Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 119 Praise for Misfortune!

Li Yelai was one of the few handlers who knew the plan first.

Because he himself is part of Jian Kuang's plan. It can even be said to be an indispensable participant in the later stages of the plan.

Half an hour after learning that Ben Lei had awakened, Li Yelai and the digital processor, who were resting, were invited to the branch's wartime conference room.

In the conference room, there were several captains lined up.

Yang Chen, Yueying, Furnace, Fierce Sun, Sword Madness, and Doll.

Captains from other shelters and staff and officers of the city defense army appeared on the screen.

This made Li Yelai and several handlers who were also invited a little stunned.

Given the current situation, those who come to the conference room should be captains of each team or generals or staff officers of the city defense army. What role can an ordinary handler like him play? He doesn't know how to plan at all.

Then, the white-haired middle-aged man sitting in the main seat in the conference room, Jian Kuang. Then he came up with a shocking and heroic plan.

The official will seize a certain area, and in the area, more than 330 psykers with three or more awakenings will organize a psychic phased array to release a terrifying attack that reaches the master's location thousands of meters underground!

"Psychic phased array? What is that?" Li Yelai had no idea about this. I vaguely remember it was technology like antennas.

A somewhat unfamiliar handler next to me spoke up to answer my questions.

Phased arrays often act on electromagnetic waves.

To put it simply, a single antenna acts as a wave source and emits electromagnetic waves, and the electromagnetic waves will spread evenly.

But if two wave sources with the same frequency release electromagnetic waves at the same time, the overlapping electromagnetic waves will no longer be uniform, and may be strong or weak.

By placing multiple wave sources in the right location, an extremely powerful area will appear, also called a beam.

Arranging a large number of antennas into an array to release electromagnetic wave beams is a so-called phased array.

This is a technology used in all aspects of human life.

From daily life to military radar. Phased arrays will be used.

The psychic phased array actually has a similar principle.

Those psychics will turn into wave sources and guide the wave beams to achieve the purpose of strengthening.

But the price is that as the source of the wave, they have to collapse the well of their souls, completely accept everything in the virtual realm, and use the power of the virtual realm as a wave beam.

Finally unleashed an extremely terrifying blow.

And the price is the death of more than 330 psychics with three levels of enlightenment or above!

The probability of surviving the Shattered Well of Souls is too low. Even if you survive, you may directly distort the power of the virtual realm and become a monster-like victim!

There are more than 330 psykers with three awakenings and above. This is almost consuming more than half of the official backbone combat force!

Those are all elite senior handlers or simply Ye Bu Shu members.

But it must become fuel in the plan

There will be familiar friends among them. Will cheese be in it? What about them if they don’t harvest poplars at night?

Li Yelai felt as if something was stuck in his throat for a moment.

After learning about the plan of this psychic phased array, the invited handlers were shocked. Even the captains frowned and said nothing. On the other side of the projector, the captains and officers from various places also had ugly expressions.

There was silence in the conference room.

After Jian Kuang looked around, he continued: "The psychic phased array must be located directly above the flesh and blood barrier where the mist master is located. Therefore, our next actions will open up a new battlefield and immediately deploy the phased array on site. , under the siege of the insect swarm, persist until the phased array is activated. "

"If the plan succeeds, I will penetrate directly into the ground and create an abyss strong enough to tear apart the insect swarm's underground network and flesh-and-blood barrier."

"This will destroy all the distance between humans and the Lord of the Fog in one fell swoop! It will also open the way for the troops that follow. And you will march straight in, relying on your abilities or curses to accurately find the Lord of the Fog!"

"Trigger the forbidden object, Tai Chi Yang! Guide the old mad king outside the mist to attack."

"As participants, do you have any opinions?" Jian Kuang asked in a deep voice.

"This plan will require the sacrifice of more than 330 handlers from the very beginning." A handler said after silence: "The sacrifice is too great. How many psykers are there in the entire giant city? How many of them are above three levels? ? How to face the insect swarm after losing so many powerful people?

