Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 84 The opportunity for three awakenings

When Li Yelai woke up, he saw a strange yet familiar ceiling.

"Is this an official hospital?" Li Yelai barely recognized this place. This is the hospital I entered after encountering a skinner for the first time.

He was lying on a soft hospital bed, and his original jacket had been replaced by a hospital gown.

He didn't know how long he had been unconscious, but Li Yelai always felt a little weak.

But it is certain that it was the official who sent him here. I just don’t know if any ambulances have been scrapped.

He tried to sit up, took off his hospital clothes, and checked his injuries.

After being hit once, all the internal organs were very painful. I don’t know how it is recovering now.

The penetrating injury to the abdomen had healed, but it left a shallow scar.

However, there are no signs of stitching on it, so it's not obvious.

Li Yelai stroked the scar on his abdomen, feeling a little worried. Could it be that the waist was destroyed?

But it doesn't seem to hurt when pressed.

At this time, someone pushed in the door.

It was cheese. She was wearing a loose sweater, a pair of headphones, and a bag of fruit in her hand.

After seeing Li Yelai wake up, surprise flashed in Chezhi's beautiful eyes.

However, when he saw Li Yelai checking the wound with his breasts exposed, he immediately joked: "Your brand new kidney that has not been used has been restored. Don't worry."

"You bastard, how do you know I haven't used it?" Li Yelai closed the hospital gown, pointed at the cheese, and asked, "How long have I been sleeping?"

"It's been three days." Cheese put the fruit on Li Yelai's bedside and said, "It's been three days since the doll rescued you from the mall."

"Three days." Li Yelai was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he would be unconscious for so long.

His last memory was of Mr. Shadow refusing the deal and seeing the doll rushing to the scene.

Presumably, Mr. Shadow realized that the doll had come to support him, so he refused the deal. This guy is quite principled.

Cheese's eyes were a little complicated and he said: "I really don't know what secret mission you have accepted. But you'd better not take such a risk.

As a second-aware psyker, the risk is too great for you to hunt down a third-aware psyker alone.

If the doll hadn't appeared in time, you might

You may be special and have special abilities that ordinary people cannot understand. But you are not immortal. I hope you understand this. "

Cheese's voice was no longer gentle, but had a hint of sternness.

Cheese knew very little about what happened to Li Yelai. Her authority could only know that Li Yelai fought with a third-awareness psyker of unknown origin and killed the third-awareness psyker at the cost of serious injuries. Even the house he was in was destroyed. Most of it collapsed. Fortunately, the doll was rushed away and taken away for treatment. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!

Just listening to this record, you can feel the smell of blood. Two sleeps versus three sleeps, a shopping mall was destroyed.

It's hard to imagine what kind of dangerous thugs Li Yelai faced!

Li Yelai nodded silently. He naturally knew the crisis of the situation at that time. I also understand why Cheese is so angry.

He has been forced to make a deal with Mr. Shadow. If it had been anyone else, he might have died.

"I will pay attention, but at that time, I really can't retreat." Li Yelai spoke without explaining much.

Cheese's eyes flickered, but he still stopped what he wanted to say.

Then he asked in a slower voice: "Then what did you gain after fighting Sanjue?"

"Wait a moment." After hearing this, Li Yelai meditated and peered into the Well of Souls, and was surprised to find that after fighting the flying gunman.

The well of my soul has expanded and opened up a lot, it seems.

It seems like you can try to advance to Sanjue!

Sure enough, dangerous battles can refine your spiritual mastery and speed up your promotion!

This made Li Yelai feel pleasantly surprised. He already had the magic potion of three awakenings, and all he needed to wait for was the expansion of the Well of Souls.

Now all the conditions have been met!

It won't be long before he can become a three-minded psyker!

"It seems that I can try three sleeps." Li Yelai said, "Besides, I have prepared the magic potion."

Cheese frowned slightly: "Sanjue, are you going to catch up with me so soon?"

Cheese himself has only had three sleeps.

As a senior, Li Yelai, a junior, quickly caught up with him. Even beyond.

This makes cheese feel a little complicated and comforting.

After thinking about it, Cheese said seriously: "You should be aware of the risks of using magic potions. I suggest you wait until your body has fully recovered before using magic potions and trying to get promoted."

