Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 122 Star-Breaking Spear

When Li Yelai opened Facebook, the Möbius strip was out of control.

Destiny showed that malicious smile!

There was a chaotic space chaos in the entire underground maze, and a large number of insect swarms moving in the tunnels of the maze fell into chaos at this moment.

The underground maze they were familiar with suddenly turned into a strange layout, and the chaotic terrain caused multiple Zerg groups to collide.

The strategist insect who originally commanded a swarm of insects also made a lot of wrong orders as a result.

Among them, the most confused and stunned was the Zerg Overlord. It felt that the human team instantly crossed dozens of tight defense lines and appeared directly near itself!

etc! Where is my extremely strong insect defense line?

There are a large number of advanced insect swarms in those defense lines, and these are powerful weapons to stop psykers.

There are even a few Forbidden Insects, they will turn into the strongest line of defense, completely consuming the most elite power of mankind.

It is the most promising line of defense for the Zerg, but now it has been bypassed by humans!

But how do humans get past the defense line?

How is this possible!

The insect master was shocked, and then let out a sharp roar, causing the insect swarm to return to defense immediately!

A few hundred meters away, Li Yelai, who had activated Overlord's facial makeup, and everyone looked at the fork in the pit.

The flares were fired one by one, revealing the dim scenery inside under the light.

What was originally the intersection leading to the next insect swarm defense line has now turned into a huge flesh and blood barrier!

The area where the Flesh Barrier is located is huge, enough to be the size of several football fields.

It is round in shape as a whole, like a beating sarcoma. This is the uterus of the insect swarm that breeds the insect swarm, absorbing the biomass devoured by the insect swarm.

With the input of biomass, sarcomas were extruded from the blood-flesh barrier, and then rapidly grew and took shape, turning into new Zerg species. Various Zerg races are continuously bred from the Flesh Barrier.

Looking at this bloody and strange scene, humans fell into a brief silence.

Li Yelai's eyes were fixed on the flesh and blood barrier. This was where the Insect Master was. His plan was successful after all!

Unfortunately, its weaknesses are changing at any time. Moreover, that extremely thick spiritual energy barrier pressed down on everyone's hearts like substance.

Even if Li Yelai could attack the weak point, he would not be able to tear through this psychic barrier.

But the human being still showed an ecstatic smile after a brief silence!


"I'm fucking coming!"

"Quick! Prepare the Star-Shattering Spear!"

The handlers were excitedly arranging everything planned.

"Okay, okay! You did a good job, General Ye! Praise the misfortune, praise mankind!" Jian Kuang laughed wildly as soon as he saw the flesh and blood barrier.

His white hair was not moving in the wind, and his eyes were red. He looked crazy and excited. Like an evil spirit that has seen its prey!

He fought side by side with the Mad King and faced the penalty area.

That man was so fierce with his sword that even the creatures in the restricted area felt a headache.

On the battlefield, he held a three-foot green peak and fought bloody battles with the strong men in the restricted area. He even exiled the generals in the restricted area many times and was hailed as a sword madman in the restricted area!

Even though he is old and frail, at this moment he burst out with that frightening and crazy fighting spirit!

That was his curse, but now it has turned into his strongest offensive!

"Come out and die, bug!" He laughed wildly and picked up a throwing spear that was familiar to Li Yelai.

That is the ultimate weapon!

The flying gunman's unique weapon! Anti-psionic weapons!

In order to deal with the insect swarm, Jian Kuang finally took out this extremely rare killing weapon.

At the same time, Li Yelai and others also saw a huge soul well emerging in the virtual realm, and a tall figure emerged from it.

It was a white-haired swordsman wearing a white robe and armor, and he was the virtual projection of the sword madman!

As the projection emerged, Jian Kuang's body seemed to have undergone some changes, and his spiritual power increased to the limit!

As a seven-sense psychic, he uses all his strength when he strikes!

Rocks everywhere in the tunnel flew up quickly, condensed and compressed in mid-air, and turned into a giant sword of nearly a hundred meters long stone. The red magma shone with light and heat from the gaps in the giant sword. And that unique weapon turned into the tip of a sword.

Jian Kuang stood at the head of his sword, and a huge well of soul emerged behind him. His projection overlapped with him, erupting with unprecedented power.

He raised his hand and pointed, and the giant sword struck the flesh and blood barrier with a terrifying scream.

Just how high the defense of this flesh and blood barrier is, he has to try it himself. If the brilliant black dragon can't penetrate the defense, he can't necessarily penetrate it if he uses the ultimate weapon!

In an instant, there was a huge roar, the passage trembled violently, and all psykers felt a throbbing.

If the psyker hadn't taken precautions and the sword madman could control his power freely, just a trace of psionic pressure would be enough to crush a low-aware psyker to death.

