Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Riftan gently kneaded the round swell of her breasts with soap-covered hands. Maxi hastily lowered her arms to cover herself, but that did not stop him. Feeling something hard pressed between her buttocks, she clenched her eyes shut. His hands glided through the warm water, exploring her waist and abdomen. Tenderly, he caressed every curve of her body and massaged the knots under her skin before washing her tangled hair. Her tense body began to relax.

“Now, wash my hair,” he said, rinsing her hair clean.

Maxi gazed at him blankly, her eyelids heavy with sleep. But she soon took the soap in her hands and began to rub it across his scalp. As Riftan lowered his head so she would not strain her arms, she felt his hot breath on her bosom.

Suppressing her embarrassment, Maxi carefully worked her hands through his soft hair. Riftan gently licked the droplets of water pooling in the hollow pit of her collarbone. It was like bathing a large dog; he could not stay still, licking everything he could reach. Her mind traveled back to the time she had sneaked out into the garden as a girl to play with her father’s hound. They had splashed water over each other just the way she and Riftan were doing.

“The foam’s getting into my eyes,” whined Riftan, scooping a handful of water to his face.

Seeing him pout, she almost broke into laughter. She splashed water onto his hair to rinse it clean of foam. Riftan then picked up a kettle from the shelf and poured more hot water into the bathtub. The knots in her muscles softened like jelly and, shoulder-deep in steaming water, she began to nod off. Tension had held her exhaustion at bay, but fatigue now washed over her. In her half-sleep state, Riftan’s touch felt soothing.


He purred in her ear, then adjusted her so she could lean against his chest. A sweet, tingling sensation coursed through her. She sank into him, the steady beat of his heart lulling her to sleep. Her eyelids grew heavier.

“Maxi? Are you… asleep?”


“Are you really asleep?”

Riftan’s gentle strokes on her back turned into insistent shakes. She tried to say something, but all she could manage were unintelligible mumbles. Her vision began to fade. Soon, she was snoring lightly with her nose buried in his shoulders.

Riftan looked down at her at a loss.

“I don’t believe it…”


A blinding ray of sunlight pried open Maxi’s eyelids. Her limbs ached, and her head throbbed. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she rose from the bed only to feel a draft chill her skin. She looked down to find herself stark naked under the blanket and hastily covered herself again. Disoriented, she tried to recall what had happened.

I arrived in Anatol yesterday, and…

She had fallen asleep while bathing with Riftan. Her head snapped up to scan the room, but she was alone. Riftan’s robe lay next to the dying embers in the fireplace. Where had he gone?

She searched the room for something to wear. A neatly folded chemise on the window-side shelf caught her eye. Wrapping the blanket around her body, she scrambled to her feet and was reaching for it when she heard a knock.

“Y-Yes?” she said sharply.

“Begging your pardon for disturbing your sleep, my lady,” answered a gentle voice. “It’s time to rekindle the fireplace…”

“I-It’s all right. I’ve h-had enough sleep. Y-You may e-enter.”

A tall maidservant who looked to be about thirty entered the room and bowed.

“My name is Ludis Ain. I will be serving you from today.”

“I’m M-Maximilian C-Calypse. P-Pleased to meet you.”

The handmaid betrayed no sign of surprise at her stutter.

“You retired to bed without dinner last night,” Ludis responded courteously. “Shall I send for your breakfast now?”

“I-I would like to ch-change first…”

“One moment. I shall help you get dressed.”

Ludis took out a few logs of firewood from her basket to feed the embers, using a poker to stir occasionally. She then brought Maxi the folded clothes. Maxi quickly slipped on a linen undergarment and, on top of that, a thin chemise. Ludis filled a small washbasin with warm water and added a few drops of scented oil. She then soaked a clean towel in the fragrant water to dab Maxi’s face, neck, and arms before helping her into an elegant, ankle-length dress.

