Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 111 Thunder

The cost of using Facebook is high.

Li Yelai had been fighting one after another before, struggling against dangerous fighting bugs and hunting bugs, and using his own bad luck to barely defeat the powerful enemy. It's because of the curse of encountering powerful enemies.

But now, he has used Facebook again. Put yourself in danger again.

The inevitable encounter with a strong enemy does not only affect Li Yelai, it also has a forced causal effect including strong enemies.

Strong enemies nearby will inevitably be attracted by various coincidences or accidents, becoming a disaster that threatens Li Yelai's life.

Even if they originally planned to flee the scene, they could not avoid this cause and effect.

Now, Li Yelai once again took the risk to activate the face mask, and must encounter a strong enemy to trigger it again. As the closest powerful enemy here, the Commander Bug was once again forced back to the battlefield by a must-encounter strong enemy.

This made it extremely angry and frightened, and it was vaguely aware that even if it escaped again, it would most likely be pulled back again.

The thread of fate was forcibly disturbed and intertwined with this human being.

But it is not afraid of Li Yelai and others. The encounter between the two sides is nothing more than a life-and-death fight.

It still had a chance of winning, but it was just worried that powerful psychics would come to support it, so it chose to retreat.

What really scares him is Li Yelai, a special human psyker. It learned about this human's strange ability from the records of other insect swarms.

The unexpected collapse of the building, the precise bombardment of thunderstorms in the sky, and the causal ability to forcefully drag oneself back to the battlefield.

This human being is undoubtedly a strange and powerful causal weapon!

Human psykers actually master this power?

Then this human being must not stay!

No matter how many sacrifices are made, this human being cannot be kept alive! This threat must be killed immediately!

Otherwise, even the Disaster Fog Lord will be in danger!

Cause and effect, what a mysterious and dangerous power it is.

You have to eat his body and his spiritual well, and then let the master slowly study it.

So, when it roared, it immediately informed the mist master of this information, and asked the higher-level bugs and other commander bugs everywhere to immediately support it!

"We must destroy this human being at all costs!" It made a harsh insect chirp, and countless low-level insect swarms surged out around it!

In an instant, the advanced Zerg from all over the battlefield took action.

On the battlefield in a certain area, the human legions directly encountered advanced Zerg and massive swarms of Zerg, and a fierce and bloody battle immediately broke out between the two sides.

However, suddenly, the insect swarm's offensive changed, and they suddenly changed their direction.

Instead of fighting to the death, he actually wants to leave the battlefield?

After the legion was stunned for a brief period, a more intense sniper battle immediately broke out!

Even if the insect swarm goes to pay homage to their birthdays, they can't be allowed to succeed!

"Major! The enemy is leaving the battlefield and breaking through to the southeast! The survivors there have been evacuated, and the purpose of their behavior is currently unclear!"

A soldier reported quickly, but the middle-aged man called Major frowned resolutely, and then looked at the legion political commissar on the side.

"What do they want to do?"

That's the official Legion psyker, the most determined warrior in the Legion. At this moment, he is responsible for obtaining information about his comrades in the virtual realm.

The legion political commissar who also heard the warning in the virtual realm responded quickly and decisively: "A comrade discovered a special Zerg, which is very important! And that Zerg seems to have called for support!"

"I see, I won't ask which comrade it is." The major laughed: "No matter who is fighting the Zerg, our 358th Corps will definitely help!"

"Command the legion to attack with all your strength!"

"Artillery launches barrage bombardment!"

Similar scenes were staged on battlefields everywhere. Countless human warriors spilled their blood on the battlefield, and their flesh and blood turned into the Great Steel Wall, blocking almost all insect swarms from breaking through. It greatly delayed the support of the insect swarm.

And the captain-level warriors fighting in various places fought even harder. And approaching the core of the battlefield!

At the same time, high-level units of the insect swarm, even elite units, were dispatched in droves.

At this moment, Li Yelai didn't know that he had unintentionally become the core of this war.

The Commander Bug discovered that Li Yelai was special and dangerous, and was going to eat Li Yelai at all costs.

Li Yelai also responded with the idea that he must capture this special insect swarm and break the mist. Only in this way can we better save more people!

As a result, the collision between the two sides immediately broke out into the most intense fighting.

Under the micro-control of the commander bug, the bug swarm turned into a tacitly coordinated army. Countless insect swarms surged out, blocking the way of human guns.

The Commander Insect, on the other hand, used the cover of the insect swarm to advance quickly.

Although it is a commander, because of its strong learning ability and wisdom, it is not weaker than any higher-level Zerg in terms of combat.

It will detect the various abilities of the psykers at the expense of the insect swarm and crack them!

It has to complete its goal as quickly as possible before the strong humans arrive.

At this moment, its first target is naturally Li Yelai.

Li Yelai's current condition is not good. After being bombarded by the thunder, purple arcs still flicker on his body from time to time, and he is obviously still in a state of paralysis. This makes his movements and reactions somewhat slow or stiff.

Coupled with the previous continuous battles, he consumed a lot of spiritual energy.

In this case, how would he face the four-armed slicing sword of the Commander Insect?

However, Li Yelai was not alone.

