Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 89 Undead

Li Yelai got into the detective's car and rushed to the antique shop first.

I found that the antique store where I have worked for four years has changed a lot.

Not only do we have two new employees, but there are also many more items in the store.

Under the curious eyes of the two employees, Li Yelai and the detective walked into the store.

The boss and Lao Zhao came out immediately.

"I feel relieved when you are here." Lao Zhao, Li Yelai and the detective shook hands respectively and said: "If it can be handled cleanly, I can increase the reward!"

He was very surprised by the detective's appearance. He didn't know the division of psychic powers, but having one more was always a good thing.

"We will naturally do our best. If something similar happens in the future, be sure to remember to call us." The detective responded with a smile and handed over a business card. This laid the foundation for future cooperation.

"When was the specific time when the strange situation occurred?" Li Yelai asked.

"They all appear randomly at night, after dark. My employees who stayed in the manor to inspect and repair the houses saw their figures several times at different times." Lao Zhao explained: "Nowadays, some employees have some He was so distraught that he refused to leave the manor and was forcefully taken away by our leaders, but he still tried every means to enter the manor. "

"Is it disturbing the mind?" the detective thought: "What does the original homeowner have to say?"

"The original owner," Old Zhao, hesitated and said, "His family used to be in good condition, but his family fell into decline. He planned to sell the manor and make a comeback. However, it is said that his deceased grandfather once said that the house must never be sold. But he himself has no understanding of the current vision.”

"Has he never encountered anything similar?" Li Yelai asked.

"At least that's what he said himself. We don't know whether it's true or not." Lao Zhao responded.

"It is not ruled out that he knew this, but hid it in order to sell the house." The detective analyzed: "For more details, let's go to the scene to take a look."

No matter what the situation is, you need to investigate first.

If it is determined to be a psyker or something weird, or even a forbidden object.

Then you have to ask for official support.

"Okay, okay." Lao Zhao nodded quickly.

Afterwards, a group of three people got into Lao Zhao's business car and rushed to the new city.

He explained on the way that the buyer had paid the deposit and the leading team would arrive at Border City No. 3 soon.

If this situation is not resolved by then, not only will the transaction be voided, but Lao Zhao himself will also offend the buyer.

This surprised Li Yelai and the detective. They both said that a strong dragon could not overwhelm a local snake. Can a caravan in a distant giant city suppress the local chamber of commerce?

"I know your identities. You may also be aware of each other's existence. The aristocratic family." Old Zhao looked sad: "I have come into contact with them before when I was a scavenger in the north. They have a high status and unique methods. I am a real person." I don’t want to offend their Yao Qingjing family.”

"Jing family, aristocratic family? From Yaoqing Giant City?" The detective frowned, although he didn't know much about Yaoqing Jing family, and he had never been to the north. But as a handler, he naturally knows about the existence of the family.

They originate from the Era of Disaster, and are among the very few who managed to return to the physical world among the humans swallowed by the mist.

They brought back a wealth of spiritual knowledge, and even the establishment of giant cities came from the knowledge they brought.

A small number of them have retained some knowledge and inheritance and established their own families.

Due to the descendants of psykers, the probability of becoming a psyker is greater.

Therefore, under the conscious cultivation and marriage, most of their descendants are also psychics.

The monopoly of power and knowledge makes them influential.

"Yao Qingjing's family?" Li Yelai's expression changed. He had learned about this family in the Ark, and it was a family that had given birth to kings. Nowadays, it is said that there is an eighth-awakened psyker sitting here. It is a force that cannot be underestimated.

From the information in the Ark, we know that the Jing family is coming to Border City No. 3. The so-called large caravan actually refers to them.

No wonder he has the confidence to travel across mountains and rivers and across the wilderness with a huge amount of money.

Presumably, there are also powerful psychics in the team, right?

Li Yelai immediately picked up the communicator and informed Yin Huo of the information.

After a few minutes, Yinhuo responded: [We know this. You guys will continue to investigate. If the existence of something strange is confirmed, let us know immediately. However, you can also invite several psykers to look at it together. Safety first. ]

[Okay, if we don't handle it well, will the Jing family come to us and cause trouble? ] Li Ye came to ask. He didn't know much about the aristocratic family, but he knew they were difficult to get along with.

