Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 129 Cheese's Obsession

"Since we are all looking for a house, why don't we go together?"

Cheese was sitting in the driver's seat of the abandoned off-road vehicle. The warm scarf covered the wound on her neck, making her look even more petite and cute.

The suffocating sadness on her face disappeared, and a friendly smile appeared on her face. There seemed to be some emotion in his eyes.

And her words made Li Yelai unable to understand them for a while.

Are we going to the branch together to look for a house?

Still together.

Li Yelai subconsciously remembered the scene of a flushed cheese wearing a white nightgown, half leaning on the sofa.

At that time, Cheese injured her arm and asked herself to help her change clothes. This made both of their hearts beat rapidly.

In fact, Cheese usually talks a lot, but has never had any romantic relationships.

If something more intimate happened, her face would be redder than an apple.

At that time, if Li Yelai had really done something, he might have completely lost this friend.

In addition, Li Yelai had a very clear understanding of himself and thought this was another flirtatious tease from Cheese. We should go to the branch together to look for a house.

Thinking of this, Li Yelai took a deep breath and dismissed the images that appeared in his mind. And said: "I happen to be going to the branch to ask if there are any vacant apartments for family members. Are you going with me?"

‘That’s right, it’s not easy for his sister to have contact with other people. ’ Cheese thought to himself, the brilliance in his eyes dimmed, and he responded softly: “Then let’s go.”

Afterwards, the two of them walked on the broken road, chatting while walking.

People coming and going around are engineering teams or combat personnel, and occasionally some psychics can be seen.

The reconstruction of the giant city and the cleanup of the remaining insect swarms are being carried out at the same time. It is not known when the giant city will be restored.

"Since your house is destroyed, where does Xiaoyan live now?" Cheese asked.

"A confidential area in the new city. There is someone there who can take care of her. I will take her back after I find a house," Li Yelai responded.

Although Li Yunyan became a psychic, the effects of the curse still prevented her from living a normal life.

Currently, she is still staying with the nun. I have to say, the nun was a big help. Otherwise, Li Yunyan wouldn't be able to trust Li Yunyan to stay alone somewhere at night. But as a non-spiritual person, the identity of the 'nun' is kept very secret. Even most of the captains didn't know she existed.

The dolls may know about it, but they probably haven’t come into contact with it yet.

Li Yelai couldn't say much.

"I understand~~confidential mission." Cheese did not continue to ask. Instead, he said: "In order to deal with the fog of disaster, the existence of human psychics has been exposed to the public. The giant city will gradually inform the public of the existence of psychics. At the same time, be prepared not to be missed by the Ember Church."

Li Yelai nodded. Before the disaster came, most people in the giant city only understood psykers as urban legends.

Just like Li Yelai, before encountering the skinner. I don’t know about these extraordinary existences either.

The vast majority of the people never left the giant city throughout their lives.

The understanding of disaster fog is more like a natural disaster that specifically targets humans.

The scavengers who often left the giant city knew more than the people, but under the watchful eyes of the giant city, they all concealed it all.

After all, it's not something worth shouting about. On the contrary, it will cause some kind of panic.

Now, the mist of disaster is coming, and the killing insect swarms are devouring everything. At least to those survivors swallowed by the mist, the existence of psykers has been exposed.

What the official needs to do now is to let them gradually understand the existence of psykers.

The risk is actually very high, psyker.

In the eyes of the outside world, especially in the eyes of ordinary people, how powerful is this?

In the bloody battle with the insect swarm, people have long seen the power and specialness of psykers.

Especially those high-level psychics, such as Yang Chen, who can kill forbidden army insects at supersonic speed. Like the blazing sun, mimicry transforms into the mythical Golden Crow. Like a sword madman, he wields his sword to kill thousands of evil spirits!

This is a fatal attraction for many people.

How many of the millions of people surviving today want to become psykers?

And how many people can truly have psychic talents?

What if other people without psychic talents still want to become psykers?

If you are jealous and unwilling, it will lead to the corruption of Ember Church!

The Church of Ember just came up with some high-risk catalytic agents, and the people who longed for power flocked to them.

Some people who have suffered injustice and man-made disasters. He will do whatever it takes to become a psychic.

Just imagine that an ordinary person who is crushed by power will fight for this glimmer of life if he can obtain extraordinary power, even if there is a high probability of death.