Cheese and two four-sense psychics stood in front of it.

The Commander Insect was hidden among the insect swarm and stretched out all four arms, trying to sneak attack Li Yelai. However, the sneak attack was interrupted instantly.

Because, a voice sounded again: "[Listen to me]"

‘Is it that female human on the babbling path again? ’ Commander Zhong thought to himself, and immediately shouted loudly and let out an elite insect chirp. Forcibly covering the interference that the other party would cause to yourself. It must continue to chirp in order not to be affected by Cheese's ability.

Otherwise, the danger of a whispering psyker who is good at assisting is too great!

But the continuous sharp insect chirping undoubtedly exposed its whereabouts.

The next second, the insect swarm covering the Commander Insect was smashed to pieces by a huge dragon claw.

The omnipotent psychic 'Iron Rain' directly attacked the insect swarm and shot the second dragon claw at the exposed commander.

The dragon's claws are huge enough to cover the commander bug. It seemed as if the commander bug would be smashed to pieces in the next second.

The Commander Insect was not afraid at all. He stretched out his arms and slashed at the transformed dragon's claws with his knife.

The ground beneath its feet cracked instantly, but the muscles all over its body were beating, and it was able to withstand the attack of the Vientiane Handler.

At the same time, a large number of ground bugs flew up desperately, and then exploded!

The horrific explosion forced the Vientiane Processor to take a few steps back, and the Commander Bug took the opportunity to escape, and immediately accelerated to attack again, slashing out four swords with its four arms and heading straight towards the Vientiane Processor.

Dragon Claw is very powerful, but very slow to activate.

This is the limitation of Dragon Claw's ability. Therefore, once entering a high-speed melee fight, it will be difficult for the psyker to find an opportunity to use Mimicry Dragon Claw again.

But Tieyu is also very aware of his own weaknesses. At the moment when the commander bug burst in, he decisively gave up using the dragon claws. Instead, illusory animal ears, omnipotent abilities, and savage beasts appeared on his head!

In an instant, Tie Yu's strength and speed suddenly soared!

He holds a long ax and chops the leader bug directly on the head, very fast!

However, the Commander Bug quickly swung his sword with one arm.

The first knife split open the Vientiane Handler's surprise blow. Its power is even more powerful! He has even crushed this four-sense psychic!

The moment Tie Yu retreated.

A huge stone giant suddenly appeared and smashed its huge fist directly at the commander insect.

The handler of the Divine Path, ‘Loess’, supported the time that the handler of Vientiane gained and built a nearly ten-meter stone giant. Stand in front of the Commander Bug.

However, the Commander Worm exerted its lower limbs and punched again. This punch was even more powerful than the dragon's claw.

The commander insect was pushed back several steps, and the continuous buzzing of insects was also forcibly disrupted.

Cheese took the opportunity to speak: "[Listen to me] Cardiac arrest, body paralysis! Word Spirit· Quagmire!"

She had been disturbed by the buzzing of insects before. Although she could use the voice spirit, she could not use other interference auxiliary abilities.

At this moment, with the coordinated attacks of the handlers, the commander insect finally stopped buzzing for a short time, which was enough for her to gain an advantage!

In an instant, the agile and vigorous Commander Bug suddenly stiffened. At the same time, the ground beneath its feet softened instantly, swallowing its calves like a swamp.

The surrounding insect swarms swarmed up, seemingly trying to buy time for the commander insect.

However, the stone giant had already punched out its fist again. The fist directly crushed the insect swarm blocking the way and hit the commander insect heavily.

The body of the Commander Bug was directly hit and sank into the mire, and it was completely imprisoned.

"It's done!" The handlers were overjoyed.

However, the next second, a huge boulder fell from the sky and hit the human warrior's firepower point directly, and hit Jing Lin accurately, who was currently blind.

After using the Sky Fire Eye twice, Jing Lin became blind.

As a four-sense psyker, he is currently unable to fight at all.

Therefore, the insect swarm can only be resisted under the protection of official three-awakened psykers and warriors.

Upon seeing this, the nearest Sanjue handler immediately dragged Jing Lin away.

However, two hunting insects sprang out from the boulders. They were very fast and pounced on the nearest human warrior. In an instant, the human warrior suffered heavy losses.

There was a loophole in the human firepower point, and more swarms of insects immediately emerged.

The second Sanjue handler took action angrily and entangled the two hunting insects. But there is nothing that can be done against the swarms of insects.

Just as the handler of Sijue Wanxiang was about to rescue, he suddenly sensed danger.

More boulders were thrown from the sky.

Each boulder is at least the size of a vehicle, and the larger ones are even the size of a dump truck.

Behind the boulder, hunting bugs swooped out.

Seeing this scene, Li Yelai's heart tightened.

He recognized this tactic as war bugs, in which war bugs threw boulders to suppress humans while also sending hunting bugs into the battlefield.

Did the support from the insect swarm arrive first?

Damn it, I have consumed too much at this time.

Li Yelai raised his halberd, preparing to fight the hunting insects.

He used to have the Thunder Dragon Colt, and a Shadow Army [Thunder] could kill the hunting bug, but now his condition is so bad, the Thunder Dragon Colt has also fallen.

