Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 115 Mourning for my compatriots

Ben Lei, the path handler of Sijue Zhenwu who belongs to the third team of the Dongcheng branch, is the leader of the execution team of the Ranger team.

Whether it is operational experience or tactical planning, he is one of the best among the many team leaders in the major branches and even the headquarters.

He once participated in the planning of large-scale operational plans such as the containment of Kaitan Notes and the encirclement and suppression of the Ember Church Branch.

Li Yelai also met Team Leader Ben Lei during the task of containing the strange notes.

And he and his ranger team were the first official team to discover the mist and be swallowed by it.

They were in the underground area of ​​the former church, now the official Sanctuary No. 1.

It was the first to encounter the disaster fog, and issued a warning before being swallowed up, allowing humans to gain about twenty minutes of reaction time.

This allowed a large number of humans to enter safer shelters and indirectly saved millions of people.

It can be said that he is a great hero in the mist!

However, as the first group of humans to be swallowed up by the mist, the authorities have been unable to find the whereabouts of Ben Lei, his team, those workers and civil servants.

I don’t know life or death.

But it was clear to the official handlers that he was most likely dead.

Those who are swallowed by the mist will not necessarily die. The lives swallowed will enter the isolation space of the mist.

Otherwise, Li Yelai and others would have been gone long ago.

But the location where Ben Lei and his group were swallowed was the falling underground passage, which gave Ben Lei and his group no chance to escape.

It can only be surrounded and devoured by the endless swarm of insects.

Unexpectedly, Ben Lei was rescued now.

When Li Ye came closer, he didn't dare to recognize the once strong and cheerful uncle. His body was mutilated, his legs were broken from the middle of his thighs, and there were protruding bone spurs and rotten dead flesh at the break. Other parts of the body seemed to have been dissolved, and the shoulders were drooping like half-open umbrellas. A large amount of hair fell out, and there were several ulcers on the exposed scalp.

If there was some Ben Lei look on his face, no one would think that he was a Ben Lei.

What happened to him?

"Quick! Invite the epidemic doctor captain from Dongcheng to come over!"

"The Holy Hand Captain of West City is ready."

"Prepare for blood transfusion!"

"The heartbeat has almost stopped, prepare for electric shock!"

A group of handlers led Ben Lei quickly towards the operating room.

The handlers got out of the way and looked shocked. Apparently some of them recognized Ben Lei's identity.

It wasn't until Ben Lei was sent to the operating room that he started talking in low voices and asking questions.

It turned out that a group of handlers were digging deep into the underground passages dug by the Abyss Worm when they discovered a somewhat unusual warworm.

The war insect seemed to be in great pain as it ran wildly through the tunnel, crushing many low-level insects to death.

It also ignored the orders of the nearby military advisor insects, and a battle broke out with the insect swarm.

Swarm civil war?

Adhere to taking advantage of its illness to kill it. and the idea of ​​anatomical study of idiosyncrasies.

The team directly launched an encirclement and suppression campaign before the swarm recovered the war bugs. During the battle, the war bugs had their abdomen torn open inside the body.

That person was Ben Lei, who was swallowed into the belly of the war worm for some reason.

The reason why the war insect is in pain and crazy is because the Ben Lei it has eaten is struggling and attacking inside its body.

His sudden appearance in the melee shocked both the human team and the insect swarm.

Immediately, a more intense battle broke out. The number of insect swarms increased suddenly, and many insect swarms that were attacking other human sanctuaries were mobilized.

The official team snatched Ben Lei before the large insect swarm surrounded him, and then rushed back to the Dongcheng branch's shelter as quickly as possible.

"Ben Lei, as one of the first psykers to be swallowed by the mist, may have important information that we don't know."

"But it could also be the conspiracy of the insect swarm."

"They have very high IQs. It is said that there are already Zerg units that can produce hallucination spores."

"All of this will have to wait until Ben Lei's injury recovers."

"He's the only one. Where's the rest of the Ranger team?"

The handlers were talking a lot.

However, a warning siren sounded inside the shelter. interrupted their conversation.

A swarm of insects is approaching the shelter and seems to be attacking it!

This is an incredible move. This shelter currently has a strong combat capability.

Nearly five hundred psykers, as well as a large number of troops and forbidden objects. When necessary, the people will also take up arms to fight against the insect swarms.

If the insect swarm wants to eat this shelter, it will cost a lot.

Why was there no warning at all?

Could it be because of Ben Lei? What information do they not want the authorities to obtain from Ben Lei?

Or is it a deliberate conspiracy carried out by the insect swarm in order to make the officials understand it this way?

But no matter what it is, the biggest fact is that the insect swarm is attacking!