Potions are risky, and the user may be affected by their powers. Potions must be used in the safest possible condition.

"I know." Li Yelai naturally took good care of himself.

Then, Cheese stood up and said: "I have to discuss it with the captain. You continue to recover well, and don't forget to tell Xiao Yunyan and the captain that you are safe. They are very worried about you."

Li Yelai nodded.

"Also, doll, she saved you." Cheese looked at Li Yelai, hesitated and said, "Thank her very much."

Her eyes were a little complicated, then she looked at the time and opened the door to leave.

Less than ten minutes after Cheese left the ward, the door of the ward was pushed open again.

It was a girl wearing a frog costume. She was holding a thermos bucket in one hand and a billboard in the other.

For some reason, the doll's body froze after seeing Li Yelai waking up.

Surprise and shyness made the doll's cheeks feel a little hot. If Li Yelai could see through the hood, he would see the doll's red face.

[Oops, you're awake (ω)] The doll seemed a little shy, but managed to stay calm and asked [Are you feeling okay[_?]]

‘What is she shy about? ’ Li Yelai was a little confused. But he still smiled and said: "Thank you, you saved my life. Everything is fine, I just feel a little tired."

[Hmm, that's good. As for being tired, it should be the effect of your bitter tasting extraordinary medicine. Although it quickly repaired your injuries, your internal organs and ribs were repaired. But at the same time, drugs also take away a lot of your energy. It makes you fall into a deep sleep, just wake up (〃'▽'〃)]

"Bitter-tasting medicine?" Li Yelai was startled and thought for a moment before he came to his senses.

That should refer to the medicine Li Yelai carried with him. It is an extraordinary drug from the restricted area of ​​Black Source City. Has strong recovery ability.

As for the taste, Li Yelai really didn't know.

After all, he had only given cheese to drink, and it was poured into coffee.

I guess Cheese himself didn't taste the potion whether it was bitter or not.

"Then how do you know that the medicine is bitter?" Li Yelai asked subconsciously.

At present, it seems that the doll fed him a potion, but he no longer has this impression at all. I don’t even know what the potion tastes like.

For some reason, this question made the doll's body tremble slightly, and then the words appeared on the billboard.

[Because I don’t know how effective the medicine is, so I didn’t dare to feed it to you directly so I just tasted it. Sorry (ω)]

If Li Yunyan were here, he would probably smile proudly. Then shouted: "This smells like lies!"

‘Are you a little shy because you tasted the potion? Hahaha. ’ Li Yelai smiled inwardly and said casually: “Don’t worry about this, if it weren’t for you, I would be doomed.”

Indeed, if the doll did not arrive in time, Li Yelai would have no choice but to let Mr. Ying trade, which would be equivalent to losing a life!

The doll nodded dully.

"By the way, how is that enemy? Is he completely dead?" Li Yelai continued to ask, he was still worried about the tenacious vitality of the flying gunman. He was afraid that his overlord's halberd throw could not take him away.

[He was so dead that the logistics department has collected his remains (`)=3]

The doll is unusually angry and scared.

At that time, she was really scared.

Especially when I saw Li Yelai at that time, his muscles and internal organs were damaged, blood was flowing under the copper surface, and his abdomen was penetrated by an anti-psionic weapon. The injuries were serious.

The endless fear swept through her body. She almost, almost lost him completely.

So much so that she furiously tore apart the Flying Gunman's corpse. Hundreds or thousands of times the pressure directly smashed the Flying Gunman's body everywhere.

However, this just allows the logistics team to break some defenses.

A certain epidemic doctor captain of the logistics team who did not want to be named said: "You are noble and awesome. You smashed the corpses everywhere. Have you ever considered us?" ’

Li Yelai heard this and continued to ask: "Did the people in the mall evacuate safely?"

He was worried that other innocent people would be harmed because of him.

[They were all successfully rescued. Although some were injured, they were all out of danger. You did a great job, but it was too risky()(._.`)]

What the doll said was not a lie, she learned from the mouths of the rescued family of three.

Li Yelai gave up dealing with the flying gunmen and chose to take risks to save the people!

This made all the handlers who learned this information admired.

But the price was that Li Yelai ate the anti-psionic weapon forcefully and almost died.