Connecting to the virtual realm and assimilating the projection, this is the Seven Awakenings!

This blow is enough to split a mountain!

Even the strongest flesh and blood barrier shook violently, and even the furious roar of the insect swarm master could be heard.

The Jueling Arms frantically tore apart the psychic barrier of the flesh and blood barrier. The powerful anti-psionic effect even severed the connection between the insect swarm and the insect master for a time.

But soon, with the roar of the insect swarm master, the flesh and blood barrier twisted wildly, and the spiritual barrier strengthened again.

The terrifying psychic energy surged out like a tsunami, causing the handlers to feel a terrible sense of suffocation.

At the same time, the anti-psionic weapon exploded at the tip of the giant stone sword, and the entire giant sword also broke.

Even anti-psionic weapons cannot last long under such a scale of psychic energy.

The powerful psychic barrier of the Flesh Barrier finally blocked the anti-psionic weapons and the slashing blows of the giant sword, but the newly born insect swarms were killed by the powerful psychic energy contained in the giant sword.

Feeling the consumption of biomass, the insect master became more and more impatient. It made a sharp insect chirp in the virtual realm and ordered all the insect swarms to quickly return to defense at all costs.

However, due to the spatial chaos of the maze, many insect swarms are unable to determine their location, and they are unable to provide effective support until the command system is restructured.

"It's really tough! Even the anti-psionic weapons can't penetrate it!" Jian laughed furiously: "Then try the Star-Shattering Spear!"

At the same time that Jian Kuang took action, the handlers had already begun to use various taboo objects.

The first step of the plan has been successful, and humans have arrived before the flesh and blood barrier.

Now, the second step of the plan is to defend this place and wait for the Star-Shattering Spear to successfully penetrate the flesh barrier!

Class B forbidden object·Spear of Broken Stars.

It was a bronze spear over two meters long covered with mysterious writing.

The official Night Out team discovered it on top of a giant skeleton in the middle of a ruined city.

It pinned a huge strange creature to the ground.

And devoured the blood and flesh of the creature. Only the hard bones proved that the strange creature had at least seven powers.

Its usage conditions are very harsh.

In other words, it seems to have self-awareness and needs praise and praise.

The lines engraved on its body are words praising it.

Psychics with four levels of consciousness or above can see rapidly changing mysterious words in the virtual realm.

When psykers see this text, they will automatically recite these words.

After reciting these obscure words around him for some time.

It will be happy and the lines all over the body will radiate a dazzling light.

At that time, the holder can use its ability. And the time of use is very short, only less than ten seconds!

Although the time is short, its ability is very domineering and has the terrifying effect of breaking all objects and psychic barriers.

The limitation is that it can only be driven by the physical strength of the user. No matter whether it is divine control or other paths, it cannot be controlled with spiritual energy.

The price is that once the Star-Shattering Spear is used, it will devour nearby flesh and blood, creating a huge demand.

But nowadays, this is not a problem at all!

More than ten years ago, Border City No. 3 used this taboo. Respond to the meteorites summoned by the Ember Church with forbidden objects.

Facing the huge meteorite that covered the sky and the sun, a certain Ye Busuo of the Zhenwu Path threw his spear with all his strength.

The next moment, the spear not only shattered the meteorite, but also directly destroyed the forbidden object in the meteorite!

The accident triggered a terrible disaster.

Therefore, it has the ability to crush meteorites, so it is called the Star-Breaking Spear!

It is the most powerful weapon owned by the government and controllable!

Today, more than a dozen psykers are chanting and praising the Starshatter Spear.

During this period, the other psykers must hold their ground!

As if aware of the danger brought by the Star-Shattering Spear, the Insect Master let out a sharp insect chirp.

The flesh and blood barrier twisted wildly, and a large number of insect swarms were born in an instant. At the same time, huge skeletons emerged one after another.

Among them, there is also a huge skeleton that is more than thirty meters in size, which is larger than the Forbidden Army Insect.

The moment they emerged, muscles and carapace quickly appeared on their skeletons.

The insect master obviously wants to quickly cultivate a powerful insect race to protect his own safety.

To do this, it releases all the biomass it has stored.

This made the human heart sink.

This insect master can actually cultivate so many forbidden army insects at the same time? Its strength is truly terrifying!

If it is allowed to hide safely in the rear and cultivate these forbidden army insects, it will even be a stronger insect race. The situation for humanity will be even more bleak.

But now, it's too late, humans are right in front of us!

You still want to go out when the spring water is blocked?

Jian Kuang and several captains took action again, condensing their giant swords and striking hard at the flesh and blood barrier.

It is true that he cannot tear open the flesh and blood barrier, but the insect master cannot even think of successfully giving birth to a new insect race!

