Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires


"…W-We haven't," Rias answered with a blush, she of course wanted to do more but she thought of clearing the ongoing mess and then have her time with Adam, she had no idea it would turn out this way.

"Ufufu~~" Akeno giggled, she seemed in a really good mood right now, her mood was so good that…

"What happened Akeno?" Rias couldn't help asking.

"I had sex with him without a contract, that means that I am in the lead now," Akeno said and Rias's eye's twitched.

"T-That doesn't mean anything, I slept in the same bed as him for over a week, and I know he liked it because his d-dick was always poking me," Rias said as the blush got heavier.

"Ufufu~ Then I must thank you Rias," Rias was confused at Akeno's words.

"It is because you left him unsatisfied for so long that I succeeded, Ufufu~~" Rias looked about ready to blow her head off in anger but…

"Rias is it true that Adam can fulfill any wish if I have sex with him?" Akeno asked since this has been on her mind since Rias explained it.

"…Yes, I am sure he can," Rias nodded, she was sure that Adam was way stronger than what she could understand, she even asked her brother if he felt anything weird but even the Strongest Devil in Underworld didn't know that the time was stopped.

It just showed how many leagues above Adam was...

And Rias already had an idea of what Akeno wanted to wish for, Akeno only had one regret in her life which has scarred her deeply.

So, even if Rias wanted to stop Akeno from approaching Adam, she couldn't bring herself to do so, both as her Master and as her best friend….

"Should I visit him and make a contract for this Akeno?" Rias asked and…

"Ufufu~ I didn't expect you to be so sneaky Rias," Akeno laughed getting out of her thoughts as she saw Rias clicking her tongue she was caught.

"It is my wish, so it is only fair that I pay the price, you've already done enough for me Rias," Akeno smiled as she kneeled in front of Rias and held the hand of her best friend.

"You not only saved me from my family but also gave me a place where I can belong, you even gave me a new family that I can strive to protect and most importantly…." Akeno looked at Rias and smiled brightly, it wasn't her normal teasing smile but a genuine one, "You even brought me, my perfect husband, I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me."

"…Get away from me," Rias flipped out and Akeno giggled, the two spend the rest of the day arguing about things that no one will ever know about.

But they were unaware of the maid that was standing in the same room as them and had listened to their entire exchange.

'He can fulfill any wish for a price like 'that'…' Grayfia thought to herself, she had used all of her power to make sure that Rias wasn't lying,

'Can you really do that Adam-sama?' Her hands were clutching her skirt as she stood there thinking about something only she knew of.


It has been a few weeks since Adam came back to the shop from Rias's world and all he had done in that time was...

'I don't really know what to do about this,' Adam was once again stumped as he was sleeping on the couch.

The fact that Rias got angry with him after he slept with Akeno wasn't leaving his mind, he knew she was upset but...

'Isn't this what happens when a girl likes a man?' Adam thought as he stood up in a flash but he soon sat down again.

'Yeah no way, someone like Rias, there is no way,' Adam laid down on the couch again.

'Why would they want to have a relationship with me anyway? I am just overthinking things,' Adam thought, he didn't really have anything to offer aside from being powerful.

And he had no self-control to boot, he was pretty much a loose cannon.

'I shouldn't have done that with Akeno,' Adam sighed heavily but then again what type of man would say no to that?

"And what type of woman would want that type of Man?" Adam already knew that the guys who slept around mostly ended up with no one or they got stabbed.

'I am pretty stabproof so…'

"I'll most likely be left alone ...… I…" Adam muttered but then the alarm in his shop went off.

"A Client!!" Adam jumped up from the couch and quickly cleaned the living room area.

And soon the door opened as the client entered.

"It has been a while Adam," It was Makima who stood there with a smile on her face.

"Ah, yeah, it has," Adam said as he looked at Makima.

'Something feels different about her?' Adam thought as Makima walked over to him, she was still wearing her normal clothes but…

'Why is she smiling that way?' Adam thought as Makima stood right in front of him looking up at him with a faint smile.

The smile didn't seem unnatural or fake, but…

"Adam I am here to make a contract with you," Makima said.

"Hmm? I already told you that I can't make that type of contract," Adam spoke looking at Makima but she didn't seem fazed by that because…

"I am not here for that, the contract I want to make with you is different," Makima still kept the same smile as Adam raised an eyebrow.

"I see, shall we sit down and talk about it?"

"No, I would like to get to the main topic as soon as possible," It looked like Makima was in some sort of a rush, so Adam nodded and she stated her wish.

"Adam, I want you to be in a relationship with me for a week,"

"….What?" And Adam was stumped once again.

'What is going on here?' Adam thought looking at Makima who was standing in front of him.

"I want you to be my boyfriend for a week and spend time with me, That is the contract I want to make," Makima continued as if oblivious to his thoughts.

"Well…" Adam didn't know what to say to that, this was most likely the weirdest request he had gotten till now.

"Is it not possible?" Makima asked and…

"It isn't like that…" Adam didn't know how to explain what he was feeling so, "Yeah there isn't any problem."

"I am quite happy to know that, so shall we make the contract and move forward?" Makima asked as she tilted her head.

'Seriously what happened to her?' Adam couldn't help but think that since Makima was being more active(?) If that can describe her current actions.

But Adam decided not to think about it since his job is to fulfill her wish here, not to think why she is making that wish.

So, Adam made the contract and Makima sighed without even looking through the details, it was like she didn't care about the contract at all, rather…

"Come on Adam," Makima stood up and pulled Adam by his hand, the destination was the bedroom.

'Wait! No Way?' Adam couldn't stop my thoughts from running wild as they entered the room, she turned around and instantly wrapped her arms around Adam's neck pulling herself up to have her face near his.

"I have been waiting for this," Makima's voice may still be a little flat but there was a good amount of emotion behind it, not to mention the smile on her lips and the look in her yellow eyes.

"For what?" Adam asked her the question she wanted to hear.

"For this," Makima closed her eyes and placed her lips on his.

'She is actually being way more active, what happened?' Adam thought as Makima initiated a battle of tongues by slipping her own in his mouth, not to mention the force she was sucking his lips with was also way more aggressive than what he thought was possible for Makima.

The last time they did it Makima was fully passive only moving if told to but not today.

'The first step is to make sure to let the man know that you want him, so I need to be more active,' Makima had been studying the materials she got from the library for a few days and after she was sure that she got everything down, she used the card to enter this place again.

"Ungh~," But Makima's aggressive kissing stopped for a second as Adam's hand grabbed her butt on its own.

"What happened?" Adam asked as Makima's face was now pressed against his chest.

'I …need to control myself,' Makima took a deep breath, she didn't want her body's natural reaction to come out when Adam touches her.

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