Unexpected Story – Isekai

Chapter 1

'Damn it! Its hurt! Urgh...’


A second later as light illuminated my vision, my consciousness slowly recovered.

"Ouch... Ouch?"

"Huh... this? Whose voice is this? Wait! I don't think it's me!"

I realized that I wasn't me, or rather this body wasn't my body. I wasn't familiar with my current body. Last time I remember I was in a terrible accident and surely my body would be full of wounds, but that's not the case. And there was also something else that bothered me.

Without hesitation I touch my entire body this time. From the top to the bottom of my body, every side felt very real.

"The anatomy is completely different! My little sausage is missing too?!"

Every time I checked it made me even more scared. Then I slapped my cheek to prove this was a dream or an illusion of death.

"Ouch! This hurts!"

"No-no-no! It's not real! It's not real! It's... Real?"

My heart was beating faster and faster. This time I really couldn't process it in my mind.

I went back over my last words again and it became a real fear now. I was now really regretting it.

"No-no god! Damn you God! Are you fucking with me again! No..."

My mind couldn't process it and it was getting more and more chaotic. I reluctantly took a deep breath to calm me down.

After a while I was silent and lost in thought. It took a long time for me to be able to accept this reality, or perhaps force myself to do it.

"If you make me reincarnate I'll still accept it, even regressed, but this is too much! You've really gone too far!"


"Why does it have to be a woman! Why God..."

My mind was still in turmoil and my heart couldn't accept any of this. Looking up, I sighed again while trying to calm myself down once again.

"Shit, why am I pregnant too!"

And at this moment I could only remain silent and let out a long sigh.


For the past three days, my mind has been trying to reject my current situation. But what I felt during this time finally made me realize that this wasn't a dream anymore.

How could I not, every time I woke up I couldn't leave here. It feels like my body is very heavy and painful. When I feel hungry or thirsty, I can't put anything in my mouth, it will definitely be vomited.

Now I tried to adapt to this unfamiliar situation.

'Let me think about it again...'

This body that I entered was in a state of late pregnancy. I am now very weak and vulnerable to do anything. When I first woke up I was already in this house or rather a small hut made of dilapidated wood. After looking around and checking the outside, this hut is probably in the middle of a forest. And the only food source I could get was the berries that grew beside the hut.

In addition, the memories of this body slowly began to enter my mind. I am currently a young woman named Myranda who lives in poor circumstances. Before living in this hut, she lived in a remote village.

According to this body's memories, she was here because she fled with her husband two months ago due to a war and epidemic in her village. But I don't know the details of how they got here safely.

From her slightly vague memories as well, it came to me that I was now reincarnated in the medieval era. In this era, the concept of kingdoms were absolute power. And of course not to forget, the monsters here are real!

Whether demons, dwarves, beastmen, elves or even angels are familiar here. They are listed as official residents of this world.

I'm still trying to find important information on this body but unfortunately I understand very little. Maybe it's because she used to live in a remote village with no knowledge of the outside world. Or maybe she's just stupid? I don't know.

I'm scared now because I'm alone in a lush and desolate forest. There's nothing I can use to defend myself other than wooden stick.

'After I remembered this body again, she was so naive!'

What a fool the owner of this body is. She easily trusted her husband who had abandoned her in this place. Her last memory was waiting patiently for that insolent bastard without the slightest suspicion.

I know better because I immediately saw his expression who was about to go looking for food. From the looks, he was certainly going to run away.

And now it's my turn to occupy this body. I've just experienced being a pregnant woman and it's not pleasant. My body aches easily and my muscles ache when I walk. Every time I sleep I can't move freely and in the morning I can't get up because my body feels so heavy.

'Why not just be normal, Oh God! Shit!'

When I look at my stomach, I think I'm about to give birth. I still hadn't prepared anything. I didn't expect to be able to give birth properly let alone survive it.

'I didn't care anymore'

Seeing and feeling for myself I can conclude that her body is a little fat, or can I say plump maybe? Especially the large chest and wide pelvis. I think she has a good body for breeding. Hopefully that will make it easier for me to give birth.

Mirrors are the favorite things of nobles and people like me need to save up to get one. But now I have a medium-sized one in my hand. It was a wedding gift from that bastard who impregnated and abandoned this body in the middle of the forest.

