Unconquered Heir

6-Steps to Mastery

Initially, Lin Xiu harbored a mixture of disdain and fear towards Zhao Lingyin. His disdain stemmed from her interference in his affairs and the subsequent beating, while his fear was born of his inability to match her in combat.

However, after today's events, his perception of her shifted. Though she was somewhat overbearing and harsh, it was clear that she genuinely regarded him as one of her own. No one, not even his parents from his past life, had ever treated him with such care.

Lin Xiu was not ungrateful. Having encountered many women, he could discern genuine kindness from feigned affection. Zhao Lingyin exemplified the former, while Sun Dalì represented the latter. As a guard, Sun Dalì always fled at the first sign of danger, leaving Lin Xiu to fend for himself. Lin Xiu was considering replacing him.

Upon returning to the estate, representatives from the Academy of Extraordinary Arts soon arrived, bringing several items: ten taels of silver, a waist token, a set of robes, and a thin booklet.

The silver was for monthly expenses. Many students came from modest backgrounds, and ten taels were sufficient for a comfortable life in the capital. The money was to be collected at the academy at the beginning of each month.

The waist token served as both an identification badge for the academy and a pass to enter the palace. The academy was located within the imperial city, which was divided into three parts: the outer, middle, and inner palaces. The inner palace housed the emperor's consorts and young princesses, the middle palace was for state affairs, and the outer palace contained key government offices. The academy, along with other institutions, was situated in the outer palace, serving as a strategic defense against potential invaders.

The booklet contained the academy's rules, prohibiting student violence, bravado, and harassment. The most crucial rule was the prohibition on unauthorized movement within the palace. Entering the middle or inner palaces without permission was a serious offense.

With these instructions in mind, Lin Xiu donned the academy robes and eagerly left home. Sun Dalì followed closely, pretending to be a diligent guard.

Entering the imperial city with his waist token, Lin Xiu made his way to the academy. The academy was divided into four sections: the Yellow, Dark, Earth, and Heaven courts, based on students' abilities and potential. The highest, the Heaven court, was where Zhao Lingyin resided, due to her powerful and early-awakened abilities.

Despite having similar powers, Lin Xiu was placed in the Yellow court because of his late awakening, making him less valuable. If not for special arrangements, he would not have been admitted at all.

Students in the Heaven court enjoyed abundant resources and multiple instructors, while those in the Yellow court largely relied on self-study, consulting teachers only when necessary. Lin Xiu was content with this arrangement and headed straight to the library.

The library was open to all students, and Lin Xiu was eager to learn more about extraordinary arts. During the holiday, the library was nearly empty. In a secluded corner, he immersed himself in the texts.

The books revealed that ancient civilizations had discovered extraordinary arts, initially using them for hunting. Over time, as human society advanced, so did their understanding of these arts, leading to a comprehensive system. Abilities were categorized into four tiers: Heaven, Earth, Dark, and Yellow, with Heaven being the most powerful, such as ice, fire, and lightning control. Slightly weaker abilities, like strength and speed, were classified as Earth. Weaker still were Dark and Yellow.

Lin Xiu's abilities—ice, strength, and beast communication—were classified as Heaven, Earth, and Yellow, respectively. Heaven-tier abilities were capable of large-scale destruction, making their wielders akin to deities. Earth-tier abilities, while formidable, were less impressive. Dark-tier abilities, such as healing and invisibility, were primarily supportive. Yellow-tier abilities, like understanding animal speech, were the least valued and rarely cultivated.

However, possessing a Heaven-tier ability did not guarantee corresponding power. Lin Xiu, for instance, could only use his ice ability to cool himself, a far cry from its true potential. The academy was filled with students who, despite having high-tier abilities, remained in the Yellow court due to their limited development.

Lin Xiu searched the books for information on his unique ability to replicate others' powers but found nothing. He decided to keep this secret, fearing the potential consequences if it were known.

Continuing his search, he found a book on cultivating extraordinary arts. Like leveling up in a game, newly awakened abilities started weak and grew stronger with practice. However, unlike games, extraordinary arts could be reawakened, each awakening significantly enhancing power. For example, ice, fire, and lightning control were Heaven-tier because historical records showed some practitioners had awakened them seven times or more.

Lin Xiu closed the book, feeling a mix of awe and determination. The academy was indeed a treasure trove of knowledge. He moved to another section, seeking guidance on advancing his abilities. The books provided detailed instructions, often involving extreme conditions. For ice, one must endure harsh cold, standing naked in the snow or lying on ice. Given the current summer heat, Lin Xiu wondered how he could begin his training.

As he pondered, a familiar scent wafted by. Zhao Lingyin appeared, saying, "I saw Sun Dalì at the palace gate and guessed you were here."

Her expression was cold, but her eyes were soft, pleased by his diligence. Lin Xiu explained, "I just awakened my abilities and came to find out how to train."

Zhao Lingyin replied, "I will help you. Follow me."

She led him out of the library, through the academy, and back to the Lin residence. In his room, she turned and said, "Close the door."

Lin Xiu complied. She then looked at him and said, "Take off your clothes."

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