Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

29: How Did Things Come To This?

"Why do you need your handbag in the toilet?" Ichigo still couldn't understand how women think even after he had so many relationships.

Anyway, it wasn't long after Adam finished all of the food that Ai had made, and...

"Did you like it, Mister?" Ai asked since she knew that the food surely wasn't that good, the sweet and sour pork was too sweet, the Kaarage was a little burnt, and the Miso soup was also lacking flavor.

'Not to mention I burnt the whole chicken,' Ai was only able to make the rice properly and the tempura somehow.

But she saw Adam eat it all without a single complaint and this made her expectant for some words she knew she didn't deserve but…

"It was great," Adam spoke with a smile, it didn't look like a lie even though it shouldn't be the truth.

"Thanks, I'll make a bunch for you next time as well," Ai smiled happily when she heard that.

"Please do," Adam nodded.

'For the first time in a long period of time, my stomach feels full,' Adam knew that it shouldn't happen, but it happened nonetheless.

'…Something ain't right,' Ichigo didn't know why but he could feel this weird air between Adam and Ai, 'It smells like trouble.'

"Ahem* now that we should leave now that the food is finished, we should get going, The kids should be getting sleepy, and Ai your schedule starts early tomorrow so get some rest," Ichigo just knew that something would happen if he left Ai and Adam together for long, that is why he said that.

"Ah, yes," Ai didn't look too happy with that but she knew it was time because Ruby was dozing off on the sofa while Aqua was also leaning against the sofa.

'Nice acting!' Ruby gave Aqua a thumbs up while hiding it from others and the latter just sighed, he was actually tired today because they had Physical education class in school today, not to mention he ate a lot since Ai made a lot of dishes.

'I'll come by again when you are free,' Ai looked at Adam with wide eyes when she heard Adam's voice in her head.

'Umm, yeah~! But don't visit me too often,' Ai thought hoping her voice would reach Adam and from the smile on his lips it seems like it did.

"Are we leaving?" Miyako asked as soon as she came out of the toilet and…

"Yes, what took you so long," Ichigo asked while looking at Miyako's face.

'Why the sudden makeup at this hour? I really can't understand women,' Ichigo thought as Miyako quickly pulled him towards the main gate and whispered in his ears.

"Don't you think there is something wrong with them?" Ichigo's eyes widened when he heard that.

"Do you think so too?" Ichigo was also thinking the same from the way Ai and Adam had been behaving, there seemed to be an ambiguous air between them that was hard to gauge.

"Let's invite him to drinks and get more information out of him, maybe we'll find out more about what he is hiding," Miyako said and Ichigo thought for a second before nodding.

"Yeah, that seems perfect," Ichigo had used this trick many times so he knew it was really effective.

"Also the cake I brought as a present is in the fridge," Adam remembered and Ai's eyes lit up when she heard it.

"Mister you brought a cake? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" She was really excited to know that.

"Don't eat too much, you are still on a diet," Adam reminded Ai but she didn't seem to be listening at all.

'Well, it won't really affect her weight anyway,' Adam shrugged and turned around to leave the house.

"Cake! Cake!" Ai's heart was now captured by the cake as she went to the kitchen as soon as she locked the door and took the cake to the living room.

"Cake!" Ruby's sleep was blown away when she saw the cake, not that she was actually sleepy anyway.

'She really takes after Ai in this aspect,' Aqua sighed as he saw Ai cut a piece of the cake and gave it to Ruby, then she cut another for...

"Aqua you want some?" Ai asked him with a smile.

'Well, now that she has cut the piece it would be a waste to not eat it,' Aqua nodded at his reasoning and took the plate.

After that Ai cut one piece for herself and the three took a bite together, then...

"MhM~!! Delish~!" The three cried out in delight together.

"This is really too good~! Awchum~!" Ruby said while eating quickly, the strawberry-flavored cream filling was just perfect alongside the cake layer that was melting in her mouth.

It was so tasty that her hand was not stopping.

The same was true for Ai and Aqua.

They liked it so much that…

"There is no more cake?!" Ruby was the first one to cry out as she looked at the empty box. She looked like the entire world was crumbling as soon as the cake was finished.

"There should be the address of the shop where the cake is from, we can buy more from there," Aqua said in a calm tone, but it was hard to take him seriously with the cream smeared on his face.

"Oh, Nice one Onii-chan" Ruby said as she looked at the box but…

"There is nothing!!" Ruby shouted as she couldn't find anything on the box, it was a plain white box.

'He wants to hog all of that delicious cake to himself, I knew it!! He is evil!!' Ruby was getting angry once again while Ai chose to break it to the kids.

"Fufu, you wouldn't find that cake in any shop in Japan," Ai said with a giggle as Ruby was shocked.

"Did it come from overseas?"

'What? No way….' But Aqua seemed to have understood the source of this cake from the way Ai smiled.

"Mister was the one who made that cake," Ai said and the kids were shocked.

'I see, so he is a patissier,' Aqua now understood what Adam specialized in when he said he was a chef.

'So if I want to have that cake again…' Ruby gulped as Ai continued.

"Mister can make a lot of things that are tastier than this,"

"H-have you tried them, Mama?" Ruby asked as she could not imagine any dessert that could beat the cake they just had, but…

"Yes~ it was too good~," Ai nodded with the utmost confidence while also reminiscing about some of the pastries she had in Adam's shop.

'It all makes sense,' Aqua nodded, Ai seemed to have eaten the pastries that Adam made as a child a lot, so she knows that Adam is very skilled in it.

And he has tasted his first hand this time as well.

"Let's call Uncle over again," Ruby said with zero hesitation.

"Yes, let's do that~," Ai was all for it.

"Oi, what happened to keeping him away from Ai?" Aqua whispered to Ruby after Ai went into the kitchen to keep the plates.

"Fufu, no need to worry, Miyako will get him, and we'll get our cake, Mama will surely ignore him if he tries something funny after doing things with Miyako," Ruby smiled like everything was under control.

"And how do you know that Miyako will not fail?" Aqua asked and Ruby's smile only got bigger.

"You shouldn't underestimate the things a woman who is past her marriageable age will do in order to bag her ideal life,"

"You're surely going to hell," Aqua couldn't help but speak since he felt really sorry for Miyako.

"Anything for Mama and the Cake," Ruby said smugly, and Aqua just sighed.

'At least, now we know that he isn't poor,' Aqua concluded that eating the cake because, 'No person who can make cake this good will ever be poor.'

'It is all in your hands now Miyako, we've set you up with a really good one,' Aqua thought as he went to sleep on the sofa.


"Don't you want me?" Adam gulped when he heard Miyako whisper that in his ear pressing her body against him.

'How did things come to this?' Adam shouted in his head.

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