Unexpected Story – Isekai

Chapter 6


Cirpp... Cirpp... Cirpp...

The sound of birds chirping and the sunlight entering the cave signaled that it was morning.

I didn't want to waste any more time and hurriedly prepared to continue my journey.

I walked back to the part of the forest that was less dense. The sword I carried is used to clear the path ahead.

This player system allowed me to walk for hours nonstop. And when my stamina was running low, I quickly drank an energy potion. That lasted as long as I was in this forest.

"This body is now like a robot. Although hunger and thirst remain"




There was a sound from the front. My steps stopped as I saw the shadows of two monsters. I immediately took cover behind a tree.

I saw that they still didn't know where I was and the distance between us was still quite far.

'They are goblin! But it's green?'

I think it's a different variant of goblins. And from afar they were eating animal meat greedily.

Without hesitation, I prepared a catapult with iron bullets. I carefully aimed it right at one of the goblins' heads.



The iron bullet shot out quickly and instantly shattered the head. My strength now was probably enough to lift a 100 kg barbell with one hand.

Meanwhile, another goblin looked in my direction and ran straight for it.

Not wasting any more time, I aimed the slingshot I had loaded at the goblin's body.


Just like before the goblin fell down with a hole right in the chest.

"No level up?"


EXP                        : 268/301 (+6)

"That's it? No loot? I killed it in vain"

This seemed to further prove that the golden goblin was truly a fortune.

But I was still afraid to catch them again.

Soon I continued northward while following the small stream I found.

"I'm already confused and lost. This time I'll rely on my intuition"

The Cloak of Evasion I was wearing was useful for obscuring my position from the enemy. At least I can think of a plan before advancing to attack the enemy.



[Appraisal level up!]

While walking, I idly continued to check everything I passed. After killing the goblin earlier I thought about to not buying at the Shop often. I still don't know the exchange rate in this world but 1 gold could be worth a lot.


[Purple Mushroom (Poison)]


[Erdinnger Tree (Root)]


[Bug-eater Plant Rovin (Poison)]


[Blue-white mushroom (Herb)]

"Hah! This is tiring"

I took whatever I could carry. I don't know how to use it but it might become a valuable item in another time.

The bag I was carrying was getting heavier and the storage ring could no longer hold it. While picking back up the precious forest loot, I walked slowly and observed its usefulness.

[100 Years Ginseng (Rare): very useful for treating fever. If consumed directly, it can increase stamina and strength]

"I've collected a lot of it. Maybe I'll try some"


"Euuaach! It's surprisingly spicy!"

It tasted like warm ginger candy. But there was no sweet, only spiciness.

I tried to savor it more but I could only last with 5. After that I checked my status again. Sure enough every single one I ate increased my strength and stamina.

"Maybe I can sell these medicines at a high price in the city. It's a good thing I collected a lot of them earlier"

I speed up my pace to pick up more loot. Some will be carried and another some will be ate. The bag I was carrying now became very full.

And my days in the forest were picking up loot from morning until sunset.



"Lalaala... Lalaala"

I sang happily as I picked up the forest mushrooms. I didn't realize that I was getting lost. My intuition said left but the forest loot was on the right. That's why I have no idea where I am now.

"Huaaa... Huaaa!"

I stopped for a moment and checked around. Once it was safe, I changed his diaper and ate lunch.

"Never mind, we're definitely lost"

"Lalaala... Lalaala"

Because I was satisfied taking valuables thing in this forest, I immediately headed north. According to the map, north is always the main direction.

"May the north be good luck"


I don't care about beasts anymore. As long as it's something I can fight then it's fine with me. But it's different with monsters. They have minds and are adept at using weapons.

I must be careful to deal with monsters even if it's just a goblin.



I immediately went back to hiding behind the tree. This time I saw a monster that was different from the goblin earlier. Even from a long distance away, I could see that its body was large and full of muscles.

From its shape alone I think I can remember it.

‘Could it be an orc?’