"Prepare to fight, all on-call handlers head to combat positions!"

The handlers sprang into action.

Li Yelai also quickly rushed out of the underground bunker along with Jing Lin and several official psychics.

The original shops and houses on the ground of the branch have now turned into solid barriers, with a large number of fire points scattered throughout.

The organized border guards and city defense forces were manipulating dense and bloated air defense artillery and various guns to release terrifying firepower in the distance.

When Li Yelai rushed out of the underground bunker, what he saw was the overwhelming swarm of insects attacking various human positions like a tide!

The number was particularly huge, and those flying beetles once covered the sky that was shrouded in confusion.

Human firepower is terrifying, including shelling, machine guns, and melta bombs.

For a time, the insect swarm was suppressed hundreds of meters away, but as the line-resistant fighting insects appeared,

They turned into a mobile fortress for the insect swarm, carrying the fire attack and covering the insect swarm as they approached the human defense line.

At the same time, the war insects must be thrown at the rear, throwing some insect swarms into the defense line, and instantly killing them with the human warriors.

Fortunately, there are psykers and border guards at every defense line. With them, even in close combat, these insect swarms cannot cause too much trouble.

However, the sudden war made the handlers look serious.

"The number is actually so large? It seems that the insect swarm has devoured a considerable amount of biomass."

In the defense line, Jing Lin, who used his sword to disintegrate two hunting bugs and saved several human warriors, looked a little solemn.

The number of insect swarms is somewhat exaggerated.

After all, more than eleven shelters have been breached so far, and a total of 300,000 humans have been devoured by the swarm. Plus the creatures from the original doomsday forest. After many days of bloody battles, the number of insect swarms increased instead of decreasing.

"If it weren't for acting, Ben Lei must have some extremely important information on him!" Jing Lin said: "So, the insect swarm will break through the shelter at any cost and want to kill Ben Lei."

"We have to wait until we stop this wave of insects!"

Li Yelai fired the melt from the black umbrella, forcing a hunting insect back and responded quickly.

Now, Li Yelai and Jing Lin, together with a group of handlers, a group of iron guards and a platoon of city defense troops, jointly defend a line of defense.

Against such a large number of insect swarms, if a psyker rushes forward alone, he will definitely be beaten to death. At least, the psykers Li Yelai and Jing Lin are at the same level. It is impossible to ignore this horrific amount.

Humans have to rely on firepower as much as possible to eliminate as many insect swarms as possible.

The task of Li Yelai and others is to protect the position from being breached by those high-level Zerg that are difficult to be destroyed by ordinary firepower.

Li Yelai was a little hesitant, his curse was here. It's really hard to use around teammates.

I guess I have to take the initiative to break into the insect swarm depending on the situation.

At this time, a bolt of thunder suddenly lit up next to Li Yelai.


Li Yelai, who was struck by lightning, subconsciously dodged.

Do you still think you are so unlucky? You haven’t even come to Facebook yet! Just come to Thunder on the Ground?

However, this time it was not what Li Yelai thought. The person who appeared next to Li Yelai was a troll. No, it was Captain Yueying!

At this moment, the electric arc on his body flashed like a red thunder, and he appeared next to Li Yelai instantly. Following his appearance, a group of insects that had approached were instantly struck down by lightning.

"As expected, it's you, Night General!" Yueying wore the scale armor of some extraordinary species and held a sword and shield. Red thunder and lightning flashed in his sword and shield.

It is said that the Return to Zero Path has extremely powerful long-range output capabilities, and is jokingly called the 'Master' by the psykers of the other paths.

But Yueying's weapon is a sword and shield.

This pair of swords and shields can also form a large shield axe.

He was said to be Master, but he was wearing heavy armor and holding a shield ax used to chop war insects alive. It's simply more real martial arts than real martial arts.

He turned to look at Li Yelai and asked, "Are you healed?"

"No. But I should be able to fight!" Li Yelai clenched his fists, still feeling some discomfort and pain.

Even with his physical strength, bone injuries did not heal so quickly.

"Well, it's a good thing that you are here." Yueying smiled lightly, looking at the insect swarms that were torn to pieces by the line of fire, as well as the war insects approaching behind the insect swarm, and said: "In this situation, we need Your ability.”

"My ability?"

Li Yelai was shocked. He was a third-level psychic. Even if he had facial makeup, he was not as good as the captain. It's not even as powerful as a night warrior.

But soon, Li Yelai came to his senses and asked, "You mean you need my curse?"

Li Yelai's bad luck curse will inevitably encounter strong enemies, which is indeed a good way to attract enemies.

But. On the battlefield, with so many high-level insect swarms, Li Yelai's curse may have no other effective purpose other than hurting his teammates.