In addition, within the church, becoming a psionic person can claim everything from the congregation. This trend has been further intensified.

As far as Li Yelai knew, there was a case where he sacrificed his daughter and all his family property in order to become a psychic and for a very risky catalytic agent.

Because he became a psyker, he was able to gain the respect and resources of countless members of the church.

This is a life-and-death gamble. Chen Xiaodao can win 20 million with 20 yuan.

They think they can too.

However, most people lost the bet and became victims, continuing to harm the giant city.

This is also the reason why officials dare not expose the existence of psykers easily.

There will always be people who are eager to gain power, and the Ember Church will definitely take this opportunity to corrupt more people. This makes the interior of the giant city even more dangerous.

Therefore, the authorities must be more careful to guard against the Embers Church hidden in the crowd.

"The Embers Church is a cancer of mankind." Li Yelai suddenly thought of the oracle he had seen before. The giant sitting on the throne was one of the beings worshipped by the Embers Church? If he was in the Embers Church, he would be a big shot?

I don't know if I will have the opportunity to be a secret agent in the Embers Church in the future.

Let them taste the taste of bad luck and take away a few lucky audiences at random

At this time, Cheese suddenly asked: "Is there any sign of opening up your Well of Souls?"

Li Yelai was startled, and immediately stopped and closed his eyes to look at the Well of Souls. Then he shook his head and said: "This is just the beginning? I only had the third awakening a few days ago."

Li Yelai went to the Ark a few days after the third awakening, and then came to the Disaster Mist less than five days after returning.

It has only been more than a month so far, which is not enough for him to break through to the fourth awakening.

"Then I have surpassed you!" Cheese smiled, a little proud. She fought against the swarm of insects many times in the disaster fog, and the soul well was developed very quickly. Now she can try the fourth awakening.

However, the psychics passing by looked at the two people in shock.

They are all psychics, with stronger physiques than ordinary people and very sharp hearing.

Cheese's low-pitched complaints were just heard by them.

They heard it, but not much.


"What did you do to him? Shit!" A psychic from the neighboring Border City No. 2 said with wide eyes: "The customs of your Border City No. 3 are so wild? Is this something you can talk about?"

"Then can I listen for a few more minutes?" A female handler's eyes lit up.

"I can't tell that this girl is a cross-dresser!"

"No, no, no, gender doesn't matter, women can also surpass men."

"The couple is having a lot of fun."

They talked about it, and Cheese's face was visibly red. Then he responded: "I mean the super in the sense of surpassing. You bunch of filthy people!"

"Tsk!" The psychics left with great regret.

Li Yelai saw that Cheese's face was still red, and couldn't help but complain: "Calling you hollow ear? Was it misunderstood? How bad is this for you, a girl"

"If you keep complaining, it won't be hollow ear!" Cheese snorted, and then put on a gangster attitude.

Li Yelai had to stop complaining and asked solemnly: "Are you going to break through the fourth awakening?"

"Well, soon. In a week." Cheese responded: "After all, I was three awakenings earlier than you. When you were awakened for the first time, I broke through the third awakening, and when you were awakened for the third time, I was still awakened for the third time. If you are awakened for the fourth time, I will still be standing still. Isn't it that you surpassed me?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Li Yelai stopped and looked at Cheese and said seriously: "Are you really sure?"

The fourth awakening of a psychic is a hurdle. After the fourth awakening, the psychic can shape his own psychic projection. At that time, psychics can not only strengthen their psychic strength, but also have a stronger psychic recovery effect.

The combat power has increased by more than double compared to the third awakening.

But the risk is also great. You know, the larger the soul well is, the easier it is to be discovered by virtual creatures, or even some strange beings.

After the fourth awakening, the probability of being discovered is greater, which also means that the probability of being distorted is greater.

"I know that I could have the fourth awakening half a month ago, but the risk of distortion in the disaster fog was too great, so I kept it as a trump card. I have been suppressing the soul well. There has been enough precipitation." Cheese smiled and responded: "If I fail."

She paused, looking at Li Yelai with indescribable emotions in her eyes: "I am afraid of pain, when you send me, be quick."

"You are such a vicious woman" Li Yelai felt very uncomfortable.

