Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Chapter 27

Momentarily disoriented by the sensation of plunging down a cliff, Maxi was brought to her senses by the sound of raindrops striking the windows. Riftan lay quietly behind her with his arms wrapped around her. He was still sheathed in her wet passage, sated from continuous release.

Maxi’s eyelids fluttered as she lay dazed in his arms. She was unsure of how long they had been asleep. Pressed against her back, Riftan’s chest rose and fell gently with each slow breath.

“I want to make love to you until you melt and become one with me.”

Riftan wrapped his arms around her, then reached for her breasts and began to knead. The red peaks of her bosom were sore from his persistent attention. When she let out a soft moan, he tilted his head to tenderly suck her lips. Maxi gazed up at him with swollen eyes.

His hair looked as if someone had tried to tear at it. His face, usually as cold as a metal blade, was flushed red and glistening with sweat, while his stern eyes were now clouded with passion. Scratch marks were strewn across his neck and arms. Realizing that it was she who had created those marks, Maxi cautiously touched the angry welts.

Riftan smiled faintly. “Not even the basilisk I fought gave me a scratch…”

“I-I’m sorry…”

Her voice came out as a croak. He lowered his head once more to smack a kiss on her lips. His black pupils seemed to stare straight into her mind, frightening her.

“You… are a dangerous creature.”

She wanted to ask what he meant, but she had lost her voice. He kissed her once again, their tongues entwining.

“I knew from the moment I saw you that you’d leave me covered in scars.”

His last words were spoken so quietly that she could barely understand them. Slowly, she sank into a deep sleep.


A tremendous rain poured down as if to make up for the previous day’s drizzle. Maxi suspected that a hole had formed in the sky. Not even the knights dared urge their commander to depart, and the journey was delayed once more. Riftan, unable to inspect his land, spent the day idling indoors for the first time since his return.

Maxi and Riftan listened to the sound of rain as they lay naked in bed. When desire struck, they locked themselves in a heated embrace, making love until they could not tell whose body was whose.

When they were finished, they bathed and ate the meal that the maidservants had brought to the room. Riftan placed her on his lap and fed her pieces of sweet fruit, cream-topped bread, and delicate pastries. Maxi wondered whether such indulgence was proper, but too exhausted to feel embarrassment, she leaned against his chest and accepted the food from his fingers.

Riftan smiled at the sight. “You’re just like a little bird.”

And as if he could not resist her charm, he pressed his lips to her cheeks after offering her a sip of wine. She felt herself go weak. Like a mother bear protecting her cub, he did not let go for even a moment. He washed and fed her, then kissed every corner of her body. She had never known such passion and devotion.

An inexplicable thrill surged through her. Not even her own mother had cradled her like this. She felt the urge to throw her arms around him and rub her face against his chest, but she was too exhausted.

“I never imagined that I’d be jealous of a grape,” Riftan muttered as he pushed one into her mouth.

She popped the tart fruit between her teeth and swallowed. He licked the juice that trickled down her chin. The sweet feel of his hands on her cheeks and the dance of his fingers on her glistening lips intoxicated her as if she were submerged in a barrel of golden wine. The sensual heat in the room mingled with the damp scent of rain in the air.

“Crush and swallow me like that grape.”

He stuck his tongue deep into her mouth. Their entangled tongues passed between their lips, speaking more plainly than any language. Her throat tightened. As a passionate shudder shook her arms, she wrapped them around his neck. He pushed her onto her back.

Pieces of fruit spilled onto the bed as their bodies knocked over the fruit bowl. Riftan’s muscular chest, smooth as marble, pressed down on her soft bosom as he licked her juice-stained skin. The sheets, sticky with nectar, wrapped around her body.



Joined in a wet kiss, they rolled around the bed. His mouth smelled of fruit. As their flushed bodies longingly rubbed together, they breathed in each other’s sweet breath. Heat simmered in her heart.