Moreover, Li Yelai's inevitable encounter with a powerful enemy has a certain scope. Strong enemies within a few kilometers will be attracted, but there is nothing you can do about those further away.

Otherwise, the authorities would have arranged for eight hundred swordsmen and axemen to ensure that Li Yelai would always encounter powerful enemies.

If a strong enemy comes and kills one, and lures all the advanced Zerg to kill them all, sooner or later they will kill the Fog Lord.

But the range is not that big, unless the mist master is nearby.

But based on the official understanding of the mist master, it must still be hiding in some distant corner, silently producing insect swarms. I won't come to this battlefield.

"There must be a more advanced Zerg on this battlefield, and we have to find a way to find it. Then we need you to encounter a strong enemy." Yueying responded: "Are you willing to take the initiative to break into the insect swarm and activate the inevitable encounter with a strong enemy?"

"Of course." Li Yelai nodded and immediately thought of Yue Ying. But he still asked: "But if I activate the curse now, it will probably only attract those war insects."

War bugs, hunting bugs and other advanced bugs are already powerful enemies for Li Yelai.

"It doesn't matter, as long as all the war bugs are dead, that guy can't escape." Yueying smiled and said: "As for safety, the other captains and I will help you clear away those war bugs or other gadgets."


Li Yelai nodded after thinking. He chose to trust his teammates and comrades.

"Then I'll help you clear the way!"

Yueying looked at Li Yelai and chuckled, then thrust the long knife into the groove of the shield.

He turned his sword and shield into a shield and axe, and then, holding the shield and ax tightly with both hands, he tilted his body and slashed down violently.

In an instant, a large number of thunderbolts surged out from the ground, attacking the insect swarm in an instant, splitting open a war insect a hundred meters away.

As the war bug fell, the large number of bug swarms behind it no longer had cover, and were instantly torn apart by firepower.

At the same time, Li Yelai picked up the big black umbrella and rushed out of the position alone under the stunned and surprised eyes of the surrounding soldiers.

Open Facebook and seal the wolf from Xu Huo Qubing!

Use the shadow army to move like thunder!

Nearly two hundred illusory heavy cavalry shadow troops appeared around Li Yelai. As Li Yelai launched a charge, they stepped over the corpses of the war insects and dug directly into the nearest insect swarm!

In an instant, countless insect swarms were crushed by the phantom of the heavy rider! Their shadows were captured by Li Yelai and turned into a new shadow army!

Although there is no Thunder Dragon Horse, Li Yelai's impact is greatly weakened, and the power of 'moving like thunder' is also weakened a lot.

But Li Yelai's own impact alone was enough to deal with low-level insect swarms.

Even the unlucky hunting bug was seriously injured by Li Yelai in the chaos.

As the number of shadow armies increases, Li Yelai's military formation blessing becomes stronger and stronger.

Looking at a huge war insect that suddenly rose from the ground, Li Ye came forward instead of retreating.

Switch Facebook, hate the world without a ring, Li Yuanba!

Use your abilities to make gods and generals look like you!

The next second, a golden-armored giant that was as big as a war insect appeared on the battlefield. Attracting the attention of many psykers and zerg swarms.

The giant is extremely heroic, holding a huge golden umbrella, twisting it towards the war bug, and firing hot melt!

However, it was just the black umbrella of Li Yelai's body that fired a melta bomb. The Faxiang only made an action and did not fire the melta cannon.

‘It seems that Dharma cannot completely reproduce the weapon, otherwise, I will just be a melt cannon stand. ’

Li Yelai thought to himself that he did not understand the appearance of his divine general.

After the test showed that the hot melt was ineffective, he decisively pulled out the three-pointed two-edged halberd in the umbrella, and faced the war bug with a one-handed eighteen-handed rhinoceros strike!

The war insect also smashed out its arm at the same time and collided head-on with the god general's halberd.

The next second, the war bug retreated a few steps and crushed many bugs behind it.

Li Yelai, on the other hand, felt a huge force coming towards him and stepped back several meters together with the appearance of the Dharma.

But this made Li Yelai smile. A few days ago, he was driven around by war insects.

Now, he can compete with the war bugs in strength!

The improvement is obvious! I am getting stronger!

Looking at the second and third approaching war insects, Fa Xiang smiled, held a halberd in both hands, and swept through the insect swarm.

I don’t know if it was because of the oracle’s dream, but Li Yelai’s desire to kill became even stronger!

"Come, enemies of mankind, embrace the glory of battle!"

"I will chop off your heads to comfort the spirits of my compatriots in heaven!"

Sacrifice the throne with your head? No, mourn my compatriots!

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