to stay in this line of work. I want to save money to buy my freedom and, as you suggested, start a small business."

Lin Xiu nodded, "That's a good plan. When the time comes, let me know. I'll be a frequent patron of your business."

Haintang smiled, "Thank you, sir."

Her eyes, like peach blossoms, gazed intently at Lin Xiu, a hint of affection in her gaze. In her years as a courtesan, she had never encountered such a customer. Unlike others who sought only her body, he held her hand gently, spoke kindly, and offered her hope for the future.

In her dark days, he was the only light that shone through. Her heart raced, a feeling she hadn't experienced since three years ago, when she saw a handsome young man riding a white horse past her window. He had appeared in her dreams, stirring her emotions.

This time, her heart beat even more fiercely. Her face flushed, and she gripped Lin Xiu's hand tightly, unconsciously clenching her legs. Gazing into his eyes, she whispered, "Sir..."

Suddenly, Lin Xiu stood up, apologetic, "I'm sorry, but I just remembered something important. We'll have to stop here. I look forward to the day when you become a shopkeeper..."

Haintang sat stunned, her emotions abruptly extinguished.

"Chirp, chirp..."

Just then, the caged oriole by the window called out. To others, it was a mere birdcall, but to Lin Xiu, it was a human voice.

"Hehe, the little sir is leaving. Come, give me a smile..."

Lin Xiu, already at the door, paused and turned to smile at the caged oriole.


The oriole, startled, let out a sharp cry, its feathers fluffing up as it huddled in the corner of the cage.


Outside the Fragrant Pavilion, Lin Xiu stepped out of the brothel and paused, looking back. This would likely be his last visit. He hoped the unfortunate girl would soon change her fate and begin a new life.

Turning to leave, he saw a white figure before him. The woman stood a few steps away, her gaze icy. The temperature plummeted, and passersby within ten meters tightened their cloaks.

Lin Xiu's vision blurred as the woman grabbed his collar. Meeting her frigid gaze, he stammered, "Let me explain..."

Before he could finish, Haintang leaned out of the second-floor window, calling, "Sir, remember to visit often! I won't charge you..."

Lin Xiu couldn't explain. Suddenly, he saw several armored guards approaching. Surely, she wouldn't dare attack him in front of them?

He waved frantically, shouting, "Help! Help! Someone is attacking me in the street!"

The guards hurried over, the leader bellowing, "Who dares to commit violence in the capital!"

One guard tugged his sleeve, pale-faced, "It's her..."

The leader, recognizing her, paled and backed away. They exchanged glances, then looked skyward.

"Haha, nice weather today, isn't it?"

"Yes, yes..."

"Nothing here, let's go to the next street."

"Agreed, agreed..."

The guards scurried away, leaving Lin Xiu dumbfounded. Realizing the woman was untouchable, he turned to her, finding her expression even more hostile.

Lin Xiu stopped struggling, taking a deep breath, "I have one request—let's not do this here."

Moments later, in a deserted alley near the Fragrant Pavilion, Lin Xiu's hands were twisted behind his back, pinned against a wall. He tried to explain, "This is a misunderstanding. I did nothing wrong. Ask them if you don't believe me..."

The woman's cold voice cut in, "Nothing wrong in a brothel? Do you expect me to believe that?"

"I was on official business!"

"Official business? No one cares!"

Lin Xiu: "..."

She pressed harder, gritting her teeth, "Don't think that engagement means you can marry my sister. I will cancel it!"

Lin Xiu, face against the wall, was stunned.


Is that possible?

Seizing the opportunity, he said, "You said it. Who doesn't cancel it is a dog. Swear now, immediately!"

"The engagement was set by our grandfather, who has passed. It should be null..." She paused, incredulous, "What did you say?"

Releasing him, she listened as Lin Xiu pressed on, "I want to cancel it too. Why not go to your house now? Who will bring it up?"

Before he finished, he was pinned again. She frowned, "What do you mean?"

Lin Xiu, exasperated, broke free, "Nothing works for you! Are you insane?"

She didn't react, instead examining him closely. "Have you trained in martial arts?"

Yesterday, she noticed his unusual strength. His recent burst of power confirmed her suspicions.

Lin Xiu, rubbing his wrist, snapped, "None of your business..."

She suddenly punched him. Instinctively, he caught her wrist. A chill surged from her, freezing his hand and spreading to his shoulder. A force within him responded, and ice formed on her wrist as well.

She pulled away, delighted, "You've awakened an ability!"

Lin Xiu, frowning, realized his new ice power was reacting. Her joy puzzled him.

Frowning, he thought, "Why is she so happy? Insane!"

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