Unexpected Story – Isekai

Chapter 51

A ghost appeared in front of us, similar to the enemy we had just defeated, but with a better appearance. He seemed to be wearing clean, noble boy's clothes, and his terrifying aura was also gone, but that made us even more cautious.


"Who are you?"


Suddenly, the transparent ghost stopped mumbling and looked at Mia. His face was like that of a corpse, but his gaze seemed to be alive as he slowly approached her.

"Who... Who... Who am I?"

"How I know! You-Myra-whoever! Help me! Help me! Great Goddess-Great Goddess-Wahhh!”

I thought that being a famous exorcist, she would be more courageous to deal with such a thing. But she ran away immediately, hiding behind me.

Not to mention the lazy cat, who only woke up for a moment before passing out again. They were the people of this town, but they were afraid of the ghosts that lived here.

"Help-help me..."

She was scared out of her mind.

"Why don't you ask your great goddess for protection?"

"No-no! The chant is so long, it's better to hide!"

The ghost turned to look at me with a sharp but blank gaze. Then he stopped in front of me, just standing there in silence and it sure looks scary.

"...What- who are you?"

The ghost was still silent and there really wasn't anything going on. Neither mana flow nor magic was detected from him.

I didn't know what would happen but I had told everyone to prepare attacks and magic defense.

"Priest! Recite the exorcism chant at once-"

Without realizing it, the ghost came closer. He tried to see the Priest behind me.


"...Protect God-god-dess!"

I quickly pulled myself together with her.


And before the second battle happened, the ghost's expression changed instantly and he struck a surrender pose. He did a prostration signaling for a sign of reconciliation.

"I understand! Stop! Please stop!"

It turned out that he was also panicking himself.

Luckily we were able to stop in time

"Stop everything!"

"Thank you-thank you"

"Say who you really are?

"First of all, I must apologize for this situation and thank you for saving me"

He bowed and made an elegant gesture. I guess it proves that this ghost is really a nobleman.

"I'm Harvey, and I've been sleeping off my death for a long time. Because you have freed me from my other self- I mean a part of my soul that is completely different. And since he's gone that also means I can move freely including helping you guys get out of here. I'm sorry, I can see everything in this mansion but I can't do anything. So... thanks again"

"Helping us?"

"Exactly, this place is an artificial dimension and only those who are alive can turn off the artifact. Therefore, I will lead you to the location of the artifact"

"Hold on. Am I allowed to take all of the items here? For your information, I am the current owner of this mansion"

"Really? Then you don't need permission to take anything here. I assure you there are no more secret rooms or forbidden things for you ma'am"

"You really understand me"

"And Miss Priest over there, please stop reciting the holy scriptures, I am not your enemy. Though I am not an evil spirit, I still feel the heat"


"We need his help to get out of here. Do you understand?"

She thought for a while before agreeing to that.


Mia, who had been chanting, stopped abruptly but turned to glare at Harvey.

Even if I told them to make an understanding, they were two opposing sides.

There was still an unavoidable feeling of dislike especially from the church that used to perform exorcisms.

I didn't mind either, because I thought it was foolish to immediately trust an enemy who had just surrendered.

But we had no choice. Elene's magic couldn't help and the only clue was from this ghost.

"Thank you, Miss Priest. Actually, I used to be a faithful church member, so when I found out that I had become such a ghost, it was a bit of a shame"



"That's right."

After we defeated the boss, there were still some ghosts that appeared. They didn't attack and just wandered around.

But we were focused on the attic. That was the place where he first showed up. A lot of smoke comes out of that place, accompanied by overflowing Mana felt in the distance.

We walked around the place trying to find the way. Finally, we found the room we thought we were in. This room was full of stuff, but everything didn't look worn out like the furniture in the other rooms.

There was nothing out of the ordinary in the room, but something on the table gave us a clue. We found what Elene called the key to this place.

It was an ancient copper lamp that had few ornaments but its magic power was very high and complex.

Like the magic portable house I found in the graveyard or Elene's magic shield. People here used to call things like this artifacts. Sacred objects that have hidden secrets with extraordinary power.

"By the name of the Goddess of Justice! What are you doing?!"

"I'm just rubbing it"

I unconsciously rubbed this magic lamp.

"Did you figure out how to use it, Mom?”

"I don't know. Just my hunch"

"Let me see it for a moment"

Of course, since it looked like a magic lamp, I immediately tried rubbing it. And this thing emits thicker smoke.

Since Elene's condition was quite improved, I immediately handed over this lamp to her for a more detailed examination.

"Hmm... rub one finger... rub two fingers... is that right?"

I let Elene fiddle with it so that I could see the entire view from the top of this attic.

"Woah, it's quite spacious, isn't it?"

Rose, who was amazed, almost fell through the hole in the wall. Fortunately, I still had time to hold her.

"That's right. I can tell from afar that this mansion has a great backyard, even though the atmosphere is different. I can imagine going there and dragging people around and beating them until I'm satisfied"

"Your sadistic nature makes me shudder"

"I'm just kidding, my princess. At least you can do whatever you want here."

"I want to strip right now"

"Do you want me to beat the crap out of you now?”

"It's just a joke, it's just a joke!”

"But I'm grateful to you for finding it first so I'll let you choose your own room."