If the spear was thrown further upward, I'm afraid it would be

Li Yelai was completely relieved.

It's okay, the flying gunman is dead, and no one else died. This is the best result.

As for the Absolute Spirit, Li Yelai didn't ask. He had to keep his identity secret from the doll.

So, Li Yelai thanked him again: "Thank you very much."

[It’s okay, don’t be so polite (っω`)]

[Judging from the examination, all your injuries have recovered, but you were injured by an anti-psionic weapon. How do you feel [ヘ?]]

"Very good, just a little weak." Li Yelai responded.

"This is a sequelae of the recovery period. Just eat something to replenish it." The doll did not use the billboard this time, but responded. The voice was soft and full of expectation: "Try the porridge I cooked."

Naturally, Li Yelai would not let down the doll's kindness and drank all the porridge that the doll brought.

After the doll left with satisfaction, Li Yelai contacted Li Yunyan and informed her of his current situation. Let her relax.

After Li Yunyan made sure that his brother was safe, he suddenly sighed: "Brother, brother. Sister Cheese and Sister Doll. I have been visiting you every day for the past three days. You are so lucky!"

"Are you sick? Are you?" Li Yelai beat the little girl mercilessly, thinking that she was thinking too much.

"You don't know how to eat, don't you?"

After the two exchanged words with each other.

Quietness returned to the ward.

After a while, Yinhuo, who received the news that Li Yelai had woken up, came to the ward.

He sat on Li Yelai's bedside, ate the fruit brought by Cheese, and took out a mobile phone and handed it to Li Yelai.

Li Yelai took the phone and saw a picture.

In the picture, someone is wearing a bronze mask, holding a long halberd, and riding a handsome dragon horse. He jumped up from the subway track. In the distance, there is a blurry figure of the flying gunman passing by quickly.

Is this a photo of Li Yelai chasing the flying gunman? Was it taken by a pedestrian?

Li Yelai's body stiffened: "Am I exposed?"

"No." Yin Huo shook his head and said: "This photo does not expose your official identity, but the 'bronze mask' is chasing the flying gunman!"

"This photo will be circulated around the giant city for a short time. If nothing unexpected happens, it will definitely be received by the guy Black Umbrella within a month."

"He didn't doubt your identity in the first place, and with this set of photos. On the contrary, he will be more interested in you. Because you are really carrying out the transaction task he issued."

"You should make good use of this and continue to gain his trust. This is very important."

"Moreover, the flying gunman is a third-awakening psychic, but he is being chased by you, a second-awakening. The Ark's assessment of your strength will also increase. This is a good thing."

After thinking about it, Li Yelai understood Yin Huo's plan.

From the perspective of Black Umbrella, Bronze Face completed his task very well and also revealed his strong ability to fight against opponents of higher levels. It is indeed a good thing.

Then, he asked: "How is the Absolute Spirit?"

Yin Fire responded: "The girl was seriously injured. Her limbs were injured to varying degrees. Although she has passed the critical period, she still needs to rest."

Li Yelai said: "Please tell her that the beast who hurt her paid a heavier price!"

This is true. Before the Flying Gunman died, his body was like a broken doll. He was severely retaliated by Li Yelai.

"I will." Yin Huo nodded: "She accepted the invitation of Jucheng. And is willing to accept the prosthetic arm. Then she will continue to fight for humanity! At the same time, she is very grateful to you. You are one of the benefactors who saved her."

"Because of the information you brought, Border City No. 3 has the first Absolute Soul!

You have made great achievements, but this achievement cannot be known to the outside world. Even the existence of the Absolute Soul cannot be known to colleagues at present.

Will you be unwilling? You have done so much and almost died of serious injuries, but no one knows about your feat."

Li Yelai shook his head. This was expected.

As a secret agent, he has long lost his fame.

Jucheng officials cannot let the outside world know that they have the Absolute Soul. Otherwise, Li Yelai's identity as a secret agent will be exposed.

What is there for him to be unwilling about?

If the identity of the secret agent is exposed for these reputations, so that he can no longer obtain information and avenge those comrades, this will make Li Yelai unwilling!

Yin Huo nodded: "Very good, I now understand why Yang Chen thinks so highly of you."

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