Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

A Lot Of Gifts?

"Rias?" She wasn't saying anything and Adam couldn't help but think…

'Maybe I should've mentioned it earlier,' Adam sighed since he had many other thoughts before so he couldn't say anything but just then…

"Haha, So that is what you were worried about? Haha, Adam you…." Rias started to laugh much to his surprise.

'I thought it was something serious,' Rias did notice that Adam acting a little differently since morning, but at first, she wrote it off as him being a little nervous to meet her parents and she did find it quite endearing as well since it showed that he was at least serious about making a good impression.

But even after the initial meeting ended properly without any problems, she could still see him look a little off, and this was the main reason she came to his room to talk about that but she didn't expect this…

"Rias it isn't funny you know," Adam didn't take kindly to her laughing since he has been thinking this over since morning.

'Well, at least she isn't angry,' Adam thought since he didn't really want to lie, and as he said, the primary reason he even made those gifts was for Rias, so he wanted her to have it.

"Haha, Yeah, it isn't funny, I just find it so cute," Rias smiled sweetly cupping Adam's face with her small hands.

"What's cute about this?" Adam couldn't help but ask and…

"I dunno either, I just find it that way," Rias just winked at him with a smile as she sat down in his lap facing him.

"So, what do I do now?" Adam asked since Rias didn't want him to give the gifts to her parents, that is the main reason she got so happy which is why he was so perplexed about it.

"What did you make? You said you made it with me in mind right?" But unlike what Adam had thought, Rias was already over that fact, the only thing on her mind was…

'What did he make for me?' Rias's heartbeat went up just by thinking of the possibilities but the main reason was that she was just happy that Adam made something for her.

"It is a necklace," And as Adam said that Rias was intrigued even though she was a little disappointed, but nonetheless…

"Hmm, show me," Adam took out the necklace for Rias to see as he was bombarded with the scent of flowers because of how close she was to him.

"Woah! This looks so pretty," Rias exclaim at the sight of the glimmering gold and the eye-catching crimson jewel that shone brilliantly.

'Is this what he means that he made this with me in mind?' Rias blushed a little looking at the beautiful red jewel, and that was indeed partly correct.

"Help me wear it," Rias said looking at Adam but she didn't move at all.

'Does she want me to put it on this way?' Adam thought but went ahead with her request putting a necklace around her neck with his hands after she held up her hair.

"How does it look?" Rias asked putting her hair down.

"Hmm, It really suits you," Adam said as it really did look good on her like he had thought before, but he might be biased since he was the one who had made it.

"Thanks~," Rias said as she hugged Adam tightly and just stayed there….

"Rias aren't you going to see it in the mirror?" Adam asked since Rias hadn't moved for like 5 minutes, he thought she might immediately go and check it in the mirror but..

"You said it looks good right, that is all I need to know," The answer Rias gave was unexpected and it caught Adam off-guard.

'Ok, that is cute,' Adam's ears did turn a little red as Rias suddenly looked up.

"Adam, are you doing something to me?" Rias asked and Adam blinked a little.

'Is she talking about the fact that I am hard at this moment? But she won't blame me for it now, will she? It is because of her after all,' Adam thought since it was only a natural reaction if someone like Rias was so close to him with nothing but the bathrobe on, not to mention that her sweet scent did always arouse him.

"I feel like I am getting stronger. Like my body is filled with power and all of my fatigue is also gone," Rias said while tapping her chin as she looked at Adam again, she could only think of him that was responsible for this and he indeed was.

"Oh, That is the necklace," Adam said and Rias looked at the necklace blinking her big blue eyes.

"That is an artifact that will heal you of any ailment, it can also heal multiple serious injuries continuously for a day non-stop and will recharge automatically in half a day using the natural mana, oh and you don't have to worry about getting injured since it also has a really strong barrier that will protect you from all types of attacks and it is deployed automatically if you are in danger, also…." And as Adam was about to continue he was stopped by Rias who pressed her finger on his lips.

"You really made something like this for my entire family?" Rias asked since from the way Adam was talking about it, this necklace wasn't your commonplace artefact, and not to mention she didn't even doubt what he said about it either given what Adam was actually capable of.

"Yeah, I thought you would be sad if your family got hurt, that is why I thought that might be a good gift for them, but I couldn't tell you about it before," Adam said with a smile, considering how they nearly didn't get it and…

'It can also revive them but that only works once a day, well that will happen if someone gets past the barrier though,' Adam thought, and while he was doing that he was pushed onto the bed by Rias who was now straddling his waist.

"What happened, Rias?" Adam asked since….

"Are you trying to kill with sweetness, Adam?" Rias asked with a blush on her face as she looked at him with a loving gaze that was melting his heart.

"Why would I want to kill you?" Adam was extremely serious at this moment since he just got a future wife, why would he want her to die?

'I won't allow it!!' Adam thought and seeing his seriously just made Rias smile even more, she didn't think that Adam was so concerned for her happiness, and it honestly made her want to make him feel her love for him as well.

"Rias, what are you doing?" Adam asked as Rias untied the bathrobe letting him see her perfect perky breasts and flat stomach.

'Was she moving around the house with just that?' Adam thought since aside from the lacy red underwear Rias didn't have anything else under the bathrobe.

But that wasn't his concern at this moment as Rias leaned forward and looked into his eyes….

"My Darling, I'll have you make a lot of these in the future," Rias said while affectionately caressing Adam's face and the meaning behind this was clear.

"Ri-" Rias kissed Adam as he was speaking and moved back to look at him with a smile.

"No more words, just hold me," Rias said as Adam blinked before he smiled.

"You asked for it," Adam grabbed Rias and turned over having her now on her back.

"I still am and will ask for more~," Rias said wrapping her arms around Adam's neck and pulling him for another hot kiss which led to other things and the two continued their activities till morning without any sleep.

The next morning, Rias got out of bed fully energized like she had a good night's sleep even when she didnt get a wink of sleep.

But it was obvious why that happened, anyway after that Rias and Adam left the room then went to take a bath before heading to have breakfast with everyone, and while there…

"By the way, I got you all some gifts," Adam said after they were done with the breakfast and it immediately got the attention of…

"Oh! But didn't Rias say that there weren't any gifts?" Venelana said and Rias coughed, of course, she was a little embarrassed since she said that with such bravado yesterday.

"Haha, I forgot to tell her that yesterday since I was so nervous," Adam laughed a little and the others didn't know it was that way, for them it was weird to think that Adam would get nervous considering what he had said yesterday.

"So, what is the gift?"

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