Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

24: Overboard

"Si senth tou jear, sisn't sge? (Ai sent you here, didn't she?)" Hikaru already deducted that it was Ai who had sent this man to kill him.

"Don't take her name you sorry excuse of a human," Adam sneered and Hikaru smiled.

"What's the difference between me and her? Both of us do not mind killing the other," Hikaru spoke rather aggressively as he wanted to get a reaction out of Adam.

"Hmm? I see, let me make you understand the difference," Adam said as he put one of the leg over the other and looked at Hikaru.

"Why are you killing people? Do you think your life can only get value when you take someone else's?" Hikaru was stopped as soon as that question was asked.

"No answer, huh, Now let's look at why Ai wanted you gone," Adam said and Hikaru didn't need to hear it, he already knew it but the person in front of him didn't care, "That is because your existence is a threat to her life, she already knows that you will not stop aiming for her life till you are alive, not to mention you won't even mind using the kids for your own crooked plans."

"So, now tell me how does that make her similar to you? All I see is a Psychopathic killer who kills for fun and a mother who had to make the difficult choice, there is no similarity between the two," Adam asked with a smile and Hikaru didn't say anything.

He knew that Ai wouldn't have resorted to this method if he hadn't made his own move, but thinking about all that was irrelevant.

"You do know that if I suddenly vanish things aren't going to just quieten down, right? I may not be a successful actor but Ai is, I have kept a story on Ai with a close friend of mine who works in the newspaper agency, if I go missing he'll release that immediately and everything she has built will be destroyed in the matter of a day," Adam laughed at Hikaru's attempt to get out of this situation.

"Don't try to bluff in front of me,"

"You don't know if I am bluffing or not," Hikaru spoke and…

"Oh, I know that very well, I also know that you aren't really scared of dying, I also know that you were molested as a child and that you have been involved in the murder of Himekawa Airi, the woman who molested you, I know more about you then you can think of," Hikaru frowned a little, this situation seemed unnatural.

"That is why I will not be killing you," Adam said with a sweet smile.

"What?" And Hikaru was stunned.

"I am about to do something much worse," Hikaru didn't know why but he shuddered even before he even heard that is why...

"Ah, he ran away, What do I do~?" Adam 'looked' troubled seeing Hikaru run out of the apartment.

"Ahh! Someone help me!! There is a person trying to kill me!!" Hikaru shouted as he ran down the hallway banging on the doors but no one was opening.

"Shit! What is happening?" Hikaru looked stressed as he ran down the stairs and soon he was able to see a person.

"Hey please help me!! Hel-?" Hikaru was shocked as the person just ignored him and walked past, he tried to grab the person but his hand went right through the said person.

'What is happening?' Hikaru's shock got worse and worse as even after he went in the middle of the busy road and shouted at the top of his lungs no one would notice him, no one would hear him.

It was like he didn't exist at all.

"Yep that is the correct answer," Hikaru turned around in fright as he heard Adam's voice.

"No need to be so jumpy, it isn't like you can run away from me and find someone to help you," Adam seemed to have all of the time in the world as he looked at the sweating Hikaru.

"What did you do?" Hikaru asked he was scared, this didn't seem normal, it was so supernatural that he was having a tough time making sense of this.

"Nothing much I just made your insignificant life even more insignificant, from this moment on, The person named Kamiki Hikaru doesn't exist in this universe, No one will question where you went and no one will care, This means that, at this point, your life has no value in this world," Adam said and Hikaru had another question.

"Who are you?"

"Me? Well, I am the Devil, kinda," Adam said like it wasn't a big deal.

"So, you made a deal with her?" Adam nodded and Hikaru spoke almost instantly, his mind was running fast in order to grasp at straws in order to get out of this situation.

"Make a deal with me too! I'll give you anything!!"

"I have no interest in men," Adam looked disgusted when he heard that.

"Wha-" Hikaru was about to do more but Adam wasn't able to as he felt like his mouth was sewn together.

"Enough out of you, I'll drop you off there quickly," Adam said as grabbed Hikaru by the hair and yanked him alongside while jumping through a portal, His destination?

It was the world he was summoned into before.

'W-What is happening?' Hikaru was stunned as his surrounding changed and from the streets of Tokyo he was soon free falling from the sky.

"Did I misjudge the coordinates?" Adam muttered care freely while he was also falling down.

'Not knowing the place beforehand sure is tough,' Adam's eyes quickly scanned the vast forest that covered a mountain range below.

'W-What?' Hikaru was once again stunned as before he blinked he found himself on the ground within a lush forest.

"Is this hell?" Hikaru couldn't help but ask since Adam did identify himself as a Devil so it wouldn't be surprising.

"Well, close enough," Adam said as he looked in the front to see people approaching.

"Have you come to strike us down with your anger once again? Oh Merciful God," A 3-meter tall woman with sharp canines that came out of her mouth walked in front of Adam.

This was the new chieftain of the ogre tribe that lived under the grace of the dragons long ago.

"Haven't you spilled enough blood of our tribe for our mistake?" She asked before she kneeled in front of Adam, "If you are still angry kill me, please I beg you, do not touch the young ones, without them our tribe will cease to exist."

"Don't make me look like a villain here, your tribe got the consequences of their actions," Adam's voice was cold and it made the chieftain tremble as if she can still remember the day of the massacre.

'Bastards really thought they can make me their breeding machine,' Adam still felt his blood boil whenever he thought about it.

It happened when he first arrived at these mountains, he happened to run into the Ogre's chieftain who took a liking to him and wanted him to be a training sex partner for the younger members of the tribe so that they can learn more about it.

Not to mention their over-the-top Sex drive, Ogres were extremely uncaring while having sex if they weren't trained in the art when they were young.

The Ogre tribe often used Humans they got from the nearby villages as training tools for themselves; no one stopped them since they had the dragon's protection, some countries or states even offered them some people in order to get some special favors from the tribe.

But Adam did not care at the time, he just declined but the Chieftain at the time attacked him with an army in order to forcefully subdue him.

"Our previous Chieftain had made a grave mistake but we have already paid for it, You yourself killed all of our young ones with your own hand along with the army that dared to cross you and you even killed our tribe's guardian Dragon," The current Chieftain was the daughter of the previous chief, so it would be normal if she wanted revenge after seeing what Adam had done but, "Since that day no member of our tribe has even thought of having sex much less do it cause we start shaking in fear, our numbers are already dwindling as it is, so please I beg you, Please Do not wipe us out."

'W-Why is she so scared?' Hikaru could not understand how such a giant was trembling like this in front of a human.

It was like a mouse had come across a lion and it didn't know what do to.

"Did I go a bit too overboard at the time?"

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