Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 103 One person’s reinforcements

I don’t know if it’s the vehicle killer that plays a role, or if it’s the curse triggered by the inevitable encounter with a powerful enemy.

The mountain dragon fell directly into the pit and hit the abyss worm accurately.

The two behemoths collided in fear, causing a strong earthquake. The ground shattered and buildings collapsed.

At the same time, the mountain dragon's forelimbs stepped on the body of the abyss worm.

The terrifying weight directly broke the worm's bones, causing the worm to vomit blood and scream in agony.

The terrifying sound waves were even unbearable for the nearby insect swarms, and they fell to the ground.

The surrounding windows were directly shattered by the sound waves.

Afterwards, the two sides broke out into an earth-shattering fight.

The abyss worm, which was suddenly seriously injured, crazily wrapped around the mountain dragon's neck, and the terrifying lamprey mouthparts bit hard at the mountain dragon's rock armor. It actually bit through the armor and tore off the mountain dragon's thick armor.

It's unfair!

Dig tunnels carefully and build a mobile network for the insect swarm in secret. If the underground network is completed, the insect swarm can carry out a grand hunt for humans.

As a result, the cave was destroyed by the mountain dragon, and it itself was trampled into a cripple.

As for Shanlong, the situation is similar. Do you have a sense of public morality? Digging such a big hole underground?

The mountain dragon, who was already in unbearable pain from being beaten by the swarm of worms, became extremely jealous when he saw the abyss worms, which could be regarded as enemies. A direct attack was launched on the worm.

Now half of its body is trapped in a deep pit, but it still has extremely terrifying power. It opened its big ore-devouring mouth and bit into the abyss worm, tearing off a piece of flesh with force.

In terms of size, it is bigger than the Abyss Worm! Occupying an absolute advantage!

However, under the deep pit, more and more insect swarms emerged, and all kinds of large insect races came out to attack the mountain dragon trapped in the pit.

The extremely angry mountain dragon spurted out a mouthful of terrifying lava. It was originally an extraordinary creature that devoured minerals. There is a large amount of rock stored in the body and surface. This lava is like a small volcano erupting. Directly covering most of the deep pit.

At the same time, a large number of insect swarms were also submerged. Only the high-level insect swarms were able to escape from the lava with the help of psychic barriers, while the rest of the low-level insect swarms were directly submerged. The burning smell instantly filled the entire battlefield.

This makes the swarm even angrier. How can they recycle biomass?

Both sides were furious and fought fiercely.

In fact, even the weather started to join in the fun.

I don't know if it was some unlucky person's bad luck, or it happened to trigger the effect of the Hunyuan Banner.

Under the stunned gazes of humans, insects, and mountain dragons.

A huge tornado appeared out of thin air above the battlefield and swept directly into the pit.

In an instant, countless insect swarms were swept up by the tornado, and at the same time, the sky was filled with mud and fire.

The tornado blew up a huge storm hundreds of meters high on the battlefield, carrying swarms of insects, flames and mud.

It seems to be sweeping across the entire giant city!

It's like an apocalyptic scene.

Much to the horror of the official psykers!

Night General Night General succeeded!

Is this a curse? Or a coincidence?

In order to get rid of the night general, Shanlong planned to hit the building, thus changing his route. So he stepped on the tunnel dug by the abyss worm.

Fighting with abyss worms and more swarms.

But why do you still come to join in the fun of this natural disaster?

Is it possible that natural disasters are also caused by night generals?

What kind of humanoid disaster summoner?

This is simply a strategic weapon!

"Don't worry about so much for now, go and save Night General!" A psychic shouted: "He is in the middle of the battlefield and is in very dangerous situation!"

"We can't get in." A psychic looked at the terrifying tornado: "We simply can't get through this kind of storm."

When the terrifying tornado appeared, all rescue operations became impossible.

Highly awakened psykers do not believe in evil, so they turned on their own psychic barriers and tried to cross the tornado, but were almost caught in it.

Natural disasters, with the current few psychics, there is no way to resist them.

Unless there are psychics with corresponding abilities, they can suppress or even eliminate natural disasters.

But there is no such strong person among the psychics around now.

"Ye sacrificed him."

"Don't give up, keep looking!"

"Wait until the tornado stops!"

"Go to the branch to call for forbidden items! Hurry!"

The psykers were extremely anxious, but in the end there was nothing they could do.

I could only watch with sadness as the tornado continued to wreak havoc on the battlefield.

They all understood that Night General's chance of survival was too low.

This time, the mountain dragon's footsteps were forcibly stopped and could not continue to destroy human shelters and defense lines.

