Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

Another Problem?

"Robin, you woke up quite early," Robin turned and looked at Adam, and that also helped her recollect, no it would be better to say that she was able to understand that…

'It wasn't a ...bad dream,' Robin thought clutching the bedsheet, it seemed that everything that happened yesterday was real, which was unlike what she was hoping for.

"Anyway, you should be hungry but before that let's get your face washed," Adam said and Robin nodded without saying a word.

After that Robin was sitting in the dining area silently waiting for Adam, but her mind was not there since she was still stuck in the yesterday unable to get the incident out of her head.

"Urgh, I shouldn't have drunk that much," Just then Robin heard Raul walk into the dining area with a groan as he held his head.

"Breakfast is ready, also old man you don't look good," Adam said placing the eggs and bread in front of Robin who was still looking at Raul.

"What da ya expect from someone as old as me? You should've stopped me from drinking too much," Raul couldn't even speak properly since the voice was ringing in his head.

"Just sit down I'll get you some breakfast and a drink for the hangover," Adam said as he placed a few more plates in front of Robin that had pasta, grilled chicken, and fish before he went back inside.

"You eat a lot for breakfast little one," Raul said with a smile and…

"Ah… Um…No," Robin didn't know how to explain that this wasn't normal for her, normally she wouldn't even have dreamed to have so much food in one day much less in one meal.

"These look good as well, seems like the kids got skill," Raul examined the dishes and they all looked great along with the appetizing smell that made him want to take a bite of it.

"You can …have it if you are hungry," Robin said making Raul look at her.

'So, she can tell that I am hungry, eh,' Raul thought as he looked at Robin who seemed a lot more timid after speaking, he was sure that he at least didn't show that he was hungry so either Robin was really a considerate child or she knew how a person would look when they are hungry.

"See he brought mine, so you don't need to worry," The latter wasn't a good thought so Raul shook it off as Adam came in with his breakfast and tea.

"Robin you haven't started to eat yet? Are you not hungry?" Adam asked after sitting down and there was no way Robin wasn't hungry.

She was, but she had a lot on her mind which made her unsure of what to do.

"Eat first, it is a lot better to think on a full stomach," Adam said and Robin nodded slowly before picking up the fork.

But as she continued to eat her slow speed kept on getting faster the more she ate, and before long she finished her breakfast without leaving behind anything.

"You two stay here for the day, I'll go and talk to someone I know," Raul stood up with a smile, he was in quite a good mood now and wanted to visit his old friend to get the identification for the two as he promised.

"Sure thing," Adam said and Raul walked out.

Now it was only Robin and Adam in the place and Robin was once again thinking, the trance of the food would only last so long, and now that she had the energy she was thinking a lot more.

'Hmm, What should I do now?' Adam was also wondering about what to do next, things weren't really that simple if he thought about the amount of time he had here, and soon the mood in the room was becoming gloomy so…

"Hey, Robin," Robin looked towards Adam as he continued with a smile, "Let's go to the market."

And that was the turning point in the relationship between Adam and Robin.

"That's expensive; lower it to 100 berries,"

"Are ya trying to take it for free? 140, not a berry less,"

"Come here! Fresh Fish caught this morning!!"

"Give me 2 kilograms of …meat,"

Robin looked around the noisy market with loud voices that drowned each other as people walked around.

Of course, there was a Market in Ohara but Robin didn't really go there a lot because the children from there would call her names and try to attack her, so she sought to avoid such places altogether, not to mention she spent most of her time reading books from the library or doing chores at her Aunt's house.

'That should've distracted her a little,' Adam thought as Robin was looking around the place as they walked, she seemed interested in stalls and what types of vegetables and fruits they sold.

"That looks interesting, doesn't it?" Adam said pointing at the stall that was selling some rare fishes which were hard to come by.

"…Yes," Robin was, of course, interested in it as well, she had read a lot but she didn't know a lot of things and not to mention that this was a completely different island so there was a big chance that she didn't even know what type of fish that was.

Even then it wasn't like she could say that she was curious and wanted to stop by to look, it made her feel like that could make her a nuisance.

But she didn't need to say it at all.

"Let's go and look," Adam said and Robin only nodded following him.

"Well, that was fun right?" Adam asked as Robin nodded slowly even though a minute ago she was asking the shop owner so many questions about the fish.

'She looks less wary of the surroundings now,' Adam thought as he continued to take Robin to stall's that he saw her interested in and bought a few things along the way.

"The skewers are quite tasty," Adam said while finishing his snack, it was grilled meat with a sweet sauce, quite delicious everything considered.

"…Yes," Robin was eating in smaller bites plus she had an extra thanks to the shopkeeper being generous.

'I never knew they tasted like this,' Robin had always wanted to try them out but her reluctance to go to the market along with the lack of money, she wasn't able to.

So, it was a nice experience for her.

And in the afternoon the two walked back to the inn, and upon entering they heard a cold voice.

"I told ya to stay put, didn't I?" It was Raul and he didn't look like he was in a good mood, and rightfully so, something could've gone wrong if Adam happened to run into the guards without any identification, not to mention he would most likely be picked since he was a new face and stood out quite a bit.

"Well, we were getting bored in here, so I thought it would be better to get some air," Adam laughed because he knew that he wasn't really in danger of any sort out there, a good disguise spell and no one was questioning him, they even treated him like a local and he got some discount thanks to that.

"…I'm Sorry," Robin on the other hand just apologized, she was too used to doing it at home and the cold tone of voice did scare her a little.

Of course, Raul noticed it and sighed.

"So, you had lunch yet?" He asked and Adam shook his head, they had only had a little snack and nothing else.

"I see, then go and cook a lot, I want to eat as well," Raul said and Adam deadpanned.

"Why did you speak like you made some for us?"

"No more talking get to cooking, The kid must be hungry," Raul said and Adam shrugged walking into the kitchen, and it was then that he remembered.

'I didn't buy ingredients for Lunch…' Everything he bought outside was for dinner so now he had to think what to make quickly.

And after looking at what was in the pantry…

"Fried rice it is then," Adam said rolling up his sleeves and made his special fried rice, no need to mention that Raul and Robin ate so much for lunch that they weren't able to eat much for dinner that night.

And that was how the next few days were spent with Adam taking Robin out to the market to get her mind off things, and it was helping her little as she spent lesser time brooding about things now.

But as they say, when you solve one problem another one pops up.

Today as well Adam and Robin were in the market but there was something different, in the few days Robin and seen pretty much all of the stalls here and knew most of the things, and in her search for something new to learn she started to see another thing.

'It is the same here as well,'

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