Undead Emperor

Chapter 128 - Strong temperament (sixth more download!)

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Chapter 128: The Powerful Temperament (Sixth to download!)

Dongmen Tu’s voice is very indifferent, very plain, without the tone of anger, but it contains indescribable hegemony! Like the emperor Li Min questioning crimes, there is the invisible coercion of the superior.

Feeling invisible coercion, the gentleman’s heart contracted.

“I am the person in charge of Taiyan Jiucheng, who are you? As a disciple of the Zhushan Church, you openly attacked the site of Vientiane Zong, are you trying to provoke a war between the two factions!” Kang Peng shouted loudly.

Seeing the other party’s instant, Kang Peng knew that he couldn’t beat all of them, because he couldn’t even see the other party’s realm!

What does this mean?

Kang Peng, as a quintessential monk of rebirth, can best see the virtue of the six reborns.

While the other party stood in the flying boat, in Kang Peng’s eyes, it was no different from an ordinary person, and no monk’s breath leaked. But in this case, all the members of the gentleman’s hall felt that they were strangled by an invisible hand, and it was difficult to pant.

This can only prove that the opponent is stronger than his limit!

Born eight times … even born nine times! This is the conclusion drawn by Kang Peng. Faced with such a strong enemy, he had no choice but to move out of the two factions and press hard.

Unfortunately, it has no effect on the other party.

Dongmen Tu smiled coldly: “Are you Su Su? Realm is born with five weights, but the momentum is weak. The three Sun brothers can pick you out and kill you, even the five big families in the nine cities can suppress you. You are not Su Zhen. What about Su Zhen? Let him come out. “

Kang Peng looked cold and said, “Brother Su is not here. If you retreat here, Vientiane Sect will not blame, but if you insist on invading Taiyan Jiucheng, you will fight with Vientiane Sect, and hiding in Zhushan Religion will not spare you!”

“Not there?”

The Dongmen picture frowned slightly, and was somewhat disappointed: “Unfortunately, I wanted to kill a peerless genius. Since Su Zhen escaped his life, I will take you as the color head, all on Huangquan.

There were five steps of blood splatter in one word.

Every monk is a decisive generation! The higher the cultivation base is, the more decisive it is. Because those who are not strong-willed, they are not qualified to cultivate to a high level!

The so-called “strong temperament” refers to the spirit of seeking for the way forward.

Disturb my heart, kill!

Worry my heart, kill!

Deceive my heart, kill!

Kill my heart, kill!

Move my heart, kill!

Stop my begging, kill!

Man is a sharp sword, and only through constant polishing can he be sharp! Any blocking stones in front of you will be broken into pieces! With a sharp edge, cut a supreme avenue!

Dongmen Tu can come to this step, not at all indecisive.

Without saying a word, he raised his hand to release a spider puppet.

A loud noise of “Bang”, a giant puppet five feet long, fell from the sky and fell to the ground, hitting a deep pit.

This is a puppet of a spider, black all over, and eight long feet covered with ‘villi’. Each fluff is a ghost needle. It is extremely poisonous. See blood to seal the throat. It has two rows of eyes on its forehead, each of which is composed of obsidian. The vertigo array is depicted on it, and it can make the enemy trance after illuminating the enemy. It also has hard armor on the back, making Qigong difficult to kill effectively. There is a huge mechanical pouch in its abdomen, which can spray ‘spider silk’. Once entangled, it will be dragged in front of the puppet spider and buried under its claws.

This is a terrifying puppet, especially the coercion it exudes is almost not weaker than that of the East Gate.

A puppet spider born out of eight!

Da Da Da Da Da Da …

As soon as the puppet spider landed, it immediately stepped on its eight long feet and climbed to the wall with a sense of rhythm.

“Activate the formation!” Kang Peng shouted.

Several disciples quickly manipulated an array, and a light curtain suddenly appeared in front of the city wall.

In the past few days, the Gentlemen ’s Hall members have not been idle. Knowing that the East Gate will attack the City of Fire, Kang Peng led the men and rushed to lay a defensive lineup day and night, hoping to persist until the reinforcements arrived.

This large formation is called the “Guardian Star Screen”, which is a simplified version of the Vientiane Sect Protection Mountain Large Formation that is 10,000 times simplified.

On the power, the two can’t be the same. On the magical use, it is the sky and clouds.

In the large mountain array of Vientiane Sect, hundreds of small arrays were entrained, spurred the swords to roar, and the thunder and fire exploded. It was a giant meat grinder, and even the monks of Lingquan Realm could die!

This is undoubtedly much worse from Lihuo City, and even the energy to urge the formation method is to use local materials and use the Lihuo City inventory.

Not to mention Lingquan Realm, you can easily break it when you are born.

The “Guardian Star Screen” doesn’t even have half of the “Tian Luo Di Wang” on the life and death ring.

Kang Peng has no other choice but to use dead horses as living horse doctors, and he expects that the East Gate is not as strong as imagined.

“Boom!” The puppet spider hit the guardian star screen, staggering back a dozen meters, two hind legs were inserted into the ground to stand firm, and the guardian star screen shivered twice and gradually returned to calm.

Seeing this scene, the member of the gentleman’s hall was relieved.

Right bet!

The East Gate is really not as strong as imagined.

Unfortunately, before they were lucky, Dongmen Tu smiled disdainfully: “So this formation wants to block me? Give you a puppet again.”

As he raised his hand, he released a puppet of rhinoceros.

This puppet is ten feet long and four feet wide. It is green and gray like a hill. The sound of “Bang” hit the ground, and the smashed ground trembled three times, dusty. “Kaka Kaka” puppet rhinoceros crawled out of the dirt pit with the sound of gears turning, throwing away the dust from the body, roaring low, and struck the four hoofs and hit the guardian screen!

Running is a mountain moving. Every time a hoof is dropped, the ground will tremble a few times with a huge “dong” sound.

Uh …

A puppet rhino rushed, and the thick rhinoceros horn raised, like a steel cone, stabbed fiercely into the guardian star screen!

Click, a clear sound came. As if there were cracked glass, like thin ice that could not be stepped on in winter, the guardian star screen spread around the center of the rhino horn impact point, and there were dense cracks.

Under one blow, it was about to be crushed?

The members of the gentleman’s face changed wildly!

Just thought that the Dongmen diagram was not so strong, the hindfoot diagram proved that he was stronger than expected!

The guardian star screen was vulnerable to him.

“The puppet spider is good at hunting, but it’s hard to break the line … but it’s just a lot of effort, as long as I want to break it. But I have no intention of dragging you with a long time, and directly use the amazing destructive puppet rhino to break the line, the fastest I ’ll kill you so that you do n’t have long nights. ”The east gate figure turned its fingers around, flying the puppet rhinoceros to run and hit again, while the puppet spider stared at it, preparing to spray the spider silk as soon as the formation broke.

“Can’t stop it, rewind! Everyone scatters!” Kang Peng shouted.

Uh …

The members of the gentleman’s hall receded into the city, but Kang Peng stood on the city wall with a dignified look, urging Haoran’s true energy to the extreme. A white smoke rose from the top of his head and rose to a height of 100 meters! He stared closely at the puppet spider, trying to stop its attack and gain time for the members.

Although the tribulation is coming, I still promise to die!

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