Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

A Kid?

??? POV

Ohara, West Blue, 1502.

The day started like any other for me, No it would be true to say that my days have been a little better lately even though I was sad.

The reason for that was…

"Dereshishi! Robin you should eat the rest," The giant who could easily hide me in his palms laughed heartily after eating some bread that wouldn't even be comparable to a crumb in front of him.

"Ok," I spoke eating bread with jam which I had tasted after a long while, it wasn't that I was poor, it was just that I was disliked at home by my aunt who I have been living.

The only reason I even stole the jam was for Saul even when I knew that it might not amount much to him.

I found him washed up on the shore a few days ago and according to him, I saved him.

"Derishishi Dershishi!" Saul laughed seeing me eat and every time I heard that laugh I only said one thing.

"Your laugh is weird," And hearing him laugh louder made me laugh along with him.

The days were relatively simple and peaceful, but….

'Why?' The place I lived in was burning, people were running around scared, screams everywhere, and no matter where I turned I could only see the fire blazing.

This place was burning, the reason?

'I don't get it!' I didn't know and honestly, I couldn't care.

"MOOOM!" I shouted as loudly as my small body allowed me to, bawling my eyes and I looked at the Tree of Omniscience, The pride of Ohara, a center of archaeology and research in the world was now burned down, and within it was my mother.

"Run! Ya Hafta Run Robin!" Saul's gruff voice made me look at him as tears kept on running down my face.

But there was no point in running now, the civilian ship had already left, they didn't allow me on and Saul was being frozen by another person that looked like he was with the people who threw down my mother.


It was then that an explosion stole all of our attention, the source of it was the civilian ship that was blasted into pieces.

"What?" Even the guy who was attacking Saul seemed shocked by this.

"See? This is yer justice? Are ya really proud of yerselves?" Saul seemed more enraged as he tried to attack again but.

"What is taking you so long to finish the traitor Kuzan?" A shout came from the ship that came ashore and another man wearing a cap and hood alongside marine uniform came down.

"Sakazuki! You murderer!!" Saul roared in anger.

'Was it him?' I couldn't help but think as my legs were rooted to the ground with an invisible pressure.

"Saul stop resisting," The ice man shouted as he tried to stop Sail from rushing towards the man named Sakazuki but it was too late.

"A traitor like you has no right to judge me, It was a necessary sacrifice," Sakazuki said as his entire arm turned into magma and he attacked Saul.

'No!' A silent whimper left my throat even if I wanted to shout, right in front of me the heavily injured Saul whose leg and arm were fully frozen landed on the ground with a rumbling sound as the hole in his chest bled.

"Sakazuki! We were supposed to capture Saul," The man named Kuzan shouted, he had no intentions of killing Saul if anything he was about to leave him frozen in a near-dead state, but the former vice admiral was already too injured plus his arm and leg were covered in ice, which was the perfect opportunity.

"A traitor's punishment is death," Sakazuki seemed to care nothing for Kuzan's sentiments.

His eyes soon landed on me, and my whole body was covered in sweat, I had a difficult time breathing let alone moving around.

'He's going to kill me, just like Mom and Saul, just like everyone else I'll die as well,' I couldn't stop the tears that kept on streaming down as I silently choked, why did it have to be this way?

I didn't ask for much, I didn't trouble anyone, then why did this happen?

All I wanted was to go to the sea with my mother, and research with other archeologists in the library, she wanted to learn more.

So, why? Why did it have to be this way?

"Sakazuki, don't even think about it," Kuzan said but the person he was addressing wasn't going to listen.

"All residents of Ohara must be eradicated, we can't risk having loose ends,"

'Please…' I closed my eyes as they burned from the heat that came from the fire, and it wasn't like I could see much through my tears.

All I could do was pray…

'Please….someone help me!' I could only shout in my head as my lips won't move, I did it without knowing if someone would help me, but somehow my prayers were heard.

"This door…" I opened my eyes and found the world devoid of any movements, but I was able to move, I was able to speak, and the pressure that bore down on me disappeared.

After wiping the tears off my face I could see an old-looking door in front of me.

"A wish? And a sacrifice?" The paper on the door said that if I enter the door I would be able to get one wish with the appropriate sacrifice.

Without thinking I walked up to the door unsteadily and pushed it open.

The door opened slowly and I came face to face with a white-haired man.

It was an encounter that I would never forget for the rest of my life.


Third person POV

'No, No No NO, what the hell!!' Adam was panicking, no that would be an understatement, really he was losing his mind.

He really was shocked to the core to see a literal child walk into the shop.

'What the fuck is wrong with this? NO! there are hundreds of things that are wrong with this!!!!! Why did this happen?! AHftfctrascytvacajsc!!!' But even while he was doing backflips in his head in delirium, his face remained calm.

'His face is twitching,' Robin thought as she looked at Adam who was standing stiffly in place, even his poker face was failing him at this point, that is how bad the situation was.

He couldn't understand how a young child came here of all places.

"Umm, Is it true?" Robin finally bit the bullet and broke the awkward silence.

"W-What?" Adam was taken aback as Robin spoke so strongly for her stature.

"Th… The wish ...is it… true?" Robin bit her lip and looked down, tears already started to gather in her eyes again just from thinking about what had happened before.

'…Ok, Adam calm down, no need to panic, you can think of what went wrong later,' Adam let out a long sigh and calmed himself down.

There was no need to fret over it, No the matter of a child coming into the shop was serious, but he could think of ways to deal with it after helping the kid.

"What happened to you, little lady?" Adam kneeled in front of Robin making her look up with teary eyes.

"Looks like something bad happened, let me help you with it, ok?" Adam smiled as he pulled out a handkerchief, he wiped Robin's tears and snot slowly.

He could've done that with magic easily but…

'She seems so scared,' Adam looked at her trembling hands that held the helm of her clothes, she was scared of him as well but didn't move because of what she came here for, 'I should handle this carefully,'

"My name is Adam, what is your name?" Adam asked softly after he was done cleaning Robin's face of the dirt and soothe.

"N-Nico Robin," She said sniffing a little to hold back her tears.

She knew It wasn't a good time to cry like this, she needed to make sure if…

"Oh, such a cute name, come on now you can tell big brother here everything, no need to worry about anything else," Adam smiled and gently guided Robin to the couch and made her sit down next to him.

'What could've happened for her to be this shaken?' Adam just wanted Robin to calm down, she had this look of fear on her face that wasn't leaving her as her hands were curled in a fist trembling.

"I'll help you with all of your problems Ok, just tell me about the bad guys who are after you," Seeing that she was hesitating from speaking Adam gently spoke once again while not going too close to her.

'She looks really wary of me, No she would be wary of anyone right now,' Adam thought as it looked like Robin had been through some really bad things.

And he was correct, Robin slowly spoke about everything that happened in her hometown, from the attack of the Marines to their atrocities about how they shot the researchers and killed them all by framing them as traitors.


"My Mom… Saul… hick, They… T-They…"

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