However, at the moment when the four-sense psychics were busy responding to the emergence of hunting insects and war insects.

A chopping knife suddenly shot out from the swarm of insects and struck Li Yelai directly in front of him.

Li Yelai's heart skipped a beat, and he raised his halberd and swung it horizontally, but felt his mouth was numb. I can only put aside the beheading knife. The other party's power is greater than you think!

The next second, a huge figure appeared directly beside Li Yelai, with three arms dancing at the same time. Three beheading knives struck Li Yelai straight.

Is it the Commander Bug? Hasn't it been suppressed?

At this time, everyone discovered that a deep pit appeared under the stone giant, and the Zerg secretly tore up the ground and liberated the suppressed Commander Zerg!

Li Yelai felt a sudden thought and immediately used his ability: "Mountain!"

In an instant, the shadow army emerged, and the heavily armored soldiers set up a shield wall for defense.

The chopper slashed at the shield array, forcibly splitting open the defenses of several soldiers.

Seeing that the attack failed, the Commander Bug let out a cruel laugh, and at the same time, he quickly slashed, and each Shadow Army soldier was chopped into pieces.

This guy actually wants to forcefully break through the shield formation!

Its power is too great, and we cannot continue to resist it, otherwise we will never be able to wait for the support of the four-awakened psykers.

Li Yelai made a quick decision in his mind and immediately used the second ability of the Shadow Army.


The soldiers turned into light cavalry in an instant, and Li Yelai's speed suddenly increased, and he retreated more than ten meters in an instant. He accidentally chopped up a hunting bug.

The Commander Bug quickly chased after it, but was unable to close the distance.

If it were a speed competition, Li Yelai would not necessarily lose to the Commander Insect.

He had to lure the Commander Bug away until the four-awakened psyker could free his hands or other comrades could support him.

However, the next second, Li Yelai's liver and gallbladder burst into tears.

Instead of retreating, advance forward, heading straight for the commander.

Because, just after Li Yelai retreated suddenly, the commander bug immediately pursued, but at a certain moment, he suddenly turned towards the three cheeses who were about to support Li Yelai without any warning.

When Li Yelai was attacked, Cheshi Hebian and the two Sijue handlers approached Li Yelai.

At this moment, she became the target of the commander bug.

The Commander Bug is extremely fast. It uses the attack of the Hunting Bug to instantly dodge the loess and iron rain that tried to block it, and goes straight towards the cheese.

Huang Tu's expression changed wildly, and he immediately controlled a stone puppet to block Cheese.

Cheese also quickly retreated and used his ability: "Listen to me, close your eyes!"

But the next second, the sharp tail spine of the commander insect penetrated directly through the stone puppet.

The tail spine suddenly split open, revealing a huge mouth full of sharp teeth. That was the Commander Bug's trump card, the Shattering Teeth!

It twists flexibly to lock onto its prey accurately and quickly.

Immediately, he bit down on the white and slender neck of the retreating cheese!


The sound of bones breaking is so sweet.

The Commander Bug is very smart. It has eaten many humans and has seen how humans get along with each other.

It has seen humans sacrificing themselves to attract the insect swarm to leave in order to protect their families.

I have also seen humans who want to protect the children in their arms even if they are bitten and eaten by a swarm of insects.

I have even seen humans who are willing to put themselves in danger for the sake of others.

This seems to be called emotion by humans, and it is something that the swarm cannot understand.

However, even though it cannot be understood, it can still be used.

He looked at Li Yelai who appeared behind Cheese instantly, grabbing the broken teeth with both hands and using all his strength to prevent the broken teeth from closing.

The bone that was just bitten into pieces was his palm.

The commander bug smiled. It's very satisfying. After all, the prey came on its own.

Humans are really interesting and delicious!

At the same time, the cheese feels so cold.

Her neck was bitten through, the sharp fangs pierced the skin and blood vessels, and blood poured out of her neck rapidly. Life force is draining quickly.

The young man behind him struggled to open the broken teeth. He wanted her to survive.

But the shattered teeth were slowly closing, and feeling the canines piercing the muscles, she understood that her death was inevitable.

This is all in vain, go away!

Cheese tried hard to make a sound. She didn't want Li Yelai to die here.

‘Listen to me and live’

'Listen to me and forget me'

In this way, he can live without sadness, right?

However, she could only make a purring sound.

As for Li Yelai, the power surged through his body crazily, and his heart beat wildly. I want to open the broken teeth that are about to close. The desire for power is so strong.

Blood is sacrificed to the blood god, and the skull is sacrificed to the skull throne! Donate, you can donate!

Give me strength quickly, Mr. Shadow!

A deal! !

Looking at the dying girl in front of him, Li Yelai roared. He regretted that he should not take the risk of dragging down the commander.

That way no one would die because of him and Cheese wouldn't be in this situation.

It’s all your own fault!

Give me strength quickly! Anyone can!

However, just then, he heard a loud thunder.

and He Luoyin, a middle-aged man who is calm.

"Daddy promises you that after this battle, he will send you back to grandma. You will no longer be afraid of thunder Yuanba."

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