Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 62: The Rise of Hero

Sun Zhou Yi stood before the gate with his two hands holding the sword given to him by Heero. It was a lie if he did not afraid. However, he believed in his Master, he put trust in himself that he could block this horde of beasts.

The first beast reached Sun Zhou Yi was a beast with fast movement. Pack of wolves and big cats.

Sun Zhou Yi activated his Mystical Eyes, an eye caught the movement around him. The big cats came from the left and the wolves came from the right.

He channeled his Ki in his sword and feet, strengthening his sword strike and accelerating his movement.


Before the beasts reached him, he initiated the attack and rushed forward. With his eyes caught every beast motion and an additional fast movement, Sun Zhou Yi easily dodged every big cat and wolf that pounced toward him.

As he evaded the attack, Sun Zhou Yi slashed his sword at the beasts around him. Each of his steps, bringing a beast down. Every time he swung the sword, a beast would die splitting into two. It was as if he cut tofu, the beast was cut neatly into two.

It continued for a minute and the big cat and the wolves were dead in Sun Zhou Yi's sword. Meanwhile, Sun Zhou Yi was standing on the spot with a flabbergasted look on his face.

Sun Zhou Yi looked at the surroundings, looking at the carcasses of the beasts he had killed. He felt everything was surreal to him. He himself could not believe the beasts which could easily kill him three months ago were killed easily by him.

Dump! Dump! Dump!

The horde's steps awakened him, he turned toward the horde beast. Even though the group of the big cats and the pack of wolves seemed the weakest in the horde. It gave him a huge boost in confidence in himself.

Sun Zhou Yi gripped the sword handle tightly and took another deep breath. A beast that similar to rhinoceros charged at foremost of the beast horde. A thick hide that looked like a rock, steel-like bighorn, and its body was two times bigger than a normal rhinoceros.

*Inhale…* *Exhale…*


Sun Zhou Yi did not wait for the beast to arrive at the gate. He charged forward to the horde.

"I will protect everyone…"

"I will not the beasts enter the city…"

As the rhino beasts charged at full speed, Sun Zhou Yi easily slipped in amidst the rhino. The rhino had a hard time to change their charge direction with their speed.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The silver sword danced amidst the rhino. Even the rhino had a thick and hard hide, the sword easily pierced it.

Ten seconds, three rhinos were killed with their belly slit open. Its inner organs fell out and the three rhinos fell. Along with the fall of three rhinos, it disrupting their formations, the rhinos behind could not stop their charges and crushed the fall rhinos.

Sun Zhou Yi took this chaos to kill more rhinos. There was only one thing in his mind, he had to kill the beasts he encountered as much as possible.

More rhinos had their bellies cut open by Sun Zhou Yi's sword as the fight continued. The fall of the rhinos in the front line disarranged the horde formation. He took this chance to kill the falling rhinos.

With his eyes watched the surroundings, he noticed there was a pack of the beasts passed through. The beasts were heading toward the gate. It was a group of white apes. Their agile movement easily passed through the chaos.

Meanwhile, on the other side, there was a group of giant lizards as well. Sun Zhou Yi immediately abandoned his place and rushed toward the gate.

He would not let any beast entered the city. Without he realized, his movement became faster and reached the gate before the white apes and the giant lizards.

With a quick decision, Sun Zhou Yi rushed to the giant lizards. The group of giant lizards had more potential to break the gate rather than the white apes who were smaller in size. So he decided to focus on giant lizards while keeping a watch on the group of apes.

Noticing Sun Zhou Yi blocked their path, the group of giant lizards spat out a green liquid from their mouth. Instead of retreating, Sun Zhou Yi rushed up to the group of giant lizards.

The green liquid missed its target and landed on the road. It let out "pssh pssh pssh" sound. Meanwhile, Sun Zhou Yi clashed toward the crowd of the giant lizard.

He charged forward to the crowd of the giant lizard. The giant lizard was about three meters height and about seven to nine meters in length. He clashed into their formation which caused a mess.

However, the small Sun Zhou Yi slipped in with his agile movement. The foremost giant lizards tried to use their big tail to sweep Sun Zhou Yi, instead of hitting Sun Zhou Yi, the tail hit the other giant lizards.

He took advantage of his small body to slip in the lower part of the giant lizard. He could not stop running and keep slashing his sword to the lizard's belly. He knew if he stopped he would be dead for sure.

So he kept running below the giant lizard and slashed his sword madly. He did not aim for a certain part of the giant lizard but just swung his sword at the giant lizard whether it was the belly or the feet.

After some time, he looked back at the gate. He saw the group of white apes reached the gate. The apes were banging their arms toward the steel gate, causing a loud noise.

