Undead Emperor

Chapter 3966 - Tiandi Avenue

Chapter 3966: Heaven and Earth Avenue

Knowing that Du Sword Sovereign had nothing to do with Su Zhen, Li He felt relieved and stopped asking more questions.

At this time, Su Zhen had already come outside the Immortal Demon Well.

There are not many heavenly forces guarding here, but before coming, Su Zhen had already asked Li Hanxin to arrange things on the fairy well, and try to send the main force of the heavenly court here.

Of course, like today’s court, it’s not just the people from the barren hills, but all those forces that joined the heavens!

Su Zhen did not enter the Immortal Demon Well, but stood outside the Immortal Demon Well and stared at it.

Soon, a touch of coldness appeared on his face, and a breath of coldness penetrated into the fairy well.

That ray of light is rapidly magnifying.

It is not so easy to destroy the Immortal Demon Well, Sword Sovereign said that he does not know which part of the Immortal Demon Well is the most vulnerable, so he can only rely on Su Zhen to explore it himself.

Moreover, once the Immortal Demon Well is destroyed, there will be a lot of movement, and at that time, even the Demon Realm may find it.

At that time, once the Zhenxian Devil Emperor noticed it, he would be extremely angry, and he might even attack the immortal realm directly, because that was its only retreat. Su Zhen had lost its retreat. Not in a hurry?

Thinking of this, Su Zhen also narrowed his eyes slightly. In terms of time, the time for the heavenly forces to get here should not be too slow, and it would take time for him to find a way to destroy the fairy well.

What’s more, with Li He here, he doesn’t need to worry about anything.

Once Zhenxian Devil Emperor really came, he and Li He joined forces, and he didn’t believe that he could not repel Zhenxian Devil Emperor!

The energy in the Immortal Demon Well began to swell, as if it had been stimulated by something, which made people feel extremely hot. At the same time, the heavenly forces guarding the Immortal Demon Well also discovered that it was like a big-eyed fairy. In the magic well, something suddenly started surging, and the spread of purple air was more like a sea of ​​purple fire.

Su Zhen closed his eyes and began to infuse the breath of the Immortal Demon Well through him, searching for the weak spots in this space.

To be honest, if it hadn’t been for Du Sword Sovereign to tell him, he really didn’t know that this Immortal Demon Well was actually needed, and it could be destroyed!

If he had known this was the case, he would have destroyed this place long ago, and it would never be possible to stay here.

“Master Immortal Emperor, what is this going to do?” The forces looked at Su Zhen very puzzled. Although they didn’t know Su Zhen’s intentions, they could perceive that the energy in the Immortal Demon Well was constantly spreading out.

It was like an extremely dangerous thing that could turn into a torrent of destruction and burst out at any time. When people were curious, they also started to step back, for fear that the fairy well would really explode.

“Sir, Immortal Emperor, isn’t this… destroying the Immortal Demon Well?”

“Destroy the Immortal Demon Well? Is this any use? Or is it possible to completely separate the immortal and demon realms?”

“I don’t know, but Immortal Emperor must have his reason for doing this. It’s impossible to come here without any problems, right?”

Everyone’s eyes all fell on Su Zhen, and they all wanted to know what Immortal Emperor Lord was going to do.

Maybe, he is really working on the fairy well, destroying the fairy well!

This is a big deal, and I don’t know if anyone else besides here knows.

At the same time, Su Zhen sensed a weak place in a fairy well.

That place is the realm where the aura gathers the least. If you start from there, you can easily destroy the entire fairy well!

Moreover, he also sensed the existence of immortal energy from that place!

It was a small group of light spots, as if someone had deliberately stayed here, waiting to be discovered.

And this also made Su Zhen more relieved. If I want to come, it really is like the Sword Sovereign said, this place is indeed the place where the Immortal Emperor of the Human Race is specially sealed off the Immortal Devil Emperor!

Although the things Du Sword Sovereign said all made Su Zhen feel novel, but in the same way, he couldn’t even believe in a person who met for the first time with ten percent confidence, and he certainly had some doubts in his heart.

Otherwise, if he believes in Du Sword Sovereign unsuspectingly, what if there is really a problem with this Du Sword Master?

At that time, I was afraid that I could not find a place to regret it.

“It seems that this should be when the ancestors laid out this space, and someone pointed out this place.” Su Zhen thought in his heart.

The next moment, he opened his eyes, and the torrential aura in his body rushed into the fairy well in an instant, and soon became a huge wave in the fairy well, crashing into the weak spot in the fairy well. place.

The Immortal Demon Well was shrinking sharply, and just in the blink of an eye, the Immortal Demon Well completely disappeared from Su Zhen’s sight, turning into a small spot of light.

He looked at the light spot with vigilant eyes, and then, his pupils condensed, and he realized that there was something wrong, and then immediately waved his hand to place a fairy air barrier between the world and the earth, covering everything around it.

This fairy well is going to burst!

He didn’t dare to take risks, if the fairy well really exploded, he didn’t care, but the surrounding heavenly forces would suffer. They would be destroyed together with the explosion of the fairy well!

Sure enough, as he expected, just after the fairy magic well turned into a light spot, it seemed to be brewing for a while, and it expanded suddenly!

Expanded countless times, like the magic moon in the sky, when it was enlarged enough to swallow the sky and the earth in one mouthful, an astonishing destructive force burst rapidly around, and swept up the earth-shaking violent violent, trying to take the surrounding Everything is ruined!

For a while, those who were looking at this side in the distance were all backed in fright. When they were about to run away, they found that the sweeping force that looked terrifying to the extreme was imprisoned in a space. , I can’t even get out.

At this time, they breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Lord Immortal Emperor couldn’t care about them. If the aura hadn’t been taken by Lord Immortal Emperor, they might have to die here!

Thinking of this, they let out a long sigh, the world was full of purple awns, and the purple mist emanating from somewhere, covering all the surroundings, made it impossible to see the surrounding things clearly.

Su Zhen frowned at the moment, because after the explosion of Immortal Demon Well, he saw a bright light, as if it had flown out from one place and landed somewhere.

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