In order to save money, we had to share a room at the inn. Even though the beds were separate, it still didn't feel good. Having our own house is the best choice.

‘I would like to pay for the room a little bit more extravagantly for the time being’

"Speaking of houses, I've only seen big ones like this. Our barbarian tribe owns a lot of land. It was used to take care of many livestock and plant many trees as well."

She looked proud of her family's accomplishment and told it with joy.

"What about yours?"

"Mine? I don't have one, but all the mountains, valleys and lakes belong to my family. My barbarian tribe is the true ruler of the north."

Mia, who had been silent, then began to speak.

"Wait, are you a barbarian?"

"Yes, you're right. Did you just know that, Miss Priest?”

"I'm not so sure, because all the barbarians I know have muscles beyond measure. Besides your characteristics, their large bodies are easy to recognize"

"She said the right thing! Big Sis! Barbarians are the strongest!"

I gripped Rose's arm firmly.


"Which big muscles are strong?"

"You-you are different…"

"Have you been granted permission to enter this city, Miss Rose?"

"Permission? What is that-"

When I heard the word permission, I covered Rose's mouth before she revealed the words she was not allowed to say.

"Of course! Yes, it has been approved. We have submitted an official request to the authorities for permission. Otherwise, how could she enter this town, ha ha ha!"

"Thank goodness. I was surprised because sometimes they are only seen in the capital. I heard that there was an uproar yesterday because many people from the barbarian tribe of the northern lands left their territory”

"Really?! What did they do?"

"I am not sure, but I heard that the two kingdoms are on high alert. The kingdoms have even gathered all their soldiers to be on guard. It's certainly not a good thing"

"Is it that bad?"

Out of curiosity, I asked.

"You didn't know? Although now our kingdoms are at peace... but- I'm sorry, just ask this barbarian lady yourself. I have no right to pass on information that might not be correct"

Naturally, asking the matter of divorce in more detail should be to the husband and wife themselves.

"How can you do this, my princess? You are so naughty. The whole kingdom is restless because of you. Please return to your palace immediately before your guard knight comes for you"

"How would I know, you brought me to this town yourself. And even so, I will not go back there. Never! Not with that little weak man!"

"She doesn't understand the situation"

"Hah, how to ask nicely… For now, I can only pray that the conflict of the past will not be repeated. Back then, three kingdoms united to stop the barbarian resistance, and in the end, one kingdom was lost. Though it was their own doing for holding back a barbarian chieftain's daughter"

"That's so true! And until now my grandmother has hated those people. They kept her locked up for days and didn't feed her. For me, it was a great torture"

"Grandmother? You seem to know a lot, young Miss. Are you… are you perhaps their main family member?!"

"Sorry, she's talking out of her ass. She told me earlier that everyone in their tribe is treated as a family member. Thus, their bond of brotherhood is very strong. The chief's parents are parents to everyone. Chief’s grandma is the tribe grandma. Isn't that right?"

"That's- Urgh... right..."

"Oh! I just found out. Thank you for sharing that knowledge. And I think it's impossible for important people to come without an escort"

“Right? Ha ha ha”

I still gagged this uncontrollable mouth.

"But why are you afraid of that muscular northern tribe?”

"An army of a hundred thousand"

"Hundreds... Thousands?"

"Their fighters who attacked the kingdom back then numbered over 100,000. And despite their reduced numbers since that war, it is rumored that their fighting ability has increased"

"That must be very impressive"

" It is believed that some of them have great fighting experience and have overwhelmed all the knights of the kingdom "

"They are indeed strong! They are our pride! Urg-mmm..."

"What an interesting story. Miss priest, can you wake up that lazy cat over there, I think she'll be sleeping until tomorrow"

"Well, sure, and I think I'd like to relax for a while, too. Call me when you're done"

I dragged Rose to the end of the room so that our voices wouldn't be heard.

'Pssstt... Rose! Are you really the daughter of the famous chieftain? The barbarian tribe that attacked the kingdom?’

'In this world there is no barbarian tribe other than mine!'

'If they find you now, what happens to me?’

'Ough! Surely you will be my family's honoured guest. Because you saved their favorite daughter'

'I don't think this will be any different. Really, diplomatic matters are complicated, princess. You'll go meet them after my business in this city is done, okay?'

'No, I won't- Wait big sis. I have a good idea! You can accompany me home and explain it. You're good at talking, so ask them to borrow me for your adventures. So I can be free!’

‘I don't want to spend my life worrying about paperwork. Then we'll visit your house soon and return things as it is’

'Big sis!'

I pinched both her cheeks before she started yelling again.

'No-no, I don't want to cause more trouble. You're the one who ran away so you should ask your parents for permission yourself'

'Ouf courseww-they woun't allouw meuu'

'This stupid princess has finally come to her senses'

After clearing things up here we moved straight to the center hall and were about to head home through the main entrance.

At the same moment, Celi, the lazy cat, had just woken up after missing out on important news for a long time.

"Urgh... my head, nyaa?"

"A princess of the Lazy Cat Kingdom has finally awakened. Bring the bag right away!"

"Where have you been robbing, nyaa?"

"Don't ask questions. Or you'll be here all night"

"What? No! I'll get ready. I'll get ready!"


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