"Instead of more than 330 comrades, our major branches all imprison a considerable number of illegal psychics. According to the laws of the giant city, they are sentenced to death, but now they can sacrifice for the giant city. If they survive, Then they will be exempted from their guilt." Jian Kuang responded: "But we still got about two hundred and fifty people."

“But even so, the price we pay will be huge!”

"I know, but if we go deep into the maze to fight the bloody insect swarm, humans will pay a sacrifice far exceeding this number!"

Jian Kuang responded in a deep voice: "This is also the only most promising way at the moment. I don't want to sacrifice any comrades, but there is no other way at the moment. If you have any plans, you can tell them. If you have no objections, Then let’s carry out the psychic phased array plan.”

"By the way, since we already know the location of the mist master, why not let the old mad king attack directly?" A handler asked: "No matter how hard the flesh and blood barrier is, it can't block the power of a virtual king, right? Directly. Penetrate the Flesh Barrier and the Fog Lord in one breath!"

The Void Realm King or the Psionic King is the title given to the king.

This represents absolute combat power!

As long as the mist master has not evolved to the king level, the old mad king will definitely be able to kill it.

"But the old mad king can only take one shot." Sword Maniac responded: "And with the barrier of flesh and blood, no one can guarantee whether the old mad king's attack can hit the mist master."

The old mad king's condition is too bad, and he must be careful about actions in the restricted area.

This gave him only one chance to take action, and there must be no accidents or omissions in this chance.

It must hit the mist master directly, otherwise all the sacrifices of the human warriors will be in vain.

Hearing this, everyone fell into deep thought.

The price.

If humans want to determine the location of the mist master, they have to break through the underground network. Break down the barrier of flesh and blood. Find the location of the master and attach the jade pendant directly to it. Luring the Mad King to attack.

The abyss worms of the swarm dug a complex and huge maze underground.

If a large human army wants to break through the maze, the casualties will be horrific. It's even possible to get lost in the maze.

Even if you reach the bottom, you still have to face a solid barrier of flesh and blood.

It is said that it is a strong barrier that can block the attacks of the seven-minded psychics.

Officials can use forbidden objects to penetrate it, but it will take a while.

This waiting time is the biggest variable.

Whether the remaining team that broke through to the bottom of the maze can wait until that time is up is a question.

That's why Jian Kuang came up with this very adventurous plan.

Jian Kuang looks like a middle-aged man with gray hair on his temples, but in fact, he is over eighty years old.

In the early days of the establishment of the giant city, he had been fighting side by side with the old mad king.

They are the oldest group of psychics in the giant city.

But his talent can only allow him to reach the height of Qijue, and it is difficult for him to advance even an inch.

There is nothing wrong with this. Talents come out from generation to generation, and there will always be young people to replace him and fight side by side with the Mad King.

However, everything was shattered after an accident happened to the championship team.

So, when the disaster fog came, he took the initiative to enter the disaster fog with his team. The purpose is to use the remaining heat as much as possible to protect more human fires.

It was his idea to sacrifice his own life and that of some of his comrades to open up a path for those who came after him.

He will use the psychic phased array to strengthen the power he explodes when he shatters the Well of Souls, directly releasing attacks that destroy mazes and barriers.

In this way, humans can successfully kill the mist master without having to face huge sacrifices.

This was the only solution he could think of.

However, most people who participated in this meeting rejected this plan. Various plans were proposed one after another, but were quickly rejected.

Jian Kuang looked at the people arguing and seemed to have returned to the difficult time in the early days of the establishment of the giant city.

This made him a little nostalgic. Sure enough, young people are the future.

Li Yelai fell into some kind of thinking.

Naturally, he did not want his comrades to sacrifice like this, and tried his best to think of other possibilities. Can Mr. Ying help me and kill the insect tide directly? Or should I say, use bad luck?

Doom, maze, master of mist, barrier of flesh and blood. There seems to be some kind of line that connects them together.

So, after thinking for a moment, Li Ye came to look at Jian Kuang and said, "In your plan, I am here to prevent the mist master from escaping, right?"