[Can't read target]

"At least let me peek!"

I took a look at its entire body. The monster was 3 meters tall with big fat body and ugly pig face.

"It doesn't carry a weapon but..."

I briefly glanced at its lower half. Completely different from the goblin, it had a dragon monster in its crotch.

"No-no! What's wrong with my mind!"

Interracial marriage in this world is not unusual. In this body's memory, even one of villager has elf wife. But it different with monster.

Thinking about it, immediately gave me goosebumps. Now this monster was giving me another fear besides death.

"Urgh-hua... Huaaa!"

"Ssssssh! Jimmy please don't cry!"

I think this baby can sense something dangerous. This is not something I can handle right now, I need to get out of here.

Turning my gaze back to the monster, I was surprised by the look in its eyes that looked right at me.

"Oh shit!"

I immediately turned my body around and quickly ran away from it.

I lunged in hurry at whatever was ahead.


But it seemed like the monster was also still following me from behind.

"Damn it! Get away! Go!"

I quickened again my run and with a lightning move I turned the direction while flight. From behind I heard its footsteps thundering.

"Shit! Damn it! How high is the level! How big is the difference!"

I need to find a way out immediately. Even if I continue this chase that orc can catch me anytime. I don't know what will happen to me later. It might be worse than death and I'm afraid to imagine it!

My footsteps didn't slow down even faster than before but this monster could still chase me.

"Where! Where!"

I ran in an indeterminate direction crashing through every corner of the forest hoping that this could all be over. My gaze immediately fell on the light ahead and I thought I would find a way out there.


From afar, a small figure the height of a goblin stood motionless.

Without thinking, I ran straight towards it. I wanted to use it as bait and then escape from the monsters' pursuit.

"Wait, isn't that a human? Shit!"

As I got closer, I realized it wasn't a monster but a human who looked like an old man carrying a long scythe.

'I'm sorry, I'm sorry'

I didn't have time to think about anything else.

"Old man run!"


The old man didn't move an inch. He just looked at me briefly and set his sights on the monster behind me.

"Run! Save yourself!"


Instantly my guilt kicked in. I immediately stopped and wanted to drag the old man but I was surprised to see what happened next.

My vision was a little blurry but I could see it clearly.

The old man instantly flew towards the monster and swung his scythe.

In an instant the monster was instantly split in two and the trees behind it were also affected.

The attack caused a shockwave that was felt all the way here.

"Oh-hohoho, I thought I had good control over my body but that's not the case"

"Huh? What-what happened?!"

"It's nothing"


I was speechless for a moment. The old man looked me up and down.


"Who are you grandpa? And what happened?"

"Sorry for startling you young lady."

"Wait, I should be the one apologizing grandpa. I'm the one who brought that monster here. I'm really sorry!"

I'm not sure if I should be scared or worried, but I can definitely feel relieved now. After being chased by the monster earlier, I was finally able to find someone other than myself here.

"I'm okay. Monsters often appear in this place. I'm used to this and also how did you get here, miss?"

"Me? Uh... I came here by accident. I was living in an old hut before and now I think I want to find a new place, perhaps?"

"Is that so? If you'd like to find some shelter for a while let's stop by my place first. I'm not sure I can entertain guests well. But rather than wandering around in this place I think it's safer"

I had no other choice and had to thank him. Although it was suspicious but I didn't want to stay in the middle of the forest again with that monster. At least he's still human.


[Can't detect]

"My skill is broken? Or is this grandpa not an ordinary person?"

"What's wrong miss?"

"Thank you for helping me so much today grandpa"

"It's okay, Miss."

"Alright I'll go to your place grandpa. But do you live alone?"

"Of course, I'm the only one in this forest"

"Really? Okay I'll be your chat buddy for a while grandpa. If I may know, what's your name?"

"Micha-, Eh-um... you can call me Micah"

"Alright grandpa. I'm Myranda and please take care of me."

"Oh-yes sure"


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