Riftan looked into her eyes and pleaded, “Say my name.”



“R-Riftan… Ooh…”

“More… Say my name again…”

She called his name again and again until her voice grew hoarse. At that moment, she existed only to fulfill him. She forgot all sermons on temperance and the virtues of a modest woman. Instead, she felt the joy of knowing for the first time in her life that someone needed her. Enraptured, she thought she might lose her sanity.

It feels so good. He’s taken my life and resurrected me.

She looked at Riftan through a fog. Nothing existed in the world but his name.


Unfortunately, the rain began to subside in the evening and by dawn, it had ceased. Maxi squinted at the bright morning sun. She tried to rise, but her limbs gave way as if her bones had evaporated. When she groaned quietly at the dull ache, a large hand began to stroke the length of her back.

“Go back to sleep.”

The sharp glare of the morning sun cast stark shadows over Riftan’s sculpted face. Maxi watched, transfixed. He had woken up before her and was already dressed and fully armored. Her heart sank.

“A-Are you leaving t-today?”

“We leave at noon. First, we have to prepare weapons and rations for the journey.”

He lifted her chin and tenderly kissed her swollen lips. He pulled on a pair of silvery-white steel gauntlets and forearm guards, then picked up his sword.

“I’ll come and see you before I leave, so go back to sleep.”

The door closed behind him. Maxi stared at the door and blinked, feeling a wave of emptiness sweep through her. She rose from the bed with shaky steps and instructed the maidservant to draw her a bath. She was wide awake.

“My lady, your bath is ready.”

Ludis and three maidservants entered the room with a bathtub filled with steaming water. It was only with their help that Maxi managed to step into the water. Ludis washed her hair and soaped her body with a soft sponge. Though she was mortified, Maxi did not refuse the servants’ help, knowing that she lacked the strength to bathe herself.

“Excuse me for a moment, my lady,” said the maidservant who was drying her hair with a towel. “I will bring you a high-necked dress.”

A deep blush spread across Maxi’s face. Covered in red splotches, her body looked as if it had contracted the pox.

“Th-Thank you.”

When the servants left the room, Maxi stood in front of the mirror and gingerly unwrapped her towel. As she had expected, her neck was covered in red marks. Her pink-tinged bosom also bore dark, rose-colored spots. With trembling hands, she reached for her breasts. They had felt entirely different under Riftan’s touch.

She stared at the bright-eyed, pink-complexioned woman in the mirror. Could she be the same person as the pale, morose girl with slumped shoulders? Her hands traveled down to her curved waist and pale abdomen before reaching the soft region between her thighs. It was moist and warm. She felt as if she were touching a stranger’s body.

“I’ve brought you a dress, my lady.”

At the sound of knocking, Maxi withdrew her hands from her body with a jolt. Her face burning, she stammered a reply.

“C-C-Come in.”

The maidservant entered the room and dressed her with practiced hands. Maxi found herself clothed in a beautiful dress rippled with green and gold, a golden belt fastened around her waist. Before her hair had had a chance to dry, she tied it up with a ribbon and hurriedly left the room.

Sunbeams streamed through the open windows and warmed her face. Maxi skipped down the stairs, breathing in air that still bore the refreshing scent of rain. Riftan had said that he would see her before he left, but she worried that he would forget his promise.

“Good morning, my lady.”

Rodrigo bowed his head when he noticed Maxi. The servants swept the floors and aired out the hall for the first time since the rains had stopped, and Rodrigo supervised them with hawk-like eyes.

“Breakfast is served, my lady. Would you like to have it in the dining hall?”

“N-No, I can e-eat later. I w-wanted to s-see R-Riftan… I mean, L-Lord Calypse…”

“The lord is at the training grounds with the knights.”

She was about to leave the hall when she stopped in her tracks. What would she do once she found him? She would only get in his way. Seeing her hesitate before the door, Rodrigo approached her.

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