Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

6: Let’s F*cking GOOO!!

"But wouldn't be bad if I just walk out of the door? Like I am healed, right? No, I guess you won't let me," Ai was thinking hard while tapping her chin and I chuckled.

"I won't stop you but, The magic will be undone if you choose to step out of the Shop without forming a contract,"

"Oh! That's convenient," Ai nodded with a smile as if she understood.

Ai was a bright and cheerful girl.

'At least on the outside,' But it would be better to keep this to myself.

"So, Ai would you mind telling me your wish again?" I asked and she seemed to have been waiting for me to ask that.

"I want to see my children grow up from beside them," She said and I sighed again.

"Too vague once again, there are hundreds of ways to find a loophole in this,"

"Contracts are tough, that is why I always let President Saijou handle them," Ai said with a cute wink.

"…I see," From what I understood, Ai was stabbed by an angry fan who somehow knew the existence of her Children.

'Smells fishy,' I immediately knew something was up and I could feel it that Ai knew it as well.

"Mister, can you deal with the person behind this attack," Ai had asked me this but…

"I am sorry to say this but the contract only allows one wish per contract, and for now I can only make one contract with the person who visits," Simply to make another contract the person would have to revisit the shop.

"Too bad," Ai seemed to be already over it, so I moved on to the next question.

"Ai, are you married?" I couldn't help but ask since I saw no ring on her fingers, and there was no doubt that the kids she was talking about were the ones she gave birth to.

I had made sure to ask her that, I mean anyone would if they heard that a 20-year-old woman is the mother of two children that are nearly 4 years old.

'Adopted?' That's the first thing that'll come to mind if you're normal.

"No, I am not, I only found that I was pregnant after I broke up with my ex, It was a real bummer, but it is what it is," She said that like it was no big deal at all. And I could feel that to her it really wasn't.

'To think she actually went through pregnancy at that age, she must've really wanted the kids, but the boyfriend…'  As I was thinking Ai spoke up again.

"Mister I can't say what I want properly without it having any loopholes, I am not really that smart, but I am sure you understand what I want, so can you grant this wish of mine?"

'She's so cute with that determined look on her face, How can you not help her? You have to be a real devil if you don't,' Even though I was doing backflips in mind on the outside.

"…Yes, I can grant your wish," I smiled because that is my task now.

"So, what would the sacrifice be?" Ai asked and I was once again stumped.

'How do I break it to her? Will I be slapped?' I was really nervous now. But what she said next surprised me.

"If you demand one of my kids I will walk out,"

"Do you think I am the Devil or what?!" I couldn't help but retort to that.

I never really had any thought like that, I mean the repayment was already decided.

"S-S-Cough*-ex," I said while looking away.

"What? Mister, can you speak clearly?"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

'There no point stalling it, it is now or never,'

"Sex, It is Sex," I said twice in the moment but it couldn't be helped.

"…What?" And Ai looked even more shocked.

"Wait, I can explain, please hear me o-" And just when I was in the middle of my panic that…

"That's it? I thought I'd have to offer my soul or something, I totally overdramatized the whole thing~," Ai sighed in relieve and I  ….I

'I give up,' After this day, I was able to learn how mysterious and complex women are.

"Let's form the contract then Mister," Ai said like this was no big deal and I sighed.

"Alright," I made the contract through the system, and here was the condition.

This Agreement is entered into as of 30/05/****, by and between:

[Hoshino Ai]



Scope of Services:

Adam will send Hoshino Ai an hour into the past with her memories intact.


In consideration of the services provided, Hoshino Ai will need to have Sex with Adam for one night.

*This Is to be done in advance.


Adam will start the work as soon as the compensation is paid.


Either party is not allowed to terminate the contract after it is formed.


The parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary or confidential information exchanged during the course of this engagement.

Dispute Resolution:

If Adam refuses to perform his duty after receiving the compensation, his life will be forfeited.

If Hoshino Ai doesn't compensate Adam after the contract is established Her life will be forfeited and she would be returned to her previous state before encountering the door with all of her memories of the incident wiped.

Governing Law:

This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws stated by the Goddess of Wishes.

Entire Agreement:

This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior discussions or agreements, whether oral or written, relating to the subject matter herein.

"Hmm, this time I'll use the chain to see who it is," Ai smiled looking at the paper in front of her.

"How about not opening the door at all till the matter is resolved?" I said while sighing and she smiled.

"Yeah, I'll do that, thank you Mister you're really kind,"

'No, you're too sloppy,'

After Ai signed the contract, it started to float in the air before turning into light and entering her body.

"Woah! That was totally magical-ish," She seemed to be more amazed by what happened rather than the implication it can cause.

"It is a safety measure to ensure that the client fulfills her end of the deal, if they fail to do so their life is forfeited and everything will return to how it was before they made a deal," I explained since it was necessary.

"I see, this is really well done," She nodded and I couldn't help but ask.

"Did you not read the contract?"

"Ah, I didn't Sorry~," She apologized cutely and I couldn't help but pinch the bridge of my nose, but then I saw her stand up and her next words…

"Anyway, when do we start?" My heart pounded when she asked that.

'Let's Fucking GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!' If it wasn't for the thick skin that I had developed over thousands of years, I would be dancing around the room right about now.

"Please follow me," But keeping my composure I stood up and guided Ai to the Bedroom.


Third-person POV

It took Ai a while to understand that the time was stopped as soon as the Door appeared in front of her.

She shook Aqua who was clinging to her before and he was frozen in place, even his tears were stuck to his face and weren't falling down.

AI immediately understood that the door was the reason for it.

'If this is true then,' AI looked at the words written on the door and opened it.

Unlike how it looked from her view before as she circled around the door, it led to a heavily decorated living room.

And there Ai met…

'The Mister who was a Devil, even though he said he wasn't a devil. So, Is he a Devil or Not?' It was confusing but…

'I don't care as long as he can help me,' Was her thought at the moment, while talking to him she was able to understand that he could help her, and another thing...

'He is kind,' Ai thought, even though someone with his body and height should be intimidating.

He was a whole foot taller than her with a muscular physique that was hardly hidden by the suit he was wearing.

With a little darker tone of skin and the along with white hair, he looked like the type of person you wouldn't approach on the road unless absolutely necessary.

But that was beside the point as Ai had a reason, and it was necessary.

'I formed the contract and now I have to pay for it,' Ai thought as she followed him to the bedroom.

'It looks a bit extra,' Ai couldn't help but think, if she was told to sleep in this room she wouldn't be able to.

'Anyway, I should get this over with,' Ai has done this before, having sex with a person she barely knew.

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