Jian Kuang came back from his memories, looked at Li Yelai and said: "Yes, in my plan, the mist master should choose to escape, and your inevitable powerful enemy may be able to lock it. As long as you can lock it, You can have a chance to kill it.”

Jian Kuang had a good impression of Li Yelai. As a newcomer trained by champion Yang Chen, he naturally paid attention to it.

At first, the mysterious presence behind Li Yelai made Jian Kuang a little worried and vigilant.

But as he got to know more, Jian Kuang discovered that Li Yelai was brave and had a sense of justice. In order to protect the people, he did not hesitate to resist the Jueling armed forces. In order to protect the people, he took the initiative to activate the inevitable encounter with a powerful enemy.

These feats made Jian Kuang gradually ignore some hidden dangers that might exist behind Li Yelai.

and decided to trust him.

"Use my Curse of Encountering Strong Enemies to Trap the Lord of Disaster Fog, then let me directly lead out the Lord of Disaster Fog. As long as we gather combat power around me, enemies will continue to appear in front of us." Li Yelai said. .

"We have indeed thought about this. But your Curse of Encountering Strong Enemies has a limited range, and the underground labyrinth is too large. By the time you draw them out one by one and kill them, the mist master will probably have grown to the level of a king. Jian Kuang said in a kind tone: "I'm glad that you can take the initiative to say this. You are a brave child who is willing to face danger for the sake of others, but this does not solve the problem."

Indeed, the official thought of using Li Yelai's famous monster spawner to fish out the master. But the scope problem cannot be solved.

Let Li Yelai wander around the maze, and by the time he leads out the Overlord, the combat power around him will probably have been consumed by the swarm of insects.

Unless, you can face the master directly from the beginning

But the range is here, and Li Yelai must be sent deep into the maze, which is no different from approaching a large army.

The casualties were too great.

It would be better to use a phased array plan, and the casualties will be much less.

As for Li Yelai, words such as maze and doom came to mind.

Suddenly, he suddenly understood, and immediately shouted: "Mobius strip!"

"What?" Jian Kuang was startled.

"The forbidden object in the black prison of our Dongcheng branch is the Möbius strip!" Li Yelai responded quickly.

[Class C forbidden objects, Möbius strip diagram]

It has a powerful ability to distort reality. Once it gets out of control, it will change the surrounding space and cause space paradox!

In the Fantasy Band incident, the forbidden objects in the Black Prison in East City rioted, and the Mobius Strip turned the upper half of the Black Prison into a maze.

The corridor leading to the lounge turned into a holding room. The wall that was a dead end turned into a passage that led in all directions.

The whole space was messed up.

This caused many human warriors to get lost and unable to successfully reunite with their teammates, causing great casualties.

"I know what the Mobius Strip has to do with your curse." Jian Kuang frowned, as if he thought of something, but it was not clear.

Yang Chen stood up suddenly, and said with a burning gaze: "I understand! The Möbius strip can affect space and make the maze completely disordered! As long as the range of the Möbius strip reaches the depths of the maze, even the flesh and blood barrier where the Disaster Mist Overlord is located can be affected."

"And the affected flesh and blood barrier and the Disaster Mist Overlord will not be located in the deepest part of the maze." Yueying reacted and looked excited: "After the space is disordered, they will appear at any random location in the underground maze! Even the Insect Swarm Overlord doesn't know where he is!"

"Wait, but even if they are not in the deepest part, we still don't know where it is. Instead, we have lost its location. Even if it is randomly moved to the deep ground near the ground, it will be in the deep ground near the ground. Without we want to look for luck, it ’s a random. Face. Face. Face!" A captain frowned in the projector. Then, his face was stunned, and his face gradually appeared on his face! In this disaster, the strongest monster in this fog is doom! But do you think it is facing! Everything everyone says! If the Mo Bius ring map is turned on, the underground maze will be completely disrupted, and even the insects themselves will be lost. It will become the bad luck of that unlucky person!

As long as he is unlucky enough, the maze will send the most dangerous creatures to him!

And this is what humans need most!

"Praise bad luck!"

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