From above I have shoulder-length straight brown-black hair. My face looks like a mix of Asian and European with a brownish-white skin color but it's not as beautiful as one might think.

"Hmmm, it's like an ordinary women face. Not ugly but not pretty either? Well never mind, what I expected. At least it's not weird or scary"

I've given up on this aspect of appearance. Instead I need to figure out what I'm here for anyway.

I've tried calling up the status window or whatever but to no avail. Is it possible that I'm just reincarnated? Then after that, should I just live as usual? At least give me a definite purpose!

"Okay-okay, I'm going to look for food"

The baby inside my stomach started kicking. It was a sign that he or she needed nutrition and it was forcing me to look for food.

I had just finished milking my breasts. This is the third time I've done it today. Ever since I first woke up in this body I had to milk them every time. Otherwise the pain is unbearable. Besides, my only shabby shirt will get wet.

I didn't know how a woman's body was when she was pregnant but now I can find out. It's all troublesome.

And I didn't expect it when I did it to make me a little horny.

"I'm sorry child. Please wait a moment."

The thing that I also feel after occupying this body is high sexual sensitivity. If I'm already a little aroused then afterward I have to vent it immediately.

I immediately took off all my clothes and tried to stimulate my body again by touching it. Touches at special places like the clitoris and nipples made me quickly aroused.

I couldn't see the lower part of my body because of this big belly but I could feel a sense of pleasure.

'At least there are good things in this body. Oh-ah... how about putting it in- Wait! Have I really accepted this body?!'

The memory of my previous life was vaguely replaced with the memory of this body.

'Shit! I even started remembering sex with that asshole. No-no, I'm not into that yet!'

Being a little aroused, this body's control is a little chaotic. I admit that this body is good at sexuality but I still haven't accepted it. No, I don't want to enjoy it as a woman!

I stopped this activity immediately and got dressed again. My mind was still muddled but I was starting to feel thirsty and hungry now.

Being two, I feel hungry twice as fast as usual.

"Ouch... Don't kick kid"

I quickly walked out of the hut and picked some forest berries. Being heavily pregnant, I couldn't move around or look for other food in the forest.

It's even harder to walk out of this hut because my back and shoulders are so heavy. If I met that bastard I would kill him.

“Fuahh... At least I have arrived”

Close to this hut was a small pond with a spring directly below it. This pond is also easy to reach. The bottom is not deep and I usually use it for bathing. While the water is clear and safe, I can also use it for drinking.

My body wasn't too dirty and my sweat didn't smell bad, but bathing make me relaxed.

After taking off the clothes that were actually more appropriate to be called shabby cloths, I quickly cleaned my body.

It takes extra effort to clean every curve of a woman's body especially when she's heavily pregnant. But after 3 days of being in this body I got used to it. For a woman's size, this body has dense body hair, especially in the armpits and pubic area.

Immediately after taking a shower I headed back to the side of the hut to harvest more berries. This tree is not too tall and the fruit can be reached easily. There are three trees growing here and no animals have tried to eat them. If I predict it, it can last for one week's worth of food.

Why don't I just try to abort this baby? Even though it's not literally mine either. But after occupying this body for so long, I feel pity and compassion. Maybe I'll try to give birth to this baby first and think about it later.

Holding my big belly, I hurried to gather berries. These I'll use for dinner later

"Ouch, it feels so tight. You don't have to trouble me, child."

It's hard to stand up now, let alone walk.


Spurt... spurt...

After milking quite a lot of milk, the pain in my breasts finally eased a bit.

It feels like after occupying this body every day it feels heavier and heavier. It's the first time I've experienced this and I've complained a lot. It seems like I underestimated women a little.

Since it was late at night and there was no more light other than the moonlight, I quickly laid myself down on the straw mattress.

Although it was itchy and not soft enough but it was all I had right now.

"Hmmm... good night"

I guess because of this accumulated fatigue I was able to fall asleep right away.




Crick! Crick!






I woke up slightly at a sound.

"Huh? What's that? Maybe it's just my imagination…"

Since there was no answer, I went straight back to sleep and didn't care about surroundings.







Slurpp... Slurpp...

'Oh-ah yes that's so good...'

Slurpp... Slurpp...

'Ah-ah enough, stop... Ah... Wait, what's happening?'

"Shit! Shit! Stop this hurts!"


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