[They can't afford to make waves. ] Yin Huo sent a 'hahahaha' expression: [It's not just the virtual realm creatures in the restricted area that are afraid of the old mad king. ]

Li Yelai expressed his understanding, and it is estimated that Huang Chao in the late Tang Dynasty who "trampled all the bones of public ministers" would also express his praise!

Afterwards, Li Yelai contacted Cheese: [Cheese, do you have time now? ]

[If you ask me for a date, I will have to put on makeup. ] Cheese responded.

Li Yelai ignored Cheese's insults and quickly introduced the whole story.

And plans to ask Cheese for help, using her gibbering and hypnotic abilities to get information directly from the original homeowner.

The original homeowner must have hidden information.

[Okay, give me the address. I drove over. ] Cheese did not refuse: [This is considered a favor to me. ]

[OK! ]

Afterwards, the vehicle continued driving for more than four hours before arriving at the outskirts of the new city.

It's already getting dark.

This place was originally a mountainous area, but it has become a favorite area for wealthy businessmen.

Compared to the crowds in other urban areas, the scenery here is indeed beautiful.

Li Yelai and his party arrived at a villa halfway up the mountain.

This is the current residence of the original owner. After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

They say that even if your family is in ruins, you can still buy a villa in the new city.

At this time, Li Yelai saw an off-road vehicle driving in the distance. It was Cheese's car.

Immediately get out of the car and greet Cheese.

Cheese parked the car next to the commercial vehicle, rolled down the window, looked at Li Yelai and smiled: "You kid, you really can't do it without me."

The temperature is lower today, and Cheese has also put on winter clothes. It was a beige down coat, which made her already delicate face look a little cute. There was also a hint of smile in his eyes.

"I'll leave it to you this time." Li Yelai said.

Cheese nodded, then got out of the car and stood next to Li Yelai, greeting the detective.

Although Lao Zhao wondered why Li Yelai called a girl, he still rang the doorbell of the villa.

A middle-aged man with an angry face soon walked out of the villa.

He had a bad attitude. He didn't open the door and shouted through the fence: "I told you, I don't know why this is happening in the old house! If you bother me again, I will call the police!"

Lao Zhao frowned and said: "If this is the case, then this transaction will have to be cancelled. We cannot accept a house with such a condition. We can only ask you to return the deposit."

This hurt the middle-aged man's wound, and his expression softened a lot, and he said: "But I really don't know much about this. I have never encountered this before selling it to you."

At this time, he heard a crisp sound.

"[Listen to me], what do you know?" Cheese said calmly after eating a candy.

She had seen too many people talking nonsense like this, so she used her ability directly.

The middle-aged man frowned and was about to curse, but he uttered words he didn't want to say: "When my grandfather was still alive, I saw him running to the basement."

"What are you running for?" Cheese asked.

"Go and meet grandma," the middle-aged man responded honestly.

"Your grandma?" Old Zhao scratched his head: "According to my investigation, didn't your grandma pass away a year after you were born?"

"But there. I did hear my grandpa calling grandma's name through the door." The middle-aged man found that he couldn't lie, so he could only say in fear: "There is the soul of my grandma there. My grandpa knows it. At this point, he still ran to the basement!”

You know they are undead, but you still contact them?

This surprised everyone, but it was understandable.

If you see your lover appear, even if it is an undead soul, you will not be able to help but get closer.

"Then, did your grandfather have any strange phenomena?" Cheese continued to ask: "Have there been any significant changes in personality or strange behavior?"

"I don't know much about his character, but he likes to run to the basement. He even didn't plan to leave the basement at one time." The middle-aged man responded: "My dad pulled him out. Later, he disappeared, and he was finally found dead underground. Floor. He had a heart attack. Because he went to the basement alone, the body was hard when he was found before he could be rescued. "

Li Yelai and Cheese were a little thoughtful.

Is this an accident? Or did the so-called undead kill him?

Or is it something or a creature disguised as an undead?

"Then you sold the house?" Li Yelai asked, "Didn't you say that there is your grandmother's ghost in the basement? Isn't this equivalent to your ancestral grave?"