At the same time, the insect swarm also suffered heavy losses. The underground cave network was destroyed by the mountain dragon, a large number of insect swarms were wiped out, and biomass could not be recovered.

But it seems that mankind has also lost that hero.

He wasn't the first psyker to die, and he certainly wasn't the last.

Disaster handler, it must be your destiny to live towards death.

The handlers sighed.

A few hours later, this information was also passed to other shelters.

‘Dongcheng branch, the night generals of the champion team lost contact after using their own curse to prevent the mountain dragon from advancing. They are currently alive and dead. Please actively search and rescue in various shelters.’

But how to search and rescue? It’s hard for humans to leave the shelter! Not knowing whether he will live or die is tantamount to pronouncing his fate...

In Shelter No. 86, Yin Huo was silent for a long time after receiving the news.

He looked towards a sealed room in the shelter, and finally handed the news to the Soulless One.

Soon, suppressed but painful cries could be heard in the room. A girl lost her last relative

"You liar!" She held the photo album in her arms with tears streaming down her face, as if she was holding the last treasure and tenderness.

The surge of spiritual energy poured from the girl's body, indicating the fact that she had awakened.

In Shelter No. 25, Starfire, Shadow Stream and others were in disbelief.

They didn't want to believe that their friend Li Yelai actually... But in the end they could only lament.

In the Dongcheng branch, Yang Chen punched the table. The terrifying force was even transmitted to the ground through the air, leaving a terrifying fist mark directly on the ground.

After a long time, Yang Chen made a low voice: "I don't believe it. Continue the search and rescue!"

In Shelter No. 170, the people who successfully arrived at the shelter cried with joy. The handlers showed a bitter smile.

During this evacuation, nine psychics, thirty-eight Iron Guards, one hundred and eighty-three soldiers, and more than five hundred civilians were killed or missing.

"The price is too high." The psychic sighed.

"If it weren't for the Night Commander, the price we would have to pay would be even greater!" Another psyker responded in a low voice: "I heard about the Night Commander."

Another psyker stopped him immediately.

In the fortifications of the shelter, Cheese looked at the night sky in silence.

She was covered with a blanket. For some reason, she suddenly hugged the blanket hard and buried her face in the blanket.

And on a certain dangerous street, a large number of insect swarms were violently crushed, like ripe persimmons falling to the ground.

Several hunting bugs emerged from the shadows and pounced on the stuffed bear they surrounded.

But in the next moment, he was caught by a shocking weight and fell to the ground and turned into flesh.

The stuffed bear said nothing, but it was full of anger and madness. He violently slaughtered all the insect swarms in sight.

In the end, all the insects were wiped out, except for the girl in the stuffed bear, whose sobs echoed in the streets.

They didn't know that at this moment, they were in a base on the other side of the world.

The book holder fell into great panic. In front of him, the originally orderly path of destiny was forcibly reversed.

According to the original records in the Book of Destiny, Disaster No. 71 will kill nearly two million soldiers and civilians of the giant city. Most of the middle and low-level psychics in the official branches will die in battle, even captain-level experts. Fall.

But now, with Shanlong's slippage, the original destiny path has been torn apart beyond recognition.

Among the thirty-seven gifted psychics who were originally going to be born, many names disappeared, and strange names also appeared.

The course of destiny has been violently changed!

People who were supposed to die survived, and psykers who were supposed to rise were being obscured.

"Who is it?" The book holder couldn't believe it: "Could it be that a supreme being intervened in fate?"

On the other side, in a broken high-rise building, the injured Tiger clone spat out Li Yelai from his mouth.

Afterwards, the Tiger clone completely dissipated, and after suffering a lot of damage, the clone finally died.

Li Yelai felt pain all over his body.

Most of the abyssal dragon scales on his body have fallen off, and the psychic barrier is even thinner.

He survived after all. When the mountain dragon fell into the pit, he was thrown out by the mountain dragon.

Then he encountered a tornado and was swept away along with a massive swarm of insects.

It wasn't until the tornado moved that it was thrown out.

Fortunately, there was a tiger clone that could resist damage, otherwise Li Yelai might have been thrown to death.

Li Yelai opened his eyes for a while and felt his vision restored.

Then he stood up slowly, holding the incomplete halberd, and looked around.

"It seems that I survived." Li Yelai whispered.

This seems to be an office building, but it is now dilapidated, with broken glass and overturned floors.

Li Yelai lowered his voice and looked around. He soon saw a water dispenser that had fallen to the ground. He stepped forward, picked up the bucket on top, and poured it on himself.

The water poured down, washing away the filth and blood all over Li Yelai's body.