Sun Zhou Yi immediately rushed back as he already prevented the group of the giant lizards to reach the gate. At least, with the mess created amongst the giant lizards, it would take sometimes before the giant lizards could reach the gate.

He made a maneuver that troubled the giant lizards which were caused more mess. It did not take long before he came out of the crowd giant lizards. He rushed as fast as possible to reach the gate.

However, as soon as he came out of the crowd giant lizards. He felt an acute pain on his shoulder and he felt there was a force pressuring him down.

Sun Zhou Yi crashed with his chest fell to the ground first. He felt there was something on his back that pinned him down. He swung his head blindly to the back. Along with the swing of his sword, blood splashed out.

Sun Zhou Yi was surprised, he saw nothing, but blood splattered at where he slashed his sword. It shocked him at first, but then there was a figure showed up afterward.

He saw a white tiger with his body split into two. Sun Zhou Yi immediately used his scanned the surroundings and he found there were many red energies in the form of a body.

He immediately understood what was going on. It was a beast with stealth ability. This was the first time he encountered a beast with a special ability.

'Thanks to Master for teaching me Mystical Eyes…' Sun Zhou Yi secretly thanked his Master. If he did not have this Mystical Eyes, he was done for sure.

Then he heard the banging sound also stopped. Sun Zhou Yi glanced back and found the white apes stopped banging the gate. The white apes now approached him in a group.

In the front were white tigers with stealth ability and on his back were white apes with nimble movement. Behind the white tigers, there were still many beasts charged towards him,

Sun Zhou Yi inhaled a long breath and released it out again afterward.

"Huuuuu… Haaaaa… Huuuuu… Haaaaa… Huuuu… Hhaaaa…"

He repeated it three times and gripped the sword in his hand tightly. At the same time, he kept channeling the Ki into his hand, sword, and feet.

He did not have time to tend the wounds on his shoulder. Yes, there was a claw mark left behind by the dead tigers on his shoulder, blood flowed from, soaked his clothes.

"There are too many of them… I need more swords… I have to be faster…"

"More swords… Faster…"


He moved which was faster than before. In an instant, he narrowed the gap between him and the white apes. He reached the first white ape and swung his sword at the white ape's neck.


The silver sword cut the white ape neck neatly and easily. It seemed the white apes were caught off guard by Sun Zhou Yi's extremely fast movement, they could not react in time.

"Faster… Faster… Faster…"

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

He moved to the next three white apes and slashed his sword in quick succession. Not only his movement became faster, but his sword also became faster.

"Faster… Again…"

Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh!

Sun Zhou Yi became even faster and faster as the battle went on.


Meanwhile, Heero was standing on the top gate. He had cleared the beasts in the air and stuffed the bodies inside his dimension storage.

The beast in the air was only Hover Flame and had an easy fight. He now was watching Sun Zhou Yi fought the beast horde.

Yes, he did not plan to help Sun Zhou Yi, but let him fight until reached his limit. He made the right decision, the current Sun Zhou Yi was growing tremendously under the pressure of the beast horde.

It left Heero speechless as he witnessed how his disciple slaughtered the beasts. The beast his disciple could not defeat three months ago, now his disciple killed them with ease. Sun Zhou Yi was in a killing spree.

"He's really a genius…"

Heero muttered in a low voice with a mixed feeling. On one side, Heero felt a bit jealous of his disciple's talent. On another side, he was quite proud as Sun Zhou Yi was his disciple.

Half an hour passed, Heero witnessed something unbelievable. He saw Sun Zhou Yi created a blade with his Ki. At first, it was only one blade, then it kept growing until twenty blades surrounded Sun Zhou Yi.

Moreover, the sword also covered with Ki which it longer than before. Along with the Ki, the sword in Sun Zhou Yi's reached eight meters long. In one swing of his sword, the beast in eight meters range would get cut.

As long as there was no Level 7 and Level 8 beast, Sun Zhou Yi might wipe out the beast horde. Heero scanned the beast from the top gate, he saw the beast horde comprised of Level 5 beasts. There were a few Level 6 beasts, but Heero believed his disciple still could handle it.

Most of Level 7 and Level 8 beast were killed by him.

Just like that, five hours passed. Every beast rushed to the north gate would get cut by Sun Zhou Yi's sword.

Sun Zhou Yi stood alone, covered in blood, and had his sword pierced to the ground. He held the handle to support his body to stand. Around Sun Zhou Yi was the beast's bodies scattered around, most of them had their bodies split into two.

A Wood Class Hero stopped level 10 calamity by himself, protecting the city alone. With clear exhaustion on his face, Sun Zhou Yi tried to look around.

"I protected the city…"

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