The handlers all hope that their friends will "send" themselves away, which is the last blessing. But Li Yelai thinks this is too cruel.

Cheese smiled, without words. She left a hint on Li Yelai that once she died, she would forget her.

‘This won’t make you too painful.’ She thought to herself.

In fact, if psychics maintain their current level and do not pursue more power, the risk of being distorted will be greatly reduced.

But Cheese has a reason to become a fourth awakening and a night without being saved.

She wants to go outside the city to find the real murderer who killed her cousin.

Or, many relatives and friends of the champion team at that time had this wish.

The former champion team was very powerful.

Since the establishment of the processing department of Border City No. 3, they have always been the strongest team.

The captain of each generation is named ‘champion’. And they are all geniuses with strong combat power!

The fourth generation champion led the team to attack the Embers Church and killed the evil projection in it.

The fifth generation champion once went deep into the restricted area and killed the overlord-level strongman in it. He attracted the king of the restricted area to chase him.

The sixth generation champion fought alone against eighteen powerful virtual creatures, and exiled fifteen of them before dying of exhaustion.

Each generation of champions is an extremely dazzling strongman, and their sacrifice makes humans regret.

Five years ago, the seventh generation champion was a powerful psychic who was about to break through to the eighth awakening.

She was regarded as the successor of the Mad King.

The members of his team also had several strong people with the sixth and fifth awakenings.

Just looking at the high-end combat power, their team is comparable to a branch.

However, after encountering Disaster Fog No. 49, the champion team suffered heavy losses. Seven generations of ‘champions’ and a large number of elite warriors died in a bloody battle. A team successfully suppressed Disaster No. 49!

But after that, Disaster No. 49 revived very quickly. The reason is unknown.

The remaining team members were forced to evacuate, but suffered some strange blow during the evacuation.

The surprise attack during the evacuation was very strange and difficult to prevent.

The champion team, which still had enough fighting strength, was completely defeated.

Almost all the elites died, and even Yang Chen had to kill Fuyou himself.

This also led to the complete loss of the championship team.

As the eighth generation 'champion', Yang Chen, as well as many of his family members, all share the same tragic wish.

That is to investigate the truth and kill the real murderer!

Cheese became a psychic because of this, and she must avenge her closest cousin. This is her obsession.

Li Yelai was silent for a moment and asked: "What about the magic potion? What are your plans?"

"There are officially three kinds of whispering potions for the four senses. But currently there are only two that are available." Cheese responded: "They are the curse and the phantom sound. And the Jing family, because of its cooperation with Jucheng, is willing to Sharing some potion recipes, among them, there are four kinds of whispering potions, and deathrattle potions are all auxiliary types, so I haven't decided which potion yet. "

Spells can impose certain negative effects on the target. Phantom sound can cause the target who hears the sound to fall into hallucinations.

Deathrattle: Give a certain command to the target and trigger it the moment it dies. The restrictions are greater, but proper control will have unexpected gains.

None of the three potions have offensive effects, and Cheese itself has two auxiliary abilities. If you want an offensive ability, you have no more options.

Li Yelai looked at Cheese and fell into silence. He didn't want Cheese to take risks, but he had no reason or position to stop her.

He brought back the formulas of three magic potions from the Ark transaction.

Three Enlightenment Zhenwu Path Magic Potion·Breaking Strength

The magic potion of the four senses whispering path·Dragon Roar

Six-sense return-to-zero path potion·Sky Fire Starts a Prairie Fire

As a reward for bringing back the formula, the official will provide Li Yelai with these three magic potions for free.

Among them, Dragon Roar is a magic potion from the Ark. It is a very domineering offensive whispering ability.

In a distant forbidden area of ​​life, there is a kind of dragon that can control the weather with its roar.

This potion is to transfer this power into the body of the psyker.

Both offensive and auxiliary are not weak.

Li Yelai could only sigh and said: "If you have made up your mind, I can give you a potion, but you have to promise me."

"Send me a potion for the four awakenings? Is this a big favor? Let me pledge myself to you?" Cheese was a little surprised by Li Yelai's handwriting, but he still laughed.

"Don't talk about this, you have to survive first." Li Yelai sighed: "I don't have many friends."

Cheese withdrew his smile and nodded slightly: "Yes, I promise you."

(Happy New Year everyone)

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