Unexpected Story – Isekai

Chapter 17

"Cough! Cough!”

"Drink this medicine grandpa"

"Cough! I just need to rest, ma'am"

"You're not okay. I'll make some more"

Grandpa's condition worsened. His body was still shivering from the cold despite using many blankets. I also bought equipment with a warming feature but it was the same. Besides, his cough was getting worse. His body was hot and he most likely had a high fever.

I bought some medicine and tried to concoct it according to the medical manual. I didn't just give it to him. I had to wait a few hours to see the results.

"Cough! Leave me alone, ma'am. I just need a little rest. I think your medicine is very effective- cough!"

"Okay. If you need something, just call me"

"Cough! Okay..."

“I hope you get well soon”

After I gave him the medicine, I left him to rest.

The dinner I had prepared earlier went cold. I reheated it for me to eat and also prepared some porridge for when grandpa woke up.

Fever in this weather is not unusual. Especially if you didn't bring any warm clothes and you're not in good shape. Illness can inflict anyone.

Grandpa who is stronger than me is without exception. I might as well. I've taken multi-vitamin and given Jimmy a baby dose. This is just prevention.

"Thick clothes with warming features are perfect at a time like this. It's a pity that I got it at such a high price"

"Did you buy it with that skill shop, mama?"

"Right, although it's expensive, but at least it's an emergency"

"It's great! How did I get it?"



"Don't you feel cold, Elene?"

"No, I always feel warm in your belly"

"Then I will increase the rent"

"No way! And also I think grandpa's curse is getting stronger this time. What I'm seeing is no ordinary fever. I'll analyze it in his sleep, I think this is an emergency measure, right?"

"Do it, it's also for his sake. We can't let him get worse but we can't wake him up"

"Okay, wait a minute. It's not too long but you can trust me!"

While Elene checked on grandpa in his room, I took Jimmy to put him to our room.

I was worried that he would react violently when Elene tried to check on him. It had to be done soon. I don't know what cursed grandpa but if his body condition is getting worse I have to put aside the excuses.

Jimmy getting fatter is a sign that he's a healthy growing baby. As long as he's not obese I'm sure it's safe. This child rarely whines in front of Grandpa. This child is easily adapt.

"Chucuu... peek-boo!"

"Hehee Mamma"

"Sweet child it's time for bed now. Oh yeah, you are getting bigger and it's time to give you solid food, chewable food, chomp-chomp!"

"Huaaa! Huaaa!"

"Alright, you still like milk don't you?"

Outside, there was a stormy wind rumbling. Fortunately, this house had a good design and was windproof, so it was difficult for the cold air to enter.

Grandpa used to build it himself with the materials around him. He made it himself without the help of anyone else. From the looks of it, grandpa was neat in making things.

I put Jimmy to bed next to me. He sleeps very quickly when he's full.

The jacket I bought with 500 gold coins wasn't a waste. At least it can warm up according to the user's need.

This cold air is also a suitable time to sleep. I was still on guard in case Grandpa needed anything but slowly drowsiness made me fall asleep.

"Mama, wake up!"

It felt like I slept for a while.

"Uhh... Elene, what's wrong?"

"I've finished analyzing it."

"So what did you find?"

"The curse was very strong but I couldn't see what it was. I've never come across a curse like this mama"

"What about grandpa? Is it getting worse?"

"For now, let's observe the progress. From what I can see, this curse does not directly attack the body but more towards the mind such as changing memories or affecting behavior.  I was wrong, but I think he have a small fever now."

"You said you were the greatest wizard? Can't you remove the curse Elene?"

"That's not the case, this is very different from the usual curse that has the will of the caster's magic, I can trace its structure. It's like a curse that is given but also self-made or it could be a curse that is open but also closed"

"You're giving me a headache Elene, but Grandpa is still in danger, right?"

"We can focus on his body condition first but in the meantime, the person affected by this curse must solve his own curse, or it's like a question and answer, maybe. Even I with my full abilities can't penetrate the contents inside."

"Then we need to treat it like a normal illness, right?"

"Thats right"

"But, is it possible that the curse triggered when we tried to find out this morning?"

"It's possible mom, I think only grandpa can tell it. We can't push him."

"Oh, okay."

For the time being, I'll focus on curing Grandpa's fever. For the curse, I can ask him later when he's well. If I force him to tell me the story, it might bring back bad memories that he wants to forget. I don't want to make him sad.

I was able to survive until now because of my grandpa. If I hadn't met him, I would have been eaten by monsters.

During my stay, he never told me about his past life and I knew that he kept it a secret. All I need to know is that the current grandpa lives with us and keeps us safe.

I don't care about his past because the grandpa I know is a man to be admired. Always disciplined and skillful. Never yelling or saying harsh words, or rather not often. And he taught me many things.

Some of the things I know about my grandpa apart from his kindness is that he is very innocent and shy.

He is very polite to me even though he is the owner of the house. Now I realize that my behavior is not like a nice guest. I'll correct that too.

"Hmmm... I'm going to sleep for a while"

My sleepiness struck again.


"Elene you said this doesn't affect his body but what about now?"

"I don't know, I don't know, grandpa should be awake by now. I just gave him mana energy to revive his body but it seems to have all been absorbed"

"Damn, it's been a day and he hasn't woken up yet and his whole body is so hot"

"Maybe a saint or priest can solve this, their energy can ward off darkness energy"

"How can we find them in the middle of forest? Can't you use it?"

"I'm not versatile, I'm just a witch and the holy attribute is in the god realm, it can't be learned. Isn't there anything like that in your skill shop, mama?"

"I looked for it but it's none. How is this! Aren't you the greatest witch?"

"My ability has a limit! Besides, my level has dropped drastically due to losing my life energy. Okay, calm down mama, I'll try to make a medicinal potion. I need some time to make it."

"Hurry Elene! I think he is getting worse, wait..."

I just remembered something that could contain holy attributes. But I'm a little hesitant about it.

"Yo... Elene... you know- uh... I have something that contains holy attributes, but..."

Even though I knew it was probably true but still I became hesitant. This is something that is very impolite. But when I saw grandpa suffering I couldn't think of any other way.

I handed the milk bottle to Elene to analyze.

"Oh! Just a moment, I'll check... Eh? It's true... but are you sure mama?"

"Of course. It's for grandpa's sake, but should I just give it to him?"

"It seems like it should be like that, in order to increase its effectiveness"

"Okay, but I'm embarrassed now"

I brought my bottle of breast milk and poured it into a glass. I will drink this milk to grandpa to see if it can cure him.

The skill Potion Milk that I have changed to Holy Milk after reaching level 10. Because of Jimmy's frequent breastfeeding this skill level can increase on its own. I don't know if I should be grateful or ashamed of it.

And that's why the milk I release will have holy and healing attributes. Maybe this is what makes Jimmy seem immune to diseases.

"I hope this works. Come on grandpa get well soon"


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