Maxi gasped at the intricate embroidery. With its hanging sleeves, the golden dress gave her the appearance of having butterfly wings. It was no less lovely than something out of Rosetta’s wardrobe.

“Please tell me if it’s too tight,” said Ludis, tying a red ribbon just beneath Maxi’s bust.

Maxi shook her head. She could hardly believe that the woman in the mirror was her. Her pale face looked radiant, perhaps due to her good mood, and her unruly auburn hair now elegantly complemented the gold of her dress.

“Would you like me to braid your hair and put it up, my lady?”

“Y-Yes, please.”

Maxi sat down in a chair by the window. Ludis adjusted the mirror and began to comb gently. Listening to the ivory comb slide through her hair, Maxi looked outside to see a palisade of gray cliffs and tall conifers that pointed toward the sky like spears.

“Do you wish to eat in here, my lady?”

She was about to say yes, but she realized that she wanted to look around the castle. Here, there were no scowling half-sisters or fathers who could fly into a violent rage at any moment. She was free to roam wherever she liked. She mustered the courage to look Ludis in the eye.

“I-I’ll e-eat in the d-dining hall.”

“Yes, my lady.”

In the blink of an eye, Ludis finished braiding her hair into a bun and fetched a pair of long-toed shoes for her. Maxi slid her feet into the fashionable shoes, then examined her reflection in the mirror. After days of travel, a change of clothes and freshly styled hair had done wonders for her appearance. Her cheeks flushed with excitement. Would Riftan be pleased to see her?

“W-Where’s R-Riftan- I-I mean, Lord C-Calypse?”

“I’m told the lord went to the training hall at dawn,” answered Ludis, looking concerned. “My lady, do you feel unwell?”


Unsure of why she had given that impression, Maxi cocked her head. Then immediately, she realized Ludis must have thought her ill because of her stutter. Blood rushed to her face, and her excitement was swept away by a great wave of mortification.

“I-I’m all right.”

Her shaky voice sounded awful even to her own ears. Unable to bear the shame any longer, she left the room. Ludis ran after her with a troubled expression.

“M-My lady! Please allow me to guide you through the castle.”

Maxi had darted out in embarrassment without knowing the lay of the castle. She gave a slight nod, grateful that Ludis had continued to treat her with respect.

“This way…”

As Ludis led her toward the stairs, she peered into corners of the castle that she had missed the previous day. The gray stone walls, though coarse, had a natural beauty. Sunlight streamed in through the arched windows, casting intricate shadows on the floor. She squinted in the blinding light as she followed Ludis.

Calypse Castle looked different in daylight. It was as bleak and as empty as it had been at night, but it also radiated an antique charm.

It’s the perfect castle for a knight…

“Is there anything you would like to eat or food you dislike, my lady?”

“N-Not really…”

Maxi trailed off. A long-suffering look flashed across Ludis’s face. Perhaps she was lamenting the misfortune of having met a difficult mistress. Casting aside self-disparaging thoughts, Maxi followed Ludis through the kitchen. A long cherrywood dining table stood in the center of a spacious dining hall, and a row of servants stood by the wall. One of them pulled up a chair for her.

“I trust you had a good night’s rest, my lady?”

“Y-Yes, I did.”

“Forgive me for not introducing myself yesterday. My name is Rodrigo Ceric. I oversee all the servants in this castle.”

Maxi realized that he was the old man who had been on the receiving end of Riftan’s ire the previous day.

“P-Pleasure to meet you,” she said, trying her best to remain calm.

Rodrigo bowed. “At your service, my lady. Please do not hesitate to let me know if there is anything you need.”

“S-Speaking of w-which, the l-lord t-told me yesterday that I c-could decorate the c-castle…”

“Indeed, the lord made it clear this morning that I am to assist you in any way I can, my lady. I was planning to summon the merchants to the castle soon. Would you like to look around the castle before that?”

“Y-Yes, I w-would.”

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