Li Yelai took the opportunity to check his body. Fortunately, hiding in the tiger clone, he did not suffer any serious injuries. There were quite a few skin and flesh wounds, but they were almost healed. The benefits of being physically strong.

But his psychic energy was almost exhausted, his special operations uniform was in tatters, and his backpack was missing.

Naturally, the flare in the backpack was also lost.

This made Li Yelai unable to even send out a distress signal.

Regardless, if you send out a signal flare at this time, it may be that the insect swarm comes to find you first.

"Fortunately, no insect swarm found me while I was in coma. Has the time of bad luck passed?" Li Yelai thought to himself as he tore off his tattered combat uniform.

Afterwards, I started rummaging around the building.

Soon, he found some snacks and pastries in a tea room.

After gulping down the food, Li Yelai found another black coat from the room that fit well.

After that, he did not leave the tall building rashly, but huddled in a corner and slowly recovered his physical strength and spiritual energy.

The outside world is very dangerous. If we encounter a swarm of insects in this situation, it will be really bad.

During the break, Li Yelai checked his equipment.

The black umbrella was scrapped and was used as a weapon by Li Yelai during the battle and was thrown out.

The Red Dragon Halberd became the Red Dragon Spear. The ears of the halberd were broken, and two cracks appeared on the body of the halberd.

The tiger clone is gone. It helped Li Yelai withstand a lot of damage and eventually dissipated.

Stepping on the thunder dragon colt, it is crippled. As a summoned object, it takes a period of time to cultivate before it can be summoned again.

"The losses were really heavy. I don't know if Shanlong was killed in the end." Li Yelai thought to himself.

His last consciousness was at the moment when he was swept up by the tornado. I really don’t know what the outcome will be.

However, after what happened, Shanlong should be unable to move forward. Those swarms of insects should have killed the mountain dragon, right?

But the body of the mountain dragon will also be eaten by the insect swarm, creating more insect swarms.

"Alas" Li Yelai sighed. He didn't think he had accomplished any great feat.

A mountain dragon can't influence the battle between humans and insects.

After resting like this for two hours, Li Yelai recovered most of his spiritual energy and physical strength. Especially his physical strength. For some reason, Li Yelai felt that his body seemed much stronger.

Could it be that the being behind the murderous heart gave himself a little trouble? Damn, are you so kind?

Li Yelai stood up thinking and prepared to leave the tall building and go to the shelter. We have to meet up with our comrades first.

Li Yelai lay down among the ruins of the high-rise building and peered into the street.

It took several minutes to figure out where he was now.

What a good guy, I was actually blown from the southeast city to the east city ring.

On the streets, swarms of insects passed by from time to time. Some insect swarms seemed to be able to smell the smell of blood, and they once approached the ruins of the high-rise building where Li Yelai was.

Fortunately, Li Yelai washed his body carefully and threw away the bloody clothes.

The swarm of insects lingered nearby for a while and then left directly.

This made Li Yelai feel relieved. He was not afraid of these swarms of insects.

Even without facial makeup, Li Yelai can kill these low-level insects, but the problem is, they can shake people, no, shake insects!

The swarm will attack more and more until the prey's psychic energy is exhausted, and eventually not a single bone is left.

Afterwards, Li Yelai listened carefully for a while and faintly heard gunfire in the distance.

That should be the nearest shelter or human team.

Li Yelai changed his direction and then quickly rushed out of the tall building.

Use Air Step!

He didn't dare to use facial makeup for fear of attracting powerful enemies, so he couldn't use the Shadow Army to accelerate.

But it's not too slow either.

It took a few minutes for Li Yelai to approach the place where the gunfire came from.

It was a human team, with a lot of firepower, and even a lot of psykers. But the level is mostly not high.

They were in the streets, relying on the terrain to fight against the insect swarms.

But this isn’t a shelter, is it?

Also, those psykers... don't seem to be handlers either

Li Yelai frowned, but he didn't have time to think too much. He immediately showed his halberd and dropped from the sky.

On the other side, someone saw Li Yelai's arrival.

Immediately he shouted in surprise: "Reinforcements are coming, official reinforcements!"

But after realizing that Li Yelai was alone, his expression changed: "Is the official so cold? Just one person?"

However, the next second, they changed their views.

Because, several hunting bugs noticed the danger at the same time.

They stopped attacking the human team and turned to look at Li Yelai.

However, Li Yelai approached with a halberd in hand, his heart beating, and his murderous intent overwhelming. The desire to kill is getting stronger and stronger!

This gave everyone a ridiculous idea.

One person's reinforcements seem to be enough!

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