The largest skeleton was violently chopped into pieces by the sword madness before it took shape!

No matter how terrifying its power was, its shape was not perfect and it had no strength left to resist.

A large number of insect swarms were wiped out by the aftermath the moment they were born, but there were still three Forbidden Insects crawling out of the flesh barrier.

In order to give birth to the Zerg race as quickly as possible, the carapace and even limbs of these forbidden army insects were incomplete. The insect master hurriedly threw it out.

After crawling out of the flesh and blood barrier, those incomplete Imperial Army Insects directly launched an attack on the human team!

At the same time, in the nearby tunnel, swarms of insects poured into the tunnel crazily. Under the direct orders of the Insect Master, the insects closest to here attacked the human team without any rules.

‘Interrupt their ceremony! ’ The Insect Lord roared, it knew that as long as humans couldn’t use that weird spear, it would be invincible!

"Block them!" Jian Kuang roared: "Hold on!"

The captains used all their methods to kill the forbidden army insects as quickly as possible.

At the same time, outside the defense line built by the human team, the insect swarms are being efficiently eliminated.

Here are the most elite Ye Bushou and handlers. At this point, the insect swarm has no chance of interrupting the activation of the Star-Shattering Spear!

But as time went by, more and more insects arrived.

The insect swarm recovered from the initial panic and immediately located and supported the area where the insect master was located.

When several forbidden army bugs and hundreds of advanced bugs appeared on the battlefield.

The most bloody and important offensive and defensive battle begins!

It seems like endless swarms of insects are swarming towards the human defense line, and various psychic powers and weapons interweave a deadly melody on the battlefield.

Thunder, fire, storm, rock barrier, mimicry, dragon breath, sword rain, word spirit, shock wave. Various abilities are intertwined.

Like a huge meat grinder, it completely crushes the approaching insect swarm!

But every time after a large number of insect swarms in this area are eliminated, more insect swarms immediately block the area.

The endless killings made every psyker's eyes red.

In the defense line, Li Yelai had already switched to Feng Lang Juxu's face.

Use Immovable Mountain to protect teammates in the team who use long-range attacks.

The big black umbrella in his hand had already overheated and expired after continuously releasing heat melt.

Now he drew out his three-pointed two-edged halberd to guard against the approaching Zerg.

This is the most dangerous moment in this operation. Both the insect swarm and humans are highly nervous.

The insect swarm wants to interrupt the activation of the Star-Shattering Spear at all costs, and the humans also try to stop the insect swarm at all costs.

Victory or defeat is now!

Both sides maintained the highest intensity of fighting and did not dare to relax for a moment.

But when more than ten Forbidden Insects entered the battlefield, cracks finally appeared in humanity's defense line.

The combat power of the Forbidden Army Insects is close to that of the captain, and eight captain-level experts cannot suppress twelve Forbidden Army Insects at the same time.

When the two Adeptus Insects resisted the attack and broke through the human defense line, several digital handlers died in the battle.

The defense line that was struggling to be maintained was instantly swarmed by the swarm of insects.

With almost no hesitation, a handler whose thigh was cut off by a hunting bug directly put on the black dragon armor.

This is a taboo item that is enough to allow ordinary people to instantly possess the combat power of a five-sense psychic. And when a five-sense psychic puts on the battle armor, his psychic strength instantly rises to six-sense, or even higher. !

Became the ninth captain-level powerhouse!

He let out a terrifying dragon roar, and his broken body repaired instantly, and at the same time, it began to twist rapidly!

Scales grew from under the skin, and the palms turned into horny claws. He turned into an inhuman monster in an instant, but roared: "For mankind, for the giant city!"

He roared, twisted and pounced on the two Imperial Army Insects. Team up with two Custodes Insects!

Then, he completely lost control, and after killing a forbidden army insect, he died under the siege of the insect swarm.

And more war bugs and hunting bugs broke through the defense line, a large number of comrades died in battle, and a massive swarm of bugs rushed towards the core of the team. Rush towards the teammates behind Li Yelai!

"Stop it, stop it!"

The handlers went completely crazy and fought against the swarm at all costs.

The doll was stained with blood, and blood poured out of her helmet.

Jing Lin was blind and still wielding his weapon after being penetrated through the abdomen.

Yang Chen was covered in blood, and the champion's cloak became increasingly bright red.

The white hair of the sword madman is stained with blood, and he swings his sword madly

But Li Yelai's eyes were red, he changed his facial makeup, and he hated Li Yuanba without a ring!

The tall god general appeared and tried his best to block the gap.

It’s just a moment away, just a moment away!

"Block it! It must be blocked!"

Li Yelai roared, the Dharma Prime Minister waved his halberd, and one man was in charge! Overlord's bar!

And behind him, the Star-Shattering Spear finally burst into brilliant light!

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