Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

Different Sides?

Adam smiled and turned to the guy who was waiting for him.

"Lead the way," The guy turned around and walked in front, stepping into the elevator he pressed the button for the underground parking. The reason why Adam decided to go see Makima himself, was rather simple.

'I came on a whim, so it is better to not get between her work,' That is why, he was just planning on seeing her briefly, before waiting till she was free.

"The car is this way sir," The man guided him to the car in the basement parking after they stepped out of the elevator, "There are some drinks and snacks prepared in the back for your enjoyment."

'This treatment is really something,' Adam thought as the door was opened for him, but he sat down without a word as the car exited the apartment complex at a steady pace, making its way to the destination through the surprisingly light traffic of Tokyo city.

'The old Tokyo is quite interesting, especially that arcade looks real cool and stuff is more graphic,' Adam was looking out of the window with interest. Last time he was with Makima so he couldn't go to many places on his own. They mostly just went to shop and eat around at a few places, so this time he wanted to check out a few more places when he had the time.

"Is there any place you would like to stop by sir?" The driver asked bringing Adam out of his thoughts.

"Hmm, not really I have the things I need," Adam denied, he already had a cake that he made next to him. It was like a visiting gift to Makima since he came unannounced, he did this even when he knew that she wouldn't be bothered by it.

"Very well sir, please do let me know if you want me to stop somewhere," The Driver focused back on the road after hearing that answer.

No more words were spoken between them, and in silence, they arrived at the Public Safety Devil Hunter's Tokyo Branch. Adam stepped out when the door was opened and he was ready to go on his way, but he was stopped.

"Makima-sama has changed the location of her Office, please let me guide you there sir," The Driver said after closing the door for him.

"Well, sure," It wasn't like Adam couldn't locate where Makima was and go there in an instant, but seeing how they were putting so much effort into this.

'I'll just go along with it,' Adam walked behind the guide with the cake box in hand.

His steps echoed through the empty corridor, but it wasn't completely empty, as Adam would come across a few people walking the abnormally wide hallways. They were all dressed in a similar black suit as his guide, it seemed like their dress code of sorts. And even if they had the loudest of conversations, they would become quiet as soon as they saw him. Then they'll step aside to let him pass by while slightly bowing to him.

'What is this? A Yakuza base?' Adam joked but still nodded at them, even if he had no idea who they were and why they were doing this. He knew why this was happening, but he couldn't understand why she would do this.

That is why he silently followed to learn about it from the person in question. Soon they reached the top floor of the building and in the far corner, Adam now arrived in front of a finely crafted double door and in front of that door. The culprit who was behind this was standing, waiting for him patiently.

"It seems like we arrived at the same time," Makima welcomed him with a smile.

"It would seem so," Adam smiled, knowing full well that this wasn't a coincidence since she had been standing here since he arrived outside the building.

"A gift for me?" Makima's calm eyes turned to the cake box in his hand. She looked very interested in it as soon as she spotted it.

"Kind of, I did come unannounced after all," Hearing it being mentioned, Adam decided to drop the previous topic. After all, he did just drop by on a whim, well not fully.

'I thought it would be nice if I did it. After all, she did come to me on her own as well,' So, he thought about visiting her for a change, and he was planning on taking this type of initiative more often now.

"Don't mind it, I am happy that you came to see me," Makima stepped closer to him with a sweet-ish smile on her lips, "I was just about to come and see you myself."

"Well, next time you can," Adam didn't know why she wanted to visit him. But knowing her it wasn't tough to guess. Makima nodded at his words and turned to look at the guide who was still waiting there.

"Bring us some cutlery and tea," At her order, the guide bowed and left.

"Then please come in," Makima turned her heel and opened the door for him.

"Excuse me then…" Adam said as he entered the office, it was three times bigger than the last one. And it appeared more decorated than before with a big desk in the middle, shelves along the walls containing various old books, and a coffee table in the corner with just two antique chairs.

"You do not need to mind it that much, after all, you can come here any time you want," Makima smiled closing the door behind her.

"Well, aren't you like usually busy?" Adam asked and Makima shook her head.

"I can always make time for you." She walked closer with her heel clacking against the clear floor, "So, do not mind it."

"…If you say so," Adam was a little stumped. This sort of behavior didn't match how she normally acted. So, it was quite shocking in a sense, but it wasn't like he minded it.

'I mean it isn't bad…' Adam thought looking at Makima's calm eyes. She had been staring at his face unblinkingly since he arrived, and the sudden softness in them was what caught his attention.

"Hmm, is something wrong?" Makima tilted her head making her bangs sway in the air.

"Makima-sama, I have come with what you ordered," But before he could answer, the guy from before knocked on the door, and Makima already opened the door after a second.

"You can leave it here," She said with the same expression.

"But Makima-sama I ha-!!" He needed to be in there to pour the tea and set up the table, which were valid reasons. But before he could speak…

"Leave," Makima spoke again, but this time with a blank expression, making the guy shrink back in fear.

"T-Then I'll take my leave," He bowed and rushed away under her cold gaze. She didn't move her eyes till he was out of her sight.

"He is just doing his job, no need to be that harsh on him," Adam tapped at her shoulder with a sigh.

"I understand, but I do not want anyone else to intrude," Makima turned to look at him, as the same smile from before adorned her pink lips.

"Well… I'll take the trolley…" Adam took the trolley in under her gaze. Her actions were certainly over the top, but he decided to let it be.

"Did you feel embarrassed by what I said?" Makima asked with the curiosity of a 5-year-old child.

"A little," Adam nodded and this caused her to tap at her chin.

"That was unexpected," She muttered.

This got Adam's attention as he placed the Ceramic teapot full of tea on the table in the corner. He didn't think that Makima had a deeper meaning behind those words, because she sometimes did things without considering them.

"Hmm, what did you expect?" He decided to ask her directly.

"I expected you to say something like 'Me too' and agree with me. After all, I do value the time we spend alone." Makima walked towards him with her hands behind her back, "Don't you?"

Adam blinked looking at her before smiling. At times Makima was awkward, but seemed like it was only when she tried to force something, and right now that didn't seem to be the case.

"I certainly do, because I can see some new sides of you in moments like these," Adam did mean it, as Makima usually had only one side in public. But behind closed doors she was very different, whether that was good or bad was another question, because she could be far crueler than her harmless appearance might suggest.

"I have other sides that I show?"

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