"What kind of ancestral grave? She died too early, and I wasn't familiar with her!" The middle-aged man said bitterly: "What if she accidentally hurts me? I even suspect that grandpa's death is related to her. "

"So, after my grandfather died, I sealed up the underground floor. I lived in peace for a few years, but I was always worried. Later, I learned that someone wanted to buy the manor, and my family happened to have no money, so I sold it. ”

Li Yelai also knew what happened next.

Lao Zhao was entrusted by Yao Qingjing's family to acquire the manor. But an underground floor was accidentally opened. The strange phenomenon occurred again.

However, it was not the grandmother of the original homeowner who appeared, but the deceased relatives of the employees.

Even if there are really undead, they won't appear here unexpectedly. It's probably caused by something, it varies from person to person.

But you have to check it out for details.

Then, Cheese used his ability again: "[Listen to me], in five seconds, return to the room, forget about the inquiry just now, and forget about our arrival."

The middle-aged man nodded and returned to the room.

As the door closed, he looked confused, not sure why he was standing at the door.

And outside the villa.

Li Yelai asked Cheese: "Are you sure what the situation is?"

"It's hard to say, the information is still a bit lacking. I have to go to the scene and take a look." After thinking about it, Cheese responded: "Get in the car and don't harm other people's cars."

Li Yelai, the scourge, scratched his head when he heard this: "I haven't activated my ability, and the Vehicle Killer has not been triggered. You are slandering me!"

"Guess why I change two cars a month?" Cheese raised his eyebrows.

Li Yelai had no choice but to get on the cheese's off-road vehicle with a big black umbrella in his hands.

Soon, two cars arrived at the manor one after the other. This is a three-story building in Western style.

There are large flower beds and a fountain.

There are several iron houses outside the manor, and those are Lao Zhao's employees.

Their original mission was to repair the manor, but when they were repairing the basement, they encountered a strange situation.

Today, more than a dozen workers are watching from outside the wall.

After seeing Lao Zhao, the leader immediately stepped forward with an anxious look on his face.

Upon seeing this, Lao Zhao immediately asked: "What happened?"

"Four people escaped in. We sent people in to catch them out, but none of them came back," the employee supervisor said anxiously.

Some employees who had seen their loved ones were obsessed with wanting to return to the basement. They were originally taken away by force, but they were not checked for a while, and four of them escaped. Eight people went to look for them, but none of them came back.

Now, it's getting dark, and the remaining employees don't dare to enter the manor.

This made Old Zhao's expression change, and Cheese said to Old Zhao: "I want to take a look at the map of the manor. From now on, we will take over."

"Don't you need to send someone to help you?" Lao Zhao asked: "I still have a few good people here, all experienced scavengers. Alas, where are they?"

Scavengers are very skilled and are often the guards that chambers of commerce are willing to hire.

But as soon as these words came out, those employees looked helpless.

The employee supervisor said with a grimace: "Everyone is in."

Old Zhao was stunned and speechless for a moment.

"No, you have to make sure that no one from the outside will enter the manor again. Don't make it more difficult for us to move." Cheese responded.

"Okay, okay." Old Zhao nodded repeatedly: "Please be careful."

The other employees looked suspicious, and it's not surprising that they were surprised.

After all, the detective looks a little more mature and experienced. Li Yelai and Cheese are both too young.

Especially Cheese, can a beautiful little girl really not be afraid of those undead?

Not even the scavengers wandering into the wilderness came out.

"Boss, are they really good?" an employee asked in a low voice.

At this time, Li Yelai said: "Boss Zhao, if any losses were caused during the operation."

"Don't worry, there is no furniture here at the moment. Even if the wall is damaged, we can repair it." Old Zhao understood: "If there is an accident, we will fully reimburse it."

As long as the house is not demolished, they can still make some money.

"Okay, I'm relieved." Li Yelai nodded, then put down the big black umbrella, took out a set of melt bombs from his backpack, and put them into the big black umbrella one by one.

Then, he picked up the big black umbrella with one hand and carried it on his shoulder. A deep hole was dug into the grass beneath his feet.

The employees twitched their mouths and silently moved away from Li Yelai.

Well, now they have no problem.

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